BaZi 60 甲子 纳音 JiaZi NaYin

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BaZi : 60 甲子 纳音 JiaZi NaYin

Taking a break from translating 10 Gods, here's an article about NaYin.

甲子金 Jia Zi Metal

为宝物 as Precious Things (Treasure)
喜金木旺地 Likes places where Metal and Wood are prosperous

乙丑金 Yi Chou Metal

为顽矿 as Mineral Ore
喜火及南方月时 Likes fire or southern Month / Hour

丙寅火 Bing Yin Fire

为炉炭喜冬及木 As Furnace Charcoal, likes Winter and Wood

丁卯火 Ding Mao Fire

为炉烟 As Furnace Smoke
喜巽地及秋冬 Likes Xun place, Autumn and Winter

戊辰木 Wu Chen Wood

山林山野处不材之木 useless Wood in forests or in the wild
喜水 likes water

己巳木 Ji Si Wood
山头花草 Plants (Flower and Grass) on top of mountains
喜春及秋 likes Spring and Autumn

庚午土 Gegn Wu earth 

路旁乾块 dried pieces (of earth) at roadsides
喜水及春 likes Water and Spring

辛未土 Xin Wei earth

含万实待秋成  ??
喜春及秋 likes Spring and Autumn

壬申金 Ren Shen metal

戈戟大钊 Lances, spear or halberd
喜子午卯酉 likes Zi Wu Mao You

癸酉金 Gui You metal

金之椎凿 Hammer or Chisel of metal
喜木及寅卯 likes wood, Yin and Mao

甲戌火 Jia Xu fire

火所宿处 the place where fire resides
喜春及夏 likes Spring and Summer

乙亥火 Yi Hai fire

火之热气 Hotness of fire
喜土及夏 Likes earth and summer

丙子水 Bing Zi water

江湖 Rivers and Lakes
喜木及土 Likes wood and Earth
丁丑水 Ding Chou
水之不流清澈处 Place where water does not flow and the water is clear
喜金及夏 likes metal and summer

戊寅土 Wu Yin earth

堤阜城郭  dike, mound or outer city wall.
喜水及火 likes Water and Fire

己卯土 Ji Mao earth

破城败堤 Borken castle and failed dike
喜申酉及火 Likes Shen You and Fire

庚辰金 Geng Chen Metal

锡腊 Pewter (I think)
喜秋及微木 Likes Autumn and light wood

辛巳金 Xin Si Metal

金之生者杂沙石 Metal ore that is mixed with sand and rocks
喜火及秋 Likes fire and Autumn

壬午木 Ren Wu wood

杨柳干节 trunks of poplars and willows
喜春夏 likes spring and summer

癸未木 Gui Wei wood

杨柳根 roots of poplars and willows
喜冬及水亦宜春 likes winter and water, spring is also beneficial

甲申水 Jia Shen water

甘泉 fresh spring (water source)
喜春及夏 likes spring and summer

乙酉水 Yi You water

阴壑水 water in deep valley (where sun does not shine)
喜东方及南 likes East and South

丙戌土 Bing Xu earth

堆阜 hill
喜春夏及水 likes spring, summer and water

丁亥土 Ding Hai earth

平原 plains
喜火及木 likes fire and wood

戊子火 Wu Zi fire
雷也 thunder
喜水及春夏、得土而神 Likes water, spring and summer, spirited with earth

己丑火 Ji Chou fire

电也 Lightning
喜水及春夏、得土而晦 likes water, spring and summer, becomes dimmed with earth

庚寅木 Geng Yin wood

松柏干节 trunks of pines and cypresses
喜秋冬 likes autumn and winter

辛卯木 Xin Mao wood

松柏之根 roots of pines and cypresses
喜水土及宜春 likes water, earth and spring is beneficial

壬辰水 Ren Chen water

龙水 dragon water (probably a name of some place?)
喜雷电及春夏 likes thunder, lightning, spring and summer

癸巳水 Gui Si water

水之息流入海 when water stops flowing it goes into the sea
喜亥子乃变化 likes Hai Zi and changes /transformations

BaZi: 60 甲子 纳音 JiaZi NaYin part 2

甲午金 Jia Wu metal
百炼精金 refined metal that is smelted a hundred times
夏水木土 Summer, water, wood and earth

