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MLA Research Paper (Kelsie)

Technology and Social

Kelsie Lay
[Pick the date]

English 1201

Professor Waggoner

2 May 2021
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Thesis: Over the past couple years technology as became the main focus of everything.

It is the main source of communication and learning.  Not a day goes by that I do not

check my Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.  

I. The history of social media

A. The first forms of social media and when it came about

B. The different popular websites that have come out throughout the


C. How we rely on social media in our everyday life.

II. Behind the scenes of social media

A. Cyberbullying

B. Nev and Catfishing

III. The effects of social media on the body

A. Risk of social media

B. Lawrence Robinson’s and Melinda Smith’s input on how social media

can cause depression, anxiety, etc.

V. Social media addiction and overcoming it

A. Ways to overcome the addiction theorpies .

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B. Encouraging kids to go outside and play

C. Fahrenheit 451

VI. Technology and social media use around the world

A. Use in Japan and Africa

B. China’s use of different website and apps

VII. Technology use in classrooms and work

A. Zoom and online classes

B. Working from home.

Technology and Social Media:

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How often do you use social media? Has it become a form of addiction in your

life? Technology has impacted everyone’s life in some way. It looks to be it has mainly

effected the younger generation. Most of the younger generations have had the biggest

issues with social media addiction.

Technology has become an obsession. This addiction is talked about by the Pew

Research Center. They explain that by 2011 that share had risen to half of all Americans,

and today 72% of the public uses some type of social media”. About every source relates

back to technology being addictive. Over the past couple years technology as became the

main focus of everything. It is the main source of communication and learning.  Not a

day goes by that I do not check my Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. We have

all become so dependent on these social media websites. Billions of people have a

Facebook account and most people have turned to Snapchat as their main source of

communication .Not only is there addiction with checking are news feeds every day and

seeing what everyone is constantly up to, but we are also addicted to getting satisfaction

and reassurance from these social media websites as well. People are constantly worried

about how many likes/ comments they get on a post. I know social media has greatly

impacted my life and the way I view things.

The history of social media

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Technology first was thought of nearly 2 million years ago! It all started in the

stone ages. Stone tools were the first technological thing that had been thought of. The

big era of technology is when the wheel was invented in 3500 B.C. Technology has

progressed majorly since. Microsoft launched in 1975 and then Apple right after tat in

1976. These are two companies that started a major progression in technology. In the

1990’s many kids were introduced to the computer screen as laptops and computers were

entering classroom. Cell phones also began becoming big soon after that.

Social media starting taking off in the 90’s as well. In 1996 started the

first social networking and video website. Later Six Degree’s and AOL was launched in

1997. AOL was a very popular instant messenger that teens would use to communicate

with one another online. In 1999 Yahoo Messenger and MSN become a popular way of

commination. Myspace launched in 2004. That was one of the first major popular social

media websites right before Facebook which was invented in 2004. Like Facebook, back

in the day everyone had a Myspace. This is when social media became focused on

popularity. Who posted the cutest pictures, had the most likes, most friends became a

huge priority for some people. Instagram was launched in 2010.This served as a

photo/video sharing and social media website. This is when how many likes a person got

becomes an even bigger thing. People post many selfies and revealing photos on this

website to seek the attention of other’s. The more likes they get the more confident that

person feels. A buying app was even invented soon after so that one would be able to buy

likes along with followers to look more popular. Snapchat, which is currently one of the

top most popular social media apps, was launched in 2010. This app has taken over text

messaging. Most people will only talk through snapchat nowadays instead of texting off
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their phone. Snapchat as also allowed people to share present life moments very easily.

Instead of sending written messages back and forward like the other social media sites,

people communicate mainly by sending pictures back and forward.

In the early ages, technology wasn’t much a focus point or reliability. We were

all able to live without phones, GPS, TV’s, etc... Our lives did not evolve around social

media until here in the past decade. We cannot go a day without being on our phones or

being connected to some type of screen. Most people cannot function and complete their

everyday task without a cell phone/ laptop. It is how we communicate as well as get from

point A to point B. We feel lost without these things.

What goes on behind the screens that we don’t notice?

The progression of social media has led to some serious issues for kids and adults.

Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully in person. It has become

one of the top forms of bulling since social networking took off. Kids are more confident

saying hurtful things behind screens than to someone’s face in person. In 2016, about

34% of students had been a victim of cyberbullying. Nearly one million suicide risks

happen worldwide. Social media has increased the risk for suicide risk. According to

Social Media and Suicide: A Public Health Perspective, social media can be a big

influence toward suicide. It fuses technology with social interactions. Now a day’s people

cannot escape bulling. Using VIA internet bullies is able to harass you even in your own


Catfishing is also a major issue that has been created by social media. Online you

can be anyone you want and look any way you want. Everyday thousands of people are
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fooled by people online, weather they are seeking a relationship or giving into a scam.

