Reflection Diary

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Shahid Hussian Siddiqui

M.Sc. (Applied Physics), BEd.

SSS/Assistant Professor.

Head Department of Physics

Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School, Baba Willayat Ali Shah

Orangi 11 ½, Karachi

Seniority # 120
DAY: 01

The training was conducted in Nawabshah, therefore all the CPs from Karachi
and other districts reached Nawabshah a day before.

 All the CPs arrived at the orientation hall at 9:00 am and after a short
while the MTs and management staff arrived.
 The orientation started with the recitation of Holy Quran and naat.
 Then the management team and the MTs introduced themselves.
 In the orientation hall the management provided us with the manuals,
pens and notebooks to write on.
 Then the CPs were divided into three groups.
 All these formalities took about 2 hours.
 After 11:00 am the class formally started.
 We were told that our training was based on two parts:
1. Accounts and finance management.
2. Academic management.
 For the first our MT, Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Sheikh told us about what account
is and how do we manage it and what sort of problems we can come
 Although the topic was new and interesting, but the problem was that we
are the teachers of Science and we have no idea about accounts and fields
related to it. Therefore, we were facing a lot of difficulty comprehending
this topic.
 Although there were difficulties but we managed to learn a lot of
accounts related stuff. Like DDO power, funds utilization and how to use
powers and funds in a legal way.
 The most interesting part of this lecture was how to utilize funds with
fairness and how the SMC monitors the regulation of fund money given
to school managements.

After the first break the second part of training started:

 The lecture was delivered by Mashooq Ali Sammoo, he told us about

how a portfolio is made.
 This was very interesting for me as I have already made my portfolio
multiple times but never knew what steps were necessary and cannot
be omitted.
 If I follow these steps, I can undoubtedly make a really good portfolio
which is simple and attractive.
DAY: 02

 As usual the class started with the recitation of the holy Quran and
 CPs gave the reflection of yesterday class
 Mr Aijaz told us about financial matters again
 He gave us examples procurement, utilization and its application
 All these topics were new for us
 He perfectly conveyed procurement
 All the topics were interesting
 If we talk about precaution measurement there was no chance for

 In the second half:

 Mr Mashooq ali helped us to comprehend what curriculum is and how
its made
 He also explained the steps necessary to make curriculum and how we
should adjust it according to age limits
DAY: 03

 Yesterday our class started with recitation

 CPs gave reflection about the day before yesterday.
 Our course is primarily based on the parts that is academics and accounts
management and finance.
 Yesterday we only had a class of accounts management.
 Also our third MT gave us a lecture using software utilities.
 As I mentioned before Accounts management is a topic very new to me
and it's proving to be quite difficult for me as this is my first time
studying all these topics.
 Yesterday our prime focus was how we can plan to improve our
schooling system and how to lay down an effective management
 We also learned a new terminology called "SWOT" and how this is used
for planning.
 For the first time we performed a classroom activity and learned how
finance and accounts management is applied in real life and also how it's
used to make a good project.
 I also understood what planning commission is and why is it so
 Building a new institution or extending an already existing institute
requires PC1 for proper working.
 After yesterday's class I now understand how to make a PC1 for a given
 We also had another activity in which we also learned about the school
improvement plan (SIP).
 We learned that all stakeholders should take part in the betterment of a
 We also learned what TheoryX and TheoryY are.
 It basically tells us about two types of professionals:
1. people who will not work no matter how much you tell them or
how much you benefit them.

2. people who love their work and fulfill their duty. These are called
Y type professionals.

 Management actually tells us how to deal with these kind of people and
what attitude should be adopted towards X and Y type professionals.
DAY: 04

 Yesterday's session started with the recitation of Quran followed by a

 CPs gave their reflection of the activities that happened a day before
 Mr. Nisaar briefed us about how to install the app where online classes
shall be conducted
 He also clearly explained how we can install any app we want.
 In one hour he explained how to use the app for online classes.
 After the demonstration held by him we can easily conduct online classes
anytime without any difficulty.
 I can also now teach my students, how to use these types of applications.
 After that Mr. Ijaaz gave a full review of accounts management and
 Like how to make budgets etc.
 He also asked alot of questions from CPs just to see if the topics were
 New terms like NAM (New Acountee Model) and BCC (Budget Call
Circular) etc were introduced.
 He also explained how to implement what we have learned from these
lectures in our institutions
 Lastly Mr. Mashooq took a class on teaching method and how we should
deal with different types of students.
 Mr. Mashooq never got straight to the topic instead he used the deductive
method and tried to explain his topics using ayahs, Hadiths, poetry etc.
 I am very impressed by his style and I am practicing to adopt his method
of teaching.
DAY: 05

