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AI-Fairness Towards Activity Recognition of Older Adults

Mohammad Arif Ul Alam

Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell
ABSTRACT are found may not be desirable or may even be illegal. For example,
Wireless wearable sensor networks (WSN)-based activity recogni- an older adult’s current activity may be detected as ‘standing’ by
tion has implicit impacts on context-aware application and con- AI algorithm while the person is actually ‘walking’ using a walker
nected health research for older adults. Although, many existing due to his functional disability. This type of machine learning pre-
researches focus on different WSN integration, signal processing diction biases may be caused due to the lack of protected attribute
and intelligent detection to recognize different activities, none of information (disability) which violates "United Stats Disability dis-
the existing works address the Artificial Intelligence (AI) fairness crimination act - Sect. 504" [1]. On the other hand, single WSN
in activity recognition of older adults domain. We argue that AI- and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Human Activity Recognition
fairness towards detecting activities of older adults is different than (HAR) is becoming an exponentially growing field of research in
to fairness for other protected attributes such as age, gender or race. the domain of activity learning and reasoning of older adults due to
The primary reason behind this difference is the diversity of same its high correlations with cognitive and connected health. However,
activity among different older adults based on their functional abil- WSN-based HAR model imposes several challenges.
ities (walking using crutches, walker). However, the diversity also First, activity recognition frameworks can be constrained in a
exists among the same older adults based on time and space as well. sole extreme if single WSN-device has been used. To explain this
The above constraints limit the AI capabilities and causes unfair challenge, we divided human activities into upper extreme (UE)
detection of daily activities that has potential impacts on healthcare (activities relevant to upper part of the body, such as, hand gestures)
interventions for older adults. In this paper, we investigate, first of and lower extreme (LE) (activities relevant to lower part of the body,
its kind, AI-fairness of activity recognition for older adults using such as, sitting, running) activity domains. For a single WSN-based
a single wearable WSN sensor in presence of diverse disabilities. activity recognition framework, the model limits its performance
In this regard, we (i) employ signal processing and Bi-directional on a sole extreme. As an example, if the device is placed in any of
LSTM model to recognize diverse multi-label activities of older the LE nodes, it only can quantify LE contexts failing the recogni-
adults using single WSN; (ii) identify the existence of biases in tion of waving hands (UE) activity. To mitigate the above problem,
activity recognition considering the age and functional ability as multiple WSN device-based activity recognition frameworks have
protected attributes; (iii) mitigate the biases by applying different been proposed in past by many researchers [11, 15]. However, older
bias mitigation techniques in different stages (pre-, in- and post- adult population are reluctant of using multiple body mounted
processing) of machine learning model development; and finally (iv) WSN sensor system which is the most significant barrier of context
we experimentally evaluate the proposed AI-fairness framework recognition based elderly health care.
using older adults data collected from a retirement center. Second, due to the diverse nature of abilities for the older pop-
ulation, performance pattern of same activity can be significantly
ACM Reference Format:
different among older adults which may not be fairly addressed by
Mohammad Arif Ul Alam. 2020. AI-Fairness Towards Activity Recognition
AI-framework causing the issue of AI-fairness. Although, people with
of Older Adults. In MobiQuitous 2020 - 17th EAI International Conference
on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services 65+ of age are considered as older adults in general, this group of
(MobiQuitous ’20), December 7–9, 2020, Darmstadt, Germany. ACM, New population consists of most diverse pattern of same activity than
York, NY, USA, 10 pages. the younger ones. The significance of the diversity is so extreme
that, same activity performance pattern changes not only among
1 INTRODUCTION different older adults based on their age and functional ability, but
also can be totally different for the same person based on time
A machine learning model makes predictions based on a training
and space. For example, the walking pattern of an older adult of
dataset, where many other instances and actual outcomes are pro-
75 years old with no functional disability will be much different
vided. Thus, a machine learning algorithm attempts to find patterns,
than an older adult of 70 years old with functional disability (needs
or generalizations, in the training dataset to use when a prediction
assistance of a walker). On the other hand, an older adult with
for a new instance is needed. However, sometimes the patterns that
partial functional disability or no disability can walk normally in
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or plain space (corridor) but may need assistance of crutches when
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed she plans to climb stair. The existence of this diversity may cause
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM
the activity recognition framework a bias which must be mitigated
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to confirm AI-fairness.
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a To address the first challenge, we propose a novel utilization of
