By-Laws ADSCHRMI Super Final - New Name

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Meetings, Strategic Planning, Year-end Assessment and Teambuilding Activity

Section 1. Annual Meeting – The Annual Meeting of the General Assembly shall
be held at the principal office of the Council or at the place duly
designated every December of each year or on a date or venue agreed
upon by the Board of Trustees.

Section 2. Regular/Special Meetings:

2.a Regular meetings of the Council shall be called every Thursday of the
last month of the quarter by the Council President/Chairperson of the
Board of Trustees. If the said day falls on a holiday or for any justifiable
reasons, the regular meeting may be called by the Council
President/Chairperson of the Board of Trustees any day within the
affected week.

During such meeting, the President and the Treasurer shall render their
quarterly report to the Council regarding the operation of the Council

2.b Special Meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the

Chairperson as the need arises

2.c Special Meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the

majority of the Board of Trustees or by the majority of the Executive
Officers of the Council or upon petition of one-third (1/3) of the General

Section 3. Notices - Notices stating the date, time and place of annual, quarterly
and special meetings shall be given either personally or by special
delivery mail or through text messaging or via electronic mail (e-mail)
or through CHRMP-ADS Facebook Group or via Messenger Group
Chat, at least one week before the date set for such meetings. In
urgent cases, the notice may be communicated at least two (2) days
before the meeting through any fastest means of communication.

The notice of every meeting shall state briefly the purpose(s) of the
Section 4 Quorum – A quorum for any meeting of the members shall consist of
fifty percent plus one (50% + 1). Simple majority may make any
decision at the meeting except those matters where the Corporation
Code requires the affirmative vote on a greater proportion.

Section 5 Order of Business – the order of business at the annual meeting of the
members shall be as follows:

a. Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting

b. Proof of the presence of a quorum
c. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual
meeting, except when such reading is dispensed with by the
majority vote of those present
d. Unfinished business of the previous meeting
e. Report of the Board of Trustees through the Board Secretary
f. Report of the President
g. Report of the Treasurer
h. Report of the Auditor
i. Election of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Officers of
the ensuing year, if applicable
j. Induction or installation of the duly elected Board of Trustees and of
the Executive Officers, if applicable
k. Other matters

The order of business at any meeting may be changed by a vote of a

majority of the members present

Section 6. Voting Proxy – Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote, and
he/she may vote either in person or by proxy.

Section 7. Strategic Planning – An annual strategic planning activity shall be held

within the month of February of each year to revisit the Corporation’s
Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives and finalize programs, projects
and activities for the year on a date or venue agreed upon by the Board
of Trustees.

Section 8. Year-end Assessment and Teambuilding Activity – A year-end

assessment and teambuilding activity shall be held within the month of
December of each year to determine physical and financial
accomplishments. It will also serve as a venue to strengthen
camaraderie and teamwork among incorporators/members through the
conduct of teambuilding or group dynamics, and Christmas party of the
General Assembly. It may be held simultaneous with the Annual
Meeting or on a date or venue to be agreed upon by the Board of
Board of Trustees

Section 1. Board of Trustees – The corporate powers of the Council shall be

exercised by the Board of Trustees (BOT).

Section 2 Election - Members of the Board of Trustees shall be elected by the

General Assembly meeting. Immediately after their election, the Board
shall convene to elect from among themselves (1) the
Chairperson/President, (2) Vice Chairperson/Vice President for District
1 (3) Vice Chairperson/Vice President for District II, (4) the Secretary,
(5) Assistant Secretary, (6) the Treasurer, (7) Assistant Treasurer (8)
the Auditor, (9) the Public Information Officer/Business Manager.

Section 3 Appointment of two additional members – The Board of Trustees shall

agree to appoint two additional members of the Board from its roster of
active members, once each from District I & District II, whose positions
and experiences in the practice of the HRM profession can be a rich
source of relevant knowledge and insights in all undertakings of the

Section 3 Qualifications – No member shall be eligible for election to the Board of

Trustees unless she/she has the following qualifications

1. Must be appointed or designated in a human resource management

position or a human resource management (HRM) practitioner
performing in full-time HRM and/or learning and development
functions in their respective agencies;
2. Must have been a member of the CHRMP-ADS for at least one
year prior to the election;
3. Must be a regular member of the Council at the time of the election;
4. Must have settled all dues, assessments and other financial
obligations due for the Council

Section 4 Term of Office of the Board of Trustees – Their terms of office shall be
for three (3) years subject to re-election. The new set of Board of
Trustees and Executive Officers shall serve from December 3, 2019 to
December 2, 2022 and the regular election shall be held every three
(3) years thereafter.

