PTC A, B1.1 & B2 Basic Notes - Sub Module 8.4 (Flight Stabil

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS

Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Sub Module 8.4


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PTC/CM/B Basic/M 08/01 Rev. 00
8.4 Mar, 2014
PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics
DIRECTIONAL STABILITY ------------------------------------------------------- 15
Contents DESIGN OF THE FIN AND RUDDER ------------------------------------------- 16
MOMENT ARM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
INTRODUCTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------1 SWEEPBACK AND DIRECTIONAL STABILITY ---------------------------- 16
AIRPLANE REFERENCE AXES ----------------------------------------------------1 DORSALS AND VENTRAL FINS ------------------------------------------------ 16
Lateral Axis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LATERAL AND DIRECTIONAL STABILITY --------------------------------- 17
Longitudinal Axis ------------------------------------------------------------------------1 LATERAL DYNAMIC EFFECTS ------------------------------------------------- 17
Normal Axis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 YAW FOLLOWED BY ROLL------------------------------------------------------ 17
STATIC STABILITY -------------------------------------------------------------------2 DIRECTIONAL DIVERGENCE --------------------------------------------------- 18
DYNAMIC STABILITY ---------------------------------------------------------------1 ROLL FOLLOWED BY YAW ----------------------------------------------------- 18
TRIM AND CONTROLLABILITY--------------------------------------------------2 SPIRAL DIVERGENCE ------------------------------------------------------------- 18
AIRPLANE STABILITY AND CONTROL ---------------------------------------4 DUTCH ROLL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
LONGITUDINAL STABILITY ------------------------------------------------------6 ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL ------------------------------------------------- 19
EFFECT OF HORIZONTAL TAILPLANE ----------------------------------------6
STABILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
LONGITUDINALDIHEDRAL -------------------------------------------------------9
LATERAL STABILITY-------------------------------------------------------------- 10
DIHEDRALANGLE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
DIHEDRAL EFFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------- 12
STARBOARD WING --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
PORT WING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
SWEEPBACK EFFECT -------------------------------------------------------------- 14
ASPECT RATIO----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
TAPER RATIO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
FIN AREA AND LATERAL STABILITY --------------------------------------- 15
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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics


The aircraft must have adequate stability to maintain a uniform The normal axis is a straight line through the CG at right angles
flight condition and recover from the various disturbing to the longitudinal and lateral axis, movement about which is
influences. It is also necessary to provide sufficient stability to called yawing. This axis can be referred to as the yawing axis.
minimize the workload of the pilot. In addition, the aircraft must
have proper response to the controls so that it may achieve the
inherent performance. There are certain conditions of flight
which provide the most critical requirements of stability and
control and these conditions must be understood and respected
to accomplish safe and efficient operation of the aircraft.


In order to understand the forces and moments on the aircraft, it

is necessary to establish a datum. In aircraft a set of mutually
perpendicular reference axes originating at the center of gravity
is taken as the datum.

Lateral Axis

The lateral axis is a straight line through the CG parallel to a line

joining the wingtips. The rotation about this axis is termed
pitching. This axis may also be known as the pitching or looping
axis. If any component of the forward flight velocity acts parallel
to this axis the subsequent motion is called sideslip or skid.
Figure 1: Airplane reference Axes
Longitudinal Axis

The longitudinal axis is a straight line through the CG from nose

to tail, movement about which is known as rolling. This axis is
sometimes called the roll axis.

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

STATIC STABILITY Similarly, a ball on a hill illustrates the condition of static

instability or negative static stability. Displacement from
An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when the sum of all forces equilibrium at the hilltop brings about the tendency for greater
and all moments is equal to zero. When an aircraft is in displacement.
equilibrium, there are no accelerations and the aircraft
continues in a steady condition of flight. If the equilibrium is The ball on a flat, level surface illustrates the condition of
disturbed by a wind gust or deflection of the controls, the aircraft neutral static stability. The ball encounters a new equilibrium, at
will experience acceleration due to imbalance of moments or any point of displacement and has neither stable nor unstable
forces. tendencies.

The static stability of a system is defined as the initial tendency

of an aircraft to return to equilibrium conditions after being
disturbed from equilibrium. Thus, an aircraft is said to have a
Positive Static Stability.

If the object has a tendency to continue in the direction of

disturbance, negative static stability or static instability exists.