fee. Request permissions from
MobiQuitous ’20, December 7–9, 2020, Darmstadt, Germany
sparse-deconvolution method on a single wrist-worn WSN device
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. based hybrid classification method to recognize multiple activities
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8840-5/20/11. . . $15.00 i.e., both UE and LE contexts. Though we believe that fine-grained
hand gesture and postural activities in conjunction with ambient Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbors,
sensor values can improve high-level activity performance signifi- Naive Bayes, deep neural networks [3].
cantly, exploiting multi-label activities from single wrist worn WSN
device is challenging. However, this problem is extremely difficult 2.2 Fairness in AI System
in case of diverse types of activities of older adults. For example, AI-fairness is a human-in-the loop process. Research shows that
an older adult may use walker, walking stick or nothing as a sup- by optimizing for the sole aim of accuracy improvement, ML algo-
port while ‘walking’. In this regard, we assume LE nodes have a rithms trained on historical data not only replicate, but may amplify
sparse effect (approximate) on UE nodes while both of the nodes existing biases or discrimination [24]. The most popular definition
are in motion concurrently. Hence, we assume human body as a of AI-fairness is: ‘discrimination is considered to be present if for
Linear time-invariant (LTI) system where the effects of LE nodes’ two individuals that have the same characteristic relevant to the
movements are considered as input and the noisy UE nodes related decision making and differ only in the sensitive attribute (e.g., gen-
movements are considered as output with a white Gaussian noise. der/race) a model results in different decisions’ [16]. Deployment
To address the second challenge, we investigate the bias detec- of unfair AI systems may have disparate impact, practices which
tion and mitigation techniques in every stage of machine learning adversely affect people of one protected characteristic more than
model development i.e., pre-, in- and post-processing using state- anothe [16, 17]. The reasons behind the unfairness includes biased
of-art fairness metrics and bias mitigation algorithms in terms of sampling, incorrect labeling (especially with subjective labeling),
activity recognition for older adults with protected attributes (age, biased representation (e.g., incomplete or correlated features), sub-
disabilities) and investigate potential best fit of bias mitigation for optimal or insensitive optimization algorithm, shift of population
fair activity recognition of older adults. So far our knowledge, our or data distribution, and failure to consider domain-specific, le-
proposed framework is the first of its kind that addresses every gal, or ethical constraints [16, 18]. Although the effect of bias is
aspect of fairness by detecting and mitigating biases for HAR of observed only in the outcome, the bias could be inherent in the
older adults. training, preprocessing, or even in the modeling procedure. There
have been multiple techniques proposed by many researchers to
2 RELATED WORKS address these causes of ’unfair AI methods’ [18–22]. For example
Our proposed framework stands on the strong foundation of WSN- [16] proposed techniques to de-bias data by modifying labels of the
based multi-label activity recognition and AI-fairness. Although, training data, duplicating or deleting instances, adding synthetic
many researchers proposed AI-fairness in different field of research, instances, and transforming data into a new representation space.
none of them proposed the hurdles towards applying AI-fairness [23] proposed data de-biasing method that applies a preprocessor to
in activity recognition of older adults. transform the data resulting a new training dataset which is more
fair than the original one while also limiting local deformations
2.1 Wearable Sensor Networks based Activity from the data transformation. The above de-biasing techniques are
normative by nature, i.e., they rely on prescriptively defining the
Recognition for Older Adults
criteria of fairness in order to optimize for that criteria. A recent
WSN based activity recognition models have been proposed by paper pursued a complementary descriptive approach by empiri-
many researchers before [3, 11, 15, 50–52]. A continuous autoen- cally studying how people judge the fairness of features used by a
coder model has been proposed which exploited multiple body decision support system in the criminal justice system [17]. Their
mounted RFID reader based multi-label activity recognition tech- study uncovered the underlying dimensions in people’s reasoning
nique [3]. Another wearable RFID reader based model has been of algorithmic fairness, and demonstrated individuals’ variations
proposed that used RFID radio pattern mining to exploit multiple on these dimensions.
body mounted activity recognition [11]. Many researchers pro-
posed sparse coding-based wearable sensor signals processing in
the domain of human activity recognition before [6, 7]. A sparse rep- Segmentation
Bias Detection
resentation body-mounted inertial measurement unit system has Feature Extraction
Bias mitigation
Empatica E4 Motion Deconvolution
been proposed to detect human activities [6]. Many researchers pro- Smart Home
posed dictionary based sparse representation of wearable sensors as Creation
well [7]. Alam. et. al. proposed a sparse deconvolution method based
feature extraction model and later detect activities from the decon-
Clinical Disability Deep Learning
voluted signal processing on older adult’s activity recognition [48]. Assessment Training Explanation
Older Adults Data Testing
Several researchers proposed multi-label activity recognition frame- Recruitment
work from multiple body mounted sensors using collaborative [12] Target

