Business Research: Activity # 3

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Business Research
Activity # 3
Mam Sadaf Latif

Group Members:
M. Zeeshan Khursheed

ID # F2018054047

M. Salman Arshad

ID # F2018054023

Faisal Tariq

ID # F2018054039

Saqlain Mustansir

ID # F2018054035


ID # F2018054061
Name of the principle:
Russian Doll principle;

The Russian doll principle means breaking down the research question from the novel
statement to something which strips away the obstacle of coatings and obscurities until the
very essence – the heart – of the question can be expressed.

How to use:
In a set of dolls, each doll unpacks out of a bigger doll, with each outer layer being what is
seen before any unpacking happens. The principle denotes a recognisable relationship of
"object-within-similar-object" that appears in the design of many natural and crafted objects.

Where each level looks self-contained but is in fact part of a higher level. If the paint has
gone in a small Russian Doll, you can’t fix it by re-painting the bigger one. But maybe, there
is a general problem with the quality of the painting of those Russian Dolls that you have just
bought, and what has happened to the Little Doll may also happen to the others. Being aware
of this possibility will be wise.

If we are very exhausted or not very optimistic, we can tune in for the Who Done It. We don’t
need to see the additional dolls, and that’s OK. The more attentive and intellectual we are, the
more deeply we can find our approach to the other, deeper dolls.

The mastermind of this methodology is that it manages to speak to smooth without alienating (or
antagonizing) dumb. It can speak to arduous audiences without insulting undemanding
audiences. It can stay wide-ranging for maximum audience and go contracted for maximum
engagement. It is at once stress-free and sociable, and amusing and interesting.

The Russian Doll principle is chiefly valuable in politics, secret operatives’ work, spying,
storytelling and tax evasion. If you are good at it, and go into one of these professions, your
financial impartiality is assured.

 It has found a way to elude almost coded messages into the spectacle. Those who don’t quite
get it don’t really mind. Those who do get it love the show and the characters for daring to
beam a secret message in open air.


For employee communication:

The biggest Russian doll or core note should be your business strategy, which will create the
framework, the scenery and the ambitions of the organisation and their people. All other
messaging can then be unloaded from this context and then further unpacked into openly
relevant messages for employees at a departmental and team level.
By following the Russian Nesting Doll principle you can use your strategy as a framework to
bond everything, get your people looking accelerative, and ensure a tangible assembly of the
employee's everyday goings-on to the strategic objectives of your organisation.

In organization:

In organizational terms, innovative conversions of management teams or groups, when part

of a culture that is not awfully innovative, can lead (and frequently do lead) to ‘uphill
transformations’, influencing, for example, the understandings of top leadership, perhaps
even, becoming a social role model.  In my consulting work, I have examples of this kind all
the time, which I sometimes wish I could show to the Doom and Gloom brigades running
many companies.
Ultimately, ‘the top ceiling’ in organizational terms, is Culture. Again, becoming paralysed
waiting to ‘fix the corporate culture’ does not make sense. Fixing subcultures (‘within their
own system’) is not only possible but, most of the time, a good place to start. Today, any
successful cultural shaping or cultural transformation is bottom-up. Top down cultural
dictation is a waste of time and money.
There is the need for awareness, both in terms of limitations and possibilities, because the
history of management thinking and management practices has plenty of deceiving
propositions. Some Quality and Continuous Improvement movements have focused too much
on ‘fixing problems within the system’ and, at the same time, claiming that this will change
the culture. But if honest, the culture is never changed by these fixes. People juts become
highly proficient at fixing problems. They never go beyond the Little Doll.
In gender equality:
When we compare the types of texts for the extent to which gendered categories refer to other
identity categories, we see that for both policy issues the variety of words is much higher in
the policy plans than in the laws. The analysis of the multiple identities show that in the
policy issue Equal pay and equal treatment the Russian doll seems to be a mother. That is, a
fair number of countries use labels that refer to both gender and parenthood.
For Domestic violence the Russian doll is a migrant woman. This means that a significant
number of the female actors that are being referred to in the policy categories also refer to
ethnic identity. In almost all of these cases the categories label an undifferentiated group of
individuals as ‘ethnic other’, namely immigrants.

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