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School of Business

First Edition.
Published by the Center for Teaching and Learning, Northcentral University, 2020

John Bennett, Mary Dereshiwsky, Robert Dodd, David Fogarty, John Frame, Raymie
Grundhoefer, Larry Hughes, Sharon Kimmel, Vicki Lindsay, Edward Maggio, Gordon
McClung, NCU Library Team, Susan Petroshius, Lonnie K. Stevans, Gergana Velkova,
Steve Ziemba

In addition to the collaborative process that engendered this guide, it was also informed by
the quantitative methods and statistics courses in the School of Business.

For comments or suggestions for the next edition, please contact John Frame:
2 Back to Table of Contents
Research Ethics and the IRB
Research Questions
Four Main Designs
Population and Sample
Sampling Method, Sample
Design, and Sample Size
Surveys and Questionnaire Design
Pilot Study
Analyzing Secondary Data
Observational Research
Multivariate vs. Univariate Analysis
Measurement of Variables
Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Inferential Statistics
Alpha Level (level of significance, or p-value)
Hypothesis Diagrams
Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
ANOVA Examples
Regression Analysis
Factor Analysis
Power (Statistical Power)
Power Analysis
Measuring Validity and Reliability
Internal/External Validity
Selection of Parametric vs. Nonparametric Techniques
Presentation of Statistical Results and Explaining Quantitative Findings in a Narrative Report
Back to Table of Contents 3
Dear School of Business Community,

Welcome to the Best Practice Guide for Quantitative Research Design and Methods in Dissertations!

With well over 700 doctoral students in the School of Business working on their dissertation this year, this
guide serves as an important resource in helping us shape and implement quality doctoral-level research.
Its primary purpose is to offer direction on quantitative research in School of Business dissertations, serving
students as they craft and implement their research plans, and serving faculty as they mentor students and
evaluate research design and methods in dissertations.

We encourage you to explore this guide. It is filled with details on important topics that will help ensure
quality and consistency in quantitative research in the School of Business.

Thank you to the faculty and staff of the School of Business and wider NCU community that worked to cre-
ate this guide. It is a great contribution to our School, and each of these individuals played an important
role in its development.

- School of Business Leadership Team

1 Back to Table of Contents

Introduction and statistics experts are available for 1-1 coaching
through the NCU Academic Success Center.
As an accredited university, NCU aims to have
robust expectations and standards for dissertations
Importantly, before students plan to embark on
produced by its students. This guide, developed a quantitative research design, they need to be
collaboratively by NCU School of Business (SB) comfortable with quantitative analysis, including
faculty, aims to provide guidance on best practice data analysis computer software, such as SPSS. If
in quantitative research design and methods for SB students are not comfortable with their level of skill
dissertations. in quantitative analysis, it is recommended that they
consider how qualitative methods could be used to
While this guide can serve as a refresher to those explore their research interests. Students interested
less familiar with quantitative methods, it will also in qualitative methods should consult the SB’s Best
help ensure good practice and rigor across com- Practice Guide for Qualitative Research Design and
mittees and students. To that end, this document is Methods in Dissertations, published in 2019, and
a guide to help students, as well as faculty, when available in the Dissertation Center.
judging the merits of student dissertation prospec-
tuses, proposals, and manuscripts. Students should
be familiar with the best practices in this guide and
Research Ethics and the IRB
apply them to their dissertation. Research involving human participants involves
certain ethical responsibilities on the part of the
Additional supports related to quantitative research student and dissertation Chair. These responsibili-
ties are an important part of the overall educational
design and methods are available in the NCU
experience for the student, in that they learn that
Dissertation Center (including several webinars),
Back to Table of Contents 2
obtaining data and other information from partici- forms. These and other items need to be submitted
pants needs to be done in a manner that respects as part of the IRB application and can significantly
the rights of the participant and the wishes of other delay the review process if not present. For exam-
organizations that might become involved in the ple, the inclusion of an informed consent form that
research. As part of the research ethics review does not use (or where the researcher has altered)
process, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the NCU informed consent form template will result
NCU serves as a resource to provide guidance to in the application being returned to the student. As
students and faculty to ensure the ethical principles indicated in the Student-Chair Engagement section
of Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice of this guide, it is important for students to work
are incorporated into the research design. The IRB closely with their Chair in the lead up to the IRB
review process is as much a part of students’ doc- approval process.
toral education as any other part of the dissertation
process. The intention is not only to ensure studies A variety of resources are available for students
are conducted ethically, but also that students un- and faculty as they navigate the IRB process. Guid-
derstand the importance of ethics in research and ance materials are available directly within IRB
how to design and conduct research that is consis- Manager and are easily accessed from within the
tent with federal regulations. application. Resources are also available via the
NCU Dissertation Center. Finally, when questions
It is important to keep in mind that recruitment come up, the IRB can be contacted at
and data collection can only occur after receiving When doing so, be sure to include the name of the
NCU IRB approval. The IRB process starts with student in the subject line.
IRB Manager, an online system that facilitates the
submission and management of studies for review. Please review the IRB website for further informa-
Students should plan ahead and be sure to leave tion and resources:
time for the IRB review to take place, as it may take home
up to 15 business days after submission of the IRB
application to receive notification of the IRB’s de- Research Questions
termination. Also, it is possible that the application
Research Questions outline the problem to be inves-
will not be approved the first time through, due to
tigated in a study, stated in the form of a question.
the need for additional information or clarification.
Research questions that describe data are called
These factors need to be kept in mind when con-
structing the study timeline. Additional variables descriptive. Descriptive research questions typically
that can impact the timeline include: securing site ask “How,” or “What.” (As explained elsewhere in
permission, site IRB approval (if applicable), in- this guide, descriptive research design and meth-
ternational research, research involving sensitive ods that are solely descriptive are not sufficient for
topics or vulnerable populations, research in one’s a doctoral-level dissertation. Thus, rigorous research
place of employment, research involving the De-
questions that go beyond descriptive research need
partment of Defense or Veterans’ Affairs, and the
to be included in a dissertation, as explored below.)
development of appropriate recruitment materi-
Research questions that compare one or more
als and an informed consent form, or, for studies
involving minors, child assent and parental consent groups are called comparative. Comparative re-
3 Back to Table of Contents
search questions typically ask, “What is/are the Four Main Designs
difference(s)” (for example, what are the differences
There are four main designs that can be used with
between X and Y?).
a quantitative methodology: experimental, quasi-ex-
perimental, correlational, and descriptive. Students
Research questions that examine relationships are
need to look at their research study to figure out
called correlational, or relationship, questions.
which design will be most appropriate to answer
More specifically, these questions typically ask,
their research questions (but, as indicated else-
“What is the strength and direction of a linear rela-
where in this guide, a descriptive design is insuffi-
tionship between the two variables in question.”
cient for a doctoral-level dissertation). The Methods
Map Online Tool (see link below) is a fun and inter-
Research questions that consider predictions are
esting interactive website that provides an overview
called predictive research questions. These types of
of a number of methodological procedures.
questions typically ask, “To what extent does X pre-
dict Y?” Predictive analysis may have one or many
Before researchers can begin to think about their
independent variable(s), which may be expressed
research design, it is essential for them to begin at
as predictive variables. The dependent variable
the foundation of the business research process:
may be expressed as the outcome variable.
defining the problem. It is extremely important to
define the problem carefully because this will deter-
Each research question, with the exception of de-
mine the purpose of the research and the research
scriptive research questions, contains a minimum of
two hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alterna-
tive hypothesis.
A brief introduction to the four main research de-
signs are as follows:
Students are encouraged to get 1-1 coaching at the
NCU Academic Success Center on their research
Experimental Research
questions and/or sign up for live group sessions of-
Experimentation is conducted in order to test a
fered weekly by the NCU Academic Success Center.
causal hypothesis (that is, if a researcher wants to
More in formation can be found at: https://vac.ncu.
determine if an independent variable (X) is the sole
cause of any change in the dependent variable
(Y)). In an experiment, a researcher manipulates
the independent variable and measures its impact
References and/or Suggested Reading:
on the dependent variable while, at the same
Cramer, D., & Howitt, D. (2004). The SAGE dictio- time, controlling for all other variables that may
nary of statistics. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd. have influenced the dependent variable. These are referred to as extraneous or potentially confounding
tative-research-questions-p2.php variables. An experiment is internally valid if it can
be shown that the independent variable is the sole
cause of any change in the dependent variable. In
order to do so, three pieces of evidence are need-
ed: (1) for X to be a cause of Y, X must precede Y

