Ed 10 Reflection 1

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Howard 1

Katie Howard

Reflection #1

My “why" for becoming a teacher is so I am able to help others. Helping others gives me

a chance to take a moment away from my own brain and relax. To me, I don’t enjoy focusing on

myself too much and I would much rather spend my time doing good for others. Too many

“teaching is the idea of contributing to the lives of others” (Ryan et al. 23) and I enjoy getting the

chance to help other people which is why I would enjoy teaching.

I have always found teaching very interesting even though I may hear how they make a

small amount of money for how much work they do. The important part to me is that teachers

are getting paid for helping others and just being there for students. Students may not find school

fun, since they are practically forced to go to school until college. However, teaching gives the

chance for the teacher to change the classroom environment. If I ever have my own classroom I

would want to have a positive vibe so the kids want to go to school.

Another reason I wish to become a teacher in the future is that I enjoy working with

children, mainly younger kids. I like working with younger kids because to me it gives me the

chance to talk with people that are much younger than me. I also believe that spending time with

younger kids would keep a classroom positive and upbeat, unlike a high school classroom. Last

year I worked in a kindergarten classroom and absolutely loved working with the students

because they enjoyed seeing me every time I walked in. All kids are different which means you

can build different memories with each student and I feel as if that builds a special bond that I am

going to remember always.

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