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Play Playwright Character Age Scene # Summary

Abundance Beth Henley Macon 19 Page 7 Macon, anxious about her new adventures, seeks a friend in a random stranger,
who she assumes is like her.
The Auditioners Rand multiple monologues of actors auditioning
August: Osage Tracy Letts Jean 13 (?) “Mom, stop it! Jean is a mislead 13 year old girl who prides herself on being rebellious. She
County Yes, I’m okay, catches the eye of her uncle who molests her. He is caught and she is now
what’s the trying to put out the coals her parents are stirring up about it.
matter with
Cut together
Baltimore Waltz Paula Vogel Anne Late 20s Act 1 scene 3 Anne has just been diagnosed with “Acquired Toilet Disease” A deadly disease
to mid 30s (?) she has acquired from working at the elementary school as a teacher and
occasionally using the student’s toilet.
Beginnings Patty Gideon Meg 20’s Act 2 pg. 64 Play Event: Willy wants to teach the two human beings he created the right
Sloan things, but it all falls apart once they begin to act out.
Big Love Charles Mee Women decide that they won't get married when being forced to
Bus Riley’s Back in William Inge Jacque 20 Pg.85 Bus Riley has finally come home from the navy and his previous girlfriend
Town Jacque have been reunited and Jacque is trying to comfort Bus and wants to
possibly rekindle some flames and in this scene she tries to take him to the old
times and how great they used to be. She also confesses to him that even
though he was gone her love never stopped.
Cagebirds David Wild One 16-18 Page 36 All of these girls have been trapped for years not knowing what the outside
Campton world is like. The new girl, Wild one wants to rebel and free these girls who
don’t know what freedom really is. She wants to save these girls by trying to
break them out, but they refuse to follow her.
Charge Eric Kaiser Martha 30 Scene 3 Martha is explaining how interesting the world outside is to her husband.
The Children’s Hour Lillian Karen 20s Page 69 Devastated over the loss of her friend, Karen tries to pin everything on Tilford
Hellman and diminish her.
The Children’s Hour Lillian Mary 14 Page 36 In order to get out of school, Mary creates an elaborate lie and tells her
Hellman grandmother, trying to play it off as the grandmother becoming everyone’s
hero if she helps.
The Dark at the Top William Inge Lottie 30s-40s Lottie confesses to her sister that she never experienced any satisfaction in bed
of the Stairs with her husband.

The Day They Shot James Sally 16 Page 47 Sally is coping with her sudden breakup and acts out by belittling her ex for
John Lennon McClure leaving her.
The Debutante Ball Beth Henley Teddy 19 Page 39 Teddy is trying to prove to her maid that she is an awful person and doesn’t
want pity
Dog Sees God Burt V. Royal Van’s Sister Late teens “I was Van’s sister is a rough around the ages, mislead teenager locked in a juvenile
pregnant. psych ward for setting a girl’s hair on fire. She’s tough and care free but she’s
Don’t worry it still very loyal especially to her friends and brother.
The Dreamer John Patrick Donna Mid “You’re a bum Donna is Hispanic I believe and is in love with Tommy, a no good bum who
Examines his Pillow Shanley 20’s ?? and your nuts does nothing and who also slept with her sister. This is what I remember but
and you broke it’s a very interesting script.
my heart even
though I loved
Epic Proportions Larry Cone & Louise 20’s Pg. 6 Play Event: After two brothers take jobs as extras in a movie their lives are
David Crane Goldman Pg. 15 turned around when they become important figures in the movie and fall in
love with the same girl.
Character Event: After moving up from the assistant director in charge of
extras to the lead in a movie, she has to choose between two brothers that have
fallen love with her.
Fat Kids on Fire Bekah MS 16 Act 1 Scene 1 MS is the awkward girl in the fat camp that just wants to fit in and be liked.
Brunstetter She is a repeating camper and is always involved in the musicals that they
perform. The new pretty girl is the talk of the town and this is who she is
talking to in the scene and MS just wants the new girl to come to the show and
become her friend.
Fat Men in Skirts Nikki Silver Popo Late teens Letter to her Popo is an ex cheerleader as well as a delusional schizophrenic in a juvenile
parents psych ward. She falls in love with Bishop Hogan who killed his parents and ate
them. He is also a patient.
Fat Men in Skirts Nicky Silver Phyllis 40’s 51 Attractive and sophisticated woman, but insecure
The Fly Walter Wykes Emma 20s Scene 1, Page Emma talks to Murray, a famous novelist at a bar. She wants something out of
17 him, so when he tries to seduce her she goes along with it so she can get him to
talk to her husband because her husband is obsessed with Murray’s novels.
Frame 312 Keith Reddin Stephanie Early 20s Act 1 Scene 1 Stephanie admits to her mom she is on depression meds.
Gwen and Gwen Nancy Kiefer -- -- Many possible The two Gwen’s struggle to gain control of one life.
Gut Girls Sarah Daniels Ellen 20s-30s Play Event: A group of gut girls love the freedoms and the money that the get,
but a lady comes into their life to transform them into women that are more
ladylike, so that they can get jobs or husbands when technology takes over
their jobs.
Character Event: Ellen doesn’t want to transform into this perfect lady that
the world she lives in wants her to be, so she tries everything she can to keep
the way of life that she has.
House of Blue John Guare Bananas 44 Act I, scene 1. Artie finds out how useless his dreams seem to be with two women behind his
Leaves Shaughnessy 14-19 back constantly pestering him.
Look Back in Anger John Osborne Alison Early 30s Act III, scene As a couple continues to battle through a rocky message, Alison learns to stand
2. 78 up for herself.
The Marriage of Christopher Fr. Donnally 28 Late 40’s early Bette is having trouble having kids and becomes slumped into a mad state
Bette and Boo Durang 50’s effecting her friends and family.