and transfer [8] learning models. However, many researchers in- Smart Home Data Collection Activity Recognition AI-Fairness
vestigated discrete hidden markov model [2], weighted naive bayes
[48], dynamic time warping [5] and artificial neural network [4]. Figure 1: Overall System Architecture
An 18 gesture dictionary based hand-gesture recognition method
has been proposed as well to detect upper extreme activities only 3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW
[13]. Wrist-worn ACC sensor signal processing based postural ac- Fig 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of our developed system ar-
tivity recognition approach has been proposed using Decision Tree, chitecture which consists of four components:
3.1 Smart Environment Creation and maps hand gestural and postural activities signals extracted
For an ideal IoT-based system, instrumenting and deploying it at from previous method and feed into a multi-label activity repre-
each participant’s natural living environment warrants for assem- sentation using a multi-input multi-task recurrent neural network
bling a flexible set of hardware and software interfaces to ease the (MM-RNN).
system configuration, setup, and network discovery processes. The
sensor system placed in the residences of volunteers needs to meet 3.4 AI Fairness
several specific physiological signals and activity monitoring needs. This module consists of bias detection and mitigation in every stage
However, we must confirm that the devices are reliable with po- of machine learning model from pre-, in- and post-processing as
tential for re-deployment as well as appear unintimidating to the well as explanation to confirm AI-fairness of older adults towards
participants. Inspired by the above requirements, we developed a activity recognition considering different disability status of older
real testbed IoT system, SenseBox, by customizing Cloud Engine adults as protective attributes.
PogoPlug Mobile base station firmware to integrate with WiFi (con-
nect ambient and object sensors) and Bluetooth (connect wristband) 4 SINGLE WEARABLE WSN-BASED
protocol. The smart home components are as follows: (i) PogoPlug MULTI-LABEL ACTIVITY RECOGNITION
base server with a continuous power supply, (ii) 3 binary Passive In this paper, we solve the problem of exploiting multiple body
Infrared sensors in three different rooms (kitchen, livingroom and sensor node contexts from single body mounted IMU and show
bedroom) to capture room level occupancy, (iii) 7 binary object that it outperforms baseline methods both in usual and diverse
sensors attached with closet door, entry door, telephone, broom, types of activities. More specifically, we exploit lower extreme node
laundry basket, trash can and trash box, (iv) three IP cameras in contexts from a single IMU mounted on any of upper extreme body
the appropriate positions to collect the ground truth data and (v) nodes.
an Empatica E4 [10] wrist-band (integrated sensors: PPG at 64 Hz,
EDA at 4 Hz, Body temperature at 1 Hz and a triaxial ACC at 32 4.1 Hypothesis
Hz) on the participant’s dominating hand.
For this broader perspective, we define some hypotheses as follows:
3.2 Demographic Ground Truth Data Hypothesis 1. Each of the human body node is associated with
Collection for older adults with disabilities different context sets.
Currently in standard clinical practice and research, the most ac- For example, knee mounted sensor node is associated with walk-
curate evaluations of cognitive health assessment are one-to-one ing, sitting and standing, but wrist mounted sensor node is associ-
observation and supervision tasks/questionnaires for monitoring ated with clapping, waving, shaking etc.
an individual’s functional abilities and behavior [27]. In the first Hypothesis 2. Upper extreme contexts can be affected by lower
stage of this pilot study, we have investigated current literatures extreme contexts with an approximately sparse factor (ASF) but cannot
and carefully chosen the clinically proven functional and behavioral be happened in vice versa.
health assessment survey tools [27]. On the other hand, to cross
We can define human body contexts in two extremes: (1) Upper
check with the survey based evaluations, we have also chosen clin-
extreme (UE) contexts which are involved with the activities per-
ically justified observation based behavioral assessment methods.
formed by the upper parts of the body above the waist, such as waist
First, following the resident consent, our clinical research evalu-
bending, hand clapping, hand shaking etc.; and (2) Lower extreme
ator collects demographic and descriptive data (age, gender, race,
(LE) contexts, which are associated with the activities performed
ethnicity, marital status, education and medical commodities). She
by the lower parts of the body such as, walking, sitting, standing
has performed two types of clinical assessments: (1) Observation
etc. While performing daily activities, lower parts of the body act
based where the resident’s cognition is assessed using the Saint
as base of entire body. Thus any movements in the lower parts of
Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) scale [25]. (2) Survey based
human body affect the entire body including the UE node mounted
where five widely used and clinically well validated surveys are
IMU signals. We hypothesize that this effect is approximately sparse.
taken into account: (a) Yale Physical Activity Survey [28]; (b) Lawton
For example, wrist mounted sensor signals at waving hand (UE)
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living; (c) Barthel Index of Activities
in standing (LE) posture is different than waving hand in running
of Daily Living [29]; (d) Geriatric Depression Rating scale [31]; and
posture. On the other hand, waving hand, hand clapping, hand
(e) Zung Self-Rating Anxiety scale [32].
