Muscle Activity During The Gait Cycle

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Muscle activity during the gait cycle

The movement pattern that we observe in the lower limbs during walking results from the
interaction between external forces (joint reaction and ground reaction) and internal forces
(produced by muscles and other soft tissue). Knowledge of the ground reaction force is
especially helpful to therapists who must understand how muscle activity and timing contributes
to stability and propulsion.

Muscle activity is typically studied using electromyography (EMG). EMG records differ
between individuals, and differ for a single individual according to variables such as velocity.
The following summary draws on the findings of reliable investigators.

Loading Response (0 to 12 percent of gait cycle)

This is a period of extensive muscle activity. The ankle dorsiflexors act eccentrically to
prevent slapping of the foot on the ground. The quadriceps act eccentrically to control
knee flexion. Hip flexion is controlled by isometric action of the hamstrings
(primarily biceps femoris) and gluteus maximus (primarily its lower portion).

In the frontal plane, activity in the hip abductors, tensor fascia lata, and upper
portions of the gluteus maximus control drop of the contralateral pelvis, which is
relative hip adduction. While activity in the the anterior gluteals (gluteus medius and
minimus) might appear eccentric, these muscles simultaneously move the hip joint into
internal rotation. In a closed chain, this hip rotation causes the pelvis to rotate forward on
the opposite side. Thus, gluteus medius activity may be nearly isometric. Also
contributing to both internal rotation and extension of the hip joint are the muscles of the
adductor group.

The erector spinae are also active during loading response. Their activity during this
period has been characterized classically as a mechanism to stabilize the trunk during
weight transfer, and to prevent its forward flexion during the rapid slowing of forward
movement which occurs at initial contact. Recent theory (Gracovetsky 1988) attributes to
the paraspinal muscles a more active role in producing important trunk and pelvic

Midstance (12 to 31 percent of gait cycle)

As the body moves over the stance limb, activity in the foot's intrinsic muscles (which are
primarily subtalar supinators) activate to convert the foot into an increasingly rigid
structure. This supination force is augmented by activity in the ankle plantar flexors,
which act eccentrically to control closed chain ankle dorsiflexion in the form of tibial
advancement over the stable foot.
The quadriceps act concentrically to initiate knee extension, and the hip abductors
are isometric as they halt contralateral pelvic drop.

Terminal Stance (31 to 50 percent of gait cycle)

Foot intrinsics and ankle plantar flexors continue to function as during midstance,
becoming isometric at around 35 to 40 percent of the gait cycle, when continued forward
momentum in the body's upper part causes the heel to rise from the floor.

Similarly, the hip abductors move from eccentric to isometric to concentric activity,
elevating the pelvis in preparation for swing. The iliopsoas becomes active,
eccentrically controlling the rate of hip extension.

The quadriceps are inactive during this phase, as ground reaction forces, as well as
activity in the plantar flexors, maintain knee extension.

Preswing (50 to 62 percent of gait cycle)

Along with loading response, this is a period of widespread muscle activity. The foot is in
its most supinated and rigid position. Acting on this rigid base, the plantar flexors act
concentrically, producing a propulsive "pushoff." The iliopsoas also contributes to
propulsion as it shifts from eccentric to concentric activity which will advance the
extremity into swing phase.

At typical to faster walking speeds, the rectus femoris also acts in a nearly isometric
fashion, to limit knee flexion and augment hip flexion. Only at slower walking speeds,
when ground reaction and joint reaction forces are too small to initiate knee flexion, must
knee flexors like the short head of the biceps femoris, or the gracilis, actually work to flex
the knee directly.

The erector spinae are active on the preswing side, and produce greater EMG activity
than during their previous period of activity during loading response; a vital debate
concerns whether this assymetrical activity functions simply to control unwanted trunk
movement or if it helps initiate forward pelvic rotation, through the mechanism of
coupled motion, and thereby helps drive the extremity into swing.
Initial Swing

During this very brief phase, the hip flexors and knee extensors (primarily rectus
femoris)concentric continue their preswing activity. The dorsiflexors act concentrically
to permit the forefoot to clear the ground. While their activity varies widely among
individuals, the hip adductors can also assist during preswing and initial swing to assist in
hip flexion.


Muscle activity virtually ceases except for the dorsiflexors as the extremity's inertia
carries it through swing like a pendulum.

Terminal Swing

The hamstrings (primarily Semi tendin/membran) act eccentrically to decelerate the

swinging extremity, while the dorsiflexors isometrically hold the ankle in position for
initial contact. Just before the foot touches the ground, the quadriceps and the hip
abductors initiate activity, disclosing the existence of a feedforward mechanism by which
the body prepares for the large ground reaction its joints will encounter at initial contact.


Gage, J.R. (1990). An overview of normal walking. Instructional Course Lectures, 39,

Inman, V.T., Ralston, H.J., & Todd. F. (1981). Human Walking. Baltimore: Williams and

Rodgers, M.M. (1995). Dynamic foot biomechanics. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports
Physical Therapy, 21, 306-316.

Winter, D.A. (1987). The Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait. Waterloo,
Ontario: Univ. of Waterloo Press.

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