Back to Table of Contents 4

in time; (2) X and Y must vary together; (3) for X to series quasi-experiment designs include Cohort
be a cause of Y, other possible causes of Y (alterna- Designs, Counterbalanced Design, Non-equivalent
tive explanations) must be eliminated. In contrast to Control Group Design, Regression-discontinuity
internal validity, external validity refers to whether Design, Separate-Sample Pretest-Posttest Designs,
the results of the experiment can be generalized to and Separate-Sample Pretest-posttest Control Group
other populations, settings, etc. For instance, with design.
respect to generalizing to the population, there
would be better external validity if the sample was Correlational Research
selected randomly from the population. This would If the research questions focus on a relationship
have no impact on internal validity, however. Note between multiple variables, a correlational design
that there is often a tradeoff between internal and will likely be used. Research is correlational when
external validity and the experimental setting (a lab at least two, and often more, variables/conditions
vs. field experiment). A laboratory experiment is are observed and measured and the extent of the
an artificial setting that allows the researcher better relationship is estimated based on tools such as the
control over extraneous/potentially confounding Pearson Product Moment Correlation, the Spear-
variables. However, the artificiality of a lab ex- man Rank Correlation Coefficient, or even Kendall’s
periment tends to lessen the external validity since Rank Correlation Coefficient. In fact, correlational
a researcher will want to be able to generalize research is often descriptive in that the associations
to a more realistic setting. Essentially, laboratory are reported to the reader, often in the same table,
vs. field experiments represent opposite ends of a as the means and standard deviations. In a pub-
continuum having to do with the artificiality of the lished research study, a reader can use correlations
setting. and the other descriptive statistics to get a sense of
the data before reading about t-tests, ANOVA, or
Quasi-Experimental Research multiple regression, whichever the author(s) used
Quasi-experimental designs are used when it is not in their analysis. This causal inference is distinct
viable to randomly assign participants to treatment from prediction or forecasting and a common error
groups. In many real-life social situations, groups made by students and novice researchers (Cook &
of interest may be naturally occurring or pre-ex- Stanley, 1979). A caution in correlational research
isting. There may also be ethical reasons when is that, as the famous phrase goes, “correlation
randomization to groups is not practical. Manipu- does not imply causality.” There are no “depen-
lation of an independent variable (also referred to dent” or “independent” variables in correlational
as a treatment variable), comparison groups (also research – we’re simply comparing the variables on
referred to as experimental units), and outcomes the basis of association and cannot assert that the
measures are present in quasi-experiment designs. effect of one causes another.
Unequivalent groups are also present because of
Descriptive Research
the inability to randomly assign participants to
comparison groups. Because of the inability or Descriptive research (see the section, “Descriptive
decision to not use random assignment to groups, Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)”
it is difficult to compare and infer treatment-caused later in this guide) describes individuals in a study
changes. Quasi-experiment designs are used by that was typically conducted in one of three ways:
researchers in these situations. Common non-time (a) observational – viewing and recording partici-
5 Back to Table of Contents
pants (See “Observational Research” in this guide); the results of statistical research. These are usually,
(b) case study – in-depth study of an individual but not always, people.
or group of individuals; and (c) survey – a brief
interview or discussion with an individual about Usually, it is not practical to do a census of an
a specific topic. Descriptive research designs are entire population in a single research study, due to
common in fields related to behavioral and social time and cost factors. For this reason, it is neces-
sciences to observe phenomenon such as: natural sary to select a sample from that population.
behavior, consumer habits, individual morality,
and ethical climate. The observations of the subject
should occur in an unchanged natural environment.
The weaknesses of descriptive research designs
are that observational studies are not repeatable
and not replicable. Descriptive research designs
are often designed in a manner which allows it to
be a precursor to quantitative research. Descriptive
research does not involve statistical testing, thus it
is considered to lack reliability, validity, and scien-
tific rigor. As discussed elsewher e in this guide, a
descriptive research design alone is insufficient for
a doctoral-level dissertation at NCU.

References and/or Suggested Reading:

Cook, T.D. & Stanley, D.T. (1979). Quasi-experimen-

tation: Design and analysis issues for field settings.
Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Research Methods Knowledge Base website: https://

The SAGE handbook of social research meth- A sample in a dissertation needs to be a substantial
ods (2008). London, United Kingdom: SAGE number (see “Power Analysis” in this guide), and
Publications, Ltd. https://doi-org.proxy1.ncu. should be determined based on best practices in
edu/10.4135/9781446212165 quantitative research. Students should be aware
that quantitative research demands a suitable
Sage Methods Map Online Tool: http://methods.
amount of data, and that the response rate from
samples (such as the response rate for surveys),
will typically be very low. Thus, a large number of
persons will need to be surveyed in order to obtain
Population and Sample an adequate amount of data.
The population represents the totality of units under
study, or to whom we wish to generalize or project After sampling, it is possible to generalize the
sample results to the population from which it was
Back to Table of Contents 6
selected. Here are some commonly applied ways to fraction. The items in the list should be scrambled
select a sample in quantitative research: in random order before beginning to cycle through
that list.
Simple random sample:
Every element of the target population has an equal Sampling Method, Sample
chance of being selected for the sample. This is es-
Design, and Sample Size
pecially valuable when doing experimental studies.
In most cases, a researcher will not contact every-
Stratified sample: one in the population (a census), but rather take a
subset of the population, a sample. While the selec-
In this sampling method, it is recognized that there
tion of a sample can involve a non-random (non-
is not one overall homogeneous population, but,
probability) procedure, in most quantitative studies
instead, subpopulations where the subgroups differ
researchers strive to use a probability procedure
from one another. For example, a researcher may
in which every unit in the population has a known
want to see if there is a significant difference in an
chance of being included in the sample. There are
average number of units of Product X purchased by
a number of alternative ways to generate a ran-
men and women. The researcher would subdivide,
dom sample that may vary over time, with respect
or ‘stratify,’ the overall population into men vs.
to cost, and the amount of information needed to
women (strata or subgroups), and randomly select
draw the sample. The researcher often needs a list
a sample from each gender to ensure it is ade-
of the population in order to select the sampling
quately represented in the overall sample.
elements (a sampling frame) and has to determine
Cluster sample: the size of the sample as well.

In this sampling method, the researcher randomly

Students should be aware that, because response
draws intact groups, (‘clusters’) instead of individ-
rates to surveys are usually very low, a very large
uals, for the study. For instance, a cluster could be
number of surveys will need to be sent out in or-
an entire division or department of an organiza-
der to obtain the sample size expected (see “Power
tion. The researcher then includes all sampling units
Analysis” in this guide). Students should discuss the
(e.g., persons, employees) in that randomly drawn
number of surveys they will need to send out with
cluster in our study. The idea is to simulate the
their Chair, and should also obtain guidance from
randomness of a true random sample, but without
the statistics coaches at the NCU Academic Success
having to select individuals one by one.
Systematic sample:
In addition to sampling, a critical issue that is
In this sampling method, the researcher lists the
unique to quantitative studies is the measurement of
elements of the target population, makes a random
variables. A variable is what a researcher calls the
start in the list (‘sampling frame’), and then sys-
construct that is identified in the research question
tematically cycles through the list in a predictable
and hypotheses. Examples would include gender,
pattern (e.g., every third sampling unit; every fifth
job satisfaction, behavioral intention, attitudes, etc.
sampling unit) to select subjects. This pattern of
Often these concepts are abstract and not directly
cycling through the list is known as the sampling
related to physical reality, such as a person’s
7 Back to Table of Contents
intelligence. Before a concept can be measured it Sample Design
needs to be defined, both conceptually and oper- The two major decisions in designing sampling
ationally. An operational definition specifies the plans are the sampling method and the sample
operations necessary to measure the construct. For size. Given the desire to generalize the results of a
instance, intelligence may be conceptually defined quantitative study, researchers will use a probability
as the ability to think abstractly. It may be opera- procedure, if at all possible. This includes a simple
tionalized as the score on an IQ test. Measurement random sample, systematic sample, stratified sam-
is much more complex than emerging scholars ple, cluster sampling (See “Population and Sample”
believe. This is in part due to the complexity of op- in this guide). A common form of cluster sampling
erationalizing an abstract object that is not related is area sampling, where the clusters are the geo-
to physical reality. In addition, many constructs are graphical area. The decision of what method is
multi-dimensional. The good news is that scholars used is dependent on a number of factors including
build on one another’s work. And this includes the cost, information, and knowledge of the popu-
the measurement of particular constructs. While lation, accuracy and the time required. The factors
researchers may not agree on how a construct is that have to be specified to determine the appro-
to be operationalized, this information is typically priate size is the variability in the population, the
shared in the publication of the research. In fact, degree of acceptable error, and the confidence in-
there are entire books and websites that are devot- terval. Note that it is not the size of the population
ed to providing measurement scales. This is another that is important but the degree of heterogeneity
reason why it is so important to know the literature of the population. While a researcher can deter-
in the discipline and the specific topic of interest. mine the necessary sample size statistically, this

Back to Table of Contents 8

may have to be modified due to other factors. For instance, if a survey was being conducted to obtain the
desired sample size given the level of precision and confidence desired, the initial sample may have to be
larger. This may be due to the completion rate (the number of selected respondents who actually complete
the interview or questionnaire, which, as stated above, is typically very low), as well as the incidence rate
(the percentage of people eligible for participation) in the population. If a study is not designed adequate-
ly, then it may be largely a waste of time. A researcher must have a large enough sample to assure that
all statistical assumptions are met. At the same time, cost, and the ability to collect the desired number of
sample elements, have to be considered.

Sample Size
There are four factors involved in calculating sample size:

Statistical test: the sample size is partly a function of the statistical test used. Some
tests (e.g., Chi-squared) require larger samples to detect a difference than others
(e.g., ANCOVA).

Expected/estimated effect size: the effect size is potency of the strength of the rela-
tionship being investigated. In the language of statistics, an effect size is a difference
between the mean scores of two groups divided by the pooled standard deviation.
This is called ‘Cohen’s d’. A researcher will calculate an effect size as part of the
analysis of the data in order to determine that something meaningful has been found
(not merely statistically significant). However, in advance of doing a study, a
researcher must estimate the effect size in the study.

Alpha: the alpha level is the probability of a Type I error—of rejecting the null
α hypothesis when it is true. By convention, this is set at . It is best to use the literature,
as well as good judgment, to justify an alpha level that makes sense for a study. This
justification will involve looking at the danger of a Type I error versus the cost in
resources of avoiding it. Given this, the most common used α levels are .01, .05,
and .10.

Beta: the beta level is the probability of a Type II error of accepting the null
hypothesis when it is false. In other words, of failing to detect a difference when
one exists. As with alpha, a researcher sets beta based upon a judgment. The
convention is .2, which yields a power of .8 (1– β) acceptable level (see “Power
Analysis” in this guide).

9 Back to Table of Contents

Surveys and Questionnaire Design of the study, the questions that need to be asked,
and the target respondents, in addition to the pros
The term ‘questionnaire’ is often confused with
and cons of the alternatives. A combination of
‘survey,’ but they are actually quite different. A
methods is also possible. For instance, self-admin-
questionnaire is a measuring instrument used in
istered questionnaires could be hand-delivered to
conjunction with the survey. Basically, it consists of
encourage participation, but left with envelopes to
a list of questions used to gather information from
be returned via mail.