shaking etc. do not affect on knee mounted IMU signals.
3.3 Activity Recognition Hypothesis 3. Approximately sparse factor (ASF) signal has ap-
This module consists of: (i) Feature extraction: We first pre-process proximately similar task with lower extreme task set but with different
the sensor signal with different band pass filters and extract statis- distribution.
tical features; (ii) Multi-Label Activity Recognition: This module Since the ASF signal is the effect of LE contexts, it shares similar
consists of several sub-modules. First, using extracted features from tasks with the lower extreme context sets with different distribu-
the previous module, we generate 8-hand gesture dictionary and tion. But this augmentation imposes a limitation: ASF signal cannot
apply sparse deconvolution method to extract approximately sparse differentiate between LE contexts sitting and standing since both
factor signal which has been presented as postural activity response of them do not affect the UE WSN signals at all. To solve the prob-
signal; (iii) Multi-Label Activity Recognition: This module combines lem, we divide LE context sets into two major categories: (1) static
context, and (2) dynamic context. Static contexts such as standing, plane, then the acceleration vectors of a closed shape should on
sitting and lying, have no effect on UE WSN signals while dynamic average lie in that main plane. Then, we take all acceleration seg-
contexts such as walking, running and cycling, have a near sparse ments between points of inflection to form one single vector called
effect on UE WSN signals. We can consider human body as a LTI reference vector that provides us the general direction of user’s mo-
system where a single IMU is mounted on a node of UE body parts. tion. After that, each vector is normalized relative to the reference
The aggregated IMU signal at UE WSN is a convolution of approxi- vector. This normalization helps remove a lot of hand gestures from
mately sparse factor (ASF) of LE contexts and original UE contexts. prior considered 18 hand gestures resulting a reduced dictionary of
Thus, we hypothesize that we can apply a sparse deconvolution 8 gestures. As a final outcome, we have a fine-grained component
method on the IMU signal to disaggregate both of the signals. of WSN signal that represents hand-gesture signal responses.
4.1.1 Evaluation of Hypotheses and Proof of Concept. We recruit
5 participants (in the age group of 25-35) and collect one hour of 4.3 Postural Activity Signal Separation using
wrist worn ACC sensor data for each three scenarios (D1, D2 and Sparse Deconvolution
D3) in a staged experiment. Two graduate students are recruited In normal lab environment, wrist-worn ACC sensor signal is a
to annotate and validate the ground truth on the videos. We apply mixture (convolution) of actual hand gesture and postural activity
above mentioned sparse deconvolution method on D3 dataset to relevant signals [49]. We improve the idea by reducing the number
extract ASF signals (with 23% signal reconstruction error) and ex- of hand gestures and postural activities to 8 (as shown in Fig.2)
tract features (ACC feature extraction without high-band pass filter) using rotation normalization and 4 (walking, sitting, standing and
with 2.1 seconds segments. We train SMO based SVM classification lying). Then, we use sparse-deconvolution method (with 31% signal
algorithm [42] for postural activity recognition and evaluate the reconstruction error) to get Approximately Sparse Factor. We first
results with 10-fold cross validation. Our classification for hand consider the wrist-worn ACC sensor signals (3-axis values) as a
gesture detection achieves 98.3% accuracy (FP rate 0.5%, Precision convolution of hand gesture and postural activity effects and build
98.5%). While without any deconvolution method the wrist worn a deconvolution framework. The deconvolution framework takes a
ACC sensor based postural activity recognition accuracy stagnates known signal (hand gesture effects) and a equalizer parameter (λ) as
at 60.48% (FP rate 19.9%, precision 61.8% recall 60.5% ROC area input and provides an Approximately Sparse Factor signal (postural
79.8%, our novel deconvolution based technique improves the ac- activity effects) as output. For 3-axis ACC signals, we need to learn
curacy to 83.9% (FP rate 8.1%, precision 84.0% recall 84% ROC area associated 3 equalizer parameters for each hand gesture. Moreover,
95.7%). each equalizer parameter is involved with 4 postural activities that
results a total 96 (8 × 3 × 4) equalizer parameters to learn. After
4.2 Hand Gesture Signal Separation separating the hand gesture related signal component following the
We consider the recognition problem as an activity tuple of ⟨дesture, method explained in Sec. 4.2, we take the corresponding reference
posture, ambient, object⟩. Though, our previous work provides sig- vector as known signal and extract the Approximately Sparse Factor
nificant performance improvement for single wrist-worn ACC sen- signals incorporating corresponding 3 equalizer parameters (λ) for
sor aided 18-hand gesture based postural activity recognition in lab the sparse-deconvolution method. Fig. 3 illustrates a single axis
environment [47, 49, 53, 54], it faces some practical challenges in example of the deconvolution signal outcomes for waving hand
real-time smart environment with older adults due to the diversity gesture and walking signal.
of their postures. For example, some older adults use walker, double
walking sticks or wheel chair for walking in which cases collecting
18 hand gestures and corresponding postural activities for training Sample hand gesture
requires endless efforts and carefulness. To reduce the complexity of 30
ground truth labeling, we use rotational normalization method that X-axis
can merge some hand-gestures subject to directional differences X-axis reference
Axis value

