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Midterm Examination

EdMS12-Values Education
Vision: The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall be a progressive learner-centered research university recognize in the ASEAN
region in 2020.

Mission: The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall primarily provide advance and higher professional, technical and special
instructions in various fields, undertake research and extension, as well as income generation programs for the sustainable development of
Zambales , the region and the country ( Sec.2,R.A 11015)

Name: Date:
Course&Year: Score:


Focus Point made with an awareness of task about a specific topic. 2
Content Ideas developed through facts, examples, details etc. 2
Organization Order developed and sustained. 2
Style Arrangements of words. 2
Convention Grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage of sentence formation. 2

Essay: Explain in 100-150 words the following questions.

1. What changes would you like to see in yourself in the next one year?
2. Differentiate the values of the students before and the students today, as future educators, do you find it necessary? Why?
3. As a future educators do you think values is necessary to our curriculum? And why?
4. As a future educators do think good foundation of values are necessary in dealing with people? Why?
5. Good values education start in the family; do you think you build a strong foundation of values inside your family? How?
6.How could you attain improvement in the performance of your duties? As future educators.
7.Why do you think some practices that are morally wrong were also considered to be socially accepted?
8.How can you bring about change in the community?
9.What issues and problems tackled by the teachers to their students?
10.Do you think values education would be a huge help in the attitudes of the students? Why?


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