Reasons people catfish include, poor self-esteem, depression or anxiety, to hide their

identity, targeted revenge, targeted harassment, or to explore their sexuality. A T.V show

was even created due to so many catfishing happening everyday Nev Shulman was as

victim of catfishing. He thought he met the love of his life online then when he went to

meet that person online, he realized he’s been talking to someone completely different.

“I’ve never done it, but I think if you Google search for ‘People who will help me travel

across the country to meet my online love,’ I’m probably the person who comes up.”

(Nev Schulman).He dedicated his show to traveling and helping other catfish victims

around the country

The effects of social media on the body

Very little research has been discovered about the long term effects of using

social media.” Since it’s a relatively new technology, there’s little research to establish

the long-term consequences, good or bad, of social media use. However, multiple studies

have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for

depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts”.(Lawrence

Robinson and Melinda Smith, M.A). Research has shown that social media addiction has

greatly impacted the lives of people. Social Media can cause major stress on the lives of

people (Lawrence Robinson and Melinda Smith, M.A).

Social media can have a negative effect on a person’s body image. Looking

through social media websites, especially Instagram, all you do is see pictures of other

people. Instantly you feel the need to compare and contrast yourself from that person.
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Pictures of models and filtered fake pictures fill our phone screens. Viewing all these

pictures people think that deceiving image is how they are supposed to look, resulting in

low self-esteem. Many apps offer highly advanced filtering tools that can change a

person’s look in every way. These apps allow you to whiten your teeth, shed weight off

your body, or change your eye color. Social media sets expectations on a fake reality.

Over time screen time has been progressing more and more for young children.

Television remains the top source. Between tablets, cell phones, and video games kids are

getting more and more screen time. This is leading to physiological issues and affecting

physical and cognitive abilities. Excessive screen time can lead to obesity, sleep

problems, and eye problems.( Domingues-Montanari) .

Social Media addiction and overcoming it

There are ways to overcome social media addiction. According to the American

Psychiatric Association addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifest

by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. (APA). There are several

steps you could take to help you overcome this addiction/ obsession. Deleting certain

apps that you do not use often would be a huge step. Eliminating the social media

websites that you use the least reduces overall daily screen time. Interacting with friends

and family in person, rather than mainly over social media is another thing you could do

to help. Different types of therapies could also help. Cognitive behavioral therapy, which

is a short –term form of behavioral therapy that helps people problem solves. (Good

Therapy). Family Therapy and other types of social therapies can also help for more

serious addiction cases.

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Encouraging the younger generation to get outside and play is another step we

can all take to help. According to Verywell family, there are eight ways that would excite

kids to go out and play. One way is to phone a friend. A kid having a playmate will

encourage them to want be more interested in going outside. Another way is to get a dog.

Dogs need lots of outside time and play time to burn off energy. Giving a child a dog to

play fetch with, take on a walk, or even chase will keep them more entertained outside.

Setting challenges for a child to achieve is another good way. This could include a bike

race or putting together an obstacle course for the child to go through. Bringing the

indoors out is way of getting kids to go outside. If they are playing a board game inside

or coloring at the kitchen table, bring the activity outside. Teaching kids old tricks and

old games that we used to play when we were kids can help also. Teach them how to play

flashlight tag or play a game of tug-a –war. Lastly, Hunting for treasure is a great way to

get smaller kids motivated to go outside. Set up a treasure hunt for them to find.

The famous book, Fahrenheit 451 represents a society where they outlawed books

so they can enjoy nature, spending time to themselves and having meaningful

conversation. This book is written to warn readers about the dangers of technology.

Fahrenheit 451 was written 1953 when technology wasn’t even at the point of addiction

that it is at today. “He took Montag quickly into the bedroom and lifted a postal card. I

always wanted something very small, something I could talk to, something I could blot

out with the palm of my hand, if necessary, nothing that could shout me down, nothing

monstrous big.” (3.164) This paragraph represents one of the characters realizing the

dangers of technology and how it can take over, that is why they kept it a very small

object in the room. “And something more! It listens! If you put it to your ear, Montag, I
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can sit comfortably home, warming my frightened bones, and hear and analyses the

firemen’s world, find it’s weakness, without danger. I’m the Queen Bee, safe in the hive.

