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Journalof IndustrialMicrobiology(1995) 15, 333-338

9 1995Societyfor IndustrialMicrobiology0169-4146/95/$12.00

Physiological methods to study biofilm disinfection

GA McFeters 1,2, FP Yu 1,2,3, BH Pyle 1 and PS Stewart 2,4

1Microbiology Department; 2Center for Biofilm Engineering; 4Department of Chemical Engineering, Montana State
University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA

This report reviews the development of a rapid in situ approach to study the physiological responses of bacteria
within biofilms to disinfectants. One method utilized direct viable counts (DVC) to assess the disinfection efficacy
when thin biofilms were exposed to chlorine or monochloramine. Results obtained using the DVC method were one
log higher than plate count (PC) estimates of the surviving population after disinfection. Other methods incorporated
the use of fluorogenic stains, a cryotomy technique to yield thin (5-~m) sections of biofilm communities and examin-
ation by fluorescence microscopy. The fluorogenic stains used in this approach included 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazol-
ium chloride (CTC), which indicates cellular electron transport activity and Rhodamine 123, which responds specifi-
cally to proton motive force. The use of these stains allowed the microscopic discrimination of physiologically active
bacteria as well as heterogeneities of active cells within thicker biofilms. The results of experiments using these
techniques with pure culture and binary population biofilms on stainless steel coupons indicated biocidal activity
of chlorine-based disinfectants occurred initially at the bulk-fluid interface of the communities and progressed
toward the substratum. This approach provided a unique opportunity to describe the spatial response of bacteria
within biofilms to antimicrobial agents and address mechanisms explaining their comparative resistance to disin-
fection in a way that has not been possible using traditional approaches. Results obtained using this alternative
approach were also consistently higher than PC data following disinfection. These observations suggest that tra-
ditional methods involving biofilm removal and bacterial enumeration by colony formation overestimate biocide
efficacy. Hence the alternative approach described here more accurately indicates the ability of bacteria surviving
disinfection to recover and grow as well as demonstrate spatial heterogeneities in cellular physiological activities
within biofilms.

Keywords: biofilm control; biofouling; biocides; disinfection; biofilm structure; physiological activity; fluorescent stains;
cryosectioning; epifluorescence microscopy

Introduction 14-16,27]. Difficulties in formulating efficient control stra-

tegies are related to our incomplete understanding of
Biofilms contribute to a range of costly problems within
biofilm processes and structure. Mechanisms have been
industrial environments. These interfacial microbial com-
proposed to explain this enhanced resistance in bacteria that
munities are directly involved in biofouling and biocorro-
are associated with surfaces. These include reduced pen-
sion phenomena that cause significant reductions in system
etration of agents into biofilms because of diffusion limi-
performance and contribute to the accelerated deterioration
tations or reactions with community components and poss-
of components. Biofilms are found on the surfaces of natu-
ible unique physiological characteristics of bacteria within
ral and engineered aquatic systems and account for most
biofilms [27]. Despite our unclear understanding of the
of the microbial activity that is seen in those environments.
basic mechanisms involved in this process, there is a practi-
Problems associated with biofilm buildup on engineered
cal need for methods to provide accurate information con-
surfaces include reduced heat transfer efficiency within heat
cerning the efficacy of biocides used to treat biofilms.
exchangers, increased frictional resistance in pipes, deterio-
Methodological approaches that have been applied to
ration of water quality within municipal drinking water sys-
study biofilm disinfection have relied on the quantitative
tems, plugging, petroleum souring and accelerated biodet-
removal of the community from the substratum followed
erioration of system components [7]. The magnitude and
by disaggregation and enumeration by colony formation.
pervasive Character of these impacts emphasize the import-
This traditional approach is limited in a number of ways.
ance of efforts to control biofilms in industry.
