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b H^S



N. B.—Tlie Roman numerals denote the Volumes ; the figures the page ; and
the initials, -A. C. S."the "American Colonization Society."

"Abd-er-rachman." His communication concerning the Mahommedans of Africa,

vi. 122. Liberia, &c. vii. .55.
Abduhl Rahhahman, alias Prince. His histoiy, &c. iii. 364 ; iv. 77, 243, 379 ; v. 94.
vi. GO.
Letter, May 5, 1829. v. 158.
Redemption iiom slavery of his eight children and grandchildren; vi. 186.
They go to Liberia; vi. 283.
Abels, Capt. William. His letter, February 10, 1832, vii. 386.
"Abolitionist of the Old School, an," x. 364.
Abyssinia, iii. 188." — [See ATissioiis.']
Africa.— [See "Jmcrima Colonization SocieUj ;" "Jshmvn ;" "Bo^vdich;" "Caffer
Tribes," '' Calfraria ;" " Clapperton;" ''Denham;" " Golberry ;" "Kay;"
"Ladies ;" "Laing;" "Lattakoo;" "Philip;" "Recaptured Afncans ;"
"Wintcrbotloin;" "Wilson a.nd Wynkoop."
Agriculture of, i. 100.
Considerations in reference to a mission to, i. 118.
Review of Gray's Travels in Western, i. 22S, 263, 291.
Discoveries in, from the Sierra Leone Gazette, ii. 61.
Substance of Mr. Campbell's Discoveries in Southern, ii. 160.
Beautiful simplicity of manners in, ii. 161.
Communication concerning the South- Western coast of, ii. 365.
Keligions charities concerning, iii. 26.
The duty of the U. States to be active in behalf of, iii. 158.
Southern, a part of it visited by Mr. Miles, iii. 187.
"A Voice From," Notice of, iv. 25,
Teak and Indigo of, iv. 239.
History of, iv. 289. Physical Geography, iv. 321. Civil Geography,
iv. 353.
Review of Dr. Philip's Researches in South, v. 161, 193, 225, 257, 289,
321, 353.
Further extracts from that work, vi. 33.
Slavery in, v. 208.
Contrast between the former advances of, in Civilization and Christian-
ity, and the present condition, v. 222.
Revival of Religion in South, v. 346.
French Colony, vi. 173.
Finley's Map of, vii. 15.
Discoveries and Adventures in, by Professor James Wilson and Hugh
Murray, vii. 40.
Moral Darkness in, vii. 184.
South, vii. 213. [See "Moffet."]
National Debt of the U. States to, viii. 73,
The Wrongs of, viii. 110.

A»«!iA.—Tl!.- rrvtieablenfM of Colonizing, viii. 127. ^ „ ., . >

m" a Tract published by the Managers of the Maryland

!ii. isy.
T!..- l;.> If III C'l-ntral, viii. 3H.
Krh^^iuii in So ith. ix.322.
Ai'HUAN. Cotufi^iuti I'l u ^utivf, i. IjI-
lipiir\ "Iriice III' all, i. 353.
ll,^tJK<• oiaflfclioii in an, ii. 27.
Ora'.itude of a native, vi. 123. .

Africans. Tluir moral qualities, i. 111. Vassalage existing among them. i. .564.

Park's tr^timony to the po-sibility of civilizing tiiein, iv. 76.

African character. Trait* of the, (by Mr. Aslimun) i. 56, 79.
and habit-, ii. 15.

t'hienaiii, the. i. 01. 'Jii.

company open a trade witli lUe,

Coail, project of a liiitish commercial to

i. Ii»2.
visit to in
to t!:»- Nsindward of Liberia, an unfinished journal of a it

November and December. 1S26, iii. 211.

