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Weekly sessions held on
Tuesdays, 4-5:30pm, Bethune College Room 202
Wednesdays, 4-5:30pm, Bethune College Room 202
PASS Leader: Francis Calingo

Please note: Do not substitute this mock test for

studying. The questions included are only examples
of what may appear on the midterm and are not
necessarily representative of the degree of difficulty.

This test is copyright of the PASS program at Bethune


For more information visit

and join the Facebook group
1) a) Solve each inequality.

i) ||x − sin( 2π |
3 )| < 3

ii) log 3 (x) − log 3 (2) ≤ 2

b) Find ALL the six trigonometric ratios for θ = 6

c) Show that the triangle with vertices (3,3), (7,3), and

(7,6) produce a right-angled triangle.

2) a) For each function,

● Identify what type of function it is
● Find its inverse. If it does not have an
inverse, explain why.
● Identify the function’s domain.

i) A(x) = x2 − 8x + 16

ii) B (x) = √4x + 5

iii) C (x) = 2x+7

b) Find the following composite functions then state

their domains.
i) C ° B ii) A ° B iii) B ° A

3) Find the formula for each part, given that

P (x) = x2 , Q(x) = x + 6, R(x) = |x| , S (x) = ln(x), T (x) = sin(x)
a) Horizontally stretch P (x) by a factor of 2, then
reflect about the y-axis.

b) Translate Q(x) 2 units up then 2 units to the right.

c) Reflect R(x) about the x-axis, then vertically

stretch by a factor of 2.
d) Translate S (x) 2 units to the left, then reflect about
the x-axis and the y-axis.

e) T ° Q , expanded.

4) If the limit exists, find it. If not, prove that the limit
doesn’t exist.

a) limπ tan(x)
x→ 2
b) lim f (x) , where

c) lim[ex sin( 3x ) − sin( 3x )]

5n2 −1
d) lim [ 48−1
n + n+3 ]

e) lim
x→∞ √ 6x2 −3x+4
2x2 +1
sin2 (x)
f) lim xcos(x)

5) An unknown substance, labelled “Substance X”, has a

half-life of 10 years. On January 1st, 2020, a scientist
obtained a sample of Substance X weighing exactly 50
a) Find an expression for the mass m(t) that remains
after 3 years.
b) Find the mass remaining after 32 years.
c) In what calendar year should the scientist expect
the mass of the substance reach 3.125 mg?

6) Determine if each function is continuous on each given



b) tan(x), xε [− π2 , π2 )
c) ln(x), xε (0, ∞)
d) 1 1 , xε (− ∞, ∞)
1+e x

7) A drug is administered to a patient at the same time

every day. Suppose the concentration of the drug in the
bloodstream is C n (measured in mg/mL) after the
injection on the nth day. Before the injection the next
day, only 25% of the drug present on the preceding day
remains in the bloodstream.
If the daily dose raises the concentration by 0.2 mg/mL,
find the concentration after 5 days.
(Since calculators are not permitted during tests, try
using fractions instead of decimals).

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