Cultural methods fail to detect some autochthonous bacteria
The control of biofilms represents one of the most per-
in environments where natural biofilm communities are
sistent cha]Llenges within industrial systems where these
composed of a wide range of different organisms [31] and
microbial communities are problematic. There is a wealth
of literature.' documenting the resistance of attached micro- allochthonous bacteria can exhibit reduced culturability fol-
lowing environmental exposure [23]. In addition, bacteria
organisms and biofilms to antimicrobial agents [1,5,6,8,
exposed to sublethal conditions of antimicrobial treatment
often become injured and are incapable of forming colonies
on some media [18,19]. These limitations are particularly
Correspondence: GA McFeters, MicrobiologyDept, Center for Biofilm acute when studying biofilms where spatial heterogeneities
Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
3present address: Nalco Chemical Co, One Nalco Center, Naperville, IL may be complex. In addition, accurate data describing these
60563, USA structural relationships might be crucial in gaining an
Received 7 October 1994; accepted 17 December 1994 understanding of the mechanism of antimicrobial action
Physiological methods to study bionlm disinfection
GA McFeters et al
within the undisturbed community. Methods to remove and Viability assessment using the Direct Viable Count
disaggregate biofilms can also be inefficient. Therefore, the Method and Image Analysis
traditional approach of describing microbial populations The Direct Viable Count (DVC) technique is widely used
within biofilms on the basis of biomass removal and colony by microbiologists. Originally proposed for applications in
formation is inadequate and often results in underestima- marine systems [12], this method determines the viability
tions of the actual viable population of bacteria. In addition, of individual bacteria on the basis of cell elongation in a
results obtained using conventional methods are com- suitable growth medium containing a quinolone antibiotic
munity-wide averages and yield no spatial information such as nalidixic acid. However, inaccuracies are not
describing structure and physiological heterogeneities uncommon due to the subjective nature of results obtained
within biofilms following treatment with an antimicrobial by the traditional DVC method which involves discriminat-
agent. These are some of the difficulties that have hindered ing elongated and normal length cells. This is also a tedious
work characterizing the viability and activity of surface- and time-consuming procedure making it difficult to pro-
associated bacteria. Hence, alternative approaches are cess large numbers of samples. In addition, many workers
needed to provide more complete information concerning adopt the original formulation of the reaction medium pro-
the action of biocides in these important bacterial popu- posed by Kogure [12] without considering the influence of
lations. The information resulting from such improved variables such as incubation time, nalidixic acid concen-
methods could also be used to expand our understanding of tration and nutrient content on the cellular elongation pro-
the mechanisms by which surface-associated bacteria gain cess with different bacteria. As a result, variable results that
are often significant underestimates of the actual population
enhanced resistance to antimicrobial agents. Ideally, such
of viable bacteria have been reported. Some of those prob-
methods should allow a physiological assessment of indi-
lems were addressed in a report by Singh et al [26]. That
vidual bacterial cells within a native biofilm with mini-
study, which included a range of planktonic Gram-negative
mal disruption.
bacteria, demonstrated that optimal assay conditions are
The application of specific fluorogenic dyes and fluor-
often somewhat different for various bacteria and that
escence microscopy provides a strategy by which the
Image Analysis (IA) technology is useful in providing an
physiological heterogeneity of bacteria within biofilms can objective analysis of larger data sets that are more statisti-
be observed. Epi-illuminated fluorescence microscopy is of cally robust. The optimized DVC method can provide an
particular utility since biofilms stained with appropriate efficient and quantitative technique for counting viable bac-
fluorochromes may be viewed directly on the substratum teria when coupled with IA technology. That approach was
without any physical disruption [351. This application, how- subsequently adapted to the detection and measurement of
ever, is limited to very thin biofilms such as the ones typi- injured bacteria following sublethal exposure to chlorine
cally found in drinking water distribntion pipes. The struc- [25]. When compared with similar data where colony for-
tural analysis of thicker biofilms is also possible through mation was used as the criterion for viability, the optimized
the use of thin-sectioning techniques [33] and scanning DVC method with IA was more efficient in the detection
confocal laser microscopy (SCLM). The application of of chlorine-stressed bacteria and yielded comparable levels
SCLM offers a non-disruptive imaging capability of verti- of bacterial injury.