Section 5 Disqualification of Trustees – No member convicted by final judgment

of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period not exceeding
six (6) years, or a violation of this Code, committed within five (5) years
prior to the date of his election/appointment shall qualify as a trustee or

Executive Officers

Section 1. Executive Officers – The Executive Officers of the Council shall be the
President, the Vice President for District I; the Vice President for
District II; the Secretary; the Assistant Secretary; the Treasurer; the
Assistant Treasurer; the Auditor; and; the Public Information Officer-
Business Manager.

Section 2 Election – The Executive Officers shall be elected on the manner

provided under Section 2, Article II of the By-Laws.

Section 3 Term of Office of the Executive Officers – Their terms of office shall be
for three years subject to re-election. The new set of Board of Trustees
and Executive Officers shall serve from December 3, 2019 to
December 2, 2022 and the regular election shall be held every three
(3) years thereafter.

Section 4 Disqualification of Executive Officers – No member convicted by final

judgment of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period
exceeding six (6) years, or a violation of this Code, committed within
five (5) years prior to the date of his election/appointment shall qualify
as a trustee or officer.
The Organizational Structure

Section 1 The organizational structure of Council of Human Resource

Management Practitioners of Agusan del Sur (CHRMP-ADS) shall be

as follows:

(District I & II)




VP for Dist


VP for Dist

Section 2 Policies – The highest policy-making body of the Council is the General
Assembly. While the Board of Trustees promulgates policies in
conformity with the purposes for which the council is incorporated, the
Executive Officers implement policies duly approved. The Executive
Officers may recommend policies for consideration of the Board of
Trustees or of the General Assembly. Decision of the Board may be
appealed before the General Assembly by simple majority votes of the
members present constituting a quorum.
Function and Powers of the Board of Trustees

Section 1. Chairperson – The Chairperson presides in all the meetings of the

Board of Trustees and the General Assembly

Section 2 Vice Chairperson – The Vice Chairperson shall exercise all powers and
perform all duties of the Chairman during the absence or incapacity of
the latter

Section 3 Secretary – The Board Secretary shall have the following functions.

1. Notifies all members during meetings of the BOT and General

2. Keeps the minutes of the meetings and all records of the Council;
3. Keeps the seal of the Council and affixes it to any documents
requiring the same
4. Maintains master list of the members of the Council; and
5. Performs all duties that maybe assigned by the Board of Trustees

Section 4 Board of Trustees – The Board of Trustees shall promulgate all policies
affecting all the members of the Council

Functions and Powers of the Executive Officers

Section 1. President – The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Council with
the following functions;

1. Presides in all meetings of the Executive Officers;

2. Executes all resolutions and or decisions of the Board of Trustees
and the General Assembly
3. Directs and overseas the activities of the Council
4. Appoints and supervises all employees of the Council;
5. Approves all financial transactions of the Council;
6. Presents Annual/Supplemental budgets for the approval of the BOT
and the General Assembly;
7. Submits annual accomplishments report to the Board of Trustees
and the General Assembly; and
8. Performs all duties that maybe assigned by the BOT from time to

Section 2 Vice President – The Vice-Presidents, District I then District II, shall
exercise all powers and perform all duties of the President during the
absence or incapacity of the latter and shall perform duties that maybe
assigned by the Board of Trustees.

Section 3 Secretary and Assistant Secretary– The Secretary and Assistant

Secretary shall have the following functions;

1. Notifies all members during meetings

2. Keeps the minutes of the meetings and all records of the Executive
3. Maintains master list of the members of the Council; and
4. Performs all duties that maybe assigned by the President

Section 4 Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer – The Treasurer and Assistant

Treasurer shall have the following functions

1. Takes charge of all the financial transactions of the Council

2. Maintains and keeps all financial records of the Council including
book of accounts which shall be available for audit anytime
3. Submits Financial Status Reports during meetings
4. Posts a bond in such amount that maybe fixed by the board of
trustees; and
5. Performs all duties as stated in item 8 of the Articles of Incorporated

Section 5 Auditor – The Auditor shall have the following functions

1. Examines financial records

2. Conducts audit on money, property, supplies and equipment
3. Submits Audit Reports to the President and Chief Executive, or to
the General Assembly including findings and recommendations or
to the Board of Trustees whenever required; and
4. Performs all duties that maybe assigned by the President and Chief
executive Officer

Section 6 Public Information Officer/Business Manager – The Public Information

Officer and concurrent Business Manager shall have the following

1. Take charge in the dissemination of information, press releases

duly authorized by the Board of Trustees;
2. Take charge in the formulation of business proposals and
implements or cause to implement the same after approval of the
Board of Trustees
3. Performs all duties that maybe assigned by the President and Chief
Executive Officer

Section1. Qualification for Membership. Membership to the Council shall be open

to all duly appointed or designated human resource management
officers or directors, HRM assistants, personnel officers, administrative
officers and assistants, school administrators, municipal administrators
and other personnel, whose duties in the organization involve human
resource management in the local government units, national
government agencies, government owned and controlled corporations,
government financial institutions, and state universities and colleges
within the Province of Agusan del Sur.