Customs X. 123.
Discovery, a.liistory of unexampled moitality, X. 221.
Kducation Society, organized in Washington, D. C. December 28, 1829,
vi. 4G.
Extract from the address of its Board of Managers,
See ix. 219.
vi. -IS.
in the Bermuda Islands. Schools established by Arch-
deacon Spenser, vii. 1M2.
Free school in New York, vi. 3u2.
Infaiit achool in Boston, vi. 89.
School at l'ar>ipp.itiv, X. J. i. 276.
Sab!';i!ii scl.<,ol at Cincinnati, Ohio, vi. 313. Case of conversion, jb,
(j'eiiius, speciniens of, i. 30.
hitflhct. anecdote of, i. 253.
Natural historv, vi. 268, 305, 334, 375, vii. 15.
Kepvsilory. Notices relating to it, i. 3H0, 3S4, iii. 31, x. 115, 318.
Kesolutions of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society concern-
ing it, ix. 150.
ll.-C"iniiif'iidtd by the managers of tlie N.-w York State Colo-
nization Society, ix. IS".
Hartford, Conn. Female, vi. 150.
5wiety at
Sons, fiom Capt. Laing's travels to I'alaba, vi. 3:i7.
Africaner, the Nauiaqua chief, v. 111.
Agencies. Ue-.lutions of th- managers. March 2, 1831, establi-^hin^ five permanent
agencies in the United States, and detining the duties of the agents, vii. 11.
Alabama. Law ol that State, prohibiting the importation of slaves for salt- or hire,
iii. 26.
Alfxander, A. J. iv. 126. [See " EmaneipaUon."']
Allen. G. K. a pupil, a^ed ten years, in the New York African Free School, his ex-
amination uv Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill, vi. 303.
Allen, Robert, a'coknist. Ids letter. January 23, 1832. viii. 192.
A«ihu\.v Coi.usi/.\riuN SuciETV. [See ".7^'f/icus," '-Jshmun," "Junliary So-
detiei." ^'Bucun," ''Child, E." ''Colored Feopte," "Contnbutiuns,"
"Emancipattutt," "Finley, Rer. Dr. R." '-FinU-y, Robert S." "Fitz-
f..,irh," "France," "Frtlinxhu^n," '' Garrison, " "Gurley," "Hudtikin,"
"Ireland," '-Manti^ers of J. C. S., proceedings of the,"
Ire." "Slavery," *'Slave Trade," "South Carolina,"
.1 '"Z," kc. kc]
Its history, Lista of its life members, i. 350, 351.
I. s7.
Original constitution of, and subscribers to it, X. 87.
Its new constitution, ix. 36S— 370.
Itteif!:hth annual meeting, February 19, 1825, i. 13.
Edi'-Tial remarks on it, i. 3.{. (i5, 97, 129, 161, 225, 257, 2S9, 320, ii.

3tJ, .J-^?, iii. 221, iv. li'^l, vii. 193, ix. 193, kc.
Expre-ssions of public sentiment conceniing it, i. 89, 124, 154, 192, 21.3,
215, 254. ii. 26, 129. l.'ie. iii. 24. 157. iv. 63. 143, v. 251, vi. 129, vii.
314, vui. 115, ix. 219. 222. X. 115, 117, 125, file

American Colontzation Society — continued.

Appeals in its behalf, i. 108, 287,330, ii. 24, 100,
126, 164 2''3 lii 120
122, 126, 350, iv. 29, 93, 94, 224, 2S5, 814, v. 87, 158,' 253', 282
62, 91, 125, 384, vii. 136, 139, 281, 284, viii. 94, 128, 253 382
384 ix
30, 95, 97, 104, 159,a93, x. 84, 108, 124, &c.
Legacy of John Mosely, an aged colored m'an, to it, i. 128.
Donation of seeds to it, by E. S. Thomas, i. 215.
Its nintli annual meeting, January 9, 1826, i. 335,
Defence of, by a correspondent of the Georgia Journal, ii. 12.
Its memorial to the several States, ii. 54.
Plea for it, from the New York Spectator, ii.
Its want of finds prevent an expedition, ii. 292.
Its adjourned (tenth) annual meeting, January
20, 1S27, ii. 325, 357.
Prospects of its memorial to Congress, ii. 354.
Plans for aiding it, iii. 186.
Its circular to the clergy, March 14, 1827, iii. 31.
Practicability of scheme, [from the Kentucky Reporter,] iii. 84.
Its prospects inPennsylvania, iii. 93.
Extracts from a defence of, by '^ Virginias," against R. Y. Havne
C. iii. 174. J . '
M •

Its prospects in November, 1827. iii. 2S4.