 Yesterday’s class as usual started with recitation of Holy Quran and Naat.
 The special thing about yesterday’s naat was that Mr. Shahid Shabbir
engaged everyone while saying his naat.
 After this two CPs gave their reflections.
 Today our class started with academic studies.
 Mr. Mashooq covered two to three topics on how to enhance our
education system.
 Like the difference between vision and mission an illustrated different
example from our daily lives.
 Today’s main topic was Bloom’s Taxonomy, he told us that the theory of
bloom is holding all over the world of education.
 Bloom’s theory covers all areas regarding a student in accordance to their
capabilities and skill.
 This theory helps to find the hidden skills within a child / student.
 After this he told us the definition and abbreviation of different terms
used in education Like MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), CRQs
(Constructive Response Questions), what is rubric and so much more.
 The purpose of all these definitions is that if the examiners in our system
sets our papers according to the parameters and evaluates the answers on
rubric basis then it will enable us to find out the real result and the actual
potential of the students.
 But unfortunately, examiners in our system mark students according to
their modes.
 This causes the bright students with potential to be shunned.
Yesterday was the last day of our face-to-face classes, and now we are going
online for the rest of our training. Therefore, we arranged a farewell party and,
on the occasion, we distributed Ajrak we did not forget our mess members who
served us with food each day. Their hospitality showed the true culture of
Sindh. So, we also prepared some gifts for them a well.

At the end, DG PITE gave a speech and wished all of us good-luck.

DAY: 06

 Yesterday our class was held online and as usual the class started with
recitation of Holy Quran and Naat.
 CPs gave their introductions and gave reflection of the previous class.
 Yesterday’s topic was on the leadership capabilities of a teacher.
 Definition of a leader, qualities of a leader and much more.
 Good teachers should be able to influence not only their colleagues but
also their students.
 A good teacher and leader should work for the betterment of the school.
 He / She should set some targets to be achieved.
 A good teacher not only participates in curricular activities but also co-
curriculum activities.
 Not all students are inclined towards academic studies, a teacher should
help them find their hidden talents.
 Some students for example are good at sports, while some are good at
 Good teachers just like good leaders take risk for the betterment of their
school and their students.

After that we learnt:

 About the difference in monitoring and evaluation.

 Monitoring means to see that whether we are going in the right direction
or not.
 And everything is either going as planned or not
 We determine that whether the target which we have set will be achieved
or not.
 Whereas, evaluation means to check the quality of the plan, its
effectiveness and its efficiency.
 There are two types of Evaluations namely:
1. Formative.
2. Summative.
 In first type we see the implementation of the plan.
 In the second type a study is conducted at the end to measure the extent
of success of a plan.
 Today’s lecture was very unique for me as it was my first-time taking
classes online.
 The atmosphere in an online class was very similar to that of a regular
physical classroom.
 The teachers were interacting with us in the same way.
 In future I plan to help my students using these online classroom utilities,
we will remain touch 24/7 and if the students have any sort of problem
we can conduct an online session whenever we want.

DAY: 07
 Yesterday’s class as usual started with recitation of Holy Quran and Naat.
 CPs gave their introductions and gave reflection of the previous class.
 Yesterday’s topic was very interesting.
 It was about school improvement.
 Today I will not tell directly what was taught in the previous class rather
I will tell what I have learnt from the previous classes and what my
opinions are on the topic.
 In my opinions school improvement consists of a number of factors for
 Cleanliness of the school a proper sports and rehabilitation area.
 These types of things make the school more attractive to the students and
eventually helps them in their academics.
 If a smart and well-dressed teacher receives them it will leave a good
impact on them.
 A session should be held in the morning assembly to ask the students
what sort of Islamic and social work they have done.