Once data is collected, it is too late to make chang-

A survey is a research method involving communi-
es, so it is critical that sufficient time and effort is
cation with respondents. In quantitative data, the
placed in the development of a questionnaire.
asking of questions in mass form, such as with the
use of questionnaires, by phone or interview, is
This involves careful articulation of conceptual and
called a survey. A survey is the distribution of the
operational definitions, as well as the measurement
questions and the creation of data.
scales used in consideration of the intended anal-
ysis. In fact, a researcher should have a plan for
If there is a problem remembering the difference
analysis before any data is collected.
between a questionnaire and a survey, think of a
survey as the process of disseminating, collecting,
Thorough communication between the student and
and computer entry of the research items. Surveys
Chair is imperative when designing a question-
can be on paper, telephone, face-to-face, or web-
naire, as well as during data collection.

A questionnaire is used with all surveys. In a tele- Types of Questions

phone or personal interview, the interviewer is
What are good questions, and what are bad
using the questionnaire to ask the questions and
questions? Developing an instrument is difficult, and
record responses. In this way, all respondents are
asked the same questions. a researcher should consider if another research-
er’s questionnaire can be used. Questions must be
The design of questionnaires is much more complex worded a certain way to make ensure consistency
than one would think. Many researchers believe it between the sample and the target population, and
to be more art than science. A researcher needs that the items truly measure what they are supposed
to avoid leading or double-barreled questions, as to measure. A big problem that could happen if
explored further below. In addition, all respondents the questions in the questionnaire are not valid,
should be given the same questions in the same nor reliable, is the wrong questions being asked
order. and, subsequently, the responses not relating to the
research questions. If this happens, the question-
In terms of facilitating a survey, an internet survey, naire basically did not measure what it intended
while low cost and quick, lacks control of the sam- to measure and, thus, the data collected will not
ple, and tends to have low response rates. A re-
answer the research questions. Therefore, the items
searcher needs to carefully consider the objectives
on the questionnaire must ask exactly what is meant
Back to Table of Contents 10
to be asked. A student must communicate well with lead a person toward an answer. An example is:
his/her dissertation Chair about this issue. Do you like your Honda because of the comfortable
There are many methodological textbooks that state
numerous ways to form a suitable questionnaire. * Give respondents a way out of answering a
However, each questionnaire changes with each question. If the respondent does not want to answer
topic. Therefore, it is best when one learns through a question, what should the respondent do? Unless
repetition. The work referenced below by Krosnick a question must have a “yes” or “no” response, a
& Presser (2009) is highly encouraged, as they researcher should allow a respondent a way out,
discuss a number of ideas for writing the perfect for example, by offering the option “I don’t know”
questionnaire. Some of these are: or “I don’t wish to answer.” If not, the respondent
may stop answering the questionnaire.
* The questions need to be at a basic educational
level. Questions must not use colloquialisms, jar- * Don’t ask “double-barreled” questions. These
gon, or slang that is not familiar to the participants. questions ask two questions instead of one. An
The simplest wording is the best wording for a example of this would be: When was the last time
question. Shorter questions are better. that you updated your computer and your printer?

* The wording of each question should be exclusive Finally, remember that actual behavior cannot be
and exhaustive. This means that if it is a closed-end- measured via a survey; a survey only measures
ed question, all of the possible answers must reports of behavior.
appear in the answers. In addition, the answers
should not overlap each other. For example, if there References and/or Suggested Reading:
is a question that asks someone’s age, and the
Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and

participants are from 18 through 90, the student
qualitative research: How is it done? Qualitative
should not offer these as answers:
Research, 6(1), 97-113.

a. 18-29 Heale, R. & Twycross, A., (2015). Validity and reli-

b. 29-39 ability in quantitative studies. Evidence Based Nurs-
ing, 18(3), 66-67.
c. 39-49
d. 49-79 Krosnick, J.A., & Presser, S. (2009). Question and
questionnaire design. In J.D. Wright & P.V. Marsden
If questions such as this appear as the only an- (Eds.) Handbook of Survey Research (2nd Ed.). San
swers, they are not exclusive or exhaustive. If Diego, CA: Elsevier. Retrieved from: https://web.
someone was age 29, what answer would that per-
son pick? If the person was age 82, what answer docs/2009/2009_handbook_krosnick.pdf
would that person pick?
SurveyMonkey (2019). 5 common survey question
mistakes that’ll ruin your data. Retrieved from Avoid
* Do not ask leading or loaded questions. A lead-
Bad Survey Questions, Loaded Questions, Leading
ing question contains non-neutral wording. It will
Questions, SurveyMonkey: https://www.surveymon-
suggest that something is good or bad. It could also
11 Back to Table of Contents References and/or Suggested Reading:
data/ NCU IRB (2019). Pilot studies and field tests. Avail-
Avoiding poor survey questions. Available able at:
j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2a- and%20Field%20Tests%2004092019.pdf
Vaw3YPdVRsW1WuTxoRi1jA8pl A dataset (also spelled ‘data set’) is a collection
of raw statistics and information generated by a
research study. Datasets produced by government
Pilot Study agencies or nonprofit organizations can usually be
downloaded free of charge. However, some non-
A pilot study is a preliminary small-scale study. Its
profit organizations may charge a fee for access
purpose is to test certain aspects of what will be
to their datasets, or restrict access. Datasets devel-
the main research study. For example, a newly
oped by for-profit companies are often available for
developed survey may undergo testing through a
a fee.
pilot study for refinement purposes. This is just one
example, as a pilot study can be applied in many
Most datasets can be located by identifying the
different situations. Pilot studies are useful for de-
agency or organization that focuses on a specific
termining the best research methodology to use,
research area of interest. For example, if one is
troubleshooting of a research instrument, collecting
interested in learning about public opinion on so-
preliminary data for a grant application, or for
cial issues, Pew Research Center would be a good
determining if a research study is even feasible.
place to look. For data about population, the U.S.
government’s Population Estimates Program from
A pilot study is still research. If it is determined
American Factfinder would be a good source.
that a pilot study is needed, it will need to under-
go the same processes for approval as any other
An “open data” philosophy is becoming more
research study. This includes going through the IRB.
common among governments and organizations
As a result, the inclusion of a pilot study in one’s
around the world, with the belief that data should
research will add time and this added time can be
be freely accessible. Open data efforts have been
substantial. Generally speaking, a pilot study will
led by both the government and non-governmental
be discouraged for a doctoral dissertation because
organizations, such as the Open Knowledge Foun-
of the time involvement. If one is using a preexist-
dation. Learn more by exploring The Open Data
ing survey or other research instrument which has
already been vetted and accepted, a pilot study is
not necessary. However, a pilot study may be need-
One factor to consider when utilizing a dataset that
ed in cases where the instrument is being devel-
is not publicly available is the presence of confiden-
oped for the first time. In such cases, determination
tial information in the dataset. For example, patient
of validity and reliability may require a pilot study.
disease registries are an increasingly common way
to conduct medical research by constructing data-
Back to Table of Contents 12
sets of patients with a common diagnosis, to assess step-by-step wizard for finding and compiling data.
disease progress and the best treatment over time.
• SAGE Edge Datasets – Click on Links to Business
Such datasets would often include protected health
Datasets to download a Word file containing links
information, requiring additional safeguards for
to business datasets available online.
their use.
• Statistical Abstract of the United States (2012):
When submitting a study that involves the use of a Banking, Finance, & Insurance
dataset to the IRB, be prepared to indicate whether
• Statistical Abstract of the United States (2012):
it is publicly available or if permission is needed to
Business Enterprise
access it. If permission is needed, documentation
of having received permission needs to be part • Surveys of Consumers - Thomson Reuters & Uni-
of the IRB application. If protected or confidential versity of Michigan
information is present in the dataset, a description
• U. S. Bureau of Economic Data
of how that information will be safeguarded is also
required. See “Analyzing Secondary Data” in this
For more information on datasets, please see the
guide for further information about datasets.
NCU Library’s Datasets LibGuide.

Analyzing Secondary Data

Some links to business datasets include:
Secondary data is a term that relates to data that
• Damodaran Online: Corporate Finance and Val- was collected by someone else. Thus, data in a
uation - NYU, Stern School of Business, Dr. Aswath dataset is secondary data. It is important to en-
Damodaran sure the accuracy of secondary data. Poor data
• International Monetary Fund Data & Statistics - will result in a poor study. With secondary data,
The IMF publishes a range of time series data on the manner in which the data was collected, and
IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic consequently its quality, are beyond one’s control.
and financial indicators. Therefore, it is important to carefully review the
manner in which a dataset was constructed. Some
• IMF DataMapper factors to consider are:
• IMF Fiscal Rules Dataset (1985-2013)
• Purpose for which the data was originally collected
• Mergent Online – An NCU Library database pro-
• Specific methods used in the data collection
viding detailed financial records for company re-
search, including up to 15 years of historical data. • Population the data was collected from and the
validity of the sample used
• National Longitudinal Surveys - Bureau of Labor
• Credibility of the individual or organization who
collected the data
• Organization for Economic Co-Operation and • Limits of the dataset
Development Data