An intermediate condition could occur where an object

displaced from equilibrium remains in equilibrium in the
displaced position.
Figure 2: Stability of a ball in various conditions
If the object subject to a disturbance has neither the tendency to
return nor the tendency to continue in the displacement
direction, neutral static stability exists.

Consider a ball in a trough to understand the condition of

positive static stability. If the ball is displaced from equilibrium at
the bottom of the trough, the initial tendency of the ball is to
return to the equilibrium condition. The ball may roll back and
forth through the point of equilibrium but displacement to either
side creates the initial tendency to return.

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

DYNAMIC STABILITY Oscillation continues with no reduction of amplitude with time.

While such an oscillation indicates positive static stability, neutral
While static stability is concerned with the tendency of a dynamic stability exists. Positive damping is necessary to
displaced body to return to equilibrium, dynamic stability is eliminate the continued oscillation.
defined by the resulting motion with time. If an object is
disturbed from equilibrium, the time history of the resulting The aircraft must have sufficient damping to rapidly dissipate
motion indicates the dynamic stability of the system. In general, any oscillatory motion, which would affect the operation of the
the system will demonstrate positive dynamic stability if the aircraft. If natural aerodynamic damping is insufficient, a
amplitude of motion decreases with time. synthetic damping must be incorporated to provide the
necessary positive dynamic stability.
If an aircraft encounters an initial disturbance and the motion
simply subsides without oscillation, indicates positive static

In case the amplitude increases with time and the aircraft has
tendency to continue in the direction of displacement is
evidence of static instability and the increasing amplitude is
proof of dynamic instability.

If the original disturbance creates a displacement, which

remains constant thereafter, the lack of tendency for motion and
the constant amplitude indicate neutral static and neutral

There is condition in which there is mode of a damped oscillation

where the amplitude decreases with time. The reduction of
amplitude with time indicates there is resistance to motion and
the system dissipates energy. The dissipation of energy and
resistance to motion is known as the positive dynamic stability.

If there is no damping in the system and a disturbance results in

a condition of undamped oscillations. Without damping, the

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics


. An aircraft is said to be trimmed if all moments in pitch, roll, and

yaw are equal to zero. The establishment of equilibrium at
various conditions of flight is the function of the controls and may
be accomplished by pilot effort, trim tabs, or bias of a surface

In everyday life positive static stability is displayed by a ball in a

trough; if the ball is displaced from equilibrium at the bottom of
the trough, there is an initial tendency to return to equilibrium. In
order to keep the ball in the new position or to ‘control’ the ball, a
force must be applied in the direction of displacement to
counteract the inherent tendency to return to equilibrium. This
same stable tendency in an aircraft resists displacement from
trim by pilot effort on the controls or atmospheric disturbances.

The term' ‘controllability’ refers to the ability of the aircraft to

respond to control surface displacement and achieve the desired
condition of flight. Adequate controllability must be available to
perform takeoff and landing and accomplish the various
maneuvers in flight.

It may be noted that an important relationship exists between

stability and controllability. The adequate controllability does not
necessarily exist with adequate stability. In fact, a high degree of
stability tends to reduce the controllability of the aircraft.

Figure 3: Dynamic Stabilities w.r.t Time

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

The effect of increased stability on controllability is illustrated by The effect of reduced stability on controllability is illustrated by
the ball in a steeper trough. The ball will display an increased the ball on a flat surface. When neutral static stability exists, the
tendency to return to its original position. Hence a greater force ball may be displaced from equilibrium and there is no stable
is required to "control" the ball to the same lateral displacement tendency to return. A new point of equilibrium is obtained and
when the stability is increased. In this manner, a large degree of no force is required to maintain the displacement. As the static
stability approaches zero, controllability increases to infinity and
the only resistance to displacement is a resistance to the
stability tends to make the aircraft less controllable. It is motion of displacement damping. For this reason, the lower
necessary to achieve the proper balance between stability and limits of stability may be set by the upper limits of controllability.
controllability during the design of an aircraft because the upper If the stability of the aircraft is too low, control deflections may
limits of stability are set by the lower limits of controllability. create exaggerated displacements of the aircraft.

The effect of static instability on controllability is illustrated by the

ball on a hill. If the ball is displaced from equilibrium at the top of
the hill, the initial tendency is for the ball to continue in the
displaced direction.