The Miracle Worker William Anne 20 Play Event: A young teacher, who is partially blind, moves into the Keller’s
Gibson house to help teach their daughter, Helen Keller, who is deaf and blind.
Character Event: Anne Sullivan had just graduated from the Perkins school
for the blind when she was asked to teach the young Helen Keller, who is deaf
and blind, how to behave in public and the lessons that will help her
throughout her life.
The Metal Children Adam Rapp Vera 16 47 Young woman, precocious visionary
Naomi In The Living Christopher Naomi 40’s Scene 1 Naomi chastises her son and his wife about their children. She then yells at
Room Durang them for calling her insane.
The Necklace Guy De Mathilde Mid 20s Scene 1. 18-20 A couple too engaged in the materialistic life soon become aware of how silly
Maupassant Loisel it is when they lose a diamond necklace borrowed from a friend.
Nice People Lee Blessing Catherine 22 Page 53 An ex-nun, Catherine tries to scare away a suitor by telling him her views on
Dancing to Good the world.
Country Music
Night Mother Marsha Mama 55 Pg. 78 Mama is horrified as her daughter, Jessie, tells her that she intends to kill
Norman herself at the end of the day.
Nighthawks Lynn Rosen Lilah 20s-30s Scene 2. 14 City folk all recount stories of their lives in an attempt to show how rewarding
and harsh it can all be.
Oleanna David Mamet Carol 18-22 Carol gives her teacher a taste of his medicine

Picasso at the Lapin Steve Martin Suzanne 19 Suzanne describes her night with Picasso
Picnic William Inge Millie Owens 13 Millie asks her older sister for advice on boys

