Developmental Biology 466

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developmental biology 466

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1. the activity of the chordin protein is: to antagonize BMP 16. Engrailed expression defines the
signaling and block ventralization of the mesoderm a) anterior compartment of the segment
2. Adherins junctions play an important role in development, b) anterior margin of each segment
they are composed of: cadherins linked to other cadherins c) posterior compartment of the segment
extracellularly, and to actin filaments intracellularly d) posterior margin of each parasegment: c) posterior
compartment of the segment
3. The advantage of using the Cre/laxP system for targeted
mutagenesis is: a gene can be deleted in a particular tissue or 17. EpiSCs are...: embryonic stem cells derived from the embryonic
at a desired time in development epiblast
4. all of the genes expressed in a particular tissue or at a 18. The equivalents of the Xenopus organizer in chick and
particular stage of development can be identified using zebrafish are
a) in situ hybridization a) hensen's node and the embryonic shield
b) insertional mutagenesis b) the hypoblast and the yolk syncytial layer
c) microarrays c) the notochord in both cases
d) zinc-finger nucleases: c) microarrays d) the primitive streak and the mesendoderm: a) hensen's
node and the embryonic shield
5. anterior patterning in the long-germ band wasp nasonia is
under the control of 19. ES cells are: embryonic stem cells derived from the inner cell
a) bicoid mass of the mammalian embryo
b) engrailed 20. A gap gene mutation could cause which of the following
c) kruppel defects in the embryonic body plan?: segments A2 through
d) orthodenticle: d) orthodenticle A6 are missing, but the rest of the pattern is essentially normal
6. At the blastocyst stage, the mammalian embryo is composed 21. Gastrulation in sea urchins, drosophila, and xenopus all begin
of with a change in cell shape, in which the apical surface of an
a) a blastocoel, yolk, and animal cap cells epithelial sheet contracts, this process is called: invagination
b) an epiblast overlying a hypoblast 22. The germplasm in drosophila is specified by: oskar
c) ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cells
23. How does organismal development evolve to give rise to
d) trophectoderm and inner cell mass: d) trophectoderm and
new forms and species?: changes in genes will alter an
inner cell mass
organisms development, and if the new developmental
7. The brauchury protein is: an early marker of the mesoderm patterns are favored by the environment they will be retained
8. The C elegans GLP-1 protein is similar to which mammalian through natural selection.
signaling protein: notch 24. how do the endodermal cells of the sea urchin embryo
9. cleavage in the zebrafish gives rise to the carry out gut formation during gastrulation?: changes in cell
a) 14 somite stage shape initiate the invagination; convergent extension extends
b) gastrula the sheet of cells inot the blastocoel and finally, filopodia
c) sphere stage make contact with the future mouth region and pull the tip of
d) shield stage: c) sphere stage the gut to that point
10. The darkly pigmented end of a xenopus egg is called 25. How would you produce a chimeric mouse?: introduce cells
a) dorsal from the inner cell mass of one blastocyst into the inner cell
b) the animal pole mass of another blastocyst of a different genetic constitution
c) the vegetal pole 26. Hox genes that are expressed more anteriorly comprise
d) yolk: b) the animal pole Hox genes...: with lower numbers, Such as Hoxa1
11. differentiation, as opposed to determination, of muscle cells 27. If cells from the animal pole of a Xenopus blastula are
is dependent on: myogenin placed in direct contact with cells from the vegetal region,
12. Does this suck: Yes. what is the result?: animal cap cells are induced by the
13. during gastrulation in the frog, the very first cells to move vegetal cells to form mesodermal derivatives
into the interior of the embryo through the blastopore 28. if embryos are disaggregated with chemicals or proteases,
come from the surface layer of cells in the marginal zone, and the individual cells are mixed together in culture, what
they will become: endoderm will happen?: the cells will often sort themselves so that like
14. electroporation is: use of brief pulses of electricity to cause cells are together
cells to take up DNA 29. if the lens of the eye is removed in the adult, which of the
15. endoderm and mesoderm are specified in the zebrafish following organisms can produce a new lens by
blastoderm by: a gradient of Nodal signaling transdifferentiation of iris cells: newt
30. In chicks the formation of the neural tube relies on what cell 42. maternal determinants are
biological processes: changes in cell shape in the neural plate a) genes that control differentiation as a female or male
and changes in adhesion molecule expression in the neural fruit fly
tube are required during formation of the neural tube. b) proteins and mRNAs packaged into the egg by the
31. in mice, germ cells can be first identified by: in prospective mother
mesoderm of the proximal epiblast, as Blimp1-expressing cells c) proteins and mRNAs that determine the organizing axes
of the ovary
32. In the early blastula, Wnt signaling and the subsequent
d) substances present in the female that determine whether
nuclear accumulation of B-catenin specifies a dorsal fate,
or not she will become a mother.: b) proteins and mRNAs
whereas after gastrulation, Wnt/B-catenin signaling
packaged into the egg by the mother
specifies...: a posterior fate
43. the molecular activity of the sx1 protein of drosophila is: to
33. The introduction of myoD into fibroblasts will cause:
control RNA splicing
differentiation into muscle cells
44. a morphogen is: a signaling molecule that confers
34. in what stage of which type of cell division, is the
concentration-dependent positional information
mammalian oocyte at the birth of the animal: the oocyte is in
prophase of meiosis I 45. The nervous system, heart, and liver are derived from ______,
___________, and __________.: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm
35. In which portion of the frog's life cycle would a frog appear
most similar to a mammal? 46. Neural crest cells taking the dorsal-lateral route will
a) blastula become: melanocytes
b) phylotypic stage 47. Neural crest cells will contribute to which tissues or
c) gastrulation structures
d) fertilized egg: b) Phylotypic stage a) melanocytes in the skin
36. in Xenopus, the elongation of the mesoderm toward the b) mesoderm of the face and skull
anterior results from the intercalation of cells during a c) peripheral nervous system
process called: convergent extension d) all of these: d) all of the above