In order to' ‘control’, the ball to some lateral displacement, a

force must be applied opposite to the direction of displacement.
This effect would be appreciated during flight of an unstable
aircraft by an unstable "feel" of the aircraft. If the controls were
deflected to increase the angle of attack, the aircraft would be
trimmed at the higher angle of attack by a push force to keep the
aircraft from continuing in the displacement direction. Such
control force reversal would evidence the airplane instability; the
pilot would be supplying the stability by his attempt to maintain
the equilibrium.

An unstable aircraft can be flown if the instability is slight with a

Figure 4: Relationship between Stability and Control low rate of divergence. Quick reactions coupled with effective
controls can allow the pilot to cope with some degree of static

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

instability. Since such flight would require constant attention by bring it out from the dive.

the pilot, slight instability can be tolerated only in airships,

helicopters, and certain minor motions of the airplane. However, There is a half-way condition between stability and instability,
the airplane in high-speed flight will react rapidly to any for, as already stated, an airplane which, when disturbed, tends
disturbances and any instability would create unsafe conditions. to return to its original position is said to be stable; if, on the
Thus, it is necessary to provide some positive static stability to other hand, it tends to move farther away from the original
the major aircraft degree of freedom. position, it is unstable. But it may tend to do neither of these and
prefer to remain in its new position. This is called neutral
stability, and is sometimes a very desirable feature.
The external force most commonly displacing an aircraft in flight
is a gust of wind. A stable airplane will return to its original Figure 05 illustrates some of the ways in which an airplane may
condition naturally an unstable one will not unless the pilot takes behave when it is left to itself. Only a pitching motion is shown;
action. exactly the same considerations apply to roll and yaw, although
a particular airplane may have quite different stability
An unstable aircraft is difficult for a Pilot to fly because he must characteristics about its three axes.
continually interfere by applying control forces. A stable aircraft
can almost fly 'hands-off’ and requires only guidance rather than The top diagram shows complete dead-beat stability, which is
second-to-second control inputs by the pilot. very rarely achieved in practice. The second is the usual type of
stability, that is to say an oscillation that is gradually damped

The stability of an airplane means its ability to return to initial The steady oscillation shown next is really a form of neutral
condition of flight after having been disturbed any efforts on the stability, while the bottom diagram shows the kind of thing,
part of the pilot. which may easily occur in certain types of aircraft, an oscillation
that steadily, grows worse. Even this is not as bad as the case
An airplane may be stable under some conditions of flight and when an airplane that makes no attempt to return but simply
unstable under other conditions. For instance, an airplane, which departs farther and farther away from its original path. That is
is stable during straight and level flight, may be unstable when complete instability.
inverted, and vice versa. For example If an airplane were stable
during a dive, it would mean that it would resist to come out from The degree of stability may differ according to what are called
dive and more control force would be required by the pilot to the stick-fixed and stick-free conditions; in pitching, for instance

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

stick-fixed means that the elevators are held in their neutral its original condition without any action being taken by the pilot.
position relative to the tail plane, whereas stick-free means that
the pilot releases the control column and allows the elevators to Stability is concerned with the motion of the body after the
take up their own positions. disturbing force has been removed. Positive stability indicates a
tendency to return to the original equilibrium position or state
prior to the disturbance.

Controllability, on the other hand, means the ability of an aircraft

to respond the pilot inputs and maneuver into any desired
position. There is a significant relationship between Stability and
Controllability of an aircraft as mentioned earlier. A high degree
of stability makes the aircraft resistant to change and thereby
tends to reduce the controllability, i.e. good stability makes it
harder for the pilot to control and maneuver the airplane. An
airplane with some positive stability is a lot easier to fly for a pilot
than an unstable airplane that shows a natural tendency to
diverge from the trimmed flight attitude. The stability must not be
so great, however, as to require high control forces for

- The stability or control of an airplane in so far as it concerns

pitching about the lateral axis is called longitudinal stability
or control respectively.