A Piece of My Heart Shirley Lauro Martha 20s Scene 1 Play Event: The young nurses during the Vietnam war retell their stories and
their emotional connection they made during their struggle.
Character Event: After growing up in a military family Martha joins the
medical field as a nurse in the Vietnam war where she makes friends, faces
struggles, and lives through tragedies.
Proof David Catherine 24 Catherine unleashes her frustration and grief from caring for her mentally
Auburn absent father, who has recently died.
Proof David Catherine 24 Catherine thrusts her frustration on Hal
Proof David Claire 28 Claire accuses Hal of sending her sister deeper into depression after he slept
Auburn with her.
Rabbit Hole David Becca 30s-40s Becca lashes out after being accused by her husband of trying to erase the
Lindsay- memory of their dead son.
The Real Thing Tom Annie 30s Act 2, Scene 5 Anne is an actress talking to Henry, who is the writer of the play she is in. He
Stoppard starts getting really cocky about his writing and starts bashing on this guy
named Brodie who has something interesting to write about, but just can’t find
the right words to say it. Anne tries to defend Brodie and at the same time she
is trying to bring Henry’s confidence level down just a notch.
Reasons to Be Pretty Neil LaBute Steph 30 Act 2, Page Steph is talking to her Ex-boyfriend a year after they had a hard break up. She
120 tells him about her engagement and just wants to make peace with him. She
talks about the good times they had along with the bad times.
Refuge Jessica Amy Late 20s Amy, wrought with anxiety, considers agreeing to marry Sam.
Ruined Lynn Nottage Salima 18 Act 3 Salima is telling her friend about the day when soldiers kidnapped her from her
The Scene Theresa Clea Scene 1 20’s A young social climber leads an actor into an extra-marital affair, from which
Rebeck he then creates a full-on downward spiral into alcoholism and bummery. His
wife runs off with his best friend, his girlfriend leaves, and he’s left with …
Six Degrees of John Guare Ouisa (Louisa 43 Act I, scene 1. A couple retells the story of Geoffrey Miller and how he changed their lives by
Separation Kittredge) 11-15. showing how to be compassionate toward one another.
The Shape of Things Neil Labute Evelyn Mid-20s Evelyn uses her prowess and sexual hold on Adam to put him in his place after
his kissing another woman.
The Shape of Things Neil Labute Evelyn Mid 20s Cut together Evelyn is an eccentric arts graduate student who pursues a relation with Adam
dialogue as a part of her senior thesis project. Him being the project itself.
“Everything I
did made you
a more
Sister Mary Ignatius Christopher Sister Mary 50-60 Scene 2 Sister Mary expresses her disgust at a former student of hers who has grown
Explains It All For Durang up and is gay.
Spike Heels Theresa Georgie 20s 94 Lesser-educated, flashy and emotional
Stop Kiss Dianna Son -- -- Mult. A young lesbian relives and tries to understand the attack of her lover.
Sunday on the Rocks Theresa Elly 30 Scene 2 Elly argues that special conditions don’t give others the right to be cruel.
Tribute Bernard Sally Early 20s Sally lectures her friend’s son on his uptight attitude
Waiting for the John Murrell Catharine Late 30s Scene 14. 61-2 Five women cope through the harsh realities of war as they learn to stick
Parade together through it all.
White Buffalo Dan Zolidis Abby 18 Abby lets her dad know everything she’s felt toward him growing up

Woman Behind Bars Tom Eyen Jo-Jo Young 20s Act I. 12-16 Several women in a jail cell influence the new inmate to show her that no one
is truly innocent.
Wonderland Brooke Mia 19 Pg.62 Mia is an aspiring stage performer and is called to L.A. to have a show made
Berman of her life. She struggles with balance of the show biz life and spirituality. In
this scene she has met a boy that is her fellow cast mate and he is extremely
into her but she is not interested in him because he is a superficial jerk. She
tries to let him down gently but ultimately gets real with him and tells him off.