• Quandl - “Time-series” numerical only data for Another factor to consider is how the data was
economics, finance, markets & energy; Features categorized or coded in the dataset. This may
13 Back to Table of Contents
influence how data analysis will take place. For 2015). Three types of observational research are
example, the data may have been modified in discussed below.
some manner, or the full range of data needed for
a study may be spread across different categories
of the dataset. Measurement error in the dataset,
whether or not that bias was intentional (i.e., a
dataset put out by a political party) may also be
present, and needs to be considered (see “Data- Naturalistic Observation
sets” in this guide for additional information about This form of research occurs in the everyday setting
datasets and secondary data). of participants (as they live life normally). Thus,
there is no intervention by the researcher to influ-
Descriptive statistics (See “Descriptive Statistics and ence the environment (McLeod, 2015).
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)” in this guide), as
the term suggests, will involve the summarization of
data. For example, this may include the range of
data, number of data points, mean, median, and
mode, standard deviation, and 95% confidence
interval. As explained in the “Descriptive Statistics Participant Observation
and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)” section of In participant observation, the experimenter in-
this guide, this type of analysis, while important, is volves him/herself in the environment of the partic-
not sufficient for a doctoral-level dissertation. ipant, for example, as a member of a group. The
purpose of this is to focus on observing participant
Inferential statistics involve subjecting the data to behaviors that may not otherwise be discoverable
statistical tests, such as for significance. A common by the researcher. Such participant observations
inferential test involves the detection of a statistical- can either be covert or overt in terms of the knowl-
ly significant correlation between two sets of data edge or awareness made to the other participants.
from a dataset. Other types of statistical techniques The advantage to this form of observational re-
that are often applied to datasets include analysis search is that it results in a greater insight into the
of variance, regression analysis, logistic regression, participants (McLeod, 2015).
etc. The type of statistical test applied depends on
the research question and the nature of the study
(see “Inferential Statistics” in this guide).
References and/or Suggested Reading:
ary_data.htm Controlled Observation
This form of observational research is often used by
Observational Research universities or labs and is carried out under spe-
cifically designed conditions. Such conditions are
Observational research is a form of non-experimen-
discussed by the researcher in detail, and designed
tal research in which a researcher observes ongo-
with an attention to detail. Participants experience
ing behavior in their chosen surroundings (Sauro,
the same situation so that their reactions can be
Back to Table of Contents 14
monitored. A key advantage of this form of obser- The following figure depicts this:
vational method is that the study is reproducible
Experience ALL FIRMS WITH Gender
References and/or Suggested Reading:
CIRT (Center for Innovation in Research and Teach-
ing) Grand Canyon University (n.d.). Observation-
al method. Retrieved from

McLeod, Saul (2015). Observation methods. Simply- 100+

Psychology. Retrieved from https://www.simplypsy-

Corporate CEO
Sauro, Jeff (2015). 4 types of observational research. Assets $ Compensation $
MeasuringU. Retrieved from

Thus, in Multivariate Analysis, a researcher wants

to study many characteristics of a population
Multivariate vs. Univariate (whereas in Univariate Analysis, a researcher is
Analysis interested in analyzing a single characteristic of
When a statistical analysis is performed on a single a population). The most fundamental difference
between Univariate and Multivariate is that multi-
variable in a research setting, it is known as Uni-
variate statistical techniques take into account the
variate Analysis. Statistical methods, such as single
inter-relationships among variables, while univari-
and two sample t-tests and ANOVAs, are examples
ate statistical methods do not.
of Univariate Statistical Procedures.
Some widely used multivariate statistical methods
Consider the population consisting of all U.S. firms include:
with the number of employees greater than 100.
A researcher may wish to analyze CEO compen- • Regression and Correlation Analysis
sation of these firms in a particular year. She may • Canonical Correlation Analysis
consider CEO Compensation as the criteria, or • Principal Components and Factor Analysis
dependent variable (generically known as Y), and • Linear Structural Relations Models (LISREL)
examine three other factors as predictors or ex-
• Multivariate Analysis of Variance Models
plainers of CEO compensation (Experience, Gen- (MANOVA)
der, Corporate Assets). • Cluster Analysis

15 Back to Table of Contents

For tutorials on SPSS and Multivariate Analysis, between ordinal values are meaningless, it makes no
please see: sense to perform addition or subtraction on ordinal
search_query=spss+multivariate+analysis data.

Measurement of Variables • Relevant Statistical Methods:

Only the median can be meaningfully calculated
A central concept in statistics is the level of mea-
using ordinal data. Parametric statistical inference
surement of variables. It’s so important to every-
procedures should not be used with ordinal data.
thing a researcher does with data that it is usually
taught within the first week in every intro statistics Interval: As Grace-Martin (n.d.) states, these are “nu-
course. The four levels of measurement are (in merical values without a true zero point. The idea
hierarchical order): nominal, ordinal, interval, and here is the intervals between the values are equal and
ratio. meaningful, but the numbers themselves are arbitrary. 0
(zero) does not indicate a complete lack of the quantity
Nominal: These are unordered categorical vari- being measured. IQ and degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit
are both interval.” Measurements belonging to this cat-
ables. As Grace-Martin (n.d.) states, “These can
egory can be counted, ranked, added, or subtracted.
be either binary (only two categories, like gender:
male or female) or multinomial (more than two cate-
• Relevant Statistical Methods:
gories, like marital status: married, divorced, never All descriptive measures of central tendency and
married, widowed, separated).” There is no logical dispersion can be calculated using interval data.
order to the categories, and it makes no sense to In addition, all of the most powerful parametric
rank, add, or subtract data that is nominally mea- statistical methods (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regres-
sured. sion/correlation, factor analysis, etc.), can mean-
ingfully use data that is measured at the interval
• Relevant Statistical Methods:
Since arithmetic operations are not relevant
Ratio: Ratio data are numerical values having the same
for nominal variables, the only descriptive
properties as those from the interval scale, but with
measure that can be used is the calculation a true zero point. Most measurements in the physical
of frequencies. In order to use statistical infer- sciences, engineering, and economics are done on
ence methods on nominal data, it must first be ratio scales.
converted to the interval scale.
• Relevant Statistical Methods:
Ordinal: These are ordered categories (still cate- All descriptive measures of central tendency and
dispersion can be calculated using ratio data. In
gorical, but in an order, such as Likert items, with
addition, all of the most powerful parametric sta-
responses, such as, “Never, Sometimes, Often,
tistical methods (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regression/
Always”) (Grace-Martin, n.d.). There is a logical
correlation, factor analysis, etc.), can meaningful-
order to ordinal data, but since the difference ly use data that is measured at the ratio scale.

Back to Table of Contents 16

It is important to remember that the most powerful not rigorous enough to be used exclusively for data
statistical techniques only yield meaningful results analysis in doctoral-level dissertations. Neverthe-
when the variables used are either measured at the less, exploratory data analysis (EDA) should always
interval or ratio scale. be performed and presented at the beginning of
any analysis. More rigorous and diverse statistical
As Grace-Martin (n.d.) states, “Interval and Ra- procedures include Inferential Statistics (See “Infer-
ential Statistics” in this guide).
tio variables can be further split into two types:
discrete and continuous. Discrete variables, like
EDA should include both numerical summaries and
counts, can only take on whole numbers: number
visual displays (e.g., figures, tables, graphs, and
of children in a family, number of days missed from
charts). Numerical summaries are used to help
work. Continuous variables can take on any num-
ber, even beyond the decimal point. Not always
• the central tendency of the data (mean, median,
obvious is that these levels of measurement are not
only about the variable itself. Also important are the
meaning of the variable within the research context • the dispersion of data (variance, standard devi-
tion, range); and
and how it was measured.”
• the shape and type of frequency distribution of
Discrete interval or ratio variables can be analyzed data (Normal Distribution or other).
using statistical procedures such as Chi-Squared
tests, Poisson regression, and the Negative Binomi- Please note that, above, “data” refers to a hypo-
thetical two-dimensional spreadsheet where the
al regression.
rows represent the subjects (or time periods) and
the columns represent the variables. For example, a
References and/or Suggested Reading:
researcher can collect responses to 25 rating items
Grace-Martin, Karen (n.d.). When a Variable’s Level on an employee satisfaction survey for 100 sub-
of Measurement Isn’t Obvious. The Analysis Factor. jects. The columns for each subject would contain
Retrieved from their individual ratings on each of the 25 survey questions.

Descriptive Statistics and

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Various kinds of statistical methods may be utilized
in any study (including a dissertation), and some of
these techniques prove to be more challenging than
others because of the concepts and mathematics in-
volved. Descriptive Statistics are numerical summa-
ries utilized to describe/explain empirical informa-
tion or data and are on the less difficult side of the
spectrum. Descriptive Statistics, by themselves, are

17 Back to Table of Contents

Given a sample of data, (n), from a population represented by a single random variable X, the formulas
for the sample measures of central tendency are:

The variance is not easily interpretable, since its for- this is to plot a histogram and examine its shape.
mula consists of sums of squares. A more interpreta- This link can be helpful for how to create a histo-
ble measure of dispersion is the standard deviation, gram in SPSS:
which is calculated by taking the squared root of search_query=SPSS+25+descriptive+statistics+his-
the variance. Simply put, the standard deviation togram.
tells one how far, on average, each data value lies
from the average (mean). In Finance and Econom- If the histogram looks “bell-shaped,” then the data
ics, standard deviation is used as a measure of probably came from a Normal Distribution. How-
error or “risk.” A larger standard deviation is as- ever, sometimes looks are deceiving, so it is more
sociated with more error or higher risk (e.g., stock precise to test whether or not the data comes from
market volatility). (or looks like) a Normal Distribution. Different
tutorials consisting of how to test for the presence or
It is also important to know what the overall pop- absence of a Normal Distribution are available at
ulation (or sample) looks like (e.g., is it Normally this link:
Distributed or something else?). The best way to see query=SPSS+25+normal+distribution+testing.

Back to Table of Contents 18

The reason why a researcher would want to know tants and sales representatives that exist. Therefore,
whether or not their population is Normally Dis- the researcher can observe a smaller segment, or
tributed is important. When the data are Normally sample, of people who work in their fields, and
Distributed, things are better defined, because the ensure that this sample is representative of the pop-
sampling distribution of the statistics used for esti- ulation under study.
mation and testing is also Normal. However, it is
not critical if the data are found to deviate substan- There are two (2) requirements necessary for estab-
tially from a Normal Distribution. There are two lishing that a sample is representative of the larger
reasons why: population:
• one can always use certain mathematical trans- • when the sample is chosen, every element in the
formations of the data to try to induce a Normal population must have an equal chance of being
Distribution (e.g., natural log, squared root, selected; and
etc.); and • each sample selection is independent of all oth-
• if the sample is large enough (n >100), it can be er sample selections.
assumed that, while the population may not be
Normal, the sampling distribution of the statistic Ensuring independence in the sampling process is
used to test the hypothesis will be Normal—re- necessary, and not that difficult, when one is able
gardless of the actual shape of the distribution. to run one’s own experiment and collect data. How-
(This is known as the Central Limit Theorem.) ever, if a researcher is using data that was collect-
• In other words, as long as the sample is large ed by another entity, then he or she must make sure
(n >100), one does not have to worry about that the samples used are representative before
whether or not the data follows a Normal Distri- making any conclusions. The “equally-likely” issue
bution. is not a problem when the population size is large.

