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Almas Isabella Paramitha



1. What do you think if a teacher conducts an “Ulangan Harian” for one class consisting 30
students in SMP level that spends IDR 500.000 for every student? Is it practical in term
of cost?

 In my opinion, spends IDR 500.000 for every students for an "Ulangan Harian" is the
wrong way, it's too expensive just for a test, because for a test it should not be too
expensive to conduct, the cost for the test has to stay within the budget, and we
should avoid conducting a test that requires excessive budget.

2. What do you think if a teacher wants to conduct a test of language proficiency that it
will takes a student ten hours to complete? Is it practical term of time?

 I think it was ineffectife and impractical way to take ten hours to complete the test
because the test should not be too long or too short, and also the test should stay
within appropriate time constraints. Taking too long test time just make students
dizzy and bored.

3. What do you think if a teacher in remote area who his/her students know nothing about
computer conducts a test which requires the test-takers to at least know how to
interact with the computer in order to be able to complete the test?Is it practical in
term of administration?

 I think it is very impractical, because the test should not be too complicated or
complex to conduct and the test should be quite simple to administer. while using
computers is too complicated and difficult for students in remote areas because
they don't know how to use them, then we have to find a simpler and easier way,
using paper as in general, we also have to teach them computers so that in the
future the test will use computers are more practical.

4. What do you think if a teacher conducts a test that it will take students a couple minutes
to complete and take the teacher several hours to score/evaluate?
Is it practical in term of scoring/evaluation?

 In my opinion it is impractical because it took time too long, when teachers do

assessing, a test should be accompanied with scoring rubrics, key answers, and so on
to make it easy to score/evaluate, and the scoring/evaluation process should fits
into the time allocation.

5. What do you think if a listening test requires students to read passages to complete
instead of requiring students to listening attentively?

Does the test have content validity?

 In my opinion it is impractical because if a listening test requires students to read

passages to complete instead of requiring students to listening attentively it is not
represent the course objective, and there is no correlation between the contents of
the test and the language skills and just make students confused in concentrating.

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