You will be the drone, the travelling ear. Eventually, I put out ears into all parts of the

city, with various men, listening and evaluating. If the drones die, I’m safe at home,

tending my fright with a maximum of comfort and minimum of chance.”(2.218) This

quote explains how technology is used as tool for the government. It is a way we are

being controlled and it can be used to rebel as well.

Technology and social media use in other countries

Most websites talk about social media use in the United States of America, but

technology has also been rising in other countries as well. Africa has had a big increase in

social media use according to Andre-Michel Essoungou, social media has been booming

in Africa. Facebook has been a blooming platform worldwide. In the end of 2010 more

than 100 million Africans use the internet (Essoungou). Another country that has become

very advanced in technology and the use of social media is Japan. According to Humble

Bunny, 9 out or 10 people in Japan have access to the internet and one average each

person own 2 mobile devices. Japan has a social media app called Line which over 70%

of the Japan population uses as a messaging app. YouTube is the next most highly used

social media sites in Japan.( Bugajski 1)

China is another country where technology and social media’s use has increased

in the past couple decades. According to a clip by BBC news, China is the world’s

biggest social media market. Although Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all blocked

due to censorship in this country, they have similar websites. Weilbo, Renren, and
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YouKU are popular sites used in China. These sites are used to organize protest and

create events along with socialize. “According a to the Chinese government study 803

million people in China are now active internet users. This amounts to 57.7% of the

country’s population.” (Chan) This means that over half of China’s population uses some

form of social media.

Technology use in classrooms and work places

The way of learning has changed for the bad and good with social media and the

increasing use of technology. The majority of learning has gone from in person learning

to virtual learning, students are having less and less in person contact with one another. A

lot of classrooms have started using Zoom which is an app used for group video chatting.

Zoom has made is possible for teachers and professors to conduct class online resulting in

everyone being able to attend class in the comfort of their own homes. Online learning

has become very popular. Although, it has made learning easier and more convenient. It

is taking away human interaction. Another disadvantage of online learning is kids are

becoming more dependent on teaching themselves a subject, rather than having a teacher

right next to them to help them solve an issue. According to the Harvard Business

Review, “With the current experiment, students, professors, and university administrators

must keep a record of which classes are benefiting from being taught remotely and which

ones are not doing so well.” (Govindarajan and Sivastava). Students in the experiment

are facing a number of online issues and complications with online learning.

Many adults have begun working from home because of technology. Since most

people now have access to the internet from there household, a lot of companies are now
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giving people the option to work from home. Working from home can be convenient

when it comes to things like saving gas money and not having to get out of your pajamas

in the morning, but when it comes to human and social interaction it isn’t so beneficial.

Working from home eliminates human interaction. People who work from home are

unable to talk and interact with their co-workers.

Social media has made a huge impact on society for the better and for the worse.

Many social media websites have been created out of the progression of social media. It

has created many issues with our mental health and has become very addicting for not

only America but for other countries as well. It has taken over are schools while creating

a new form of bullying for children. It has created a thing as “catfishing” for adults and

impacted how we work.

Technology and social media has been improving a very rapid rate in a very small

amount of time. Almost everything we do consist of using technology in some way. How

has technology and social media impacted your life?

Work Cited

“A Social Media Boom Begins in Africa.” Africa Renewal, 22 Feb. 2013, africa#:


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Bradbury, Ray, 1920-2012. Fahrenheit 451. New York :Simon and Schuster,


Diener, and Loeb. “Http://Logicandanalysis.Org/Index.Php/Jla/Article/ViewFile/114/41.”

Journal of Logic and Analysis, 2011, pp. 1–26. Crossref,


Gaggioli, Andrea. “Editorial: Positive Technology: Designing E-Experiences for Positive

Change.” Frontiers, 2019,

Gaggioli, Andrea. “Editorial: Positive Technology: Designing EThe Editorial Board.

“Opinion | America, Your Privacy Settings Are All Wrong.” The New York Times, 8 Mar.


GoodTherapy Editor Team. “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).” Good Therapy, 6

May 2018,


“Japan’s Top Social Media Networks for 2021.” Humble Bunny, 28 Apr. 2021,


Robinson, Lawrence. “Social Media and Mental Health - HelpGuide.Org.” Socail

Media and Mental Health, Sept. 2020,

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“Social Media Fact Sheet.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 12 June


“Social Media in China: What You Need to Know.” BBC News, 1 Sept. 2012,

The Editorial Board. “Opinion | America, Your Privacy Settings Are All Wrong.” The

New York Times, 8 Mar. 2021,


What Is Addiction?” Web Starter Kit, Dec. 2020,

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