Now let’s come to the manual topics:

 Schools should be situated in the center of a community, as it will be easy

for the families and protection agencies to reach.
 All these factors account for school improvement.
 For the betterment of schools, the community leader, teachers and
cultural resources and broader communities all play a vital role.
 This was an interesting day for me as a learner, because we used what we
learnt to derive some practical approaches for making a school
improvement plan that actually be implemented.
 We also learned an acronym NPSTP (National Professional Standard for
Teachers in Pakistan).
 NPSTP was developed by the government of Pakistan for the betterment
of education in Pakistan.
 The quality of education in a country entirely depends on the quality of
 Therefore, the NPSTP helps to increase the quality of teacher by taking
different measures and techniques.
DAY 08

 The class started with the recitation of Holy Quran and naat.
 CPs gave their reflection about the day before yesterday.
 MT started the topic of account recording or the maintenance of account.
 He told us that the maintenance of account is the responsibility of the
 DDO will maintain different registers for different purposes.
 For example:
1. Cashbook
2. Contingent payment register
3. Payroll
4. Receipt register
5. Asset register
6. Reconciliation statement

And different other expense register.

 He also told us the preparation of bill, voucher, budget availability

certificate, sanction order etc.
 He also described the additional documents for security audit.
 How to maintain all of these, as they will be helpful at the time of audit.
 After briefing us about all the above-mentioned parameters, the MT gave
us a form to fill that relied on the above parameters as a class activity.
 All the CPs performed this task successfully
 We performed two activities for the better understanding of account
The second topic was on the leadership style:

 Since we have discussed this topic before we revised all the terminologies
from before.
 The new thing we learned was the different types of leadership style, for
1. The democratic style. In this style everyone was given a
chance to give their suggestions about how to improve the
2. Strategic leadership style. In this style he told us how to plan
to improve all the schools academically and also their
managements via close monitoring of these schools.
3. Coach leadership style. In this style he himself implemented
all the steps necessary for school improvement.

All of this was very new for me, and without a doubt if we follow the above
mentioned styles of leadership sincerely we can easily enhance and improve the
curriculum and co-curriculum level of our schools.
DAY 09
 Class started with the recitation of Holy Quran.

 CPs gave their reflections on the day before yesterday's class.

 Today's topic was human resource management

 The topic was very vast and it was impossible to summarize the entire
topic in one class

 But our CPs as well as the MTs tried their best to cover maximum
number of topics.

 First they defined what HRM is.

 How to develop resources and to find the right person for the right job.

 After that they defined the HRM functions and its nature.

 How to motivate and make people useful for the organization.

 We also discussed the scope (capacity) of HRM.

 Their task assigning, authority and responsibility.

 Evolution of work force is also a responsibility of HRM.

Then they discussed the difference between personal management and HRM:

 The objective HRM is the improvement of skills and abilities of

employees of any organization.

 There are different qualities that should be present in a HR manager.

 He should be knowledgeable, mentally alert, good decision maker,

devoted, honest and a good communicator.

 The MT also told that the environmental factor should not affect the
efficiency of HRM.

 We have learnt that without HRM we cannot improve a school.

Then we started a new topic called "conflict management":

 It is a matter of fact the interest of every human is different from other.

 Mental levels of individuals is also different.

 Sometimes people create conflicts to show their supremacy.

 Conflict may be positive or negative.

 If it’s positive then it will help a person.

 But if it’s negative it will be destructive.

 As a leader it is our responsibility to analyze the views of the different

people and find the best possible solution to a problem.

 Conflict management always tries to find out win-win outcomes.

 The last topic was on insurance of quality of education.

 The quality of education depends on many factors like:

1. Student strength

2. Good result in annual exams, etc.

 They also discussed the importance of punctuality, Daily assembly,

Classroom interactions etc.

 School management and its assets is also important.

 There should be co-curricular activities and there should be caring people
in the school.

 School management committee and classroom environment also accounts

for the quality of education.

 By listening to the problems of students, and solving them will help the
students focus on their education.
DAY 10

 Class started with the recitation of Holy Quran and naat.

 CPs gave their reflections on the day before yesterday's class.

 The lecture yesterday was our last lecture and it was divided into two

 Today's topic was acquisition maintenance and disposal of stores.

 Before this lecture I did not know the importance of this topic.

 Stores in our conception is a dumpster.

 But after learning we understood the actual purpose of a store.

 It is one of the department where we store all the necessities of a school

to be used later.

 For this purpose we have to maintain different registers on different like:

1. Fixed and movable registers

2. Books

3. Science laboratory equipment registers.

4. Library registers etc.

 We also learned about the rules on the purchase of store equipment like
we should keep all the receipts and purchase letters in a proper place.

 This helps us in the time of audit.

After that the closing ceremony was started, this was an online ceremony
therefore, interaction was not possible, but still we thanked all our MTs who
performed a marvelous job in this short period of time and co-operated with us.
We also thanked DG PITE, who addressed us.

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