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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using instruction based on instruction, which is instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment knowledge of students’ based on broad systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic readiness, knowledge of students. for supporting and
assessments. 9/23/19 academic readiness, academic language, Matches resources and extending student
language, cultural diverse cultural specific strategies to learning based on
4.1 Using knowledge background, and backgrounds, and students’ diverse learning comprehensive
of students’ academic individual development. individual cognitive, needs and cultural information on students.
readiness, language 4/6/21 12/8/20 3/21/20 social, emotional, and backgrounds.
proficiency, cultural physical development to
background, and meet their individual
individual needs.
development to plan Is aware of impact of bias Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
instruction. on learning. 9/21/19 Becomes aware of Examines potential stereotyping, and analysis of bias,
potential areas of bias sources of bias and assumptions about stereotyping, and
and seeks to learn about stereotyping when cultures an members of assumptions.
culturally responsive planning lessons. Uses cultures.
pedagogy. culturally responsive
pedagogy in planning.

I take the information I thought it was a good

about students’ idea to give the students a
performances and I use debate for Athens and
them to guide my daily Sparta instead of a test,
planning. 9/21/19 like they have had for
their other topics in
I am aware of the impact Ancient history. It is good
that bias has on my to hear them discussing
student learning. the topic and preparing
9/21/19 for their opening
statements, rebuttals, and
closing statements for
their debates. It helps
each team to work
together because they
have a group grade as
well as individual grades.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with students clear learning to students that integrate comprehensive short-
4.2 Establishing and on content standards and students in single lessons goals for content that are content standards with term and long-term
articulating goals for available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
student learning 9/23/19 and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
address students’ diverse needs. 4/6/21 to articulate and monitor
learning needs. 12/8/20 learning goals.
I try my best to let the I made a Bible choice I use Nearpod to instruct
students know what they board that students could my students on important
are supposed to be choose which ways to English grammar
learning and why they are demonstrate their concepts. These Nearpods
learning what they are knowledge of the Bible are wonderful because
learning. 9/23/19 memory verse. It helped they instruct first, and
the students a lot to be then give time for the
able to express different students to try the
ways of showing they concept for themselves. I
learned the memory can also see what the
verse. 12/8/20 students are doing in real
time, so I can give direct
feedback and keep them
engaged and learning.

Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
4.3 Developing and
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of content standards, and
sequencing long- are linked to long-term concepts and essential curriculum guidelines, assess learning needs to
term and short-term planning to support related academic frameworks, and design cohesive and
instructional plans to student learning. language and formats assessed instructional comprehensive long- and
support student 9/23/19 that support student needs to ensure student short-term instructional
learning learning. 3/21/20 learning. 4/6/21 12/8/20 plans that ensure high
levels of learning.

I plan my history lessons I just finished making a I am working on yearly

to be interconnected and unit plan for my unit on plans by subject matter,
I plan for the future to see Ancient Greece. The unit and color coding each
where I am going to be, so plan outlines what is subject for easy
that I can plan happening throughout visualization, so I can just
accordingly for the the unit as well as an glance at the yearly
present. 9/23/19 overview of each lesson. calendar and know what I
3/21/20 am teaching next. It will
help me to start planning
backward so I can make
sure I teach what the
students need to know.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or differentiated wide range of strategies incorporating a
suggested by curriculum sequence of lessons that instructional strategies to address learning styles repertoire of strategies
guidelines. 9/23/19 respond to students’ into ongoing planning and meet students’ specifically meet
diverse learning needs. that addresses culturally assessed language and students’ diverse
4.4 Planning 5/8/20 responsive pedagogy, learning needs. Provides language and learning
instruction that students’ diverse appropriate support and needs and styles to
incorporates language, and learning challenges for students. advance learning for all.
appropriate Is aware of student needs and styles. 4/6/21
strategies to meet content, learning, and Seeks to learn about 12/8/20 Facilitates opportunities
the learning needs of language needs through students’ diverse learning Integrates results from a for students to reflect on
all students data provided by the site and language needs Uses assessments of broad range of their learning and the
and district. 9/23/19 beyond basic data. students’ learning and assessments into impact of instructional
3/21/20 language needs to inform planning to meet strategies to meet their
planning differentiated students’ diverse learning learning and language
instruction. and language needs. needs.

As a new teacher, this is I have modified some of One of the ways that I I know all students have
what I look at doing first. the lessons for a few of ensure my students learn different learning styles
If it does not seem like it my students to make ancient history is by and need different things
will reach my students, them shorter, less having them read the to learn best. I take notes
then I will go out of my reading, or I have them chapter and fill out the in class, we read out of
way to find alternate video tape their lesson notes. I also take time to our textbook, we watch
resources. 9/23/19 summaries because I show them a Flocabulary videos, do paper quizzes
know this will be in a way video about Ancient and tests, and PBL. I try
they can comprehend. Egypt to teach concepts my best to differentiate
I have read, and am 5/8/20 they could also read in the ways I teach the
familiar with student the book. I want to have content to reach all
needs through I want to learn all I can various ways to present learners. 4/6/21
information provided by about planning the content because I
my district/school. instruction to meet the know each student learns
9/23/19 various needs of my a different way. 12/8/20
students. I went to a
conference in January
called Get Your Teach On,
and one of the subjects
that was talked about was
how to reach all of your
learners and plan
appropriate instruction.
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for
uses materials from materials in single adaptations to adjustments to a wide range of
curriculum provided. lessons or sequences of differentiate instructional instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
9/23/19 lessons to address plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of based on in depth
4.5 Adapting
students’ learning needs. responsive pedagogy and materials as the analysis of individual
instructional plans
3/21/20 additional materials to instructional needs arises student needs.
and curricular
support students’ diverse to support student
materials to meet the
learning needs. 12/8/20 learning. 4/6/21 Engages with students to
assessed learning
identify types of
needs of all students.
adjustments in
instruction that best meet
their learning goals.

I love all of the help I can All of my students are I teach 6th grade For all of my lesson plans,
get as a new teacher, so I grouped based on reading foundational math. This I have planned how they
definitely use the lessons levels, and I found a close means that I still teach 6th should go, and then I
and materials from the reading text to give each grade content, but at a present it to my students,
provided curricula. group of students. There slower and more broken and they are not at all
9/23/19 were four different levels down pace. One of the getting it like I planned,
of text depending on the things that I do for my so I have to pivot and
level of each reader. students is to look ahead break it down in a
There were also text of time at the next lessons different way. One of my
dependent questions that and determine which students struggles in
differed per reading level. lessons would be at the math, and I was trying to
For the lower students, right developmental level explain to her how to
the questions were for me to teach the divide fractions and
written in an easier way students. We are learning whole numbers using a
to understand. For the about equations right number line, and she did
advanced students, the now, and one of the not understand it at all. I
questions were harder lessons has me teaching had to rethink how to
and had a component of the students how to solve present it to her, and I
higher-order thinking. equations that include figured out it would be
3/21/20 fractions. This is a lesson easier to draw out pizzas
that I will skip during this and model how they are
topic, because I just want being divided, which she
to make sure my students understood right away.
know what an equation is 4/6/21
and how to solve normal
equations with the four
operations. 12/8/20

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