Its eleventh aiuiual meeting, January 19, 1828, iii. 321.
Essay on, by the Rev. Stephen Foster, of Knoxville, Tenn. iii. 372.
Its progress, iii. 380.
Denounced by a writer in South Carolina, iv. 58.
Mr. Burr's legacy of $.5,000 to, iv. 93, 142.
Its twelfth annual meeting, to be held January 17, 1829, iv. 317. Ac-
count of it, iv. 348, 360.
Plan to raise funds for purchasing a ship for it, iv. 376, v. 55.
Its prospects in Kentucky, v. 27. At the North, v. 118.
A fair in Baltimore for its benefit, proposed, v. 243, produces S2,551
'50 v > ,
v. 317.
Lord Bacon's remark that
heroic desires contribute greatly to health,"

may be applied to it, v. 251.

Donation to it out of an appropriation of money made by Elihu Case,
v. 251.
Contribution by a gentleman of Boston, v. 251.
Notice of its proposed thirteenth annual meeting, v. 317. Held Janua-
ry 18, 1830, V. 352. Proceedings, v. 361.
Donation from Students in the Rev. Mr. McVean's Academy, George-
town, D. C. V. 352.
by an English gentleman, v. 352.
Fair for its benefit, proposed by the Ladies of Cliarlottesville, Va. vi
29. Produces .f 500, vi. 88.
Letter, June 9, 1830, concerning its prospects in New York, vi. 123.
Liberality to it of friends in England, vi. 248.
Its indirect but powerful influence in favor of emancipation, vi. 248.
Plan for raising $2,000 in Cincinnati for colonizing in Africa 100 eman-
cipated slaves, or such as may be emancipated with the view of colo-
nizing them, vi. 282.
Notice of its proposed fourteenth annual meeting, vi. 319. Held Janu-
ary 19, 1831, vi. 353.
Its receipts from October IS to November 15, 1830,
amounted to $4,-
450, vi. 342.
A plan to raise .$50,000 for it, vii. 29.
Sell-denial of an individual for its benefit, vii. 147.
Anonymous enclosing a donation of $420 to it, vii. 149.
Its prospects in NewJersey, Delaware, and Kentucky, vii. 183. In Vir-
ginia, vii. 310. In Louisiana, viii. 62. In Mississippi, viii. 93. At
Charleston, S. C. viii. 128. In New England, ix. 190.
Pledge of a friend of it to pay $500 in ten annual instalments, and his
payment of the first instalment, vii. 184.
Its character and influence, vii. 193.
Opinion of a free man of color in Savannah, Geo. concerning it, vii. 216.
H iM>i:x.

AXKtir ^ '
\Tio\ SotiKTY — contimieJ.
tu it injin Smidav schools at Charleston, Kenawha count)',
Va. vii. 217.
orj,-2,<>0(» Trom a {;enllcnian in tlie State of New York,
vii. 218.
IrausUtiun of ati article concorning it, from the Paris Kevue Kncyclo-

I licul.:! iioui its office, September 29, 1831, concerning a proposed ex-
|M-.iitii>(i, Mi. 251.
bctjucit to bv John B. Lawrence, of Salem, Mass. vii. 286.

It« aajr.-«s toAuxiliary Societie.s October 31, 1831, vii. 288.

Its rrcfiptK and e.xi>tndituri-s, from Ks2o to lt*30, vii. 294.,
Leading Item* of its e.xpenses, vii. 2i)5.
I'Un for iti benefit, vii. 319.
Notice oi its pro|iu.sed fit\eenlh annual meeting, vii. 320. Held January
n;, |x32, vii. 3t>*i.

A new plan lor aiding the work of Colonization, viii. 61.

