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From: Ulyana (Skvarkou@mail.


To: Tatyana

Subject: Hi from Moscow

Hi Tatyana,

My first name is Ulyana. It is russian name. In childhood I didn’t like my name. I thought it was strange
name. I didn’t know anybody with same name. Initially parents named me differently. I was Alexandra.
Bat my father is Alexander and my cousin is Alexander too. In those times at the time my family were
friends with neighbors. They came to us and said: “You have many of the same names. Do you have a
fantasy?” Then Tatyana (grandmother’s friend) gave us a dictionary of church names and parents named
me Ulyana.

I come from Moscow. It is A megalopolis in the center of country and capital of Russia. Moscow has a lot
of sights.sightseengs I live with my boyfriend. His name is Ivan and he is 23 years old. By the way , we
are peers. He is industrious, funny and tidy. He works a lot hard , but we aren’t rich because I am
unemployed. We have a dog. Her breed is yorkshire terrier. Dog’s name is Sima and she is 3 years old.
Sima is funny dog and she has a friend. Her friend is my mam’s dog Fani.

I am a lawyer and a student at the same time. I am getting a master’s degree now. I am going to be a
barrister. I am writing a dissertation thesis. This summer I am going to finish graduate the university.

I think that my appearance is pretty.//  attractive/handsome/pleasing etc appearance I

have long brown hair and gray-blue eyes. I am not fat, but I want to lose weight. My love to eating and
cooking interferes this goal. Dad cooks in my family. He does it excellent! Everyone who ate his food
was delighted. I am still studying how to cook from him.

I think I am quiet person. I am neither hostile nor shy. However, I am silent with strangers. Sometimes I
am lazy but try to do all things on time.

I have university classes every day and English classes twice a week in the Internet. At weekends I and
my boyfriend go to mall, gym. Also we come to our parent and walk to various parks.

Best wishes


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