Inferential Statistics As stated above, the purpose of taking a sample

from a larger population is to make inferences
Inferential statistics is about taking samples and
about that population by using the information in the
using the sample results to make inferences about
sample. The sample mean ( X ) is used to estimate
population parameters, such as the mean and the
the population mean ( μ ), and the sample stan-
standard deviation. In other words, sample data
dard deviation ( S ) is an estimate of the population
is used to gain insight into a whole population’s
standard deviation ( σ ) . The sample histogram (see
characteristics. This makes sense because it is rare
“Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis
to be able to take a complete census of a popula-
(EDA)” in this guide) can be used to estimate the
tion. Because of expense, time, and a variety of
population histogram (or distribution). Sample statis-
other factors, it makes much more sense to draw a
tics, X and S, may be used to test hypotheses about
random sample from this population.
the population parameters, μ and σ.

An example of using interferential statistics include

Alpha Level (level of significance,
a researcher who is interested in studying the
or p-value)
personality traits of accountants vs. sales represen-
tatives. She cannot survey or interview all accoun- Alpha Level (level of significance or p-value) is the
19 Back to Table of Contents
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the research questions typically state that there is zero
correct decision should be to fail to reject the null (or no) correlation between the variables or con-
hypothesis. Alpha levels are determined by the re- structs of interest. The alternative hypothesis is the
logical opposite of the null hypothesis, and it is
searcher before performing the statistical analysis.
most often the hypothesis that the researcher would
Determination of the alpha level is influenced by
like to prove. It is important to note that the null and
Type I and Type II errors and repeated testing. alternative hypotheses are mathematical statements
about population parameters (e.g., population
An alpha level of .05, or lower, is considered an means, standard deviations, correlations, etc.) and
acceptable level of significance for a statistical test. never contain statistics.
The alpha level drives decision making to reject,
or fail to reject, the null hypothesis. The lower References and/or Suggested Reading:
the alpha level, the less chance of a Type I error,
Cramer, D., & Howitt, D. (2004). The SAGE dictio-
although this also places tighter controls around de-
nary of statistics. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
tecting a difference, or relationship. The alpha levels
that are most often used are .01, .05, and .10.

Hypothesis Diagrams
References and/or Suggested Reading:
One of the overall goals of quantitative research is
Cramer, D., & Howitt, D. (2004). The SAGE dictio- to seek theories that focus on possible relationships
nary of statistics. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd. among variables. A diagram is an effective method
to demonstrate the hypothetical pathways (relation-
ships) involved in a research project. It can assist
Hypotheses both the author/researcher and reader to follow the
intended suppositions.
Hypotheses are analytical statements (using popula-
tion parameters) about the relationships outlined in Variables can have numerous different types of
the research question. Hypotheses should be close- relationships. For example, variable relationships
ly related to, and well aligned with, the research can be casual, conditional, reciprocal, symmetrical,
questions guiding the study. spurious, or controlling. When presenting a visual
representation of these relationships, pathways are
typically diagrammed, such as moderating, mediat-
Each research question, with the exception of de-
ing, and confounding variable connections.
scriptive research questions, contains a minimum of
two hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alterna- Example of diagramming a mediating relationship:
tive hypothesis (sometimes referred to as a research
The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that the re- VARIABLE
searcher would like to disprove. This is the hypoth-
eses to be rejected, or nullified. Null hypotheses
for comparative research questions typically state INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT
that the population means of two or more groups VARIABLE VARIABLE
are the same. Null hypotheses for correlational

Back to Table of Contents 20

Example of diagramming a moderating relationship: if the alternative hypothesis has a “not equal to”
sign , then a two-tailed test should be used.

3. Determine the alpha level (see “Alpha Level” in

VARIABLE this guide) to use in decision making to reject,
or fail to reject, the null hypothesis.

4. Select the appropriate statistical test to use.

INDEPENDENT DEPENDENT 5. Perform the statistical analysis. If a parametric

VARIABLE VARIABLE test is selected, be sure to test for assumptions.

6. Compare the probability value (p-value) from the

statistical analysis with the pre-determined alpha
References and/or Suggested Reading: level. If the p-value is at, or less than, the select-
ed alpha level, then reject the null hypothesis in
Creswell, J. W. & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research
favor of the alternative hypothesis. Conversely,
design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
if the p-value is greater than the selected alpha
approaches. London: Sage Publications, Ltd.
level, then fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Greenland, S. & Pearl, J. (2006). Causal diagrams.
Encyclopedia of epidemiology. Retrieved from References and/or Suggested Reading:
Cramer, D., & Howitt, D. (2004). The SAGE dictio-
nary of statistics. London: SAGE Publications, Ltd.

Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is the primary means for making
decisions based on statistical testing. Hypotheses The T-test is used to analyze whether or not there is
are declarative statements that outline relationships a significant difference between the means of two
or comparisons to be tested in a research study. groups. T-tests are hypothesis testing tools which
The null hypothesis is the core idea in hypothesis give the researcher the ability to test an assumption
testing. The null hypothesis is the hypothesis to be about a population, and are used to determine if
rejected, or nullified. The steps in hypothesis testing there is a significant difference between the means
are: of two groups. The process of finding differences
between two sets of data are analyzed through the
1. State the null and alternative hypotheses (also use of the t-statistic, t-distribution, and degrees of
referred to as a research hypothesis), using only freedom.
population parameters.
The goal is to test the null hypothesis that there is
2. Determine if a one-tailed or two-tailed test should
no statistically significant difference between the
be used. Note: if the alternative hypothesis
means of two groups. If the null hypothesis is reject-
contains a greater than (>) or less than (<) sign,
ed, then there is a statistically meaningful difference
then a one-tailed test should be used. Conversely,
between whatever is being compared.

21 Back to Table of Contents

One version of the t-test is used to compare inde- a researcher needs to dig deeper to find out exactly
pendent groups. In other words, each group con- where the nature of those differences lie. To do that,
tains unique membership, and no two items may the researcher has two options. One of the options
belong to both groups. is to conduct a Tukey HSD test; the other is to con-
duct Dunnett’s C test. Tukey’s HSD is used when
Another version is known as the paired-samples assumptions are not violated, and Dunnett’s C test
t-test. This version is used to compare a single is used when assumptions are violated. If the null
group at two different time periods (before and hypothesis is accepted, then there is no need to do
after). For example, say a group’s job satisfaction a Post Hoc test. A Post Hoc test is conducted only
was surveyed, and then a new incentive schedule when a researcher has found a statistically signif-
is announced. This incentive is an intervention that icant difference between group means and wants
may impact one’s satisfaction with their work. The to discover which groups have different, and which
group will be surveyed again after the incentive is groups have equivalent, means.
announced to see if the potential for a reward ties
the group members closer to their jobs.
ANOVA Examples
Here is a link to several video tutorials on how to A One-Way ANOVA is used when there is a single
do independent and paired-sample t-tests in SPSS: variable which is measured across two (2) or more groups. For example, a researcher is interested in
ry=SPSS+tutorial+t+tests technology use across age groups, and observed a
large group of people and how they use their devic-
es. The people were randomly assigned into groups
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) aged 19-25, 26-35, and 36-45. In this situation,
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical tech- ANOVA may be used to see if the different age
nique which allows a researcher to investigate groups use technology differently, by examining the
whether or not there are differences between group mean differences of technology use across these
mean scores. ANOVA essentially finds these differ- age groups. For a more detailed example, consider
ences by “splitting” the variability found inside a a healthcare manager who is interested in studying
data set into two parts: systematic and random. The employee engagement in a hospital system. As
systematic factors are due to the variation between client and patient satisfaction surveys play a role
groups, while the random component is dependent in the level of insurance reimbursement a hospital
upon the variation among the experimental units or will receive, these are important data to investigate.
data observations. ANOVA is an “omnibus” test. The administrator consults a researcher who ex-
This means that the test will indicate whether or not plains that job satisfaction is a predictor of patient
there are statistically significant mean differences satisfaction (in other words, the worker’s emotional
across the comparison groups. But it will not, neces- ties to the job will rub off, so to speak, on patients
sarily, identify which groups are different. they care for). The manager then administers a job
satisfaction survey to three different departments in
If the null hypothesis of no mean differences is the hospital: emergency room, intensive care unit,
rejected in an ANOVA (i.e., there is a statistically and out-patient services. A fourth group, administra-
significant difference between two or more groups), tive support staff, who have little patient interaction,

Back to Table of Contents 22

is used as a control group. The manager could then use a One-Way ANOVA to determine whether or not
job satisfaction is different across the four departments (to see if one department is more satisfied than the
other, or if the three patient-facing units are more satisfied than the control group). The results will help the
manager to triage the emotional attachment of the workers.

A Two (or More)-Way ANOVA is a more complex design in which there are two or more independent
variables measured over two or more groups. Consider an operations manager of a financial services firm
who is interested in surveying how committed the firm’s workers are to their jobs. The manager would like
to test that men and women have different levels of commitment and also that people over 40 years of age
have a different level of commitment than those under 40. The manager may use a Two-Way ANOVA in
order to compare two independent variables: gender and over-under 40. The result of this analysis will
lend empirical support for or against the manager’s belief.

