Trivial Pursuit - Questions

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The scientific term for "baby teeth"

Deciduous dentition
He rediscovered Hutton's work and the idea of
uniformitarianism Charles Lyell

Exchange of genes between populations. Heterozygous

bbbb Actions that benefit another individual but at some
potential risk or cost to oneself.

Study of the sequential layering of geological deposits Stratigraphy

The position of the body in a bent orientation, with arms Flexed

and legs drawn up to the chest.

Latin for "on site" or "in place". In-situ

A group of related species
Having different alleles at the same locus on members
of a pair of chromosomes Gene Flow
bbbb bbbb
Within the group, rather than between groups.
Walking on two feet. Walking on two legs is the single
most distinctive feature of the hominins. Bipedal locomotion

The portion of the Pleistocene epoch beginning Middle Pleistocine

780,000 ya and ending 125,000 ya.

The position with the body erect with the arms at the Anatomical position
sides and the palms forward.
Fixity of Species
The notion that species, once created, can never

bbbb Small changes occurring within species, such as bbbb

changes in allele frequencies. Life history traits

Characteristics and developmental stages that influence Stratum

reproductive rates.
Nasal Aperture
Geological layer

The opening in the skull for the nose.

Refers to the cranium or skull Cranial Anatomy

The most recent ancestral form or species from which Common ancestor
two different species evolved
Law of segregation
Genes (alleles) occur in pairs because chromosomes
bbbb occur in pairs. bbbb Anthropocentric
Viewing nonhuman organisms in terms of human
experience and capabilities. Chronometric

Referring to a dating technique that gives an estimate Burins

in actual numbers of years.

Small chisel like tools with a pointed end.

Refers to everything but the cranium in the skeleton. Post-skeletal anatomy

Forces in the environment that influence reproductive

Selective Pressures
success in indviduals.

The position on a chromosome where a given gene Locus

bbbb bbbb Matrilines
Groups that consist of a female, her daughters, and
their offspring. Habitual bipedalism

Bipedal locomotion as the form of locomotion shown by Occipital bun

hominins most of the time.

A prominent bulge or projection of the occipital bone at

the back of the skull.

Minimum number of individuals. MNI

The ability to conceive and produce healthy offspring.


The observable or detectable physical characteristics of

an organism Phenotype

bbbb bbbb
The study of the evolution of behavior, emphasizing the Behavioral ecology
role of ecological factors as agents of natural selection.
Mosaic evolution
A pattern of evolution in which the rate of evolution in
one functional system varies from that in other Hyoid

A U shaped bone in the neck that supports the tongue

The anatomical term for the bones of the pelvis Os coxae

The view that the earth's geological landscape is the

result of violent cataclysmic events

The chance distribution of chromosomes to daughter Random Assortment

bbbb cells during meiosis. bbbb
The chemical processes within cells that break down
nutrients and release energy for the body to use.
Obligate bipedalism
Bipedalism as the only form of hominin terrestrial
locomotion. Atlatl

A spear thrower

A skeletal marker that osteologists examine to estimate Subpubic angle

biological sex.

The study of extinct life-forms through the analysis of

Mendelian traits
bbbb Characteristics that are influenced by alleles at only one bbbb
genetic locus. Ecological
Pertaining to the relationships between organisms and
all aspects of their environment. Euprimates

The first true primates from the Eocene Knapping

The chipping or shaping of stone with sharp precise

bowls into tools.
A skeletal marker that osteologists examine to estimate Cribra Orbitalia

The study of Earth's physical history. Geology

The expression of two alleles in heterozygotes. Codominance

bbbb Sequences of repetitious behaviors that serve to
communicate emotional states.

A South American genus from the Oligocene, Branisella

ancestral to platyrrhines.
Pertaining to the final phase of the upper paleolithic
stone tool industry of Europe

A skeletal marker that osteologists examine to estimate Tibial periostitis


He founded modern geology with his theory of the James Hutton

earth's formation.
bbbb Referring to traits that are influenced by genes at two or bbbb
more loci.
Pertaining to physiological responses not under
voluntary control. Propliopithecid

Anthropoid ancestors from the Oligocene, found in Venus


An Upper Paleolithic statuette portraying a woman

Long-term infection by the bacterium mycobacterium Leprosy


identified natural selection as the key to the

Alfred Russell Wallace
evolutionary process.
bbbb Mutation, natural selection, gene flow, genetic drift bbbb
Sexual selection
A type of natural selection that operates on only one
sex within a species.
A genus of early Miocene proconsulids from Africa,
ancestral to catarrhines. FOXP2

A gene that in humans is required for the development

of speech and language

Before death. Antemortum

The father of modern evolutionary theory.