- Stability or control, which concerns rolling about

the longitudinal axis, is called lateral stability or control.
Figure 5: Dynamic Stabilities in aircraft
- Stability or control, which concerns yawing about the normal
axis, is called directional stability or control.
An airplane in flight is continually being disturbed from steady
state by external forces from small (and large) gusts of wind.
- Lateral and directional stability are so closely
The stability of airplane is its natural or inbuilt ability to return to
interconnected that it is impossible to consider one without

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

the other, and they are therefore often grouped together Effect Of Horizontal Tailplane
under the single term of lateral stability.
If a disturbance, such as a gust, changes the attitude of the
aircraft by pitching it nose-up, the aircraft, due to its inertia, will
Longitudinal Stability continue initially on its original fight path and therefore present
itself to the relative airflow at an increased angle of attack.
Stability in pitching is achieved if the angle of attack is
temporarily increased, forces will act in such a way as to The pitch up caused by the disturbance results the tailplane
depress the nose and thus decrease the angle of attack once increases angle of attack of horizontal tail. This will cause the
again. An aircraft with longitudinal stability have an inbuilt tailplane to produce an upwards or decreased downwards
tendency to return to the same attitude in pitch after any aerodynamic force. The altered aerodynamic force of course
disturbance. The longitudinally stable airplane tends to maintain gives a nose-down pitching moment, tending to return the
the trimmed condition of flight and is therefore easy for a pilot to airplane to its original trimmed condition.
maintain its pitch attitude.
Because of the length of the moment arm between the centre of
On an ordinary rectangular wing alone, the pitching moment gravity and the tailplane the aerodynamic force produced by the
about the center of gravity is slightly nose-down at the angle of tailplane need not be large for a larger turning effect. As the tail
zero lift. As the angle of attack is increased, the pitch down is raised and the nose pitches back down, the original angle of
moment is reduced and eventually becomes a nose-up (pitch attack is restored. Thus the extra upward or decreased
up). This is exactly opposite to the requirement for longitudinal downward aerodynamic force from the tailplane disappears and
stability. At zero lift angle the pitching moment should be slightly aircraft returns to where its original position prior to the
nose-up and should become less so and eventually nose-down disturbance.
as the angle is increased. In other words pitching moment
should oppose the increase of angle of attack.

The position as regards the wing itself can be improved to some

extent by sweepback, by washout towards the wing tips, by a
change in wing section towards the tips, and by a reflex
curvature towards the trailing edge of the wing section.

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Position Of Center Of Gravity And Longtiudnal Stability

The forward position the CG of the aircraft results in a larger

moment arm for the tailplane which produces a larger turning
effect of the tailplane lift force; these results in an increases
stabilizing effect along longitudinal axis.

Limits are laid down for the range within which the CG must lie

for safe flight. An aircraft is always loaded in a way to ensure

that the CG is within the allowable limits. If the CG is aft of the Figure 6: Position of CG and Longitudinal Stability
allowable aft limit, the restoring moment of the tailplane in pitch
maybe insufficient for longitudinal stability. Also, if the CG is too
far forward the elevator may not produce sufficient force at low
speeds to flare the nose-heavy airplane for landing.

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Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Figure 7: Effects of CG Location and Longitudinal Stability

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Design Features To Aid Longitudinal Stability It is an actual angle, at which the tailplane strikes the airflow.
Consider an airplane to be flying so that the angle of attack of
Design features also play a very large part in longitudinal the main planes is 4° and the angle of attack of the tail plane is
stability. Tailplane area, distance from the center of gravity, 2° sudden gust causes the nose to rise, inclining the
aspect ratio, angle of incidence and longitudinal dihedral are Longitudinal axis of the airplane by 1°.As a result of inertia the
considered by the designer. The aim is to generate a restoring airplane will momentarily continue to maintain its flight path
force that is effective because of a long moment arm leading to albeit with a higher nose up attitude. The result is that the angle
an airplane that is longitudinally stable. of attack of the mainplanes is changed to 5° and that of the tail
plane to nearly 3°. The more lift due to increased angle of attack
Longitudinal Dihedral with induce a pitching moment in the main planes .However at
the same time a similar lifting force is also imparted in the
The tail plane is usually set at an angle less than that of the main horizontal tailplane which pulls the tail up and pushes the nose
planes, the angle between the chord of the tail plane and the down. With its long leverage about the centre of gravity, it will
chord of the main wings is known as the longitudinal dihedral create a nose down tendency. If the restoring moment caused
This longitudinal dihedral is a practical characteristic of most by the tailplane is greater than the upsetting moment caused by
types of airplane. the main planes, and possibly the fuselage, then the aircraft will
be stable.

It is interesting to note that a tail plane plays much the same

part, though more effectively, in providing longitudinal stability,
as does reflex curvature on a wing, or sweepback with washout
of incidence towards the tips.

