Detailed Lesson Plan - Statistics and Probability

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Lesson Plan in Math

Grade VI
At the end of the lesson the Grade Six pupils should be able to:
I. Define statistics
II. Interpret data using graphs
III. Identify the uses and importance of statistics
IV. Integrate values to real life


A. Topic: Introduction to Statistics: Uses of Statistics
B. Processes: Identifying and Integrating
C. References: Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades, Genesis
G. Camarista, LPT, PhD , Ian B. Oranio, LPT, BEED
D. Materials: Crayons, Manila Paper or Cartolina and Marker
E. Value Focus: Open minded and able to think logically
Teacher Pupils
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for loving us, bless us and guide us as we
start our class this morning. May you give us knowledge and
understanding in our lesson. This we ask, In Jesus name Amen.

2. Greetings P: Good
Good Morning Class! Morning Ma’am!

3. Classroom Inspection

B. Developmental Activities
Data, Data
(In tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Data, Data what are you?
We COLLECT you, oh it’s true.
ANALYZE you that’s my plan
INTERPRET to understand
Data, Data what are you?
I’ll PRESENT you right on cue.
To start off the day, we will sing. This is in the tune of Twinkle,
Twinkle Little Star. While you are singing, Candy will be
distributed. You must choose the flavor you like the most.

2. Lesson Proper
Quick Survey

Favorite Subject Survey:


What is your Favorite Subject?

Choose among the given

Science, Math, English or Filipino

Please bring out your survey forms.

Now, we will tally your answers on the board

Choices Tally

You might ask what this is for.

These data might tell us many things.

For example, it might give us information as to why some students

perform better in class. It might also tell us why some students fail
to perform well in school.

This for us to better understand the students we are handling with

and to provide avenue to improve their performance in class.
Now, how do we relate this to math?

Did you know that we were using statistics?

Now what is statistics?

(Visual Aids)
Statistics- the study of the P: the study of
collection, organization, the collection,
analysis, interpretation and organization,
presentation of data. analysis,
Please read. presentation of

Like in our favorite subject survey, we collected data with you

answering the question, we organized the data when we tallied
your answers and analyzed and interpreted the data when we used
it to find out why some students are performing well or not. P: Collect,
In statistics we always talk about data. Interpret, and
From our song, what do we do to data?

Data is… P: The values

that the
(Visual Aids) variables
Data- the numerical values that
the variables assume.

Data is used to describe information mathematically. An example is

our favorite subject survey; we have variables such as science,
math, English and Filipino. But those variables have no numerical
value. The data there is our tally, the number of students that are
under these choices.

Statistics stresses in the analysis and interpretation of data.

The analysis and interpretation of the data may help many people
in their decision makings.

For example:

Take a look to this graph.

P: January,
February and
Ah! I hear the Baguio is very beautiful. But I can’t decide on when December
will I spend my holiday there.

Now may I ask you, when will it be best to go to Baguio to enjoy

the nice, warm weather?

Yes. Thank you for that brilliant suggestion.

This kind of graph is called Bar Graph.

P: A graph
A Bar Graph is… drawn using
(Visual Aids) rectangular bars
to show how
Bar Graph- A graph drawn using large each value
rectangular bars to show how is.
large each value is.

Please read.

As you can see, the height of each bar denotes the amount of
rainfall in millimeters (mm).

The higher the bar the greater the rainfall.

And now back to our lesson.

As you can see in the chart.

Top Five Countries Students Want to Visit

South Korea 24% USA 20% Singapore 13% Japan 26% Thailand 17%

What can you say about the data in the chart?

What country topped the survey as the most favorite of students to

P: Japan
This kind of chart is called pie graph.

A pie graph is…

(Visual Aids)

Pie Graph – is in the form of

a circle or a big pie that
represents the whole data.

The example given above is an example of pie graph.

This is divided into sectors that are appropriate in accordance to
the data or percentage given.

Now let’s take a look about the comparison of employment of the

males and females of the country in the span of ten years.

Employment to population ratio ages 15-24

What can you say about this data?
P: The male
employment is
higher than of
Notice that there is no significant change in the past 10 years of the female
employment of males and females.

There is no significant drop in the employment rate of the whole

population however there we can see that only around 50% of
males and 30% of females are employed in this country. This
means that 50% of the male populous and 70% of the females in
the country is unemployed.

The type of graph is called a line graph.

A line graph is…
(Visual Aid)

Line Graph- is a type of chart

which displays information as a
series of data points connected
by straight line segments
P: It is a type of
Please Read. chart which
information as a
This kind of graph is best to compare two or more kinds of data. series of data
For example, we have the employment rate for male and female. points
The lines of data that are being compared have different colors. connected by
straight line

To sum it up, you will need to know what the purposes of statistics
are for everyone.

(Visual Aids)

1.Statistics helps in providing a better understanding

and exact description of a phenomenon of nature.

2.Statistical helps in proper and efficient planning of a

statistical inquiry in any field of study.

3.Statistical helps in collecting an appropriate

quantitative data.

4.Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a

suitable tabular, diagrammatic and graphic form for
an easy clear comprehension of the data.

5. Statistics helps in understanding the nature and

pattern of variability of a phenomenon through
quantitative observations

3. Generalization

What is statistics? P: Statistics is

the study of the
presentation of
Name the 3 graphs/charts we discussed
P: Bar, Pie, Line

What is Data?
P: Data is the
values that the
4. Evaluation

I. Identify following statement. Choose the correct answer in

the box below.

Data Line Graph Statistics

Bar Graph Pie Graph

1. It is the values that the variables assume.

2. It is a chart that denotes the rise/fall of data using line
3. It is a chart that is composed of rectangular bars to denote
the value.
4. Collection, Organization, analysis, and interpretation of data.
5. It is a chart that is circular and is divided into sectors.

II. The figure below shows a group of Junior High School

students who were asked to give their first choice of Track in
Senior High School.

1. How many students chose HUMSS?

2. Which track are least preferred by JHS Students?
3. Compare the number of students that chose STEM and

A survey of 145 people asked them "Which is the nicest

fruit?" Show the result given in the table below on a bar

Fruit People
Apple 35
Orange 30
Banana 10
Kiwi fruit 25
Blueberry 40
Grapes 5

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