Kxtract of a letter from a clergyman to a member of the House of Dele-
gales of Virginia, viii. 88.
Addresi of, to the people of the United States, pamphlet pp. 6, added to
viii. B6.
Article concerning it, in the American Quarterly Review. Extract
compaiint,' colonization in Hayti and Canada with colonization in Li-
beria, viii. 2-j.
The directing committee of the Connecticut Bible Society give to A. C.
S. 318 Bibles and 342 Testaments, viii. 286.
Notices of its proposed sixteenth annual meeting, viii. 316, 348. Held
January 20, lSo3, viii. 353.
Si-xtet-nth annual report of the board of managers, viii. 354.
Remarks on its character, viii. 331.
Liberality of English friends to if, viii. 344, 347, jx. 222.
Tendency of opposition to it at the north, ix. 30.
A convert to its scheme, ix. 95.
Defence of Colonization, from the Christian Spectator, ix. 105.
\ plea for it, ix. US.
Defended by the (Philadelphia) Biblical Repertory, and also by tlie
(New York) ^lethodist Magazine, ix. 121.
in a pamphlet entitled " Remarks on African colonization, and
the ab<ilition of slavery," ix. Vis.
Debate on Colonization at Boston, .May 30, 31, 1?33, i.\. 153, 154. At
Bangor, (.Me.) August, 1S33, ix. 218.
.Vttacked in pretended testimony given at a nieeting of colored people,
in Bene/et Hall, Philadelphia. Remarks thereon, ix. 181. The im-
jj««itiofi detected, and further exposed, ix, 200, 240.
Plan lor raising ten millions of dollars for it, ix. 186.
Movements in England concerning it, ix. 211.
Toasted in cold water at a Temperance celebration in Mississippi, ix.
.\nti-Blavery aiid colonization meetings at Hudson, Oh. ix. 245.
Colonization meetini? at Albany, N. Y. October, 1833, ix. 248.
'• Protest
" against it, London, July, 1833, is* 264. Remarks thereon,
ix. 257. [See "/>u/it(i;i."]
Defence of it from the E linburgh Phrenological Journal, ix. 267.
Vindication of it, by J. Bevans, editor of the Herald of Peace, ix. 272.
Proposed donation of §1,U()0 to it, ix. 279.
Plan in .McEwen.sville, Penn. for increasing its funds, ix. 282.
Kemarks on African Colonization, from tlie Presbyterian, ix. 296.
Colonization and abolition debate in Philadelphia, December 5, 6, 1833^
ix. 313.
Remarks on it, from the Dumfries (Scotland) Journal, ix. 337.
Notices of its jvroposcd 17Ih Annual Meeting, ix. 348. Held Januarv'
20. |H34, ix. 353,
S«'venteenth annual report of the Board of Managers, ix. 377.
Otficeni and uianagcrs appointed, January 23, 1834, ix. 376

American Colonization Society — continued.

Treasurer's account, January 24, 1834, ix. 395.
Its receipts and expenditures, and number of emigrants sent out by if,
1820— 1833, X. 10.
Classification of its debts under three general heads, x. 12.
Remarks of the Pittsburgh Christian Herald concerning it, x. 115.
Western Luminary, (Ky.) x. 117.
Discussion on colonization and abolition at Washington, Penn. May 15,
1834, X. 125.
Donation to it, voted by the New York Board of Brokers, x. 128.
Sentiment at the north concerning it, x. 129.
Its debt, as existing at the seventeenth annual meeting, x. 163.
Tabular and classihed statement of its expenditures in 1S30, 1831, 1S32,
1833, X. 164.
Its collections for four years, x. 165.
Request for copies of certain annual reports of A. C. S. x. 216.
The object and its bearings, from the Vermont Chronicle, x. 241.
The national sin, from the same, x. 242.
Tabular view of emigrants sent to Africa since its commencement, x.
Anderson, F. S. [See "Emancipation."']
Anderson, Dr. J. W. Ilis letter, Liberia, March 15, 1830, vi. 58.
His death, vi. 177. Obituary notice of him, vi. 189.
Andrew, Rev. Fletcher, i. 191. [See "Emancipation."']
Andrews, C. C. Teacher of boys in the New York African Free School. His
account of its origin and, &.c. vi. 302.
Anti-Slavery. [See "Jlmerican Colonization Society," " Slavery," &c. &c.]
Arabic language, article on the study of the, v. 97.
Archer, William S., M. C. Misrepresentation of his speech at the 15th Annual
Meeting of A. C. Society, ix. 262, 268, x. 230.
Ashantees. [See " Rirhrtfs."] The battle of Doodewan, ii. 291.
Ashmun, Cecil. His death, ix. 320.
Ashmun, Jehudi. His letter, January 15, 1825, to ihe Executive Committee of
the B. of M. of A. C. Society, i. 23.
Extracts from his notes on Africa, i. 115, 219, iii. 52, 78, 82, 124.
paper on the subject of a Missionary Establishment in Af-
rica, i. 119.
His letter, August 22, 1825, i.219.
sketches of the characters of Stephen Kiah and John S. Mill, i. 237, 239.
negotiations for the purchase of additional territory, i. 317.
letter to the Managers of A. C. S. December 31, 1825, ii. 72.
Memoir of the exertions and suflerings of the American Colonists, con-
nected with the occupation of Cape Montserado, embracing the par-
ticular history of the Colony of Liberia from December, 1821, to 1823.
ii. 110,142, 173,211.

letter to the Managers of A. C. S. May 10, 1826, ii. 183.