and forms an 8-hand gesture model. Extracted ASF Signal


Figure 2: 8 hand gesture dictionary with direction 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241
We propose a 8-gesture dictionary (as shown in Fig. 2) towards Time (milli seconds)
separating hand-gestural related components of single WSN signal
towards recognizing hand gestures. The method comprises of the
Figure 3: Sample deconvolution example of X-axis. The raw
following steps: (i) Preprocessing: wrist-worn ACC sensor provided
x-axis of accelerometer signal, reference vector of the sam-
3-axis data are passed through 0.4Hz low-pass filter to remove the
ple gesture and the extracted corresponding ASF signal of
data drift. (ii) Rotation normalization: Normalizing the rotation of
hand gestures provides greater accuracy and allows for more real-
istic, orientation-independent motion. At first, we find the best fit
plane of the acceleration vectors thus if the motion lies in a single
5.1 Bias mitigation approaches
The bias mitigation algorithm categories are based on the location
where these algorithms can intervene in a complete machine learn-
ing pipeline. If the algorithm is allowed to modify the training data,
then pre-processing can be used. If it is allowed to change the learn-
ing procedure for a machine learning model, then in-processing can
be used. If the algorithm can only treat the learned model as a black
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of deep Learning based multi- box without any ability to modify the training data or learning al-
label activity recognition framework. gorithm, then only post-processing can be used. We use AI-fairness
360 module to investigate bias mitigation approaches on activity
recognition of older adults given their disability status (functional,
behavioral and cognitive) as protected attributes [34].
4.4 Multi-Label Activity Recognition via Deep
Learning 5.1.1 Pre-processing algorithms. Reweighing [35] generates weights
From Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we can separate two signals from sin- for the training examples in each (group, label) combination differ-
gle WSN-based tri-axis accelerometer worn in wrist of users. We ently to ensure fairness before classification. Optimized preprocess-
use Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network [33] model that takes ing [36] learns a probabilistic transformation that edits the features
two separated signals (hand gesture and posture) and outputs two and labels in the data with group fairness, individual distortion,
co-occurring labels (hand gesture and posture) considering two and data fidelity constraints and objectives. Learning fair represen-
task models, hand gesture recognition task and posture recogni- tations [37] finds a latent representation that encodes the data well
tion task. We use end-to-end Multi-Task RNN framework based but obfuscates information about protected attributes. Disparate
on Joint Classification-Classification RNN, inspired from [33]. Liu impact remover [38] edits feature values to increase group fairness
et. al. originally proposed to use a joint Classification-Regression while preserving rank-ordering within groups.
RNN that we convert into joint classification-classification RNN
in multi-input multi-task RNN (MM-RNN). It contains four major 5.1.2 In-processing algorithms. Adversarial debiasing [39] learns
components as displayed in Fig 4, (i) two time-series input signals a classifier to maximize prediction accuracy and simultaneously
(hand gesture and posture) from the deconvolution methods; (ii) reduce an adversarys ability to determine the protected attribute
three stacked LSTM layers, (iii) one hand gesture classification sub- from the predictions. This approach leads to a fair classifier as
network ;and (iv) a posture classification subnetwork. LSTM is an the predictions cannot carry any group discrimination informa-
advanced RNN network which is widely used for extracting frame tion that the adversary can exploit. Prejudice remover [40] adds a
level action features and learning the long-range dependencies of discrimination-aware regularization term to the learning objective.
a temporal sequence. To be specific, the network is constructed
5.1.3 Post-processing algorithms. Equalized odds postprocessing
by three LSTM layers and three non-linear fully-connected (FC)
[30] solves a linear program to find probabilities with which to
layers. Those FC layers act as a role of feed-forward layers for
change output labels to optimize equalized odds. Calibrated equal-
robust feature learning. A cumulative classification loss has been
ized odds postprocessing [26] optimizes over calibrated classifier
developed by adding hand gesture and posture sub-network losses
score outputs to find probabilities with which to change output
to the learning objective, in order to perform both hand gesture
labels with an equalized odds objective. Reject option classification
and postural activity recognition:
([35] ) gives favorable outcomes to unprivileged groups and unfa-
L(V ) = Lд (V ) + λLp (V ) (1) vorable outcomes to privileged groups in a confidence band around
the decision boundary with the highest uncertainty.
where Lд (V ) and Lp (V ) are the hand gesture and posture classifi-
cation losses. λ is constant value.
Here the loss can be defined as follows 6 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF
1 Õ Õ
L(V ) = − zt ,k lnP(yt ;k |v 0, ..vt ); (2) To further evaluate our proposed sparse deconvolution guided
N t
k =0 multi-label human activity recognition model and AI-fairness, we
where M is the number of all action classes, and zt ,k corresponds have used one real-time datasets collected from a retirement com-
to the score of frame vt for class k. When k is the ground truth munity center (RCC) with appropriate IRB approval.
label, zt ,k sets to 1. For the other action classes, the score is zero.
6.1 Data Collection
5 BIAS DETECTION AND BIAS MITIGATION We recruited 22 participants for this study (19 females and 3 males)
Bias mitigation or AI-fairness algorithms attempt to improve the with age range from 77-93 (mean 85.5, std 3.92) from a continuing
fairness metrics by modifying the training data, the learning al- care retirement community with the appropriate institutional IRB
gorithm, and/or the predictions. These algorithm categories are approval and signed consent. Participants are given a wrist band
known as pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing, re- to wear on their dominant hand. The participants are instructed to
spectively [46]. perform 13 scripted ADLs (excluded from this study). These scripted