37. a key factor that specifies the organizer in Xenopus 48. Oct4: is expressed in the inner cell mass of the mouse
embryos is:: B- catenin blastocyst

38. The least favorable model organism for traditional genetic 49. The organizer in Xenopus is responsible for: helping pattern
analysis is the mesoderm along the dorso-ventral axis
a) drosophila 50. The positioning of the dorso-ventral axis in xenopus is
b) mouse determined by __________, while the positioning of the
c) xenopus antero-posterior axis in chicks is determined by __________: d)
d) zebrafish: xenopus the point of sperm entry; gravity.
39. Lefty 51. the primitive streak of mouse and chick embryos is
a) acts intracellularly to phosphorylate smads equivalent to which amphibian structure
b) acts as an extracellular antagonist of nodal signaling a) archenteron
c) is a transcription factor that regulates Nodal gene b) blastocoel
expression c) blastopore
d) is a membrane- bound receptor for Nodal: b) acts as an d) neural folds: c) blastopore
extracellular antagonist of nodal signaling 52. the process of segmentation will form how many
40. The mammalian oviduct will form from the: mullerian duct parasegments
41. The many different cell types in the blood of an adult a) 8 in the abdomen
mammal are derived from: a single type of multipotent stem b) 11 to form the thorax and abdomen
cell found in bone marrow c) 14: 3 for the mouth, 3 in thorax, and 8 in the abdomen
d) 3: head, thorax, and abdomen: c) 3 mouth, 3 thorax, and 8
53. The sclerotome of the somite gives rise to ___________,
whereas the myotome gives rise to ___________
a) muscles, vertebrae
b) peripheral nervous system, muscles
c) spinal cord, limb muscles
d) vertebrae, muscles of the back: vertebrae, muscles of the
54. segments are first positioned at the cell-by-cell level by 64. what type of cleavage is used in frog embryos: radial
the 65. When do the legs and wings of a fly form?
a) gap genes a) during embryogenesis, after imaginal disc cells are
b) maternal genes segregated away at the cellular blastoderm stage.
c) pair-rule genes b) during pupation, from the imaginal discs
d) segment polarity genes: pair-rule genes c) during the larval instars
55. somite formation in chicks proceeds d) legs and wings are present during larval stages, but take
a) from anterior to posterior, as hensens node retreats their final form only after metamorphosis: b) during
b) from posterior to anterior, as the primitive streak pupation, from the imaginal discs
elongates 66. which aspect of cellular regulation operates after a protein
c) from the dorsal midline outward, into lateral plate has been synthesized?
d) simultaneously along the axis: a) from anterior to a) post-translational modification
posterior, as hensens node retreats b) RNA processing
56. Somites will give rise to c) transcriptional control
a) heart and blood d) translational control: a) post-translational modification
b) internal organs of the abdomen 67. Which feature of meiosis, as compared with mitosis is most
c) the vertebral column and skeletal muscles important for the production of gametes?: meiosis leads to
d) the spinal cord: c) the vertebral column and skeletal the production of haploid products, whereas mitosis leads to
muscles diploid daughter cells