June 20, 21 August
letters ; 3, 4, 1826, ii. 261.
December 5, 6, 1826,
letters ii. 376, 379.
remarks on Bissao, iii. 73.
history of establishments recently made by the Colonial Government of
Liberia, iii. 143.
letters, May 11, June 12, June 16, June 3, 1827, iii. 208—219.
20, August 27, 1827, iii. 232, 237.
letter, April 3, 1826, to the Rev. Dr. Blumhardt, iii. 257, v. i. 324.
June 11, 1827,
272. iii.

Extracts from his Diary, 276. iii.

His letters, September 12, 25, 1827, iii. 297, 299.

Extract from his letter November 28, 1827, iii. 379. His letter of that date,
iv. 14, 40.
His letters, December 18, 21, 1827, iv. 47, 49.
His Card, February 29, 1828, iv. 63.
Extracts from his letters, March 3. 1S2S, iv. 82-86.
His letter I\lay 10, 1828, iv. 88. Extracts from his letter, May 13, 1828, iv.88.
June 18, 1828, iv. 158.

Ashmun, Jehudi, arrives ut New Haven, Conn., August 10, 182S, iv. ISS. Dies
there, Auu:u3t 25, 1828, iv. 21-1.
Remarks on his lite ami character, iv. 214.
His rt'Uiarks on the power olrelifjion, iv. 231.
Mrs. Si-journey's lines on his I'.eath, iv. 286. Sonnet on his burial, iv. 319.
Proposed monument to his meaiory, v. 91. Sonnet to his memory, vii. 127.
His posthumous Address to the Colonists of Liberia, viii. Gj.
Atkinson, Rev. William M. ix. 273.
Auxii-i.vgv SociKTiKS. [See " American Colonization Society," " Bacon," ^^ Pin-
ley," " Gurley," •• Ladiis," " Munaeiers of A. C. S. Pro-
ceedings of tke,"'\
Possible danger from their independent action, ix. 90.
Notice to them, iv. 159.
Request to them for lists of officers and members, ix. 58, 147.
Their relations to the Parent Board, ix. S9, 281, x. 150, 193, 243.
la JiUibama : Otlicers and Managers of the Aux. Col. Soc. of Alabama,
V. 379.
Notice of the formation of an Aux. Soc. at Huutsville, v. 379.
Its officers and managers, vi. 179.
Officers and Managers of the Aux. Col. Soc. of Courtlanu, v. 379.
La Grange, do.
The Athens and Lincoln Col. Soc. formed, vii. 207.
Aux. Societies formed at Florence, Athens, Fayetteviile, and
Sommerville, viii. 344.
In Connecticut: Connecticut State Society established, April, 1S27, iii.
63. Its Officers and Managers, iii. 92. Address of its JNIana-
gers to the Public, iv. 116. Its Annual Meeting, May 21,
1829, v. 93. Extracts from its Report, v. 119. Its third Re-
port, vi. 105. Its meeting, May 21, 1833, ix. 124.
Female Association at Middletown, v. 60.
Juvenile Society, v. 60, 93.
Col. Soc. of the Wesleyan University, Middletown. Officers and
Directors, ix. 60.
In Delaware : Annual meeting of the Union Col. Soc. November 17,
1825, i. 343. Its proceedings, v. 351, vi. 155. Officers viii.
57. Extracts from its 10th Annual Report. Officers and
Managers, ix. 318, 319.
Formation of the Dover and Kent county Colonization Societies,
viii. 59.
Formation of the Smyrna Col. Soc. viii. 59.
Jn Georgia: Proceedings of the Jackson county Aux. Soc. at a called ses-
sion, April 2, 1825, i. 92; at its animal meeting, September 1,
1827, iii. 369; its officers and managers, iii. 371.
Augusta Colonization Society, formed January 11, 1832 its offi- ;

cers and managers, viii. 59.