Table 1: Feature Subsets where T P,T N , F P and F N represent true positive, true negative,
false positive and false negative measures respectively.
Survey Distribution of Assessments (Total 22)
SLUMS Cognitive Decline NCI 5, MCI 7, CI 10 For hand gestural activity recognition, we extract accelerometer
ZUNG Anxiety highly anxious 3, mild anxious 5, not anxious 14
Yale functional ability functionally able 17, disable 5 features and impute into our MM-RNN model. We measure cross-
GDS Depression highly depressed 4, mild depressed 7, Not depressed 11 participant accuracy using leave-two-participants-out method, i.e.,
we take out two of the participants’ data points from the entire
dataset, train the hand gesture dictionary of MM-RNN classification
ADLs consist of different combination of 4 postural (‘walking’, ‘sit-
model, test the model accuracy on the two left-out participants
ting’, ‘standing’ and ‘lying’) and 8 hand gestural (as shown in Fig. 2)
relevant data points, and finally continue the process for entire
activities. We record the entire session with IP Video camera for
dataset. For hand gestural activity recognition our leave-two-out
ground truth annotation. Two trained and IRB recruitment ap-
participants method outcomes 96.7% accuracy (FP rate 0.9%). For
proved graduate students are engaged to annotate postural and
postural activity recognition, MM-RNN model provides an accuracy
hand gestural activities. Two more graduate students are engaged
of 97.5% postural activity recognition accuracy (FP rate 2.1%). Fig.
to validate the annotations on the videos. The gender diversity in
5 and Fig. 6 show that accuracy improvement comparing to the
the recruited participants reflects the gender distribution (85% fe-
baseline methods.
male and 15% male) in the retirement community facility. A trained
Fig 5 displays MM-RNN based 8-hand gestural activity recog-
gerontology graduate student evaluator completes surveys with
nition accuracies comparisons with the baseline methods which
participants to fill out the surveys. Participants are given a wrist
clearly depicts the outperformance of our method (2.3% improve-
band to wear on their dominant hand, and concurrently another
ment). For postural activity recognition, our framework achieves
trained IT graduate student have the IoT system setup in partic-
97.6% postural activity recognition accuracy which outperforms
ipants’ own living environment (setup time 15-30 minutes). The
the baseline approach significantly (2.2% improvement).
participants are instructed to perform 13 complex ADLs. Another
project member remotely monitors the sensor readings, videos and
system failure status. The entire session lasts from 2-4 hours of 7 AI FAIRNESS ANALYSIS
time depending on participants’ physical and cognitive ability. When AI approaches are used to support communication based
We follow the standard protocol to annotate demographics and on speech, writing, or gestures, the primary fairness concern is
activities mentioned in the IRB. Two graduate students are en- algorithmic fairness. The models should work equally well for
gaged to annotate activities (postural, gestural and complex activ- members of different groups. For example, a speech recognition
ity) whereas the observed activity performances are computed by system should work as well for women speech as it does for that
the evaluator. Two more graduate students are engaged to validate of men. Depending on the application, AI methods may be inaccu-
the annotations on the videos. In overall, we are able to annotate rate, or simply not work at all for some individuals because their
13 complex activities (total 291 samples) labeling for each partici- appearance, speech or behavior are outside the AI’s training data.
pant; 8 hand gestures (total 43561 samples) and 4 postural activities This aspect of fairness can be improved by gathering training data
(total 43561 samples) labeling. Annotation of postural and complex from a broad set of groups, and ensuring the process of ‘cleaning’
activities outcomes no difficulties from recorded videos. However, the data retains enough diversity. However, it is possible that using
annotation of hand-gestures is extremely difficult in our scenario. more diverse training data can degrade the overall performance of
We used video based hand tracker that can track and sketch wrist some models. In such cases it may be necessary to build special-
movements from a video episode [9]. This sketching can help us ized models for known groups, such as recognition of deaf speech.
significantly to identify which particular hand gesture is being per- Researchers should explore methods to correctly handle data gen-
formed in the time segment. From our 6 demographics surveys, we erated by outlier individuals and groups who speak, write, look, or
find significant distributions in terms of cognition only for SLUMS behave differently from the average person.
Score (S-Score). Based on that, we divide our participants pool into
three groups: Not Cognitively Impaired (NCI), Mild Cognitively Im- 7.1 Allocating Fairness Group
paired (MCI) and Cognitively Impaired (CI) where the number of
For algorithms that allocate people to favored or less favored groups,
participants are 5, 7 and 10 respectively. Table 1 shows the distribu-
many researchers have explored different ways of measuring and
tion of population in terms of age and disabilities as per different
ensuring fairness in how the favorable outcomes are assigned
clinical surveys.
([22, 44]). However, the biggest question would be, what defini-
tion of fairness should be preferred in the disability space? Here,
6.2 Multi-Label Activity Recognition Results
we address this question by examining some of the commonly used
Analysis approaches, and their strengths and weaknesses. In this regard, we
We consider hidden markov model [41], support vector machine by split the postural activity "walking" into 3 diverse styles based on
Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) [42] and Feature Weighted the functional disability status of older adults: ‘normal walking’,
Naive Bayes (FWNB) [43] as our baseline algorithms and compared ‘walking with walker’, ‘walking with single stick’. Then, we run the
with our proposed MM-RNN model performance. We use activity algorithms one more time and found that the accuracy went down
recognition accuracy measure as stated bellow: to 88% (FP 7.9%) for our proposed MM-RNN framework as shown
TP +TN in Fig. 7. This accuracy drop raises a serious concern of fairness
Accuracy = (3) depending on the disability status of older adults. To understand the
TP + T N + FP + FN
100 100

