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Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Sciences (FES)

MT102 Calculus II
Pre-Requisite: MT-101
Instructor Section(s) Office # Phone Email
Dr. Muhammad Tayyab A Room G-21 2445
Dr. Sakander Hayat B&C Room G-14 2568
Mr. Shams Ul Arifeen D Room G-56 Not available
Miss Shabeela Malik E Room G-24 Not available
Office Hours: Displayed on the corresponding office door

Course Introduction
This course is the continuation of MT101 course. The main objective of the course is to make students proficient in techniques and skills of
multivariate and vector calculus. The emphasis will be on application of learned techniques to the solution of problems of science and
engineering. The students will learn necessary mathematical skills with an understanding of basic concepts and a working knowledge of
applications. It is hoped that, on completion of this course, the students will be trained enough to apply these mathematical tools to solve
problems in their area of specialization.
Course Contents
Infinite Series: Definitions, convergence, properties. Integral test, basic and limit comparison tests, ratio and root tests.
Alternating series and absolute convergence. Power series. McLaurin and Taylor series. Applications of power series.

Vector Algebra: Vectors in three dimensions. Dot and cross product. Lines and planes. Surfaces.
Functions of Several Variables: Limits and continuity. Partial derivatives. Increments and differentials. Chain rules. Directional
derivatives, gradient. Tangent planes and normal lines to surfaces. Taylor series for functions of several variables. Extrema of
functions of several variables. Relative extrema, Lagrange multipliers.

Multiple Integrals: Double integrals, Definition and evaluation. Area and volume. Double integrals in polar coordinates. Surface
area. Triple integrals in Cartesian, Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Applications.

Vector Calculus: Vector fields. Gradient, Divergence and curl. Line integrals. Independence of path. Green’s theorem. Surface
integrals. Divergence theorem of Gauss-Ostrogradski. Stokes’ theorem.

Mapping of CLOs to PLOs

Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms Taxonomy
CLO 1 Apply different tests to discuss the convergence of PLO1 C3 (Applying)
sequences and series.
CLO 2 Demonstrate the understanding of analytic PLO1 C3 (Applying)
geometry of three dimensions and geometric
surfaces of linear and quadratic functions.
CLO 3 Apply the techniques of multivariate differential PLO1 C3 (Applying)
calculus to geometrical and physical problems in
science and engineering.
CLO 4 Apply different techniques of multivariate integral PLO1 C3 (Applying)
calculus of scalar and vector functions to various
engineering problems.

CLO Assessment Mechanism

Assessment tools CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4
Quizzes 25% 25% 25% 25%
Midterm Exam 60% 50%
Final Exam 10% 20% 70% 70%
Assignment 5% 5% 5% 5%
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Sciences (FES)

Overall Grading Policy

Assessment Items Percentage
Announced Quizzes 22%
Assignments 3%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 50%
Text and Reference Books
• Textbooks: “Thomas' Calculus”, George B. Thomas, Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Pearson; 13th
Edition (November 23, 2015), USA.

Reference books:
• E. W. Swokowski et. al., “Calculus”, 6th Edition, USA.
• Stewart et. al., “Calculus: Early Transcendentals”, 6th Edition, USA.
• Thomas et. al., “Calculus and Analytic Geometry”, 9th Edition, USA.

Administrative Instruction
• According to institute policy, 80% attendance is mandatory to appear in the final examination.
• All quizzes/examinations will be closed book. No calculators will be allowed.
• There will be six announced quizzes; best five quizzes will be counted towards final grade.
• Assignments must be submitted as per instructions mentioned in the assignments.
• In any case, there will be no retake of scheduled/surprise quizzes.
• Students may work on home assignments in collaboration with each other, but they must submit their own
work; no copying from others. Violation of this will adversely affect their quiz/exam results.
Computer Usage
Students are encouraged to solve some assigned homework problems using the available engineering software, such
as MATLAB and Mathematica.
Lecture Breakdown
Lecture Topic Chapter
01 Convergent and divergent sequences. Chapter 10
02 Convergent and divergent series; their basic properties. Chapter 10
03 Positive term series; geometric and p-series. Chapter 10
04 Integral test and basic comparison test. Chapter 10
05 Ratio and root tests. Chapter 10
06 Alternating series and its properties. Chapter 10
07 Conditional and absolute convergence. Chapter 10
08 Power series and radius of convergence. Chapter 10
09 Power series representation of function. Chapter 10
10 McLaurin and Taylor series. Chapter 10
11 Vectors in two dimensions and problems. Chapter 12
12 Vectors in three dimensions and problems. Chapter 12
13 Scalar product and vector product. Chapter 12
14 Analytic Geometry of planes. Chapter 12
15 Straight lines in three dimensions. Chapter 12
16 Quadric surfaces. Chapter 12
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Sciences (FES)

17 Quadric surfaces. Chapter 12

18 Functions of several variables Chapter 14
19 Limit of functions of several variables. Chapter 14
20 Continuity of functions of several variables. Chapter 14
21 Partial derivatives and related questions. Chapter 14
22 Increments, differentials and chain rules. Chapter 14
23 Directional derivatives and gradient. Chapter 14
24 Tangent planes and normal planes. Chapter 14
25 Extrema of function of several variables. Chapter 14
26 Extrema of function of several variables. Chapter 14
27 Lagrange multipliers and their applications. Chapter 14
28 Lagrange multipliers and their applications. Chapter 14
29 Double integrals. Chapter 15
30 Area and volume by double integrals. Chapter 15
31 Change of variables in double integrals. Chapter 15
32 Double integral in polar coordinates. Chapter 15
33 Surface area and problems. Chapter 15
34 Triple integrals of all types. Chapter 15
35 Volume by triple integrals. Chapter 15
36 Change of variables in triple integrals. Chapter 15
37 Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates. Chapter 15
38 Triple integrals in spherical coordinates. Chapter 15
39 Volumes by using cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Chapter 15
40 Vector field and conservative field. Chapter 16
41 Line integrals and problems. Chapter 16
42 Independence of path and problems. Chapter 16
43 Surface integrals. Chapter 16
44 Green’s theorem: Divergence and, Stoke’ theorem. Chapter 16
45 Review. Chapter 16

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