In the above example, since both gender and over-under 40 contain two (2) groups, there are four (4)
means (2 x 2) to consider and test for differences. However, this testing is confounded when the presence
of “interaction” is considered. To keep it simple, in the two-variable case (Two-Way ANOVA considered
above), interaction would exist if the effect that being male or female had on commitment depended upon
whether a worker was over 40 or not (or vice versa). A full factorial ANOVA includes both main effects
(gender and above-below 40) and interaction effects (the interaction between gender and above-below 40).
23 Back to Table of Contents
It is important to note that in the absence of inter- References and/or Suggested Reading:
action, there are only two mean differences to test
Kerlinger, F., and Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundations of
for the dependent variable commitment—one due
behavioral research (4th ed.). Orlando, Florida:
to gender and the other from being over-under 40. Hartcourt College Publishers.
However, when interaction is present, there are six
(6) such mean differences to consider (in our ex- Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2015). Re-
search methods for business students (7th ed.) Essex,
ample—see if you can work it out). So, interaction,
England: Pearson Education Unlimited.
while being more realistic from a research perspec-
tive--is also more complex. That is why the first step
in a Two (or More)-Way ANOVA is to test the null Correlation
hypothesis of the absence of interaction, which, if
Correlation is a measure of the degree of “linear”
accepted, would make things a lot easier.
relationship between (or amongst) variables. The
most common is known as Pearson Product Mo-
Here is a link to several video tutorials on how to ment Correlation, noted in the literature as “r.”
do One (or More)-Ways ANOVAs in SPSS: Correlation ranges from -1 (perfectly inverse/neg- ative correlation) to a +1 (perfectly direct/positive
ry=SPSS+anova correlation). A correlation that hovers around zero
indicates that variables are not linearly related.
Another common instance of ANOVA, known as
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), is to control Correlation is only a measure of the “linear” or
straight-line relationship between variables. Cor-
for, or “hold constant,” interval or ratio scale vari-
relation does not measure the degree of a non-lin-
ables. For example, continuing with the sex/age
ear relationship. Moreover, researchers must be
example, say the manager thinks that the level of
careful when drawing conclusions using correla-
education might matter in this analysis. He/she
tion, as it does not assume causation (correlation
could use ANCOVA techniques to compare women
does not imply causation).
and men and both age groups, controlling for their
level of education. In this way, any statistical effects There are three types of correlation:
of educational level are removed from the analysis;
1. simple correlation (between one “dependent”
and the manager gets a “purer,” (so to speak), indi-
variable, Y, and one “explanatory” variable, X);
cation of the effects of sex and age on commitment
2. multiple correlation (between one “dependent”
to the employer.
variable, Y, and many “explanatory” variables
X1, X2, X3,…);
Here is a link to several video tutorials on how to
do ANCOVA in SPSS: 3. canonical correlation (between many “depen-
dent” variables and many “explanatory” vari-
Simple correlation is calculated between two vari-
ables. Multiple correlation is computed between

Back to Table of Contents 24

one variable, on one hand, and two or more variables, on the other (e.g., think of the relationship between
the weight of an individual as a function of height and average daily calories). So, it involves using many

It is important to note that correlation tells us not only the strength of a linear relationship
(close to -1 or +1), but also the direction.

In other words, a positive simple correlation indicates that increases in the X variable is associated with
increases in the Y variable (and vice versa). A negative simple correlation tells us that increases in the X
variable is associated with decreases in the Y variable (and vice versa).

This “scatterplots” (below) show, graphically, the different strengths and directions of linear relationships that can
exist between two variables. The straight blue line going through the points depicts the “linear” relationship.




The source for this graphic can be accessed by clicking here.

25 Back to Table of Contents

A correlation matrix is used when a researcher Regression Analysis
wants to display many different simple correla-
Regression analysis is used to make predictions
tions for multiple variables. The correlations are
all assembled into a table with the number one (1) about how one variable may influence another. The
always going down the main diagonal of the table. concept of regression analysis was first conceived
For instance, with four variables, there would be by Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Dar-
four different simple correlations computed; the ma- win. Galton was studying the theory of evolution
trix (table) would consist of these four correlations and observed the concept of “regression toward
in the off-diagonal elements, and the number one the mean,” when studying sweet peas. This led to
(1) in the main diagonal of the table.
predictable measurement outcomes and, eventually,
some of the early concepts of regression analysis.
Here is a link to several video tutorials on how to
run simple correlations in SPSS:
Regression analysis can be used to determine the
strength and direction of a relationship between
variables (similar to correlation analysis). However,
Spurious correlations can also occur when two regression analysis differs from correlation analysis
variables seem to be correlated (numerically) but in being able to predict the levels of the dependent
are actually not correlated. Often, their correlation variable by knowing the values of the independent
is really driven by a third, hidden variable. variable.

Correlation and regression analysis go hand in

Regression is used for many applications in industry
hand. While correlation measures the strength and
from sales forecasting to credit scoring. It is also
direction of relationship, it does not give the actual
used extensively in government applications for esti-
linear relationship. Regression analysis will yield
the equation of the straight line (the blue line in the mating budgets, economic forecasting, and improv-
plots above) going thru any scatter of points, ing the provision of public services to citizens.

Simple linear regression (also known as a bivariate

regression) is the prediction of a dependent vari-
where b0 is the “Y” intercept and b1 is the slope. able using a single independent (or explanatory)
The correlation coefficient and the slope will always variable. Multiple Regression is the prediction of a
have the same mathematical sign. single dependent variable using two or more inde-
pendent (or explanatory) variables. Data are col-
References and/or Suggested Reading:
lected on an independent variable (X) and a depen-
Rodgers, J.L. & Nicewander, A.W. (1988). Thirteen dent or criterion variable (Y) for each individual,
ways to look at the correlation coefficient. The and an equation is computed that depicts a linear
American Statistician, 42(1), 59-66.
relationship between the two variables.

Back to Table of Contents 26

Here is a link to several video tutorials on how to multiple regression might be suggesting that a
do a regression analysis is SPSS: leader’s behavioral transparency (X1) and sense of
humor (X2) will lead workers to experience a high-
er level of positive emotions (Y). Here are a number
of tutorials to learn how to fit multiple regression
analyses in SPSS:
Please review this YouTube video for information
about fitting a non-linear regression in SPSS:
ry=SPSS+nonlinear+regression+example Building a linear regression model is only part of
the process. When using the model in a real-world
SPSS is offered at no cost to NCU students through application, one should take steps to ensure the
the university. This is available through the model conforms to the assumptions of linear regres-
University Services Module in NCUOne. sion. There are 9 key assumptions of regression
In simple linear regression, the research question
posits the relationship between two variables. For 1. The regression model is linear in parameters;
example: Does the transformational leadership style
2. The mean of residuals is zero;
(independent variable) have a direct effect on work-
er productivity (dependent variable)? A researcher 3. Homoscedasticity of residuals or equal
can explore this using simple regression. Another variance;
example of a research question is: What is the 4. Zero (0) correlation of residuals;
linear relationship that would predict the extent of
5. The X variables and residuals are uncorrelated;
physical injury from body strength for elderly wom-
6. The number of observations must be greater
en, and how accurately does this equation predict
than the number of Xs;
the extent of physical injuries?
7. The regression model is correctly specified;
An index, known as “r-squared”, is obtained in 8. The independent variables are not highly
a regression analysis by squaring the correlation correlated with each other; and
coefficient. R-squared directly tells us how well we
9. Normality of residuals.
can predict Y from X. It is also referred to in the
literature as the coefficient of determination, and
These assumptions will vary in importance de-
is formally defined as the proportion of variation
pending on how one intends to make predictions
explained in the dependent variable, Y, by the
for individual data points, or if the coefficient is to
explanatory variable, X. R-squared is a measure of
be given a causal interpretation. One of the most
the “goodness of fit.”
important assumptions, which is often overlooked,
Multiple (Linear) Regression Analysis refers to when is that of validity. This means that the data used
there are two or more independent variables used should address the research question seeking to be
to predict a dependent variable. An example of answered (Gelman & Hill, 2007).