In a Canard Configuration where the tail plane is in front of the

main planes there will probably still be a longitudinal dihedral.
In this case the canards have a greater angle than the main
planes. While the latter is naturally set at an efficient angle,
such as 4°, the front surface may be at a higher , say, 6◦or 8°.
Thus it is working at a very inefficient angle and will stall some
few degrees earlier than the main planes. This fact is
Figure 8: Longitudinal Dihedral Angle considered by some designers as its main advantage, since the
stalling of the front surface will prevent the nose being raised

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

any farther, and therefore the main planes will never reach the the lateral static stability of an aircraft reacts to the sideslip
stalling angle. velocity (v) or a displacement in yaw. This effect has a
considerable influence on the long-term response (lateral
In the tail-less type in which there is no surface either in front or dynamic stability) of the aircraft.
behind the wings must be heavily swept back, and there is a
“wash-out" so that these wingtips do act in the same way as the All aircraft resist rolling, when flying at a small angle of attack. As
ordinary tail plane. the aircraft banks, the angle of attack will increase on the down
going wing, and decrease on the up-going wing. The effect is
Lateral Stability more lift in the down going wing .As a result the down going wing
comes up and rights itself up. It must also be emphasized that
When an aircraft is disturbed in roll about its longitudinal axis this only happens while the angle of attack is small; if the angle
the angle of attack of the down-going wing is increased and that of attack is near the stalling angle, then the increased angle on
on the up-going wing is decreased. As long as the aircraft is the falling wing only cause a decrease in lift, and the decreased
not near the stall the difference in incidence produces an angle on the other side an increase; thus the new forces will
increase of lift on the down-going wing and a decrease on the tend to roll the airplane still further. However the real test of
up-going wing. The rolling moment produced opposes the initial stability is what happens after the roll has taken place.
disturbance and results in a ‘damping in roll’ effect.
Each different part of the aircraft will contribute towards the
Since the damping in roll effect is proportional to the rate of roll overall value of the lateral static stability and these contributions
of the aircraft, it cannot bring the aircraft back to the wings-level will be of different magnitude depending on the condition of flight
position; thus in the absence of any other leveling force, an and the particular configuration of the aircraft. The most
aircraft disturbed in roll would remain with the wings banked. important of these contributions are:
Therefore, by virtue of the damping in roll effect, an aircraft
possesses neutral static stability with respect to an angle of  WING CONTRIBUTION DUE TO:
bank disturbance. However, when an aircraft is disturbed
laterally it experiences not only a rolling motion but also a side  DIHEDRAL,
slipping motion caused by the inclination of the lift vector.
The forces arising on the different parts of the aircraft as a result
of the sideslip produce a rolling moment tending to restore the  WING/FUSELAGE INTERFERENCE.
aircraft to its initial wings-level position. It is seen therefore that

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Dihedral Angle resultant lift on the wings will be slightly inclined in the direction
of the lower Wing, while the weight will remain vertical.
The most common method of obtaining lateral stability is by the
use of a dihedral angle on the main planes. Dihedral angle is Therefore the two forces will not balance each other and there
taken as being the angle between each plane and the will be small resultant force acting in a sideways and downward
horizontal, not the total angle between the two planes, which is direction. This force is temporarily unbalanced and therefore the
really the geometrical meaning of dihedral angle. If the planes airplane will move in the direction of this force. It will sideslip and
are inclined upwards towards the wing tips, the dihedral is this will cause a flow of air in the Opposite direction to the slip.
positive; if downwards, it is negative and called anhedral; but This wind will strike the lower plane at a greater angle than the
the latter arrangement is only used in practice for reasons other upper plane; also the wingtip of the lower plane will become as it
than stability, even to reduce the amount of lateral stability. were the leading edge so far as the sideslip is considered. And
just as the C.P. across the chord is nearer the leading edge, so
The effect of the dihedral angle in securing lateral stability is the centre of the pressure distribution along the span will now be
sometimes dismissed by saying that if one wing drops the on the lower plane.
horizontal equivalent on that wing is increased and therefore lift
is increased, whereas the horizontal equivalent and the lift of For both these reasons the lower plane will have more lift and
the wing which rises is decreased, therefore obviously the after a slight slip sideways the airplane will roll back to its proper
forces will tend to right the airplane. position as a matter of fact, owing to the protection of the
fuselage, it is probable that the flow of air by the sideslip will not
Unfortunately, it is not all quite as obvious as that. It is true that reach a large portion of the raised wing. This depends very
the vertical force on the lower wing will be greater than the much on the position of the wing relative to the fuselage.
vertical force on the raised wing, owing to the change in
horizontal equivalents; but, once the rolling has ceased, the
total force on each wing will be the same, and will be at right
angles to each plane, and will act at the same distance from the
centre of gravity. Each force will therefore have the same
moment, and therefore the forces will not tend to return the
airplane to its normal position.