As You Like It William Rosalind Early 20s Rosalind, disguised as a man, plays a trick on the man who loves her.
As You Like It Shakespeare Phebe 17-21 Act 3, Scene 5 Phebe convinces a man who loves her that she has not fallen for someone else.
The Comedy of Shakespeare Adriana Late 20s Act 2, scene 2. Two sets of twins attempt to find each other while getting each other in trouble
Errors 23-4 in order to find out who they are.
The Comedy of Shakespeare Luciana 20s Innocent girl whose battling brother-in-law who loves her
Cymbeline Shakespeare Queen 40-50 Act I Scene 2 Cymbeline, King of Britain, takes a new wife who has an arrogant son called Cloten.
Cymbeline's beautiful daughter Imogen is expected to marry Cloten. Instead Imogen
marries the brave, but poor Posthumus Leonatus. Cymbeline is furious when he finds
out about the marriage and banishes Posthumus who goes to Rome. The couple have
time to exchange love tokens and Imogen gives Posthumus a diamond ring and he gives
her a bracelet. The villain of the plot is Iachimo who bets 10,000 ducats against
Posthumus's diamond ring that he can seduce Imogen. Various plot lines ensue
involving deceit, cross-dressing, poison and treachery. The story has a happy ending
when Iachimo confesses and Imogen reveals her true identity and is reunited with
A Doll’s House Ibsen Nora Late 20s She realizes that all her life shes been handed from man to man
Lady Windermere’s Oscar Wilde Mrs. Erlynne Late 30s Act III, scene Choosing between two men, Lady Windermere gives into temptation despite
Fan 1. 67-68 Mrs. Erlynne’s warning.
Measure for Shakespeare Isabella Late teens Act 2 Scene 4 Isabella is a strong headed girl studying to become a nun. Her brother is put in
Measure early 20s prison for impregnating his fiancé, punishable by death as put into effect by the
(?) substitute for the Duke, Angelo. When sent to plea with Angelo he takes a
liking to Isabella and offers her brother’s freedom in exchange for sex. Of
course she is rightfully appalled.
Measure for Shakespeare Isabella 20’s Act II Scene II Very virtuous and chaste young, spiritual
The Merchant of Shakespeare Portia 18-21 Act 1, sc. 2 Portia seeks a shoulder as she complains about the unfairness of her father’s
Venice request.
Miss Julie August Julie 20s “Please try to Miss Julie is the daughter of a wealthy count that has a secret affair with the
Strindberg be calm valet. She is slightly neurotic, especially in her flip flopping between being a
Kristen, and feminist pessimist and being optimistically submissive toward Jean (the valet).
Othello William Emilia 30 Act 4 Scene 3 Emilia tells Desdemona that men who deceive their wives have only
Shakespeare themselves to blame if their wives cheat on them.
Othello Shakespeare Desdemona 18-21 Desdemona is married to Othello and it is quite the controversy because he is a
Moor. Iago tries to gain power by destroying their love and playing tricks on
both Othello and Desdemona. They both end up dead. In this scene
Desdemona is trying to let her father down easily by explaining that he needs
to respect their marriage just like her mother’s father respected theirs
Pyscho Beach Party Charles Chicklet Page 73 16-18 Chicklet is new in town and doesn’t know how to fit in so she takes different
Busch personalities and uses them to her benefit, but somewhere in the process she
can’t control them
Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare Bianca 20s Act 2, scene 1 Katherine has just got finished tying up her younger sister Bianca because she
is jealous that all the guys want Bianca instead of her. Bianca tries to get
Katherine to free her, but at the same time she is basically rubbing it in her
sister’s face that she can get any guy she wants.
Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare Cressida 20s Act III Scene 2 During the Trojan War two young lovers fall for each other but are separated
by their parents, in a turnoff events Cressida marries someone else and the hero
of the town is now dead.
The Trojan Women Euripides Andromache Early 30s 32-37 The women of Troy band together in a last act toward dignity to show that
their strength will carry them through it all.
Two Gentlemen of Shakespeare Julia 17-21 Act 2, Scene 7 Julia begs her servant woman for help, and talks about her lover, Proteus

Overdone Monologues

BAITZ/The End of the Day/1990/HELEN/I think you married me so as to become an American citizen

BALL/Five Women Wearing the Same Dress/1993/GEORGANNE/Tommy Valentine

BALL/Five Women Wearing the Same Dress/1993/ALL OTHERS

BOGOSIAN/Talk Radio/1985/DENISE/Paranoid caller, spoon in the garbage disposal, etc.

BOGOSIAN/Talk Radio/1985/LINDA/Sleeping with Barry Champlain

CRAVIATTO/Pizza Man/1991/ALL

CRISTOFER/Shadow Box/1975/Beverly/I Want you to come home

CRISTOFER/Lady and the Clarinet/1989/LUBA/Vomiting on desk of lover’s secretary

DANIELS/Apartment 3A/1996/ANNIE/Sesame Street telethon speech

DORFMAN/Death and the Maiden/1991/PAULINA/When I heard his voice last night

DURANG/Beyond Therapy/1981/ALL

DURANG/'Dentitiy Crisis/1978/JANE/Peter Pan monologue

DURANG/Laughing Wild/1987/WOMAN/Tunafish monologue

DURANG/The Marriage of Bette & Boo/1973/ALL

DURANG/Sister Mary Ignatius…/1979/Speech about mother’s death

FEIFFER/Feiffer’s People/1968/ALL

FEIFFER/Hold Me!/1977/ALL

FEIFFER/Little Murders/1966/Patsy

FORNES/Fefu and her Friends/1977/ALL

GARDNER/A Thousand Clowns/1962/SANDRA/I didn't go to work this morning (blouse speech)

GERSHE/Butterflies are Free/1969/Jill Tanner/ALL

GESNER/LIPPA/You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown/ALL

GILMAN/Spinning into Butter/1999/SARAH/ALL

GUARE/Marco Polo Sings A Solo/1977/DIANE/I really started cookin’ when I was eight

GUARE/Landscape of the Body/1984/ROSALIS/Gorilla suit - porn audition speech

GUARE/House of Blue Leaves/1986/Bananas/Picks up the Pope, Bob Hope, Jackie Kennedy, etc. in the Green Latrine

GUARE/House of Blue Leaves/1986/BUNNY/I won’t cook for you til you marry me

GUEST/Waiting for Guffman/1996/Libby Mae Brown’s audition (bonus features)