27 Back to Table of Contents

References and/or Suggested Reading: assess the level from which the data may meet the
Gelman, A., Hill, J. (2007). Data analysis using new expected structure. However, in order to be
able to undertake statistical testing in CFA, all of
regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cam-
the variables and factors must have a Multivariate
bridge: Cambridge Press.
Normal Distribution. This is a significant limitation
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. (2015). Re- of this approach.
search methods for business students (7th ed.) Essex:
Pearson Education Unlimited. Once the research problem is defined adequately,
the researcher must make the decision as to wheth-
Stanton, J.M. (2017). Galton, Pearson, and the peas:
er the factor analysis will be exploratory for iden-
A brief history of linear regression for statistics in- tifying structures through data reduction, or confir-
structors. Journal of Statistics Education, 9(3), 10-23. matory for data summarization. If confirmatory, the
Warner, R.M. (2008). Applied statistics: From bivar- researcher should also decide if structural equation
modeling might be appropriate if it is hypothesized
iate to multivariate techniques. Thousand Oaks, CA:
that a tight fit (or close relationship) may exist in the
Sage Publications.
data. If exploratory, the researcher should select the
type of factor analysis regarding variables or cas-
es. Cases are comprised of Q-type factor analysis
Factor Analysis
or cluster analysis, while variables are R-type factor
Factor analysis may be used to analyze the struc- analysis.
ture of interrelation or correlations across a large
set of variables in a dataset (e.g., test scores, test Factor analysis is typically conducted using inter-
questions, or questionnaire responses). The pro- val or ratio measured variables, and incorporates
cedure will derive a smaller set of uncorrelated some assumptions regarding testing. A structure
variables, known as factors. These factors must be should not exist prior to conducting factor analysis.
interpreted in order to give meaning to the new Bartlett’s test of sphericity (sig. < .05) can show if
composite measures. enough correlations exist among variables to pro-
ceed when statistically significant. Measurements
Factor analysis techniques are either exploratory denoting sampling adequacy values must exceed
or confirmatory. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is .50 for both the overall test and each individual
useful for analyzing structure in the original set of variable. Next, the factor matrix is specified to de-
variables and is used as a variable reduction tech- termine the number of factors to be retained. After-
nique. This method is appropriate for reducing the wards, a rotational method with considerations of
size of datasets with many variables. Confirmatory whether the factors should be correlated (oblique)
factor analysis (CFA) is useful when researchers or uncorrelated (orthogonal) is chosen. Orthogonal
have conceptual theories, or prior research which methods include VARIMAX, EQUIMAX, and QUAR-
support preconceived ideas on the actual structure TIMAX. Oblique methods include Oblimin, Promax,
of the data. In the situation where the researcher and Orthoblique. The factor model respecification
wishes to test hypotheses about how variables will consider whether any variables were deleted,
should be grouped from factors, or the number of changing the number of factors. The factor matrix
factors, a confirmatory approach must be taken to then undergoes validation with consideration of
Back to Table of Contents 28
split/multiple samples, separate analysis for sub- power of between 0.80 and one (1) is considered
groups, and identifying influential cases. Once all acceptable power for a statistical test.
of this is completed, the researcher then can make
a selection of surrogate variables, compute factor References and/or Suggested Reading:
scores, and create summated scales.
Hedberg, E. (2018). The what, why, and when of
power analysis. In Hedberg, E. Introduction to pow-
When selecting factor models, and number of
er analysis: Two-group studies (pp. 1-9). Thousand
factors, some best practices may be helpful. Com-
Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
ponent analysis models are appropriate when the
aim is data reduction. The common factor model
is best when there are highly specified theoretical Power Analysis
applications. Power Analysis is, technically, the computing of
statistical power (see “Power (Statistical Power)” in
This is a YouTube tutorial on how to do an EFA in this guide). There are two occasions when a power
SPSS: analysis should be performed:
exploratory+factor+analysis+in+spss+step+by+step 1. During research design (a priori power
This is a tutorial on how to do a CFA in SPSS: 2. After the statistical test has been run (post hoc power analysis).
step There are statistical packages available to perform
these types of power analyses. The most common
References and/or Suggested Reading: statistical package used by NCU dissertation can-
didates is G*Power because it is available over the
Hair, J. F., Black, B., Babin, B., & Anderson, R. E.
internet free of charge, and it is user friendly.
(2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspec-
tive (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
In a dissertation, a student needs to state that the
minimum required sample size has been reached,
and plan early about how to reach this sample size
Power (Statistical Power)
(the percentage of a sample that will actually re-
Power (Statistical Power) is the ability of the statisti- spond to a survey or questionnaire is very small).
cal test to detect and reject a null hypothesis when
the null hypothesis is false (and should be reject- A student should thus discuss how participants will
ed). The power of a statistical test is reported as a be recruited and/or how the data will be obtained
probability with values ranging between zero and with sufficient detail.
1.0. For example, a null hypothesis of no difference
between two groups is rejected. A statistical power The purpose of an a priori power analysis is to
value of 0.8 would be interpreted as an 80% prob- determine the minimal sample size needed to detect
ability that the null hypothesis is false. A statistical the relationship of interest and the probability of
rejecting a null hypothesis when the null hypothesis
29 Back to Table of Contents
is false. This helps the researcher determine if their test. Some researchers purport that post hoc power
sampling frame (the group the researcher will be values are inflated (so it is best to interpret this value
recruiting from) is large enough so that the research- conservatively).
er might conceivably recruit enough participants
and support hypothesis testing. An a priori power References and/or Suggested Reading:
analysis does not compute power of the statistical
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the
test because data has not yet been collected and
behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). New Jersey: Lawrence
the statistical test has not yet been run. Instead, the
researcher selects the statistical test to be performed
and enters the pre-determined power, alpha level Gogtay, N. (2010). Principles of sample size calcula-
(see alpha level), and estimated effect size. Most tion. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 58(6), 517-
software packages include standardized effect size 518.
values based on small, medium, and large catego- Universität Düsseldorf. (2014). G*Power 3.1 manual.
ries. Power values should be set at, or greater than, [PDF]. Retrieved from:
0.80, and alpha levels should be set at .05 or lower. eadmin/redaktion/Fakultaeten/Mathematisch-Natur-
The purpose of a post hoc power analysis (also er/GPowerManual.pdf
referred to as observed power in the literature) is to
G*Power [computer software] available at: http://
determine power of the statistical test based on the
known sample size, known effect size, and known meine-psychologie-und-arbeitspsychologie/gpower.html
alpha level. A statistical power of 0.80 or greater
is considered acceptable power for a statistical
Back to Table of Contents 30
Measuring Validity and Reliability and evaluates it differently. Face validity is like a
“gut check,” the weakest assessment of validity.
Validity can be defined as the degree to which Does the measurement look like it should yield
instruments and tools in a research study measure results as intended? For example, if a researcher in-
what they are intended to measure. If study findings tends to study positive emotions, an instrument that
are determined not to be valid, then the results are appears to measure positive emotions makes sense.
essentially meaningless. The tools must measure Content validity is the degree the measure covers
what they are intended to measure. Otherwise, the entire scope of the concept that is being mea-
the results will not allow the investigator to answer sured. For instance, if brand loyalty is considered to
the research question(s). In other words, without be both a behavioral and cognitive phenomenon,
validity, the study’s purpose is missed. Validity is both of these dimensions need to be included in the
sometimes contextual in that a valid research study measurement. Criterion validity refers to how well
in one circumstance does not necessarily mean that the measure is related to an outcome that may be
it is valid in another. classified as concurrent or predictive that refers to
the time sequence. For instance, criterion validity
Validity and reliability are two unique concepts. assesses whether the measure is correlated with
While validity, defined above, basically notes what it is intended to measure, such as a preg-
whether or not an instrument measures what it nancy test predicting pregnancy, or whether an
is intended to (e.g., assessing the efficacy of a SAT predicts college performance. Last, construct
teaching style versus a student liking an instructor validity is a determination of whether or not the
or a course), reliability is measured in terms of measurement is actually measuring what it is intend-
the consistency of the results. There can be three ed to measure. For instance, does an IQ test really
types of consistency that are considered: over time, measure intelligence? Or might it be measuring
across items, and across researchers. Assessing educational level?
reliability over time is assessed using a test-retest,
where respondents are measured at one point in It is important to ensure there is no confusion be-
time and then at another point in time. If the results tween validity and reliability. It is possible for a
are correlated (such as over .80), the measure is study to be reliable, but not valid. In other words,
considered reliable. Internal consistency measures reliability is a necessary but not sufficient criteria
the consistency of items in a multi-item measure. The for validity.
most common measure on internal consistency is
a statistic known as Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. To conclude, validity is essential to attain in con-
Finally, inter-rater reliability assesses the consistency ducting research, especially in the social sciences.
in the judgment of observers or raters. Validity should be considered by researchers as
early as the development of the research questions,
In relation to measurement validity, there are four and certainly through study design and implemen-
primary types: face validity, content validity, crite- tation. In order to discover results efficacious to
rion validity, and construct validity. Each of these answer a research question, validity must be con-
types defines validity from a unique perspective trolled as much as is feasible.
31 Back to Table of Contents
References and/or Suggested Reading: These factors include experimental mortality, or the
Petty, R. E, Briñol, P., Loersch, C., & McCaslin, M. J. loss of participants in the comparison groups. This is
(2009). The need for cognition. In M. R. Leary & R. especially true during longitudinal experiments. His-
tory is another threat and refers to events that occur
H. Hoyle (Eds.), Handbook of individual differences
outside of the experiment but during the same mea-
in social behaviour. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
surement periods. Similarly, maturation are changes
Kerlinger, F.N., & Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundations of that occurs in subjects during the course of the ex-
behavioral research (4th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth/ periment. Subjects may age, or may simply become
Thomsen Learning. hungry or bored during the course of an experiment.
Trochim, Wiliiam M., Donnelly, James P., & Arora, The threat of testing indicates a practice effect in that
Kanika (2016). Research methods: The essential repeated applications of a measurement may impact
knowledge base. Boston: Cengage Learning. subsequent data collection.

There are also threats to external validity, or the gen-

Internal/External Validity eralizing of findings. These include interaction effects
where a pretest might decrease a participant’s sen-
There are two main types of validity that are consid-
sitivity to an experimental variable. Another threat
ered in the design and evaluation of experimental
is multiple-treatment interference, where participants
designs. Internal validity refers to whether or not an
are exposed to a series of treatment conditions and
experiment can demonstrate that the effect of an
the effects of prior conditions are not ‘erasable.’
independent variable can be clearly attributed to
changes in the dependent variable. For example, if
Note that there is often a tradeoff between internal
we explore the impact of role mentorship on resil-
and external validity and the experimental setting (a
ience, we must rule out (as best as possible) the fact
lab vs. field experiment). A laboratory experiment is
that other variables may influence (i.e., moderate
an artificial setting that allows the researcher better
and/or mediate) this association. External validity
control over extraneous/potentially confounding
refers to the generalizability of the study results. For
variables. However, the artificiality of an experiment
instance, with respect to generalizing to the popula-
tends to lessen the external validity since a research-
tion, a researcher would have better external validity
er wants to be able to generalize to a more realistic
if the sample was taken randomly from the popula-
setting. Essentially laboratory vs. field experiments
tion. In fact, a primary challenge in all research is to
represent opposite ends of a continuum having to do
suggest that research findings are generalizable to
with the artificiality of the setting.
populations, settings, products, time periods, etc.

References and/or Suggested Reading:

Threats to Validity
Campbell, D.T., & Stanley, J.C. (1963). Experimental
Internal validity has been widely written about, and
a number of factors have been identified that can in- and quasi-experimental designs for research. Boston:
fluence it (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Investigators Houghton Mifflin.
attempt to control for these factors as much as pos- Zikmund, William G., Babin, Barry J., Carr, Jon C.,
sible during research to attempt to achieve internal & Griffen, Mitch (2013). Business research methods
validity. However, the need for this control can also (9th ed.) Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
impact generalizability.

