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Radius Records Contractual Agreement


This agreement is effective from 02/03/2021 and is worthy of all the effects and consequences of the law.

BETWEEN: IZUAF88 x Linyx (The ‘Artist’) a music artist by whom the ‘Master’ was composed at the location:

East Java, Indonesia

AND: Radius Records (the ‘Label’) a company that is organised and exists under the laws of the United

Kingdom with its head office located at:

133 Dankworth Road, Brighton Hill, Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom

This agreement acquires the exclusive license of the ‘Master’ with the name of: “Ice Bear” containing the following tracks:
(If album, complete. If not, leave blank):

1. “_________________________________”

2. “_________________________________”

3. “_________________________________”

4. “_________________________________”

5. “_________________________________”

6. “_________________________________”

7. “_________________________________”

8. “_________________________________”

9. “_________________________________”






Contractual Conditions

1. By agreeing to this contract the ‘Artist’ is allowing the ‘Label’ to use the ‘Master’ that was submitted and was
approved by an employee of the Label. This allows the label to use the ‘Master’ as they wish. The ‘Artist’ is giving
the ‘Label’ the rights to use the ‘Master’ for commercial and non-commercial purposes. The ‘Master’ can be used
for marketing outside of promotions and can be licensed to third parties at the labels discretion.

1.1. If the ‘Label’ licenses the ‘Master’ to a third party, it can be licenced for commercial or non-commercial
use and once licensed, the company / individual can use the ‘Master’ how they please without getting a
copyright notice from the label.

1.2. For licensing the ‘Master’, the ‘Label will take a 30% (thirty per cent) cut of the net earnings obtained on
an annual basis from online sales, streaming and synchronization of the ‘Master’. This is a total and
definitive fee. 

1.2.1. The ‘Artist’ will only receive payment from the ‘Label’ when the royalties made in total by the
‘Master’ exceed the cumulative total of £50.00 per year. If this amount is not reached, it will
be carried over to the following year.

1.2.2. The ‘Label’ undertakes to provide the ‘Artist’ with a record of sales during the month of July
annually. The ‘Artist’ may have to contact the ‘Label’ during this month in order to obtain the
record of sales. If a cumulative total of more than £50.00 is reached by the ‘Master’ the ‘Artist’
will receive 70% of the total amount made. If the ‘Master’ was produced by a collaboration
between 2 or more individuals, it is the responsibility of the ‘Artist’ to distribute this how they

1.3. If the ‘Master’ features more than one ‘Artist’ then all involved will have to sign and agree to the same
contract separately, if an agreement with all artists cannot be reached then the ‘Master’ will not be
released. If there is any individual who features in the ‘Master’ but the ‘Label’ is not made aware of
them, the ‘Master’ will be withdrawn.

1.3.1. If all individuals involved in the production of the ‘Master’ agree to its release after the
original release date, the ‘Master’ will be released by the ‘Label’.

1.3.2. If the other individuals do not agree to the contract or decide they do not want the ‘Master’
released then the ‘Master’ will not be released and all marketing, promotional material and any
other material linked to the ‘Master’ will be dropped permanently. This includes music
licenses that were awarded to third parties. In this situation, if any revenue was awarded to the ‘Artist’ who produced the
‘Master’, that revenue will be returned to the ‘Label’. If the sum cannot be returned
immediately then the ‘Artist’ will be given 28 days to find the funds and return them
to the ‘Label’. If the funds are not delivered within the required 28 days then the
‘Label’ will be allowed to pursue further legal action since the ‘Master’ was released
unlawfully and the ‘Artist’ will have profited from an unlawful release.

1.4. If the ‘Label’ suspect that the ‘Artist’ is utilising illegal activity to increase the number of plays or
increase the revenue of the ‘Master’, the ‘Label’ will conduct an investigation and come to a conclusion.
Whilst this activity is not only damaging to the reputation of the ‘Artist’, it also damages the reputation
of the ‘Label’. The ‘Label’ will not hesitate to remove the ‘Master’ from all platforms in order to reduce
damage to the reputation of the ‘Label’.

1.4.1. The ‘Label’ have the power to investigate further and potentially take legal action if the
‘Label’ believe it is required in order to stop the artist exploiting the contract.
1.4.2. If the ‘Artist’ attempts to seriously exploit the contract, as a penalty the ‘Label’ have the ability
to claim 100% of the revenue made by the ‘Master’, since the release date.

1.5. The ‘Artist’ must commit to following through on requests made by the ‘Label’. This could include:
making statements if asked on a specific topic, promoting the ‘Master’, promoting the social media
pages of the ‘Label’. If the ‘Artist’ cannot commit to following through on any of these requests, then
the ‘Artist’ must inform the label of a valid reason.

1.5.1. If the ‘Artist’ takes issue with the action of any employee of the ‘Label’, they should register a
complaint against that specific employee. The ‘Label’ will commit to conduct an internal
investigation into the issues raised within the complaint.

1.6. If the ‘Artist’ decides to withdraw the ‘Master’ before its release, then the ‘Artist’ must inform the
‘Label’ as soon as possible. Once the ‘Master’ has been withdrawn, this contract will be terminated with
immediate effect.

1.6.1. If the ‘Master’ has already been released on all platforms, it will not be possible to remove as it
has already been promoted and released. This means that the ‘Master’ has already gained
traction so removing it from platforms would no longer be feasible.

1.7. The ‘Label’ will own all of the rights to the ‘Master’ for lifetime of the ‘Label’. This permits the ‘Label’
to use it for both commercial and non-commercial use. This includes but is not restricted to: compilation
albums, YouTube videos, marketing material, promotions and in any other purpose that the ‘Label’ sees

1.7.1. The ‘Artist’ also have the right to use the ‘Master’ for promotion. If the ‘Artist’ desires to use
the ‘Master’ for any side ventures, they will have to purchase a licence from the ‘Label’. This
is unconditional and definitive.

1.8. If the ‘Artist’ promotes the ‘Master’ on social media, the ‘Artist’ must tag or @ the ‘Label’. In turn, the
artist will be tagged into all social media promotion undertaken by the ‘Label’. This will allow joint
growth between the ‘Label’ and the ‘Artist’.

1.8.1. The ‘Artist’ should @ the ‘Label’ in all social media stories related to the ‘Master’ and should
also @ or tag the ‘Label’ on all social media posts related to the ‘Master’.

1.9. This contract confirms that the following details have been provided to the ‘Label’ by the ‘Artist’:

Full name, date of birth, age, address, music studio location, ‘Artist’ name

This information is to be kept safe on our database and will not be accessible to the public.

1.10. The ‘Label’ has also been provided with the following information regarding the ‘Master’:

Name of the ‘Master’ and tracks (if applicable), genre, secondary genre (if applicable)

This information is to be kept safe on our database and will not be accessible to the public.
Read, confirmed and signed in Malang Date: 7/3/2021

Signed Byron Palmer Hale

CEO Radius Records

Byron PH

Signed Cameron Marshall

CEO Radius Records

Cameron Marshall

Signed ‘Artist’:

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