When the wings are both equally inclined the resultant lift on the
wings is vertically upwards and will exactly balance the weight.
If, however, one wing becomes lower than the other then the

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Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Figure 9: Dihedral Angle

Dihedral Effect

Dihedral effect can be explained in a number of ways but the

explanation illustrated has the advantage of relating dihedral
effect to sideslip angle.
Figure10: Dihedral Effect

In the diagram it will be seen that due to the geometric dihedral,

a point nearer the wing tip (A or D) is higher than a point
inboard (B or C). Therefore a sideslip to starboard will produce
the following effects:

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics






A stable rolling moment is thus produced whenever sideslip is

present (i.e. following a disturbance in yaw). This contribution Figure 11: Sideslip effect
depends on the dihedral angle and slope of the lift curve. It will
therefore also depend on aspect ratio being increased with an
increase in effective chord length. It is also affected by wing
taper. This is one of the most important contributions to the
overall stability and, for this reason; the lateral static stability is
often referred to as the ‘dihedral effect’ although there are a
number of other important contributions.

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Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Sweepback Effect types of aircraft, and may well mean that an airplane has a

WING SWEEPBACK HAS THE EFFECT OF PRODUCING AN ADDITIONAL sufficient degree of lateral stability without any dihedral angle,
STABILIZING CONTRIBUTION THUS INCREASING THE ‘EFFECTIVE’ or too much if some of the following effects also apply.
EFFECT AS 1 OF DIHEDRAL). THE DIAGRAM SHOWS THE PRINCIPAL Even if there is no actual dihedral angle on the wings, these
EFFECTS ON THE WING GEOMETRY OF SIDESLIP. THE COMPONENT other methods of achieving lateral stability may be described as

Aspect Ratio

On the leading (low) wing the span is increased and the chord
decreased which is an effective increase in aspect ratio. On the
trailing (high) wing, the span is decreased and the chord is
increased resulting in a reduction in aspect ratio. This again
produces a stable rolling moment because the more efficient
(low) wing produces more lift.

Taper Ratio

Another, smaller effect arises from a tapered wing. An increase

in taper ratio, defined as tip chord, affects the lift coefficient and
also produces a small stable rolling moment in sideslip. Figure 12: Effect of Sweepback

Both the leading edge effect on the lower wing, and the
shielding of the upper wing by the fuselage, occur on nearly all

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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Fin Area And Lateral Stability

One factor, which may have considerable influence on lateral

stability, is the position of the various side surfaces, such as the
fuselage, fin and rudder, wheels, and the floats or hull of a
seaplane. All these will present areas at right angles to any
sideslip, so there will be pressure upon them which, if they are
high above the centre of gravity, will tend to restore the airplane
to an even keel; this applies to many modern types which have
a high tail plane on top of a high fin and such types may have
anhedral on the main planes to counterbalance this effect and
prevent too great a degree of lateral stability; but if the side
surfaces are low, as on a seaplane, the pressure on them will
tend to roll the aircraft over still more and so cause lateral

It must be noted that, whatever the method of obtaining lateral

stability, correction only takes place after a sideslip towards the
low wing. It is this sideslip, which affects directional stability.
Figure 13: the Fin Provides Directional Stability
Directional Stability
For a given displacement, and therefore sideslip angle, the
This is stability about the normal axis. If an aircraft is displaced degree of positive stability will depend upon the size of the
directionally, it will continue in its original direction, due to its restoring moment which is determined mainly by:
momentum. The fin will now be at an angle relative to the
airflow and will produce a turning moment about the centre of
gravity. This will bring the aircraft back to its original course.

