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My boss is making life a living hell for me.

What should I do?

Problems/ Worries at the Workplace.

❖ My boss uses abusive language. However, he maintains a calm demeanour in public.

❖ I am not in great terms with my delivery manager who humiliates me and gives me bad
❖ Our boss is always in a foul mood and is biased towards a few team members.There is
over 50% attrition in his team.
❖ The vice principal of the school where my wife is a teacher is extremely mean. She
insults teachers.
❖ As the appraisal period approches,my manager shows his arrogant attitude. He takes
credit of my own work.
❖ Our boss is dominant and narrow minded. He never praise me for positive outcomes but
comes down heavily on negative results.
❖ From the day one I joined a firm as financial Analyst, my boss always yells at me.
❖ My boss likes to have the last word, even if i am right.
Phabir Jha Opinion
He is the founder and CEO of Prabir Jha
people Advisory.

Managing difficult bosses is one of the

biggest strains at work.

Blame for creating such supervisors lies


● Top Leadership
● Poor quality Talent management.

Lets see few tips mentioned by him to

deal with the environment of toxic
Stay Calm Speak to him or Talk to his boss or
Her HR
Don't Play the union leader Explore roles beyond the
First thing first, any abuser from any person, irrelevant of fault, is completely

Such a person/Manager do not fit into professional settings.

I will make imperative on my manager to apologize unconditionally for any abusal.

I will communicate with him/her or to Senior Manager and try to work on my skills
and even if thing will not work out I will look for better perspective.

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