GUIRGIS/Jesus Hopped the A Train/2001/ALL

HAMPTON/ Dangerous Liaisons/1985/ALL

HANLEY/Slow Dance on the Killing Ground/1970/ROSIE/Losing virginity speech

HARLING/Steel Magnolias/1989/ALL

HARRINGTON/Night Luster/1983/ROMA/I don’t think people see me…voice to die for…etc

HEIMEL/A Girl’s Guide to Chaos/1988/ALL

HENLEY/Crimes of the Heart/1979/ALL

HOWE/The Art of Dining/1979/ELIZABETH BARROW COLT/Mealtime was the same as it had always been

HOWE/Painting Churches/1983/AL

IIZUKA/Aloha Say the Pretty Girls/1999/ALL

JOHNSON/Brilliant Traces/1988/ROSANNAH/I was standing in the back of the church

JOHNSON/Brilliant Traces/1988/ROSANNAH/Did you ever think you were visited by extraterrestrial

KANE/4:48 Psychosis/2000/ALL

KAYSEN/Girl, Interrupted/1999/ALL

KEILLOR/Snow White speech

KORDER/Search and Destroy/1992/MARIE/Movie pitch/penis claw monologue

KRAMER/Wall of Water/1998//Last cigarette speech

KUSHNER/A Bright Room Called Day/1987/ZILLAH/Dear Mr. President

KUSHNER/Angels in America: Perestroika/1992/HARPER/Night flight to San Francisco…

LABUTE/Autobahn/2006/Stalking the guy

LINDSAY-ABAIRE/History Lesson/2002/Maggie/ALL

LINDSAY-ABAIRE/Wonder of the World/2001/Barbie Head Monologue


LUCAS/Blue Window/1984/LIBBY/Falling off the balcony


MAMET/Oleanna/CAROL/1992/You did it to me. Here

MAMET/Oleanna/CAROL/1992/Other monologues

MARGULIES/Collected Stories/1996/Lisa/ALL

MARTIN/Talking With/1981/ALL

MARTIN/Vital Signs/1989/ALL

MARTIN/Picasso at the Lapin Agile/1998/SUZANNE/Sleeping with Picasso

MARTIN/Picasso at the Lapin Agile/1998/ALL OTHERS

MARTIN/Patter for the Floating Lady/1995/ANGIE/Sand in the tennis shoe


MASTRIOSIMONE/Shivaree/1983/SHIVAREE/Well sport you can dance for dance

MAY/Not Enough Rope/1962/Edith/All

MCNALLY/Bad Habits/Dolly/1971/Complaining to the doctor about her husband

MURRAY-SMITH/Honor/1995/SOPHIE/I wish I was…like you

NASH/The Rainmaker/1954LIZZIE/ALL

NEWMAN/Quilters/NA/Sunbonnet Sue

NIGRO/Seascape with Sharks and Dancer/1985/TRACY/Problem with loving squashable animals

NORMAN/Getting Out/1977/ARLIE/Frog squishing speech

NORMAN/'Night Mother/1982/JESSIE/I am what became of your child

PATRICK/Kennedy's Children/1973/CARLA/I wanted to be a sex goddess

PIELMEIRER/Agnes of God/1979/ALL


RABE/In the Boom Boom Room/1973/CHRISSY/…and a piece of meat is all I am

RABE/In the Boom Boom Room/1973/ALL OTHERS

REBECK/Loose Knit/1994/MARGIEI want you to f*** me in that car of yours

REBECK/Spike Heels/1994/GEORGIE/Who made up these rules, do you actually think we’re buying it

REBECK/Spike Heels/1994/ALL OTHERS

SAYLES/Passion Fish (film)/1992/Anal probe speech

SHANGE/For Colored Girls…./1975/ALL

SHANLEY/The Big Funk/1990/JILL/I’m talking to you from my subconscious mind

SHANLEY/The Dreamer Examines His Pillow/1985/Donna/ALL

SHANLEY/Savage in Limbo/1984/SAVAGE/I feel strong

SHANLEY/Savage in Limbo/1984/ALL OTHERS

SHANLEY/Where’s my Money?/2002/ALL

SHANLEY/Women of Manhattan/1985/RHONDA/Why she keeps his tennis shoes

SHANLEY/Women of Manhattan/1985/ALL OTHERS

SHENGOLD/Lives of the Great Waitresses/1996/TAMMIE SUE/About the ugly guy who was great in bed