cal sections within biofilms [2,3,13]. However, some prob- The DVC method was also applied to the problem of
lems have been encountered in the use of SCLM with very enumerating attached bacteria and assessing disinfection
thick or opaque biofilms and the instrumentation is not rou- efficacy with thin bacterial biofilms [36]. Monolayer
tinely available. Both SCLM and conventional fluorescence biofilms of Klebsiella pneumoniae were grown on stainless
microscopy can be used to visualize biofilm specimens steel coupons and treated with either free chlorine
stained with fluorescent stains. There is an impressive array (0.25 mg L -i) or monochloramine (1.0 mg L 1). The effects
of fluorogenic stains that have been used by cell biologists of biocide exposure were then measured by three different
in physiological studies [17]. Of these, only a few have methods. Those techniques included the conventional plate
been applied in microbiological studies [21]. Collectively, count (PC) method after biofilm removal and disaggre-
the application of physiological assessment methodologies gation, a conventional DVC method applied to the removed
including specific fluorogenic stains with fluorescence cell suspensions and an in situ DVC method where cell
microscopy provide a powerful new capability to study the elongation was observed directly on the coupons that were
action of antimicrobial agents and spatial physiological het- incubated in the DVC medium. All three methods provided
erogeneities within biofilms with minimal disruption. similar results when control biofilms, that were not exposed
This review summarizes the findings from an ongoing to disinfectant, were examined. However, the in situ DVC
study of biofilm disinfection using a suite of new method yielded at least one log higher viable cell densities
methods to follow the action of biocides. The analytical than the PC method after 10 min of biocide treatment. That
approaches used in these studies allow the spatial resol- finding indicates that the in situ DVC technique is probably
ution of physiological activities and viability of individ- more efficient in the enumeration of biocide-exposed cells
and may provide a more accurate evaluation of how bac-
ual cells within biofilms. This kind of information pro-
teria in biofilms respond to disinfection although the
vides a unique opportunity to address questions
method is probably limited to very thin biofilms. In
concerning the mechanism(s) of biocide action and
addition, the removal of attached bacteria by biocides could
resistance as well as spatial physiological gradients
be determined with this analytical approach. These results
within biofilm communities. are consistent with other reports describing low proportions
Physiological methods to study biofilm disinfection
GAMcFeterset al
of viable allochthonous bacteria that are capable of colony was reported by another group studying the use of CTC to
formation following environmental stress [18,19,23]. describe autochthonous biofilms in drinking water although
Another interesting observation concerning the comparative they observed a lower fraction of the bacteria with active
performance of the two methods was the magnitude of their respiration [24]. These results collectively indicate that
variances. Error estimates obtained from the PC data were staining with CTC and Rh 123 accomplish the rapid and
consistently at least 10-fold larger than those for DVC accurate (ie comparable with DVC data) in situ enumer-
values. ation of active bacteria. They also allow the assessment of
specific physiological properties of bacteria within biofilms
Assessment of physiological activities of bacteria in to an extent that is not possible with conventional tech-
biofilms with fluorescent stains niques. Hence, these fluorescent probes can be useful in
Traditional enumerative methods are inadequate to deter- revealing physiological insights when applied to bacterial
mine the viability and activity of bacteria in biofilms biofilms and may be used in studies of biofilm control
because of the dependence on enumeration by colony for- through the use of biocides.
mation and the accompanying physical disruption of spatial
relationships of the natural community structure. Our his- Cryosectioning of biofilms for microscopic
torical reliance on these approaches has resulted in impre- examination
cise concepts of the potential viability and activity of bac- Most structural studies of biofilms have relied on light or
teria in biofilms that lack spatial inference. However, direct electron microscopy [27]. Conventional preparatory tech-
microscopic observations of biofilms stained with fluoro- niques cause the disruption or distortion of the biofilm
genic stains can provide a description of the physiological structure or introduce serious artifacts resulting in the loss
architecture of biofilms with minimal physical disruption of the native community architecture. While very thin
[211. biofilms may be readily observed microscopically, thicker
Acridine orange (AO) is a fluorogenic dye that is widely biofilms that are typical in many industrial and environmen-
applied by microbiologists in the acridine orange direct tal systems are more difficult to study. The application of
count (AOI)C) method and has been interpreted with puta- SCLM is a useful approach to visualize undisturbed
tive physiological implications. As reviewed elsewhere biofilms in situ [2,3,13]. In this technique, the reconstruc-
[20], numerous workers have used the resulting color of tion of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images is
AO-stained bacteria to distinguish between active and inac- based on optical sections collected through the community.
tive cells. While that concept is based on the well estab- However, this approach has been adopted in only a relative
lished differential spectrofluorescence of single-stranded few laboratories.
versus double-stranded nucleic acids complexed with AO, Physical sectioning techniques have been extensively
there was a paucity of specific published information to used with great success in the microscopic study of many
test that hypothesis by correlating established physiological biological tissues. For example, cryoembedding and cry-
indices with the AO staining reaction in bacteria of defined otomy (cryosectioning) is routinely applied as a rapid clini-
physiological activity. The results of such a study were cal procedure in the diagnosis of certain diseases. This
eventually reported using Escherichia coli under controlled approach was applied in the microscopic examination of
laboratory conditions [20]. The findings indicate that the biofilm structure through the use of fluorogenic dyes [34].