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 15 Rev. 00
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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Design Of The Fin And Rudder

Dorsals And Ventral Fins
The vertical stabilizer is a symmetrical aerofoil and it will
produce an aerodynamic force at positive angles of attack. In Dorsal fins contribute positively to both directional and lateral
sideslip, therefore, the total sides force on the fin and rudder will stability by increasing the fin area. Ventral fins contribute
be proportional to the ‘lift coefficient’ and the area. The lift positively to directional stability by increasing the surfaces,
coefficient will vary, as on any aerofoil, with aspect ratio and which creates rest oratory moments. But their effect on lateral
sweepback. At high angles of sideslip it is possible for the fin to stability is negative, as the resulting wind due to sideslip acting
stall and to avoid this designer can increase the stalling angle on these surfaces will tend to roll the aircraft more. As the
by increasing the sweepback, decreasing the aspect ratio or by sweepback of ventral and dorsal fins are higher they have a
fitting multiple fins of low aspect ratio. higher critical mach than the rest of the surface. Therefore
remains operational even at very high subsonic speed.
Moment Arm

The position of the centre of gravity, and therefore the distance

between the CG and the centre of pressure of the vertical
stabilizer, will determine the degree of stability. Forward
position of the CG will lengthen the moment arm thereby
increasing the directional stability; a rearward position will
decrease the directional stability.

Sweepback And Directional Stability

Sweepback contributes positively to directional stability by

presenting more frontal area when the aircraft is disturbed from
its heading as shown in figure on page 35. Increase in frontal
area creates more drag on the wing, which lead into the wind
creating a moment, which tends to restore the aircraft nose
back to its original heading.

Figure 14: Dorsal Fin in Directional stability

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 16 Rev. 00
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PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

Lateral And Directional Stability stability).

The conjunction these two forms of stability the sideslip essential

to lateral stability will cause an air pressure on the side surfaces, - Yawing moment due to sideslip or static directional
which have been provided for directional stability. The effect of stability.
this pressure will be to turn the nose into the relative wind, i.e. in
this case, towards the direction of sideslip. The airplane, - Yawing moment due to rolling velocity or the "adverse
therefore, will turn off its original course and in the direction of yaw”.
the lower wing. It is rather curious to note that the greater the
directional stability the greater will be the tendency to turn off Rolling moment due to yawing velocity a cross effect similar to.
course in a sideslip. This turn will cause the raised wing, now on If the aircraft has a yawing motion to the right, the leftwing will
the outside of the turn, to travel faster than the inner or lower move forward faster and momentarily develop more lift than
wing, and therefore to obtain more lift and so bank the airplane the right and cause a rolling moment to the right.
still further.
The complex interaction of these effects produces three
Lateral Dynamic Effects possible types of motion of the airplane:

Previous discussion has separated the lateral and directional - A directional divergence,
response of the airplane to sideslip. This separation is
- A spiral divergence,
convenient for detailed study of each the airplane static lateral
stability and the airplane static directional stability. - And an oscillatory mode termed Dutch roll.

When an airplane in free flight is placed in a sideslip, the lateral Yaw Followed By Roll
and directional response will be coupled, i.e., simultaneously the
airplane produces rolling moment due to sideslip and yawing If the aircraft is displaced in yaw it will initially continue in the
moment due to sideslip. Thus, the lateral dynamic motion of the original direction of flight due to its inertia and therefore sideslip.
airplane in free flight must consider the coupling or interaction of This sideslip will cause the lateral stability characteristics of the
the lateral and directional effects. The principal effects, which aircraft’s wing, such as dihedral, sweepback or high-wing, to
determine the lateral dynamic characteristics of an airplane, are: increase Lift on the forward wing and decrease Lift on the
trailing wing.
- Rolling moment due to sideslip or dihedral effect (lateral

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 17 Rev. 00
Mar, 2014
PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

This causes a rolling moment that will tend to raise the forward The lateral stability characteristics of the airplane such as
wing, resulting in the aircraft rolling towards the trailing wing. dihedral will cause the lower wing to produce more lift and
therefore tend to return the aircraft to the wings level position.
Therefore the two effects are in conflict:
- The directionally stable characteristics (large fin) tends to
If the reaction to a small initial sideslip is such as to create steepen the turn and drop the nose further
moments, which tend to increase the sideslip, directional
divergence will exist. The sideslip would increase until the - The laterally stable characteristics (dihedral) tends to level
airplane is broadside to the wind or until structural failure the wings
occurs. Of course, increasing the static directional stability
reduces the tendency for directional divergence. Spiral Divergence

