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Name: (Sara Smith)

Company: (North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, NCGV)

Phone Number: (919) 403-7665

Email Address: (

SCHOOL SHOOTING AT (Location) - Title

Armed Student (kills #) and/or (Injures #) - Subtitle

Location (PARKLAND, Fla) — This (day of week) Wednesday, February 14th, 2018, an

armed student opened fire at (Location) Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland,

Florida, from (at) (time of event) 2:21-2:27 pm. The lone gunman used a(n) (model of gun)

Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport II— a semi-automatic style of AR-15, killing (Include here,

amount of people killed or injured) 17 people; including 14 students, 3 staff members and injured

17 others. According to authorities, the gunman (include background information here about

gunman if it is available to the public, if not, omit), 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, a former student

of the school had a history of mental health issues, many students of the school noted his fixation

on In fact; he was expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas, his junior year, for fighting, never

having graduated.

According to the South Florida Sun Sentinel; “Anthony Dubois, told the Sun Sentinel. He

had seen Cruz looking at guns on the computer, and heard him make “crazy statements,” Dubois

said. When they met for the first time, he told Hunter, “Hi, I’m Nik, and I like to see people in

pain.” He would aim his fingers at birds in the sky pretending he was shooting them, he said…

Cruz was thought to have autism. He also was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”.

Authorities have apprehended the gunman and concluded that this was a hate-based

attack, stemming from mental illness and depression. As of the time, we do not believe anyone

else to be connected to the shooting. On (day/month) February 14th, 2019, there will be a

one-year anniversary memorial service held to honor those that lost their lives in this needless

and horrendous tragedy.

(Executive name at NCGV) Sara Smith, an executive at NCGV, a nonprofit dedicated to

reducing gun violence, says (Include original quote about the crisis) “Gun violence and school

shootings are truly a tragedy and crisis in our nation. Although we are shocked every time it

happens, these events are all too common. We need to be the change we want to see, and reduce

the amount of heartbreak that innocent children and bystanders endure, all due to outdated and

loose regulations”

Here at North Carolinians Against Gun Violence (NCGV); our hearts go out to the

families torn apart and the lives lost from this act of hate. We at NCGV strive to educate our

community about the problem of gun-violence in North Carolina and try to lessen it by

informing and educating the public, elected officials, and the media on legislative issues on gun

violence prevention.

It's easy to be a bystander, but it takes courage and the support of our community to make

a difference in the world. Join us at NCVG or contact us for more information and be the change

you want to see!


NCGV supporters directly educate families on gun safety including safe gun storage and

prevention of accidental shootings. Since 2007 we have distributed more than 5,000 gun

safety locks to gun owners with children. NCGV supporters each do what they can–

distribute materials at public events, write letters to the editor, coach a sports league with

at-risk youth or talk with their representatives. NCGV supporters recognize that as a

community we have an obligation to prevent needless deaths and injuries.

For more information contact NCGV

North Carolinians Against Gun Violence Education Fund

PO Box 51565

Durham, NC 27717

Tel: (919) 403-7665


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