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a SSKA4077 heey py ikhwan Salihin Bin Khawari 196553 Dr Lilly Suriani Affendey Contents Introduction fxploratory Data Analysis Conclusion Question SOT oe of the Complete Journey Data Set to determine which type of Marketing Campaigns are Pesan NC ce ee ara recommendations to the management about insightful decision making Se eta ee G Introduction S| 01 remy 4 verabies ‘ansictors: 1.489367 rows, 11 aso [mpsign eesenons Complete Journey Dataset “Troms, 4 vara 4} eae #2301 fows. 7 varabies Promotors 2osan.sz9rows,SvasaDies Complete journey provides access to data sets characterizing household level transactions over one year from a group of 2,469 households who are frequent shoppers at ¢ grocery store. It contains all of each household's purchases, not just those from a limited number of categories. For certain households, demographic information, as well as direct marketing contact history, are captured Exploratory Data Analysis Data Preparation Firstly, to find the best campaign, | performed data preparation to understand more about what campaign that is available, campaign duration and the timeline for the campaign, and much more. Frequency of Campaign Type The pie chart above shows, that there are currently three types of campaigns which are Type A, Type B, and Type C. The numbers shown inside the pie slice represent numbers of the campaign for that particular campaign type. By this chart, we also able the numbers of campaign data, which is 27 campaign. Exploratory Data Analysis Campaigns Timeline From the campaign descriptions data set we can see that every campaign has start and end date for the campaign, therefore by providing campaign timeline chart we can see clearly when the campaigns were launched or used. Timeline For Each Campaign From san i encot campaign 0207 seco sw20i7 oazr senza Tieine From this chart, we can also see that most campaigns are running between 32 to 60 days, but there is some campaign that is running for more than 60 days. Other than that, the chart also show us that campaign 15 is running 5 times longer than another campaign which is for 161 days, while the shortest campaign running will be for 32 days. Exploratory Data Analysis Campaigns Frequency After we already know about the campaign available, what we can do is to find how much were a campaign being distributed to the household. ‘Campaign Distribution Chart ‘Stow how much were campagn detrbuteto nousahoks SEEERRL ewe wee carysiqn O wor 5 7 Household Recored Campaign From this data or chart, we can get the top 5 campaign that distributes to the most number of household. The chart below shows that campaign Type A are being Fipicoopsip mei) distributed to most household. vom rryunes we arpapnsea sore 76 Sales Exploratory Data Analysis Transaction During Campaign Next, we can perform data preparation on the transaction date set. By doing this we can see how much were sales during the campaign that campaign achieved. We can also filter that transaction between a household that received the campaign and a household that didn't receive the campaign. Campaign A Comparison Chart Sales vale for campaign sas009 4gea0 ri sz2709 secu campaign Hi ro carvan 18301 snear.cenedan 200000 36045, ‘70013 8 z ‘ 8 Campaign 1b To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its, type. From this, we can see clearly that 3 out of 4 campaign type A, a household that received the campaign are making more sales than a household that didn't receive the campaign. Still, we couldnt just conclude that campaign type A yet, there is more analysis to do in order to determine the campaign effectiveness Sales 400000 200000 Exploratory Data Analysis Transaction During Campaign Next, we can perform data preparation on the transaction date set. By doing this we can see how much were sales during the campaign that campaign achieved. We can also filter that transaction between a household that received the campaign Campaign 8 Comparison Chart Sales value for cermpaign | od seus sero ner rest 782 25622 708 73205 2 2 2 Ba Carrpaign it ili To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its type. From this, we can see clearly all campaign type B transactions that all households that received the campaign are making fewer sales than a household that didn't receive the campaign. From this we can say that this is because that are not many households that receive campaign B compared to campaign A and a household that didn't receive the campaign. 8 a Sales Exploratory Data Analysis Transaction During Campaign Next, we can perform date preparation on the transaction data set. By doing this we can see how much were sales during the campaign that campaign achieved. We can also filter that transaction between a household that received the campaign and a household that didn't receive the campaign. Campaign C Comparison Chart Saat adi or cation ‘207400 to0000 00227 campaign osz004 I caren cehan_cameoon 0000 sia 120300 = teotre 10893: 0 13434 2000 9557. 