95 90

Accuracy (%)
90 80
85 Our Approach
85 70
80 Baseline Method
75 60


normal walking
walking with walker
walking with stick
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Overall
HMM 79.5 92.3 93.5 78.4 87.1 90 75.1 90.1 86.6 70
standing sitting walking lying Overall
SMO 84.3 93 84.6 83.6 89.2 92.6 79.5 93.7 89.87
HMM 82.6 85.7 89.6 84.7 87.5
FWNB 89.2 98 95.2 88.2 91.6 95.1 84.7 96.5 93.5
MM-RNN 91.3 99 97.5 92.8 95.3 94.6 90.2 97.7 96.7 SMO 85.7 86.8 91.5 89.4 90.2
FWNB 92.5 95.4 94.8 96.5 95.3
MM-RNN 95.8 98.5 96.4 99.8 97.6

Figure 7: 6-class postural ac-

Figure 5: MM-RNN classification accuracy com- Figure 6: 4-class postural level activity recog-
tivity recognition accuracy
parisons with baseline approaches (graphical nition performance of our MM-RNN and com-
comparisons with FWNB
signatures of all hand gestures are shown). parisons with baseline method

fairness of the prediction, we further analyze the data in terms of (2) Equal Opportunity Difference: which computed as the
protected attributes. However, all of the participants use the above difference of true positive rates between the unprivileged
walking style occasionally based on their temporary disabilities and the privileged groups. The true positive rate is the ratio
or simply to feel comfortable or safe. This situation imposes ex- of true positives to the total number of actual positives for
tremely difficult situation to confirm AI-fairness in this domain. As a given group. The ideal value is 0. A value of < 0 implies
all of the prior AI-fairness i.e. bias mitigation algorithms rely on higher benefit for the privileged group and a value > 0 implies
the protected attributes which are, in our case, age and disability higher benefit for the unprivileged group. Fairness for this
status (functional, behavioral and cognitive), we a list of protected metric is between -0.1 and 0.1 [45].
attributes based on evaluation using clinical surveys and clinical (3) Average Odds Difference which is computed as average
observational tools. Table 2 illustrates the detail accuracy measures difference of false positive rate (false positives / negatives)
for all possible protected attributes. and true positive rate (true positives / positives) between
From Table 2, it can be depicted that functional ability (Able/Disable) unprivileged and privileged groups. The ideal value of this
and Age (<80 or >80) are more powerful protected attributes in metric is 0. A value of < 0 implies higher benefit for the
terms of activity recognition biases for older adults. Also, it can privileged group and a value > 0 implies higher benefit for
be easily depicted that, normal walking with no supporting tools the unprivileged group. Fairness for this metric is between
(walking with nothing in 6-class activities) is highest accurate for -0.1 and 0.1 .
AI prediction while with walker and stick supported walking ac- (4) Disparate Impact which is computed as the ratio of rate
tivities result much lower accurate for AI prediction. Apart from of favorable outcome for the unprivileged group to that of
that, we excluded race and gender protected attributes due to their the privileged group. The ideal value of this metric is 1.0
non-existence of disparity. We also did not display accuracy im- A value < 1 implies higher benefit for the privileged group
pacts on‘lying’, ‘sitting’ and ‘standing’ considering biases, because and a value >1 implies a higher benefit for the unprivileged
we could find significant disparity in these cases as well. However, group. Fairness for this metric is between 0.8 and 1.2.
each of the activity accuracy presented in the Table 2 generated
results including these three activities in the classifier.
7.3 Bias Mitigation
7.2 Bias Detection To evaluate AI-fairness and select appropriate bias mitigation algo-
To detect bias, at first we need to set protected attributes. An at- rithm, we first implemented 8 different bias mitigation algorithms:
tribute that partitions a population into groups whose outcomes (1) Reweighing that eights the examples in each (group, label)
should have parity. Examples include race, gender, caste, and reli- combination differently to ensure fairness before classifica-
gion. Protected attributes are not universal, but are application tion).
specific. In our case, the protected attributes are (i) Age (priv- (2) Adversarial Debiasing that learns a classifier that maxi-
ileged ’age<80’ and unprivileged ’age>80’); (ii) Functional abil- mizes prediction accuracy and simultaneously reduces an
ity (privileged ‘able’ and unprivileged ‘disable’); and (iii) Walking adversary’s ability to determine the protected attribute from
Style (privileged ‘with nothing’ and unprivileged ‘with something the predictions.
(walker/stick)’). To detect AI biases, we define 4different bias met- (3) Reject Option Based Classification that changes predic-
rics as follows: tions from a classifier to make them fairer by providing
(1) Statistical Parity Difference: which is computed as the favorable outcomes to unprivileged groups and unfavorable
difference of the rate of favorable outcomes received by the outcomes to privileged groups in a confidence band around
unprivileged group to the privileged group. The ideal value the decision boundary with the highest uncertainty
of this metric is 0. Fairness for this metric is between -0.1 (4) equalized odds post processing identifies conditions on
and 0.1 [22]. the perturbation that guarantee that the bias of a classifier is
Table 2: Walking activity recognition performances (% Accuracy) in term of protected attributes using our MM-RNN model