Roll Followed By Yaw If the first effect is greater i.e. strong directional stability and
weak lateral stability then the aircraft will tend to bank further
For lateral stability it is essential to have the sideslip, which is into the sideslip, towards the lower wing, with the nose
caused by the disturbances in the roll axis. This sideslip exerts a continuing to drop until the aircraft is in a spiral dive known as
force on the side or keel surfaces of the aircraft, which if the spiral divergence.
aircraft is directionally stable will cause it to yaw its nose into the
relative airflow. The Roll Has Caused a Yaw in the direction of Positive lateral stability – large positive directional stability leads
the sideslip and the airplane will turn further off its original to spiral divergence
heading in the direction of the lower wing.
The character of spiral divergence is by no means violent. The
Note that as a consequence of increased directional stability of airplane, when disturbed from the equilibrium of level flight,
the aircraft the greater tendency there is to turn away from the begins a slow spiral, which gradually increases to a spiral dive.
original heading in the direction of the lower wing. Also in the When a small sideslip is introduced, the strong 'directional
process the nose will tend to drop further. stability tends to restore the nose into the wind while the
relatively weak dihedral effect lags in restoring the airplane
This yaw due to positive characteristics of directional stability will laterally.
cause the higher wing on the outside of the turn to move faster
and therefore produce more lift. In the usual case, the rate of divergence in the spiral motion is

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 18 Rev. 00
Mar, 2014
PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

so gradual that the pilot can control the tendency without two effects need to be studied together.
difficulty. If the A/C rolls owing to a small disturbance there is a
consequential yaw, the roll does not get corrected immediately The choice is then the least of the three evils. Directional
owing to relatively lower lateral stability and the A/C continuous divergence cannot be tolerated, Dutch roll is objectionable, and
to roll while the nose turns into the wind owing to high directional spiral divergence is tolerable if the rate of divergence is low. This
stability. Also the A/C goes into a dive due to the bank. allows for two possible scenarios, which could be employed in
aircraft design.
Dutch Roll

This is a coupled lateral-directional oscillation, which is usually One such possibility is to allow for spiral divergence, which
dynamically stable but is objectionable because of the oscillatory could be corrected by the pilot by use of rudder. In these
nature. The response of the airplane to a disturbance from aircraft weak positive lateral stability and large directional
equilibrium is a combined rolling-yawing oscillation in which the stability is provided by design In this design, the static
rolling motion is phased to precede the yawing motion. The directional Stability is made adequate to prevent objectionable
damping of this oscillatory mode may be weak or strong Dutch roll, this will automatically be sufficient to prevent
depending on the properties of the airplane. directional divergence. This design is employed in light aircraft
with simple control systems.
Generally, Dutch roll will occur when the lateral stability is large
when compared to static directional stability. Other possible method is to prevent spiral divergence by
reducing the degree of directional stability of the aircraft. This
Positive lateral stability – small positive directional stability will lead to increased spiral stability but will lead to increased
prevents directional divergence but leads to another kind of Dutch rolling of the aircraft. On most transport category aircraft
dynamic instability, which is known as Dutch Rolling. this design is incorporated and to dampen the resulting
oscillatory movement due to Dutch roll automated control
Another point to note is that, as the aircraft is actually yawing, systems will be provided. E.g.: Yaw Damper system
the outer wing will move faster and produce more lift than the
inner wing, giving a tendency to roll towards the inner wing, The Active Stability Control
airplane’s inherent directional stability (from the fin) will tend to
weathercock or yaw the aircraft in the direction of the sideslip, The inherent stability of aircraft is the ability of the aircraft to
return to equilibrium without the intervention of the pilot or the
NOTE: A Roll Causes a Yaw and A Yaw Causes a Roll, and the control surfaces. But depending on the requirements certain
aircraft are not designed with this inherent ability. For example in

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 19 Rev. 00
Mar, 2014
PIA Training Centre(PTC) Module 8 – BASIC AERODYNAMICS
Category – A/B1/B2 Sub Module 8.4 – Flight Stability and Dynamics

fighters or combat aircraft where high maneuverability and

responsiveness is required instead of stability.

Yet stability of the Aircraft cannot be totally disposed of in

achieving these requirements. If Stability cannot be built into the
aircraft some other means of providing stability is required. So
these aircraft use high power computers to command control
surfaces to provide the required stability for the aircraft.

These computers compute complex calculations in minute time

and command control surface deflections to achieve stability.
Such a system is called active stability Control System.

ISO 9001 - 2008 Certified For Training 0urpose Only

8.4 - 20 Rev. 00
Mar, 2014

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