乙未金 Yi Wei metal

炉炭余金 leftover metal in furnace charcoal
喜大火及土 likes great fire and earth

丙申火 Bing Shen fire

白茅野烧 wild fire of cogon grass
喜秋冬及木 likes autumn, winter and wood

丁酉火 Ding You fire

鬼神之灵乡、火之无形者 the spiritual realm of ghosts and gods, the shapelessness of fire
喜辰戌丑未 likes Chen Xu Chou Wei

戊戌木 Wu Xu wood
蒿艾之枯者 withered mugworts
喜火及春夏 likes fire, spring and summer

己亥木 Ji Hai wood

蒿艾之茅 shoots of mugworts
喜水及春夏 likes water, spring and summer

庚子土 Geng Zi earth

土之中空者屋宇 the emptiness / hollowness within earth, room in a house
喜木及金土 likes wood, metal and earth

辛丑土 Xin Chou earth

坟墓 graveyards
喜木及火与春 likes wood and fire and spring

壬寅金 Ren Yin metal

金之华饰者 accessories made of metal
喜木及微火 likes wood and light fire

癸卯金 Gui Mao metal

録钮铃铎 ornaments like buttons, bells and little things that jingle
喜盛火及秋 likes prosperous fire and autumn

甲辰火 Jia chen Fire

灯也 Lamp
喜夜及水、恶昼 likes night time and water, dreads daytime

乙巳火 Yi Si fire
灯光也 Lamp light
同上,尤喜申酉及秋 same as above, especially likes Shen, You and autumn

丙午水 Bing Wu water

月轮 full moon
喜夜及金水旺也 likes nighttime, prosperous metal and water

丁未水 Ding Wei water

月光也 moon light
同上 same as above

戊申土 Wu Shen earth

秋间田土 grain field in autumn
喜申酉及火 likes Shen, You and fire

己酉土 Ji You earth

秋间禾稼 grain in autumn
喜申酉及冬 likes Shen , You and winter

庚戌金 Geng Xu metal

刀剑之余 the excessive sharpness of knife and swords
喜微火及木 likes light fire and wood

辛亥金 Xin Hai metal

钟鼎宝物 precious things like large bell and tripod caldron
喜木及大土 likes wood and great earth

壬子木 Ren Zi wood

伤水多之木 wood that is ailing due to taking too much water
喜火土及夏 likes fire, earth and summer

癸丑木 Gui Chou wood

伤水少之木 wood that is ailing due to too little water 
喜金水及春 likes metal, water and spring.

甲寅水 Jia Yin water

雨也 Rain
喜夏及火 likes summer and fire

乙卯水 Yi Mao water

雾也 Mist
喜水及火 likes water and fire

丙辰土 Bing Chen earth

堤岸 embankments
喜金及木 likes metal and wood
丁巳土 Ding Si earth
土之沮如 ( I think 沮洳) - Lowly and moistened earth
喜火及西北 likes fire, West and North

戊午火 Wu Wu fire
日轮、夏则人畏;冬则人爱 Full sun, is feared by people in summer, is loved by people in
忌戊子、己丑、甲寅、乙卯 not favorable - Wu zi, Ji Chou, Jia Yin and Yi Mao

己未火 Ji Wei fire

月光 ?? (supposed to be 日光) moon light (supposed to be sunlight) something is wrong with
this source.
忌夜亦畏四时  does not favor night time and fears 4 seasons (of earth). 

庚申木 Geng Shen Wood

榴花 promeganate flower
喜夏不宜秋冬 likes summer but not autumn and winter

辛酉木 Xin You wood

榴子 promeganate fruit
喜秋及夏 likes autumn and summer

壬戌水 Ren Xu water

海也 Ocean
喜春夏及木 likes Spring, summer and wood

癸亥水 Gui Hai water

百川 Rivers
喜金土火 likes metal, earth and fire.
Posted by Trey at 8:14 AM 
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AnonymousSeptember 18, 2013 at 11:44 PM

The last 4th is 庚申 , not 庚辰 pls correct



Trey TanSeptember 20, 2013 at 5:38 AM

Thanks for the proofing

BaZi: 纳音 NaYin part 3

Continue from previous post

The above 60 JiaZi, those who are great or prosperous, it is unfavorable to change to be
small and weak; those who are small and weak wish to be prosperous and great. 
For example, poor and lowly at the beginning and eventually become wealthy and noble is
glory and splendor, while wealthy and noble at the beginning and eventually become poor
and lowly is inferior and disgraceful. 

