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NPM / CLASS :15420037/7A



1. What does the Biology mean?
2. How is the relationship between oak trees and mistletoe?
3. Why does oak trees destroy the leaves when autumn?
4. What is a symbiotic relationship in the lichen growing on the
rocks at your feet?
5. How much is the stage that butterflies must be through when
metamorphosis? And explain?
1. Biology is a natural science that studies life in the world from
all aspects, both about living things, the environment, and the
interactions between living things and their environment. Or
the study of life, and living organisms, including structure,
function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.
2. This is example of a parasitic relationship. The mistletoe plant
has attached itself to the oak tree and is using the moisture and
food from the tree to feed itself. Sometimes the mistletoe can
get so large then it ends up killing its host.
3. Most oak trees are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in
the fall to reduce evaporation during autumn for survival.
4. Lichen are plants made up of a fungus and an alga growing
together. The fungi use the food made by the algae and the
algae use the water absorbed by the fungi. The two materials
help each other survive. Lichen grow on rocks and trees, and
about sixteen thousand species have been identified. Some
types of lichen are used as food by animals such as reindeer in
the arctic areas and even by humans.
5. Butterflies go through a four stage methemorphosis. They go
from egg to larva (a caterpillar) to pupa (the resting stage) to
adult. The colorful butterflies you see are in the adults stage.
Butterflies are useful to the woods as they often polinate
 Desiduous (adj):
1. Menggugurkan daun setiap tahun, sebagian dilakukan
oleh pohon.
2. Jatuh pada tahap pertumbuhan tertentu; sementara.
 Fauna (n): hewan dari wilayah atau periode tertentu yang
diambil secara keseluruhan.
 Flora (n): tanaman dari wilayah atau periode tertentu
yang diambil secara keseluruhan.
 Lichen (n): organisme kompleks yang tersusun dalam
persatuan simbiotik dengan alga, umumnya membentuk
tambalan di bebatuan dan pepohonan.
 Metamorphosis (n):
1. Perubahan bentuk dari tahap awal ke tahap berikutnya
dalam kehidupan suatu organisme.
2. Sebuah transformasi
 Myrlad:
1. (adj) Dari sejumlah besar indenfinitely; banyak sekali
2. (n) Sejumlah besar

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