Female Colonization Society, formed in Augusta, January 13,
1832, officers and managers, viii. 59.
In Illinois: Formation ofthe Madison county Col. Soc. 1831, vii. 114.
Lebanon Col. Soc vii. 114, ix. 12.').
Randolph county Col. Soc. vii. 114.
CUnton county Col. Soc. vii. 114; officers and
managers, ix. 28, 125.
Sangamon county Col. Soc. vii. 114
a State Col. Soc. at Vandalia, vii. 114.
Aux. Soc. Greenville, Bond county, ix. 24, 125.
Col. Societies in Belville, Waterloo in Mon-
roe county, Salem in Marion county, Hillsbo-
rough in .Niontgomery county, ix. 125.
Meeting of the Waterloo, Monroe co. Col. Soc. July 4, 1833,
ix. 217.
Jn Indiana: Formation of a State Society at Indianapolis, v. 317. Officers
ff and Managers, v. 344.
Officers and Managers of the Connersville Aux. Soc. v. 378.^
Brookville do. do>

Auxiliary Societies — Continued.

In Indiana : Officers and Managers of the Madison Aux. See. v. 378.
Richmond vi. 178.
Aux. Soc. at Lawrenceburg, vi. 181.
Carmel, Jefferson co. Officers and Managers, ix.
21.5, 216.
In Kentucky : Officers and Managers of the Aux. Soc. of Russelvilie, iii. 219.
Proceedings of the State Col. Soc. of Kentucky, December 20,
1828, iv. 351. Extracts from its Address, v. 28. Proceedings,
November 12, 1829, v. 343. Report of the Managers to the
Society at its 1st Annual Meeting, vi. 81. Its 4th Annual
Meeting, December 13, 1832. Officers and Manage*, ix. 58.
Its meeting, October 8, 1833, ix. 255. Officers and Mana-
gers, ix. 281. Its proceedings, August 1, 1834, x. 209. Re-
solves to send a company of emigrants to Africa, x. 314.
Auxiliary societies organized at Shelbyville, Carlisle, and Paris,
v. 220.
Success of the project for raising ten life members to the Danville
Auxiliary Society, vi. 187.
Auxiliary society organized at Paintlick, Garrard co. vi. 278.
Organization of the Shelbyville and Shelby co. Col. Soc."
Middletown Col. Soc. Jefferson co.
Springfield and Washington co. Col. Soc.
1 Danville and Mercer co. Col. Soc.
Lancaster and Garrard co. do
Richmond and Madison doCO. Wi. 310
Paris and Bourbon co. do
Carlisle and Nicholas co. do
Flemingsburg and Fleming CO. do
Cynthiana and Harrison co. do
Augusta and Bracken co. do
Winchester and Clarke CO. do vi. 310, 311.

Mountsterling and Montgomery co. Col. Soc. vi.

Springfield, Bath CO. Col. Soc. vi. 311.
North Middletown Col. Soc. Bourbon co. do
Georgetown and Scott co. Col. Soc. do
Nicholasville and Jessamine co. do do
Bowling Green and Warren co. do do
Glasgow and Barren co. do do
Greensburgh and Green co. do do
Lebanon, \Vashington co. do do
Lexington Female, vii. 94, viii. 191.
Meeting of the Lexington and Fayette CO. Col. Soc. vii. 95.
Fayette co. June 2!), 1832, viii. 191.
August 8, 1834, X. 218.
Proceedings of the Danville Col. Soc. May 21, 1831, officers and
managers, vii. 148. Its resolution, officers, and managers, 1834,
X. 148.
Female colonization societies at Frankfort and Louisville, vii. 207
Louisville colonization society. Its report of its rise, progress,
and present condition ; officers, ix. 28
First annual report of the Louisville Female Association for pro-
moting female education in Liberia, ix. 149.
Greenfield Aux. Soc. officers, ix. 215.
Col. Soc. of Hardin county, ix. 216.
In Louisiana, Louisiana State colonization society, officers and managers,
viii. 59.
In Maine, Auxiliary society at Portland, officers, ix. 188, 216.
Bowdoin colonization society, officers and managers, ix. 215.
In Maryland, Auxiliary society in Frederick county, i. 191- Officers and
managers, iii. 29.
1(1 INDKX.

Alxjliart soriETiKs— CoiiUiiuetl.