Charles Darwin
Refers to one gene that affects more than one
phenotypic trait. Forces of evolution
bbbb bbbb
The composition, size, and sex ratio of a group of Social structure or residence pattern

A genus of dryopithecid apes found in southern France. Dryopithecus

An opening in the maxillary bone located beneath the Infraorbital foramen

At or around the time of death.
In mammals, the X & Y chromosomes.
Sex chromosomes
Narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow to the
skin Vasoconstriction
bbbb Differences in size and shape between the sexes in
Sexual dimorphism
addition to the sexual organs

A ridge of bone that runs down the middle of the Sagittal crest
cranium like a short Mohawk
The regional continuity model
A hypothesis that asserts that modern homo sapiens
developed from regional populations of pre modern
homo sppeins

After death but before burial. Postmortem

The entire genetic makeup of an individual or species.
Insufficient levels of oxygen in body tissues.
bbbb The (residence) group to which one belongs upon
Natal group
The earliest recognized stone tool culture, including
very simple tools, mostly small flakes. Oldowan complex

The study of mechanical laws relating to the movement Biomechanics

or structure of living organisms

Injury caused by a blunt object or surface. Blunt force trauma

all the cells in the body except those involved with

Somatic Cells

The principle that an animal's size is heat-related Bergmann’s rule

bbbb bbbb
An aggressive gesture used by primates. Eye lid flash
Colloquial term for members of the evolutionary group
that includes modern humans and all extinct bipedal Hominins
Evolutionary mismatch
Having a body designed to crave high calorie foods in
an environment with abundant resources

Fracture occurs when bone tissue is physically stressed Fractures

beyond its breaking point.

Small molecules that are the components of proteins

Amino Acids

The principle that an animal's limb lengths are heat- Allen’s rule
bbbb related. bbbb
A recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in
many female mammals.
Australopiths or australopithicenes
A colloquial name referring to a diverse group of Plio-
Pleistocene African hominins. Upper Paleolithic

The last subdivision of the Old Stone Age

Injury caused by an object piercing the skin and
Ballistic/Penetrative trauma
entering the tissue of the body.

DNA found in the mitochondria. mtDNA

Cells responsible for bone formation. Osteoblast

bbbb Displays are typically associated with this.
Reproductive behaviors
A projection of bone in the back of the cranium where
neck muscles attach. These muscles hold up the head. Nuchal torus

Pertaining to the final phase of the Upper Paleolithic Magdalenian

stone tool industry in Europe.

An injury in which the broken bone pierces through the Compound fracture

To duplicate Replication

Cells responsible for bone resorption Osteoclast

bbbb bbbb
How do primates express reassurance.
Pertaining to a stone tool industry from the Early and
Middle Pleistocene; characterized by a large proportion Acheulian complex
of bifacial tools
Body fat
What unique adaptation has allowed us to develop such
large brains

Defensive wounds, caused by an individual using their Perry fractures

arm to shield a blow to the head.

All chromosomes except the sex chromosomes.


The total complement of genes shared by the Gene pool

bbbb reproductive members of a population. bbbb
Good genes, dominance
Female primates choose a mate based upon.

A genus of extinct hominins. Also known as the robust Paranthropus

australopithecines, they were bipedal hominins.
Pertaining to an Upper Paleolithic stone tool industry in
Europe beginning at about 40,000 ya.

The study of form or shape, used when examining Morphology


Reproductive cells developed from precursor cells in

ovaries and testes
Lactase persistance
bbbb In adults, the continued production of lactase, the bbbb
enzyme that breaks down lactose Macroevolution
Major evolutionary change
Cranial capacity
The cubic capacity of the braincase used to estimate
brain size in extinct hominins. Chin, vertical forehead

Derived characteristics of modern humans

A biological term focusing on the genetic background of

A cell formed by the union of an egg cell and a sperm Zygote

Continuously present in a population.
bbbb bbbb
Influenced by environmental factors
Primate behavior is best viewed as.

A primitive form of honing, intermediate between apes Peri honing

and later hominins.
Artificial selection
The process of modifying the form or function of an
organism by selective breeding is an example of

Small bones that lie between cranial sutures that can be Wormian bones
used to trace relatedness and ancestry.

Segments of genes that are transcribed and are Exons

involved in protein synthesis.
Evaporative cooling
bbbb A physiological mechanism that helps prevent the body bbbb
from overheating.
Sexual selection primarily affects
Sagittal keel
A thickening of bone along the midline or sagittal suture
of the skull. Found in Homo erectus. The sequencing of the neandertal
Partial replacement model has been bolstered by

Physical and biological changes that have occurred in Taphonomy

the bone from the time of death onwards.

Segments of genes that are initially transcribed and

then deleted.
bbbb Agents that transmit disease from one carrier to bbbb
another. Have evolved through natural selection
The cornerstone of behavioral ecology is the
perspective that behaviors Facial prognathism

Projection of the lower facial skeleton Barrel chest, stocky build, short
What are adaptations to cold weather in neandertals

Exhumation and reburial of human remains, in contrast Secondary burial

with the primary burial.

Cell division in specialized cells in ovaries and testes.


A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can Pathogen

bbbb cause disease. bbbb
Cultural behaviors observed in chimpanzees include
twigs used as
Dental arcade
The shape made by the rows of teeth in the upper jaw.
Homo heidelbergensis
Most paleoanthropologists call the Middle Pleistocene

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