AO staining reaction was influenced by a number of vari- Binary population biofllms of both K. pneumoniae and
ables including undefined characteristics of other bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown on stainless steel coupons
in environmental systems as well as staining and fixation were used in the initial development of this method. Cou-
alternatives. However, AO is potentially useful as an index pons with stained biofilm were placed on a block of dry
of physiological activity in carefully controlled exper- ice and commercial tissue embedding medium was added
iments. to the surface. The frozen, embedded biofilms could then
CTC (5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride) [22] and be easily and completely removed from the substratum by
rhodamine 1123 (Rh 123) [10] have only recently been used gently flexing the coupon. Thin (5-/xm) vertical sections of
by microbiologists as cellular indicators of bacterial the original biofilm were then obtained with a cryostat oper-
activity. Active cellular respiration results in the reduction ated at -19 ~ C. These sections were mounted on micro-
of CTC and the accumulation of intracellular fluorescent scope slides and examined by epifluorescence microscopy.
crystals thall can be detected microscopically [22,24,32,34] This technique preserved the structural features of the
and by flow cytometry [11]. Intracellular rhodamine 123 biofilm including an irregular upper surface, water channels
fluoresces in proportion to cellular proton motive force. or voids and a well defined substratum interface. These
Biofilms of E. pneumoniae were used to determine the util- same features have been observed using SCLM [2,3]. This
ity of CTC and Rh 123 as indices of interracial bacterial technique has subsequently been applied successfully to the
activity by comparing those results against PC and in situ microscopic examination of biofilms of different thick-
DVC data [:34]. Our findings demonstrated that the response nesses on various substrata. Hence, this method provides a
of bacteria within actively growing biofilms using the DVC relatively rapid and simple approach for examining individ-
method, Rh 123 and CTC were statistically comparable and ual cells and structural features within biofilms.
approximately 90% of the total cell population appeared
active. Bacterial population densities determined using Studies on biofilms exposed to biocides
these indices of cellular activity were also at least two-fold Experiments designed to provide community-wide esti-
higher than with PC enumeration data [34]. A similar result mates of biocidal effects within biofilms yield useful albeit
Physiological methods to study biofilm disinfection
GA McFeters et al
somewhat limited information. Such a study was conducted approximately one log higher than PC results following dis-
using binary population biofilms composed of P. aerugi- infection for 10 min. As in the previous study [28], large
nosa and K. pneumoniae grown in an annular reactor with variations were observed between the responses of different
a minimal medium containing glucose as the only added physiological activities after exposure to low concentrations
energy source [28]. The thickness of the biofilms after one of biocides. Again, these results indicate that reliance on
week of growth ranged between 30 and 60/xm. After PC determinations of viable bacteria overestimates the
exposure to monochloramine, the activity and viability of efficacy of biocidal activity. However, the question of
the cells was determined following physical removal from which physiological index is the most valid indicator of
the coupons and compared with community-wide glucose potential subsequent bacterial recovery and growth is a
utilization and oxygen uptake levels. The ability of the bac- question that merits further consideration. It could be
teria to form colonies on both nonselective and optimal argued that respiratory activity (CTC reduction) is a useful
selective media declined much more rapidly (3-log physiological criterion when studying the biocidal activity
reduction) after one hour of disinfection than did cellular of chlorine since bacterial respiration is one of the primary
respiratory activity, measured by CTC reduction, which targets of that biocide [4] and the ability of bacteria to
decreased by only one log. At the same time, there was reduce CTC closely follows the DVC response, a well
only a slight change in the total number of bacteria within established criterion of bacterial viability. Likewise, bac-
the biofilms. These results indicate that the disinfection terial membrane potential, as assessed by staining with rho-
treatment had little effect in removing the bacteria from the damine 123, is a useful criterion of viability. Hence, these
substratum and that PC data yielded the most optimistic indicators of physiological activity provide sensitive infor-
estimate of biofilm disinfection. It was also not surprising mation describing the response of specific physiological
that estimates of cellular activity using the CTC reduction processes in individual bacteria within biofilms to sublethal
assay were much higher than PC data following monochlor- biocide expsure in situ. However, the results of this and the
amine exposure since the ability of such bacteria to form previous study [28] lack spatial resolution within the
colonies often underestimates the actual viable population. biofilm structure and do not allow critical questions con-
However, the results of the oxygen and glucose utilization cerning specific mechanisms of biocide action to be
produced much more conservative appraisals of biocidal addressed.