Back to Table of Contents 32

Selection of Parametric vs. able). However, nonparametric methods are “less
powerful” than parametric methods. The probability
Nonparametric Techniques
that the null hypothesis will be rejected when it is
Most researchers would always opt to use paramet-
false, is less for nonparametric tests as compared
ric statistics to analyze their data, given that most
with parametric tests.
consumers of their research are familiar with these
techniques and, in general, these tests are very
It should be remembered that, with parametric tests,
the hypotheses are about population parameters
(e.g. μ = 50 or μ1 = μ2 ). With nonparametric tests,
Many statistical methods (e.g., t-test, correlation,
the null hypothesis is more generalized. For exam-
and regression) are referred to as ‘parametric’ and
ple, in a parametric test the null hypothesis may be
require that the parameters and underlying distri-
that two populations are equal. However, in non-
bution of the data exist. In the t-test, for example,
parametric statistics, this is interpreted as the two
these parameters are the mean and standard devi-
populations being equal in terms of their central
ation. Moreover, the sample must have come from
tendency (which could involve medians).
a univariate Normal distribution. There are various
statistical tests which can be used to assess whether
data are likely to have come from a Normal distri-
bution. These include the Anderson-Darling test, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Parametric statistics require assumptions to be
made about the format of the data to be analyzed.
Perhaps the most important aspect is when the data
is not normally distributed, such as when the out-
come is an ordinal variable or a rank, then there
are outliers, and the outcome has clear limits of
detection. Parametric tests also involve estimation
of the key parameters of that distribution (e.g., the Nonparametric tests have some definite advantag-
mean or difference in means) from the sample data. es when analyzing variables which are ordinal,
In many cases in the social sciences (including contain outliers, or are measured imprecisely. If
business), these assumptions hold, and even where one wanted to still analyze with parametric meth-
they do not, the data can often be transformed by ods, then major assumptions would have to be
researchers in order to meet the required assump- made about distributions, as well as difficult and
tions. However, there are cases where the assump- error-prone decisions about coding values. Interest-
tions, even with transformed data, do not support ingly enough, many parametric tests perform well
the use of parametric statistical techniques. in non-Normal and skewed distribution environ-
ments--as long as the sample size is large enough.
Nonparametric tests are sometimes referred to as Researchers should always take this into consider-
being distribution-free tests because they are based ation before assuming they need to choose a non-
on fewer assumptions (e.g., they do not assume an parametric test as their only option. However, when
approximate univariate normally distributed vari- sample sizes are relatively small, many statisticians

33 Back to Table of Contents

choose to conduct nonparametric tests which are simpler to conduct and easier to interpret. Below is a
table of parametric tests and their nonparametric counterparts:






with one factor and one

blocking variable

Below are some general guidelines for applying nonparametric statistical tests to data:

If one’s analysis includes two independent samples, If one’s analysis includes three or more independent
and the data are: samples, and the data are:
Nominal: consider Chi-square test or Fisher Nominal: consider Chi-square test.
exact test. Ordinal: consider Kruskal-Wallis one-way
Ordinal: consider Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test analysis of variance.
or Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test.
If one’s analysis includes measuring relationships,
If one’s analysis includes matched (or related) sam- and the data are:
ples, and the data are: Nominal: consider a Phi coefficient or kappa
Nominal: consider McNemar change test. coefficient.
Ordinal: consider Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Ordinal: consider a Spearman correlation coef-
ficient or Kendall’s Tau.

Back to Table of Contents 34

Here are some YouTube tutorials for learning how more likely to retain right-brain presentation ele-
to work with nonparametric statistics: ments, such as demonstrations, examples, stories, and analogies. In order to be enduring, statistical
ry=SPSS+tutorial+nonparametric+statistics findings should be logical and rational, as well as

References and/or Suggested Reading: For example, a study finding that job performance
Box, G. E. (2013). An accidental statistician: The life and job satisfaction share a positive correlation of
and memories of George E. P. Box. Hoboken: Wiley r = .31 is rational evidence. Such data could be
bolstered, for example, with other data or research
and Sons.
(e.g., a story of a qualitative prediction by a busi-
Lamorte, W., W. (2017). When to use a nonpara- ness guru stating that to impact job performance, a
metric test. Boston University School of Public Health manager might influence job satisfaction).
Best Practice Module, Retrieved from: http://sphweb. The 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the
parametric/BS704_Nonparametric2.html American Psychological Association (APA) devotes
an entire chapter to “Displaying Results” through
Riegelman, R. (2013). Studying a study and testing a
proper design and placement of tables and figures
test. (6 ed.). Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
to illustrate findings. In other words, a picture truly
Whitley E., & Ball, J. (2002). Statistics review 6: is worth a thousand words if the narrative augments
Nonparametric methods. Critical Care, 6, 509-512. the displayed evidence. This is true both in a man-
Retrieved from: uscript and in a presentation. While in a presenta-
tion, voice may be used to help illustrate the impact
of research findings. The APA manual provides
Presentation of Statistical Results important formatting and presentation guidelines
for tables and figures so that they are not cluttered
and Explaining Quantitative
and have the greatest potential for impact. Exam-
Findings in a Narrative Report ples are also provided for enhancing the visual aids
What a researcher discovers is just as important as with a well-composed narrative. An emphasis is
how they communicate it to readers. Communicat- placed on conciseness of the content of each visual,
ing data and statistical findings is an essential skill as well as standard form.
and an important element in presenting research
findings. If miscommunicated, an audience may be Because the APA understands that most of the
lost or, at a minimum, bored. Proper presentation, information stemming from a quantitative result is
done correctly, can have an enduring impact on usually manipulated by a statistical package, the
audiences—both readers and those who attend charts and graphs usually follow a Microsoft Word
presentations or doctoral dissertation defenses. document-based construction. This construction is
based on the normal APA rules of formatting, such
Data and statistics are left-brained material, in as font, size, and spacing. This can be easily found
that they tap into logical and rational information in the APA 6th edition manual, chapter 5. Most of
processing. However, readers and audiences are the statistical packages will be able to convert these
35 Back to Table of Contents
tables or figures to APA. Even though this is noted, both in text and in charts, tables, or graphs (using
make sure that everything within a chart or figure the correct APA recommended spacing, alignment,
matches the requirements of the correct font, size, and punctuation marks for those particular statis-
and color for APA when used within the dissertation tical tests); and 3) final results, including the null
process. hypothesis testing with the probability of occur-
rence (p-value). These explanations are normally
The student must make sure that everything has con- displayed within the results section (Chapter 4) of
verted correctly and all numbers have been copied the dissertation, but they may also cross over into
over properly. Everything should also look concise Chapter 5.
and clear as it is retrieved from one chart and
re-entered into the dissertation. This may include During the explanation of the sample, the pop-
the use of the same number of decimal points and ulation, sample size, type of sampling, power
similar cell formatting within a table. Students must analysis, instrumentation, and variables should be
realize that some statistical software packages may explained using measures of central tendency and
not typically put a demographic in the same sam- tables, as needed (Creswell & Cresswell, 2018).
pling frame as a frequency. Therefore, a student These explanations of the sampling data should
must have enough forethought to work within the include measures of central tendency that are ap-
Microsoft Word program to be able to add columns propriate to the data: the range, means, medians,
and rows within table properties. modes, standard deviations, etc. This can exist in
The most needed explanations for quantitative
methodology consist of: 1) the explanation of the
sample data (descriptive analysis including inde-
pendent and dependent variables); 2) the statistics,

Back to Table of Contents 36

table format to help readers understand the many up will include all the steps that are needed for a
variables that are being used. A best practice for correct, finalized explanation of the findings. Nor-
what a researcher enters into a frequency or distri- mally, within this section, a table may be alluded to
bution table would be to add any typology of the and used in an appendix.
variables. This means that most of the questions on
a questionnaire should exist in a table format. Do not forget to state what the hypothesis testing
found, including the effect, and if it was the direc-
tion that was expected (if that was stated in the
A researcher should also explain any categories of
hypothesis testing). Remember that a test that may
numerals listed within a table that are being used
not have a good ending still has an ending. Also,
to explain the sample (Elliott & Woodward, 2020).
not finding the answer that was desired or expect-
If a researcher decides to use categories of ages
ed is still a result (e.g., ‘The one-way ANOVA, F (2,
instead of an open question of age for the sample,
112) = 2.414, p = 0.101 did not show significant
the category and the demographics of that cate- differences between the age groups as the con-
gory need to be explained, using the frequency or ceptualization of the theory supported.’). With no
description for each (e.g., years of age: “young”, significant finding, the effect size or confidence in-
< 18 = 0, 0%; “middle age”, 18.5 - 35.0 = 50, terval does not need to be reported. Depending on
60%, etc.). Describing tables and charts in words the tests, it may be that a researcher decides to use
is important. Many of these tables will occur in the effect size over confidence intervals, or confidence
appendices and be alluded to within the in-text intervals over effect size, or both. If a researcher
explanation. An example is: “A total of 188 people does not find what was expected, the discussion
answered the questionnaire. It consisted of only section is a good place to explain this.
people over 18. However, these people were load-
ed into two groupings, ‘young’ and ‘middle-aged,’ Finally, it is important for a dissertation student to
created by the researcher. Sixty percent of the stay in close communication with his or her Chair as
sample was… There were more males (100) than the results are analyzed and the findings are being
females (88) within the dataset.” Without the expla- reported.
nation of the dataset, the reader would not be able
to understand what happened within the sample,
nor understand the subsequent findings or results
(Adams & Lawrence, 2019).

To be able to have more knowledge of how to con-

duct or write a results section, it is best to read how
other researchers have constructed their own results
sections, and learn how to write a clear and con-
cise results section. Explaining the findings of the
study is imperative. The researcher should cover the
null hypothesis, explain the type of statistical test,
the statistical significance of the testing, confidence
intervals, and the effect size. During this portion,
the written in-text wording of an APA formatted
write-up is necessary. This type of formatted write-
37 Back to Table of Contents
References and/or Suggested Reading:
Adams, K. A. & Lawrence, E. K. (2019). Student
study guide with IBM SPSS Workbook for research
methods, statistics, and applications (2nd ed.). Thou-
sand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
American Psychological Association (2012). Publica-
tion Manual of the American Psychological Associa-
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