Like Year belongs to wood, for example it is Geng Yin or Xin Mao, then how prosperous
wood is can largely be known, if Day, Month, Hour and Womb (Conception Pillar), other
woods are not seen, then it should be analyzed as pine and cypress, but in case of Month,
Day, Hour and Womb having poplars and willows or pomegranate wood, then it should be
regarded as 'abandoning the greater to follow the smaller', and ti should not be analyzed as
pine and cypress.

If a person is born in Ren Wu or Gui Wei (Year Pillar), then how small the wood is can be
known, if on Month, Day, Hour and Womb (pillars), other woods are not seen, then it is
analyzed as poplar and willow, in case of Month / Day/ Hour / Womb pillar seeing pines and
cypresses or great forest wood, then 'small' is abandoned and it should be analyzed as great
(wood), and should not be analyzed as poplar and willow,

As for 'Above heaven Fire', 'Sword edge Metal', 'Great Ocean Water', 'Great post Earth'
people, seeing other same element NaYin that is smaller on Month, Day, Hour or Womb,

also for 'Covered lantern Fire', 'Gold leaf Metal', 'Well and spring Water', 'Earth inside sand',
seeing other same element NaYin that is greater, at Month / Day / Hour / Womb, or 'leading
the common' and 'enter sainthood', or heavy first and light after, these should be analyzed
as changed (NaYin), must not adhere to a fixed principle.

BaZi: NaYin 大林木 Wood of Big Forest - Year Pillar Wu Chen and Ji Si
NaYin Wood
戊辰, 已巳 大林木
Wu Chen, Ji Si as Wood of big forest

Wood of big forest, their branches and stems are shaken by the wind, their trunks
supporting the moon, they have the virtue of being outstanding, the success of rising tall
to the clouds and cover the sun. (all these are just to say they are tall and huge)

This wood resides in south west, between spring and summer, after being nourished for
long, it became forest, metal borrows Gen earth as resource, Gui Chou as mountain, when
the Three Lives are without destruction, it denotes great blessing, nobility and
authority, Wu Chen is better than Ji Si. 

Seeing roadside earth is burden, Wu Chen seeing Xin Wei as precious, Ji Si seeing Geng Wu
is fortunate, denotes wealthiness; earth of wall and house, and also gets sword metal,
meaning will make wood of big forest into ridge pole (roof beam), it's the most auspicious
the structure can be, without these, the wood is only wood in the mountain within the

This wood, does not matter if it is dead or alive, desires seeing earth, like Ji person
seeing Jia, although the classics say it will transform to earth but it is not as good as
Chen Xu Chou Wei, earth frame with pure metal is a wonder.

If this wood is already dead beneath the mountain, seeing Jia Xu and Yi Hai (fire on top
of mountain) will burn it, denotes inauspicious and short lifespan; if fire of lamp (Jia
Chen / Yi Si ) replaces (the other fire) will mutually engender (wood and fire), Jia
Chen is more auspicious than Yi Si; Fire of thunder and lightning (Wu Zi / Yi Chou ), and fire
of the sun (Wu Wu, Yi wei) both could nourish (the wood) when they are seen in the luck
pillars, seeing these is also auspicious, if both fires are seen together, wood needs earth as
a base for its root to be able to maintain itself.

As for water, seeing water of heavenly river (Bing Wu / Ding Wei), Wu Chen seeing Ding
Wei is precious, even without earth and mountain, it still denotes having clothing and food,
the structure is named 'spiritual raft entering heavenly river'. Even if it is born in Autumn or
Winter with dead and extinct Qi, it is still in the structure.

Water if rivers (Jia Yin, Yi Mao) and ocean (Ren Xu, Gui Hai) if are seen repeatedly,
represent poverty or short lifespan, if there's mountain, it is a little useful.

In MiaoXuan (a book) there's a structure named 'green dragon arrives upon the sea' which
is Wu Chen seeing Gui Hai as precious, water of nourishing under, Ding Chou is most
auspicious, Bing Zi is not as auspicious.

All metals are not good to be seen, metal in the sea Yi Chou can be the mountain, metal of
sword with earth or wall or house can be used as base, other metals are useless, seeing
denotes short lifespan and lowliness.
As for Wood, Mulberry and maclura is auspicious, but Gui Chou is most wonderful; wood of
flat land must come together with earth of roadside,  this is named 'flat forest in the wild);

pines and cypress, on the eastern side where it is the land where wood is prosperous, when
the pillar has Gui Chou and pines and cypress, it denotes dense shelter (like thick canopy,
dense shelter), it is the best. 

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