31595 “ ‘s ” a : 8 ‘Campaign id To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its type. From this, we can see clearly all campaign type C transactions that all households that received the campaign are making fewer sales than @ household that didn’t receive the campaign. From this, we can say that this is because that are not many households that receive campaign C compared to campaign A Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Participant After anal ing the campaign sales, we can filter to find out how many households participate to the campaign by doing a transaction, since we are able to differentiate the household that received a campaign and those thet didn't we can filter out how many households that probably participate to the campaign with how many households didn't participate. Customer Campaign Respond Chert (Type A) show how much were campaign responded by household during campaign 00 et sesconded ‘esponcea 2 8 a e Camoaian ID g ‘campaign ID To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its type. From this, we can see clearly most of household that received the campaign are making transaction during that campaign, and only small numbers of household didn't make any transaction at all Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Participant After analyzing the campaign sales, we can filter to find outhow many households participate to the cempaign by doing a transaction, since we are able to differentiate the household that received a campaign and those that didn’t we can filter out how many households that probably participate to the campaign with how many households didn't participate. Customer Campaign Respond Chart (Type 8) show how much were campaign respordied by household durng campaign ih ! : iI 7 Mm mm 4 Campaign _, amoniono To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its type. From this, we can see cleerly most of the households that received the campaign are making transactions during that campaign, and only small numbers of households didn't make any transaction at all, except for campaign number 23, which have 43 household that didn’t participate. Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Participant After analyzing the campaign sales, we can filter to find out how many households participate to the campaign by doing a transaction, since we are able to differentiate the household that received a campaign and those that didn't we can filter out how many households that probably participate to the campaign with how many households didn't participate. Customer Campaign Respond Chart (Type C) ‘show how much were campaign responded by household curing campaign = wm o* & group & — E Bh sssponcee dw 5 Baa == sae i“ 6 » a 3 5 Campaign ID To make it more clear, we can separate the campaign by its type. From this, we can see clearly all of the households that received the campaign are making transactions during that campaign, except for campaign number 20, which have 3 households that didn't participate and campaign 24 with 4 households that didn't participate. Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Coupon Even with knowing the campaign participant for each campaign type, we still should be concluding yet. This is because even campaign C are having the most. participation itis still based on the number of transaction done by household. What can we do next is by doing data exploratory for coupon data sets. Campaign Coupon Distribution Chart (Type A) I lL : | reuse Receved Coen Corpagt Fares ‘Cempagn Coupon Distrowson Chart (Type 8) Sew how nuen cays abe acampagn a0 soir From these two charts we can v= see how much were coupons made available for each ” campaign. Campaign A is clearly gem having more coupons compared e to Campaign B ull li Mia ol Howat Recs Cosson Compan rare Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Coupon Even with knowing the campaign participant for each campaign type, we still should be concluding yet. This is because even campaign C are having the most participation itis still based on the number of transaction done by household. What can we do nextis by doing data exploratory for coupon data sets. Campaign Coupon Distribution Chart (Type C) show how much coupons avaiable fora camoaan «322 as campagn id = 8 2000 1052 4000 eo7 a5 z —_— a = Ba Household Received Coupon Campaign Campaign C also shows number fewer than campaign Type A, with this we can conclude that Campaign Ahave much higher number of coupons compared to Campaign Type B and Campaign Type C Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Coupon Redeem From the previous charts we now know that campaign type A has more coupons compared to other campaigns. In order to see the effectiveness of the campaign we can see how many household redeem the coupon that is available for each campaign. Campaign Coupon Racemption Chart (Typs A) Serhemencome enya bein “0 xe emosn it i L Freauiney ouso Redeom Coon Carpaen (Campaign Coupen Redemption Chat (Type 8) ont mah oe eby a > E i B 5 ft L | | Thnsehsd Reem Caugon Carpagn Exploratory Data Analysis Campaign Coupon Redeem From the previous charts we now know that campaign type Ahas more coupons compared to other campaigns. In order to see the effectiveness of the campaign we can see how many household redeem the coupon that is available for each campaign. ‘Campaign Coupon Redemption Chart (Type C) Seton ae mae erin merci Fa carrosion e : iL — ‘

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