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Physical Security Services 1

Today’s objectives

Introduce the components of the National Institute of Standards and

1 Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)
• Core
• Implementation Tiers
• Profile
Highlight specific categories within the core functions that may
2 include assessment activities where physical-cyber convergence

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Today’s Agenda

• Baselining terminology
• Development of NIST’s CSF
• CSF components
− Framework core
− Framework implementation tiers
− Framework profile
• How to use the repeatable assessment framework
• Questions / answers

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Baselining terminology
For today’s discussion, we will refer to the below diagram that
visualizes risk as a function of threat, vulnerability and consequence.

Likelihood Likelihood
of the Threat of the
Adversary’s Adversary’s
capability intent

Vulnerability Consequence

of impact

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Development of NIST’s CSF
The CSF development process initiated with Executive Order 13636, which was released on
February 12, 2013. The Executive Order introduced efforts on the sharing of cybersecurity
threat information, and on building a set of current and successful approaches - a framework -
for reducing risks to critical infrastructure. Executive Order 13800, released on May 11, 2017,
requires all Federal agencies to utilize the CSF to manage the agency’s cybersecurity risk.

Through this Executive Order, NIST was tasked with the development of a "Cybersecurity

National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) was selected for the task of
developing the Framework because they are a non-regulatory Federal agency that acts as
an unbiased source of scientific data and practices, including cybersecurity practices.

NIST published the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) version 1.0 on February 12, 2014 after
a year-long collaborative effort with stakeholders in the critical infrastructure1 sector. The
latest version (version 1.1) was released on April 16, 2018.

CSF leverages elements of existing well-known risk management frameworks, processes,

and guidelines (i.e., COBIT, ISA, ISO 27001 and NIST SP800/53).

1 Critical infrastructure is defined in the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 as, “Systems and assets, whether physical or virtual,
so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating
impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those
Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 5
CSF components
The CSF is a risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity risk, and is
composed of three parts as shown below. The components reinforce the
connection between business/mission drivers and cybersecurity activities.

• Cybersecurity activities and informative references,

organized around particular outcomes
Core • Enables communication of cybersecurity risks across
an organization

• Describes the degree to which an organization’s

Implementation cybersecurity risk management practices exhibit the
characteristics defined in the Framework (e.g., risk
and threat aware, repeatable, and adaptive)

• Aligns industry standards and best practices to the

Framework Core in a particular implementation
Profile scenario
• Supports prioritization and measurement while
factoring in business needs

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Framework core
The core provides a set of activities to achieve specific cybersecurity outcomes, and
references examples of guidance to achieve those outcomes. It comprises four
elements: Functions, Categories, Subcategories, and Informative References.

Aids an organization Subdivisions of a Specific sections of

Divides a category
in expressing its function into groups standards, guidelines,
into specific
management of of cybersecurity and practices
outcomes of technical
cybersecurity risk by outcomes closely tied common among
and/or management
organizing to programs and critical infrastructure
information particular activities sectors
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How would you answer each of the five questions below?

What processes and assets need protection?

What safeguards or countermeasures are

2 available?

What techniques can identify security incidents?

What activities can help contain the impacts of

4 incidents?

What activities are required to restore

5 capabilities?

Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 8
Framework core
Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an
operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.
Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls
Asset Management
Business Environment
Risk Assessment What processes and
assets need protection?
Risk Management Strategy

Supply Chain Management

Access Control
Awareness and Training
Data Security What safeguards or
Protect countermeasures are
Info Protection Process & Procedure available?
Protective Technology
Anomalies and Events What techniques can
Detect Security Continuous Monitoring identify cybersecurity
Detection Processes incidents?
Response Planning
Communications What activities can
Respond Analysis contain impacts of
Mitigation incidents?
Recovery Planning What activities are
Recover Improvements required to restore
Communications capabilities?
Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 9
Framework core (cont’d)

Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an

operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.

Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls

Asset Management

Business Environment

processes and
Risk Assessment
assets need
Risk Management Strategy

Supply Chain Management

Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 10
Framework core (cont’d)

Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an

operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.
Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls

Access Control

Awareness and Training

Data Security safeguards or
Protect counter-
Info Protection Process & Procedure measures are

Protective Technology

Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 11
Framework core (cont’d)

Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an

operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.

Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls

Anomalies and Events

techniques can
Detect Security Continuous Monitoring identify
Detection Processes

Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 12
Framework core (cont’d)

Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an

operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.

Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls

Response Planning

What activities
Respond Analysis
can contain
impacts of


Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 13
Framework core (cont’d)

Functions are to be performed concurrently and continuously to form an

operational culture that addresses the dynamic cybersecurity risk.

Physical Cyber
Function Category The Challenge
Controls Controls

Recovery Planning

What activities
Recover Improvements
are required to


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Framework implementation tiers
Implementation Tiers provide context on how an organization views cybersecurity risk and
the processes in place to manage that risk. An organization’s current risk management
practices, threat environment, legal and regulatory requirements, information sharing
practices, business/mission objectives, and supply chain cybersecurity requirements are
considered while determining the tiers.
Tier 1: Tier 2: Tier 3: Tier 4:
Partial Risk Informed Repeatable Adaptable

Risk Management Process • Not formalized • Formalized, but • Formal • Incorporates:

The degree to which risk • Ad hoc no • Regularly o Predictive
management processes are applied • Prioritization is organizational- updated indicators
in alignment with organizational risk not informed wide policy o Lessons
objectives, changes in • Directly Learned
business/mission requirements and informed
a changing threat and technology
Integrated Risk Management • Irregular, case- • Regular, but no • Consistent, • Cybersecurity
Program by-case basis organizational- organization risk
Definition and implementation of wide approach -wide management is
risk-informed policies, processes, approach part of the
and procedures to enable personnel organization’s
to possess the knowledge and skill culture
to perform their appointed
cybersecurity roles and
External Participation • Lack of: • Dependencies or • Both • Generates
Understanding of an organization’s o Ecosystem dependents dependencie prioritized
role, dependencies, and dependents understanding known, but not s and information
in the larger ecosystem by o Collaboration both dependents • Communicates
collaborating with and receiving • Internal informal are known proactively
information from other entities sharing • Internal and
regularly that complements external
internally generated information, information
and sharing
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Framework profile
The Framework Profile is the alignment of the functions, categories, and subcategories with
the business requirements, risk tolerance, and resources of the organization. They can be
used to describe the current state or the desired target state of specific cybersecurity

Current Profile
indicates the

outcomes from the Gaps are

framework categories identified by
and sub-categories comparing
that are currently Profiles (e.g.,
being achieved. the Current
Target Profile A roadmap is
indicates the Profile and
established for

outcomes Target Profile)
reducing cybersecurity
needed to

risk aligned with
achieve the organizational and
desired sector goals,
cybersecurity risk legal/regulatory
management requirements and
goals. industry best practices,
and reflects risk

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David Feeney Andrea LeStarge
Manager Senior Manager
Risk & Financial Advisory Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte Deloitte
484.535.2543 414.530-1834

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ISO 31000
Training Courses

ISO 31000 Introduction

1 Day Course

ISO 31000 Foundation

2 Days Course

ISO 31000 Risk Manager

3 Days Course

ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager

5 Days Course

Exam and certification fees are included in the training price.
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Copyright © 2018 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Physical Security Services 20

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