SHEPARD/Cowboy Mouth/1971/CAVALE/You're so neat - ugly duckling speech

SHEPARD/Fool for Love/1983/MAE/ALL

SHEPARD/Icarus' Mother/1964/JILL/Peeing on the beach

SHINN/Other People/2000/PETRA/Fish stew speech

SILVER et al /A…My Name is Alice/1983/WOMAN/Yelling at the jock strap in the wash

SILVER et al/A…My Name is Still Alice/1984/WOMAN/Bridal registry

SILVER/Fat Men In Skirts/1991/POPO MARTIN/My name is Popo Martin

SILVER/The Food Chain/1994/Amanda/Waiter asked if I was alone

SIMON/Star Spangled Girl/1966/SOPHIE/Mr. Cornell, ah have tried to be neighborly, gooey chocolates

SIMON/Last of the Red Hot Lovers/1969/JEANETTE/Do you know Charlotte Korman

SIMON/Chapter Two/1977/Jennie/You know what you want better than me George

SIMON/Brighton Beach Memoirs/1983/NORA/Papa’s coat pocket

SIMON/Virtually any female character from Neil Simon’s major plays

SLADE/Romantic Comedy/1979/PHOEBE/Marshmallows out the nose

SNYDER/The Days and Nights of BeeBee Fenstermaker/1964/BeeBee/ALL

SONDHEIM/Assassins/1990/SQUEAKY FROMME/Charlie Manson speech

SON/Stop Kiss/1998/CALLIE/Talking to unconscious girlfriend in hospital

TAYLOR & BOLOGNA/Lovers and Other Strangers/1968/ALL

TESICH/Passing Game/1977/JULIE/Richard, are you asleep?

TOPOR/Nuts/1980/CLAUDIA/I used to say I love you to the moon and down again


VOGEL/How I Learned to Drive/1997/ALL

WADE/Key Exchange/1986/LISA/Father built sandbox for dying mother to watch kids

WAGNER/Search for Signs of Intelligent Life…/1985/ALL

WASSERSTEIN/Heidi Chronicles/1988/ALL

WASSERSTEIN/Isn’t It Romantic?/1981/ALL

WASSERSTEIN/Uncommon Women and Others/1975/ALL

WILDER/Our Town/1938/Emily

WELLER/Split/1977/MARGE/Stevie Wonder

WILLIAMS/Major female roles by Tennessee Williams are extremely well known; they are classics and not in the ‘overdone’ category, but actors should know how well
known they are and have a reason for choosing them. And they should never be done without their intended accent.

WILSON/Burn This/1987/ANNA/Insects pinned to the wall

WILSON/The Gingham Dog/1968/GLORIA/I used to pray, I really did

WOLFE/The Colored Museum/1986/TOPSY/Yoho! Party! Party!

Overdone Shakespeare
All’s Well That Ends Well/HELENA/Then I confess, here on my knee

As You Like It/PHEBE/Think not I love him, though I ask for him

As You Like It/PHEBE/I would not be thy executioner

As You Like It /ROSALIND/And why, I pray you? Who might be your mother

Hamlet/OPHELIA/Alas my lord I have been so affrighted

Hamlet/OPHELIA/O what a noble mind is here o’erthrown

Henry IV Pt 2/LADY PERCY/O yet, for God's sake, go not to these wars!

Julius Caesar/PORTIA/Nor for yours neither. You've ungently Brutus

Julius Caesar/PORTIA/Is Brutus sick? And is it physical

King John/CONSTANCE/I am not mad, this hair I tear is mine…

Macbeth/LADY MACBETH/Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself?

The Merchant of Venice/PORTIA/I pray you, tarry: pause a day or two

The Merchant of Venice/PORTIA/You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand

The Merchant of Venice/PORTIA/The quality of mercy is not strain’d

A Midsummer Night's Dream/HELENA/How happy some o’er other some

Othello/EMELIA/But I do think it is their husband's faults if their wives do fall

Richard III/ANNE/Set down, set down your honourable load

Romeo and Juliet/JULIIET/O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou

Romeo and Juliet/JULIIET/Gallop apace, you fiery footed steeds

Troilus and Cressida/CRESSIDA/Hard to seem won: but I was won, my lord

Twelfth Night/VIOLA/I left no ring with her: what means this lady?

Two Gentlemen of Verona/JULIA/O hateful hands, to tear such loving words!

The Winter’s Tale/HERMIONE/Sir, spare your threats

The Winter’s Tale/HERMIONE/Since what I am to say must be that

The Winter’s Tale/PAULINA/What studied torments, tyrant hast for me?

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