Clase # 3 de Inglés

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Facultad de Educación
Programa: Educación Infantil
Asignatura: inglés II
Docente: Elda María Uribe Salas
Tema: Reading about chef.
Fecha: 29-01-2021

Este curso se desarrolla de manera virtual teniendo en cuenta dos enfoques el
task basic learning donde los estudiantes seguirán una serie de instrucciones
claras y precisas para desarrollar las actividades y talleres orales y escritos.
La interacción entre los estudiantes y docentes será de manera sincronica y
asincrónica a través de tres herramientas fundamentales: whatsapp, email,y meet.
Un enfoque de habilidades integradas task basic y ppp(presentación,practica y

Durante el desarrollo de este curso se tendrán en cuenta: presentaciones orales y
escritas, actividades de producción orales y escritas, producción de textos.

Material de apoyo: Quédate en casa/M.E.N



Translate the following text/ traduzca el siguiente texto.

Gene Rivers is a chef in a large hotel. He prepares food for important people. The
restaurant of the hotel is famous for its excellent food. Gene prepares special
dishes for kings, queens, presidents, movie stars, and many well-known people.
He is the best chef in the city, they say.

 Choices to make: choose the correct answer. Sometimes more than one is

1. Gene works
a. In a restaurant.
b. In a store.
c. In a bakery.
d. In a hotel. (x)

2. Gene prepares
a. Chefs.
b. Food.
c. Special dishes (X).
d. Restaurants.

3. Gene is
a. A president.
b. A king.
c. A chef. (X)
d. A move star.

4. Gene´s food is
a. Well-known.
b. Excellent. (X)
c. Famous.
d. Pretty.
 Word practice: choose the words in list B opposite in meaning to the words
in list A.

1. Large a. bad
2. Important b. unknown
3. Excellent c. small.
4. Special d. worst
5. Many e. unimportant
6. Well-known f. common
7. Best g. few

 Answer the following questions.

1. Where does Gene work?

R/ in a restaurant
2. For whom does he prepare food?
R/for important people
3. Is the hotel restaurant famous? Why?
R/ YES, why The hotel restaurant is famous for its excellent food.

4. Does Gene prepare special dishes? For whom?

R/ for kings, queens, presidents, movie stars and many well-known people.

5. Is gene the best chef in the city? Who says so?

R/ He's the best chef in town, they say


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