4.1 3Q AnswerSheet General Biology 1

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Lesson 4
NAME: _Shiva Matthew V. Cruz______________________ SECTION:_11-STEM 5________
SUBJECT TEACHER: _____________________________ DATE:


Directions: Complete the table below, then answer the guide questions that follow.
Monosaccharides Carbon, hydrogen, Glycosidic bond They provide
and oxygen Two energy and they
Carbohydrates monosaccharides develop immunity
to diseases such as
blood clotting.
Amino acids Carbon, hydrogen, Peptide and Helps to process
oxygen, nitrogen, disulfide bonds. energy and carry
Proteins sulfur oxygen.

triglyceride Carbon, hydrogen, Covalent bonds Used for energy

oxygen, nitrogen, storage, hormones
Lipids sulfur and steroids, and
cell structures and
nucleotide Carbon, hydrogen, Hydrogen bonds They carry the
oxygen. Nitrogen, Phosphodiester genetic blueprint of
phosphorous bond a cell and carry
Nucleic Acids
instructions for the
functioning of the

Guide Questions:
1. In what materials / objects can we find these biomolecules?
___we can mainly find them in the food we eat. We can also find these materials in our bodies.
2. What characteristics of life can be related to biomolecules?
__its our ability to play indispensable roles in life that is similar to biomoelcules.
3. What is the reason why biomolecules are called as “molecules of life?”
____They are the fundamental building blocks of living organisms.
4. What body system is responsible for breaking down of food? Explain the process.
__The digestive system is responsible for the breaking down of food. Food is broken down by the mouth
when its chewing. Then it enters the esophagus in a peristalsis type of movement. Then once it reaches
the stomach, the upper muscle relaxes to let food enter, and lower muscle mixes food with digestive
juice or what you would call bile in which it is being reproduced by the liver and is stored in the
gallbladder. Then the food enters the small intestine and long intestines in a peristalsis type of
movement. The lower end of your large intestine or the rectum, then stores stool until it pushes stool out
of your anus during a bowel movement.
5. What are enzymes? How do they help inside our body?
____An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which
chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process. Enzymes create chemical
reactions in the body. They speed up the rate of a chemical reaciton to help support life. They help in
many ways like building muscle, destroying toxins, and breaking down food particles during digestion.

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