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Part II – Case Study (60%)

In this task, you are asked to build a simple music playlist by using the concept of
Queue with Linked List. The program must be written in C programming
Every time the program starts, it shows three basic information to the users:
1. SONG LIST : List of song that can be chosen by the users
2. NEXT IN QUEUE : List of song in the queue
3. MAIN MENU : Show the main menu of the program
NOTE: The SONG LIST can be found in the provided document for this task.

In the main menu, there are 4 options:

1. Add Music into Queue
In this menu, user can pick a song that he/she likes into the queue. Users
input the songs by their corresponding numbers (i.e. between 1 and 10). If
the inputted value is wrong, the system will show an error message. If it’s
correct, the system will add the chosen song into the queue and inform the
A music is added to the queue

The program shows the music in the queue

2. Next Music
This option orders the program to play the next music in the queue. If there
are no music in the queue, the system will tell the users to input some music

Users chose next music and the program play the music from the queue
The music that has been played recently is removed from the queue

If there are no music in the queue, the program will tell the users to
insert some music first

3. Clear Queue
The third option is to clear all music from the queue. If there are no music in
the queue, the program will tell users to input some music first.

Users clear all music in the queue with the third menu
The queue is cleared by the program

If there are no music in the queue, the program will tell the users to
insert some music first

4. Exit
The last menu is to exit from the program.
----- GOOD LUCK -----

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