57. The spinal cord of Drosophila-its nerve cord 68. which is the correct hierarchy of gene activity in early
a) consists of two parallet structures that run laterally, drosophila segmentation?: maternal, gap, pair-rule, segment
along the sides of the animal polarity.
b) is in no way analogous to the spinal cord of vertebrates,
69. Which of the following basic developmental processes is
since drosophila has no spine
most dependent on cellular movements?
c) runs along the dorsal side, opposite the mouth as is the
a)cell differentiation
case in vertebrates such as humans
b) growth
d) runs along the ventral surface, on the same side as the
c) morphogenesis
mouth.: d)
d) pattern formation: c) morphogenesis
58. The stem cells responsible for renewal of the keratinocytes
70. Which of the following choices puts the early
of the skin are found in which layer of the epidermis: Basal
developmental stages of the frog in their correct order:
cleavage, gastrulation, neurulation, organogenesis
59. Vg-1, Nodals, BMP, and activin are all members of which
71. which of the following cocktails of transcription factor are
family of signaling molecules
used to generate IPS cells...: Oct4, Nanog, Sox2, and Myc
a) FGF
b) hedgehog 72. Which of the following is a germ cell
c) TGF-B a) cells of the gonads
d) Wnt: TGF-B b) intestinal cells
c) sperm and eggs
60. What are satellite cells: satellite cells are muscle stem cells
d) zygotes: c) sperm and eggs
61. What distinguishes stem cells from other cell types?
73. which of the following is a vertebrate 'model organism' used
a) although all cell types can divide, only stem cells
in the study of development?
differentiate after division
a) caenorhabditis elegans
b) stem cells are able to divide to produce populations of
b) drosophila melanogaster
cells taht differentiate into a related set of cells
c) homo sapiens
c) stem cells divide asymmetrically to give rise to one
d) xenopus laevis: d) xenopus laevis
daughter cell that remains a stem cell, and a second
daughter cell that differentiates into one or more cell 74. Which protein (genes) functions to determine and interior
types: c) stem cells divide asymmetrically to give rise to one fate in the drosophila embryo
daughter cell that remains a stem cell and a second daughter a) bicoid
cell that differentiates into one or more cell types. b) caudal
c) nanos
62. what is the zona pellucida of the mammalian egg?: an
d) torso: a) bicoid
extracellular layer of glycoproteins
63. what might be the result of producing a mouse knock-out
for G-CSF: The mouse would be unable to make granulocytes
75. which statement best describes the relationship between genotype and phenotype?: the genotype determines what proteins a cell
contains, and the proteins in turn determine the cells properties (phenotype)
76. Which term could be used to refer to a segment of DNA?
a) cis-regulatory module
b) differential gene expression
c) gene regulatory protein
d) transcription factor: a) cis-regulatory module
77. which would quality as a dominant allele of a gene: an allele that confers a phenotype on the organism when heterozygous; that is,
when present in only one copy.
78. the Xenopus, the mesoderm moves in through the blastopore by rolling around the dorsal lip in a process called: involution

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