Section 2 Application for membership shall be acted upon when the following
requirements are complied with;

1. Duly accomplished application/membership form;

2. Payment of membership fee of Php 300.00 or when deemed
necessary, may be agreed upon by the Members of Board of

Section 3 Rights of the Members – A member shall have the following rights:

1. To vote either in person or in proxy on all matters relative to the

affairs of the Council
2. To be elected or appointed to any position of the Council if qualified
3. To participate in all deliberation and meetings of the Council
4. To avail of the facilities and services of the Council
5. To examine all records or books of the Council during business
hours and in the presence of those in-charge thereof

Section 4 Duties and Obligations of the Members – A member shall have the
following duties and obligations;

1. To abide with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be

promulgated by the Council from time to time;
2. To attend all regular and special meetings
3. To pay a membership fee of PHP 300.00, annual dues of Php
250.00 and other financial obligations as set by the Board of
4. To promote the purposes for which the Council is incorporated; and;
5. To display the highest degree of professionalism

Accreditation as Civil Society Accreditation of Partner Agencies

Section 1 The Council may apply for accreditation as a Civil Society Organization
(CSO) categorized as a Professional Organization (PO) if so required
by concerned partner agencies or LGU’s in the provision of technical
assistance as Resource Persons, Facilitators of Capacity Development
or Learning and Development Programs/Activities, as members of HR
Committees/Mechanisms and for other relevant HRM and L&D
purposes or activities.


Learning and Development (L&D) Opportunities and Technical Assistance

Section 1 Learning and Development Opportunities – Learning and Development

(L&D) interventions may be offered to members provided it is an
identified learning and development priorities for members reflected in
the approved L&D Plan of the Council. Technical experts from the Civil
Service Commission, CHRMP-ADS members as subject-matter experts
or other accredited training institutions may be hired by the Council as
Resource Person or Facilitators on a date and place to be agreed upon
by the Board of Trustees.

Section 2 Technical Assistance – The Council may provide technical assistance

in partnership with other agencies, most especially current employers
of members-incorporators in the conduct or facilitation of their capacity
development programs and receive a donation of not less than 10% of
the registration fees to be credited to the Council’s account. If required,
the Council may submit an application for accreditation to the
concerned partner agency or LGU as provided under Article VIII hereof.

Emergency Assistance

Section 1 The Council may extend assistance, in cash or in kind, amount of which
to be agreed upon by the Board of Trustees based on need, subject to
availability of funds, to members to assist them or their family in their
medical or burial needs or for any similar purposes to be approved by
the Board of Trustees or Executive Officers.

Outreach Program

Section 1 The Council shall have an outreach Program at least once in each year
which either may have social, economic, cultural, environment and
emergency response impact as its corporate social responsibility to
help marginalized or disadvantaged groups or communities affected by
calamities and disasters on a form, place and date to be agreed upon
by the Board of Trustees.


Section 1 Funds – The funds of the Council shall be derived from membership
fees, annual dues, contributions and donations from the conduct or
facilitation of capacity development or learning & development activities
in partnership with government and non-government institutions, and
from all legitimate sources.

Section 2 Disbursements – Withdrawal from the funds of the Council, whether by

check or any other instrument, shall be signed by the Treasurer; and by
the President. If necessary, the Board of Trustees may designate
alternate signatories.

Section 3 Fiscal Year - the fiscal year of the Council shall be from October to
September of the following year.

Corporate Seal

Section 1 Form -The Corporate Seal of the Council shall be in such form and
design as may be determined by the Board of Trustees.

Amendments of the By-Laws

Section 1 Amendments – These By-Laws or any provision thereof may be

amended or repealed by a two-third (2/3) votes of the Board of
Trustees and the third (2/3) votes of the members present at any
regular or special meeting duly called for the purpose.

Adopted this 3RD day of December 2019 at O’s Landing, Beach Resort, Britania, San
Agustin, Surigao del Sur, Philippines, by the affirmative vote of the undersigned
members representing a majority of the members of the council in a regular meeting
held for the purpose.






Republic of the Philippines


I, MR. CHRISTOHER REY L. BARDILAS of legal age, Filipino and resident of

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur after having been sworn to in
accordance with law hereby depose and state;


(Name of the Corporation/Partnership)

Which is in the process of Incorporated with the Securities and Exchange


2. That I, in behalf of said corporation/partnership, hereby undertake to

change its corporate/partnership name in the event another person, firm or
entity has acquired a prior right to the use of the said firm name by virtue
of regulation with other government agencies or our name is identical or
deceptive or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or to any
other name already protected by law or is patently deceptive, confusing or
contrary to existing laws.

3. That this affidavit is expected to atleast to the truth of the foregoing and for
whatever legal purpose ad intent it may serve

In witness whereof, I hereby sign this affidavit this ____ day of ________________
at ______________________________________.

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