Walking Style Age<80 Age>80 Able Disable No Mild Deme- highly mild Not highly mild not
De- De- ntia de- de- de- anx- anx- anx-
men- men- pressed pressed pressed ious ious ious
tia tia
Walking 99.5 90.3 100 86.7 98.5 90.1 95.3 95.3 97.8 96.4 97.2 97.5 96.0
With nothing 100 100 99.8 96.5 99.3 98.4 99.1 100 98.5 98.5 98.9 99.6 98.4
With walker 86.3 80.6 88.7 80.7 89.5 85.8 83.6 87.5 89.4 82.2 89.3 84.6 87.3
With stick 90.3 85.5 91.5 84.6 90.4 93.0 95.6 93.8 97.4 95.5 93.3 90.2 89.7

Reweighing Prejudice remover Disparate impact remover Learning fair representation

Adversarial Debiasing Equal odds Calibrated equal odds Rejection option classification
postprocessing postprocessing

1 1 1 1
Balanced Accuracy

0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference
Balanced Accuracy

0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Statistical parity difference Disparate Impact Average Odds Difference Equal Opportunity Difference

Figure 8: Fairness vs. Balanced Accuracy before (top panel) and after (bottom panel) applying various bias mitigation algo-
rithms. Four different fairness metrics are shown with MM-RNN classifier used. The ideal fair value of disparate impact is 1,
whereas for all other metrics it is 0. The circles indicate the mean value and bars indicate the extent of ± 1 standard deviation.
Protected attribute ‘Age’

reduced even by running equalized odds with the perturbed Fig 9 displays the bias mitigation experiment results for protected
attribute [30]. attribute ‘Disability Status’ (privileged ’able’, unprivileged ’disable’).
(5) Disparate impact remover edits feature values increase From the evaluation illustrated in Fig 8 and Fig 9 , we derived Table
group fairness while preserving rank-ordering within groups 3 and Table 4 for protected attributes ‘Age’ and ‘Disability Status’
[38]. respectively where we presented accuracy drop and fairness im-
(6) Learning fair representation [22]. provement among 4 bias metrics (as per prior definition). If the new
(7) Calibrated equalized odds postprocessing [26] fairness is 4 out 4, then there are no biases exist after mitigation.
(8) Prejudice remover [40]’ We would like to find the bias mitigation algorithm that provides
maximum fairness with least possible accuracy drop. In this regard,
from Table 3 (protected attribute ‘Age’) we can see that ‘Rejection
7.4 Bias Evaluation Option’ and ‘Disparate impact remover’ algorithms provided fair
We implemented 4 bias metrics and applied each bias metric asso- prediction while ‘Rejection Option’ provided least accuracy drop
ciated with each bias mitigation algorithm on each protected at- (0.5% < 2.2% ). On the other hand, from Table 4 (protected attribute
tribute (age and disability status). Fig 8 displays the bias mitigation ‘Disability status’), we can see that ‘Reweighing’ and ‘Disparate im-
experiment results for protected attribute ‘Age’ (privileged age<80, pact remover’ algorithms provided fair prediction while ‘Disparate
unprivileged age>80) in details where we used MM-RNN as our impact remover’ provided least accuracy drop (2.5% < 5.5% ).
classifier with 4-class (walking, sitting, standing and lying) postural
and 8 class hand gesture activity recognition accuracy as overall
balanced accuracy measure. The figures of Fig 8 show the detected 8 CONCLUSION
biases in terms of 4 bias metrics while the bottom figures show In this paper, we tried to identify optimal bias mitigation algorithms
the detected biases in after bias mitigation algorithms. Similarly to tackle age and disability biases of older adults towards activity
Reweighing Prejudice remover Disparate impact remover Learning fair representation
Adversarial Debiasing Equal odds Calibrated equal odds Rejection option classification
postprocessing postprocessing

Balanced Accuracy 1 1 1 1

0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference 1 Statistical parity difference
Balanced Accuracy

0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Statistical parity difference Disparate Impact Average Odds Difference Equal Opportunity Difference

Figure 9: Fairness vs. Balanced Accuracy before (top panel) and after (bottom panel) applying various bias mitigation algo-
rithms. Four different fairness metrics are shown with MM-RNN classifier used. The ideal fair value of disparate impact is 1,
whereas for all other metrics it is 0. The circles indicate the mean value and bars indicate the extent of ± 1 standard deviation.
Protected attribute ‘Disability Status’

Table 3: Average accuracy drop per mitigation algorithm for biases on AI-based activity recognition of older adults has received
protected attribute ‘Age’ and their corresponding fairness in- little attention in the research literature to date. Our proposed study
dication improvements out of 4 bias metrics (before →− after) is the first of its kind that addressed single WSN based multi-label
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Reweighing 3.5% →3
0− aim to explain the activity predictions using explainable AI (XAI)
Adversarial Debiasing 2.6% →3
1− models to confirm broader fairness along with biases checking and
Reject Option 0.5% →4
2− mitigation for older adults’ activity recognition in presence of age
Equalized odds 3.1% →1
0− and disability status biases. Additionally, we aim to identify gait
Disparate impact remover 2.2% →4
1− pattern recognition biases in terms of in-, pre- and post-processing
Learning fair representation 4.5% →2
0− of AI-fairness towards developing a robust and fair single wearable
Calibrated equalized odds 2.1% →2
0− WSN activity recognition of older adults.
Prejudice remover 1.5% →3
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