activity. These results clearly demonstrate that very differ- More recently, we conducted studies intended to describe
ent estimates of cellular viability and physiological activity spatial and temporal patterns of respiratory activity within
are obtained when a range of analytical tools are used fol- mature biofilms during disinfection [9]. Binary population
lowing biocide treatment. Specifically, enumeration results biofilms of P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae were grown
obtained using methods assessing physiological activities, on stainless steel coupons in an annular reactor using min-
such as respiration, indicate much less biocidal efficacy and eral salts medium plus glucose for 7-10 days and exposed
are likely to more accurately reflect the ability of a surviv- to low concentrations (2 and 4 mg L 1) of monochloramine.
ing and injured sub-population to recover and resume Bacteria in treated biofilms were evaluated for viability by
growth following biocide treatment. Cultural techniques are colony formation on a nonselective medium and for physio-
known to be inefficient in the detection of disinfectant- logical activity by CTC reduction followed by cryosection-
injured bacteria [18]. Therefore, the findings of this study ing and image analysis. Epifluorescent micrographs of
do provide useful information describing the effects of dis- CTC-stained sections of biofilms exposed to monochloram-
infectants on an entire biofilm community. ine for various times clearly revealed gradients of respirat-
A similar study was done to examine the physiological ory activity. Cells near the biofilm-bulk fluid interface lost
response of bacteria in thin biofilms (ie 1-2/xm) to disin- respiratory activity first and that effect progressed with
fection [36]. Biofilms of K. pneumoniae were grown on depth into the biofilms as the biocide treatment continued.
stainless steel coupons in a reactor for 36 h using dilute After 2 h of disinfection, there was a small residual zone
medium and exposed to either chlorine (0.25 mg L -1 free of bacteria capable of respiration deep within the biofilm
chlorine, pH 7.2) or monochloramine (1 mg L -1, pH 9.0) structure(s). These gradients of respiratory activity with
for 10 rain. Biocide effects were determined using CTC and depth in the biofilm community were quantified by the ratio
Rh 123 as in situ fluorogenic indicators of individual cellu- of CTC-positive cells to the total cell population, stained
lar physiological activity, incorporation of tritiated uridine with DAPI, using IA. The resulting quantitative data sup-
to reveal community-wide RNA turnover as well as PC and ported the qualitative observations from the micrographs
DVC estimates of bacterial viability following biomass and suggested a possible mechanism explaining the
removal. As in our previous report [35], results obtained increased bacterial resistance seen within thick biofilms.
using CTC, DVC and Rh 123 methods yielded bacterial Therefore, by coupling the CTC probe for bacterial respirat-
densities that were comparable when examining untreated ory activity [35] with the cryosectioning technique [33], we
biofilms. These values were all in relatively close agree- were able to resolve spatial patterns of bacterial respiratory
ment with microscopic enumerations of the total bacterial activity within a disinfected heterogenous biofilm com-
population. Following treatment with both disinfectants, PC munity using microscopic observations and image analysis.
data were at least one log lower than results obtained using In summary, alternative measurements of physiological
DVC and the fluorogenic indices of physiological activity. activity, including DVC [12,25,26,36], staining with fluor-
However, tritiated uridine incorporation and Rh 123 escent probes (2,9-11,20-22,24,29,30,32,34,35], and triti-
activity were approximately one log higher than CTC-posi- ated uridine incorporation [35] provide information distinct
tive and DVC-responsive cell numbers which were in turn, from the traditional plate count. In all cases, these alterna-
Physiological methods to study biofilm disinfection
GAMcFeterset al
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Physiological methods to study biofilm disinfection
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