In Maryland : Auxilian soci-rties in MiJciletown, Taneytown, and West*
minster, i. 191.
Aux. Col. Soc. of Maryland. Ollicers and Managers elected,
October 17, 1S27, iii^.')l. Its procii dings, January 24, 1828.
ltd revival, reorganizalkin, ollicers, and manafjers, vii. 27. Its
proceedings, A|)ril ;>0, 1833, lor tslablfsliing a separate Colony
at Cape PaUnas,ix. W. Remarks o:i them, ix. 89, 28). Pub-
lishes anAddress containing tlnj particulars of its purchase of
Cape Palmas, x. 128. Public meeting at Baltimore to pro-
mote its interests, x. 191.
Aux. Col. Soc. ofHagerstovvn. Officers and Managers appoint-
ed, October 17, 1827. Kesolution, iii. 313.
VVilliamsport Col. Soc. Auxiliary to the Marjiand State Col.
Soc. Orticers and Managers, jx. 280.
In Massachusetts : Aux. Soc. of Hampden county. Ollicers and Mana-
gers, ii.62.
Aux. Soc. of East Attleboro', formedin January, 1830, vi. 279.
Worcester county Col. Soc. Ollicers and Managers, vi. 347.
State Col. Soc. formed February 10, 1831. Ai)propriates $600
for the support, during a year, of two colored teachers in the
Colony; and $.-400 for the erection of aschoolhouse, to be culled
the •Massachusetts Free School in Liberia," viii. 382. its
Annual Meeting, February 17, 1.S33, ix. 25. Its Otficers
. and Managers, ix. 27. Its proceedings April 11, 1833, ix. 95.
Its Annual Meeting. March 10, 1834. Officers and Managers,
X. 29.
Hampshire County Col. Soc. viii. 248. Officers and Managers,
viii. 282.
Greenfield, Franklin county. Col. Soc. viii. 248.
Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Col. Soc. viii. 342.
Young Men's Aux. Soc. in Boston. Officers, ix. 22. Officers
and Managers, ix.93.
Aux. Soc. at Amherst College. Officers and Managers, ix. 216.
Methuen, Essex county, x. 12V.
In Mississippi: The State Col. Soc. ofMississippi, at Natchez, formed,
vii. 207. lis Board of Managers resolve to raise $2000, viii.
61. Extract from its Circular, viii. 115.
Formation oi " The Woodville and Wilkinson county," "The
Port Gibson and Claiborne county," " The Vicksburg and
Warren county," "The Clinton and Hinds county,' Coloni-
zation Societies, vii. 207.
Annual Meeting, Officers and Managers of the Wilkinson coun-
ty Col. Soc viii. 315.
In Missouri : Aux. Col. Soc. of St. Louis, ii. 63. An oration pronounced
at its instance, July 4, 1827, l.y Franklin Wharton, iii. 187.
Formation, Ollicers and Managert) of the Wa.shington county.
New Madrid, Benton, (Scctt county) Caledonia, Wasliingtou
county, and Cape Girardeau .\ux. Col. Societies, ix. 349.
In New Hampshire : First Annual Meetinic of the N. H. Aux. Col. Soc.
June 2, 1825, i. 142. Its Annual Meeting, June 5, 1829, v. 121.
Aux. Soc. of the Militia Comjtany in Nottingham West, iii. 254.
In New Jersey: First Annual Meeting of' the New Jersey Col. Society,
i. 158, 280.

Col. Soc. at Salem, v. 220.

Aux. Soc. of Bahvvay, vi. 27:'. Ofiicers and Managers, vi, 313-
formed at Morristowii, January 3(t, 1831. vi. 380.
of Rutgers' College. \ii. :i75, (proposed.)
at Bound Brook, and at Summerville, vii. 375.
Essex county Col. Society, ix. 187.x. 191.
In New York Annual .Meeting 01*^1116 Troy Col. Soc. December 27, 1825,

i. 346.

Extract from a Report of the Society in Hudson, i. 317.



Auxiliary societies — Continued.

In New York : State Col. Soc. of N. York. Its Officers and Managers, v.
58. Extracts from its circular to the Clergy, v. 118. Pro-
ceedings on its formation, v. 273. Its first anniversary meet-
ing, vi. 1.36. Its second anniversary meeting, April 14, 1831.
Olticers and Managers, vii. 123, 146. Address of its Officers
and Managers to the people of the btate of New York and es-
pecially to the Officers and Ministers of churches, vii. 136.
- „
" Col. Soc. of the city of New York, v. 93, Its Constitution,
Officers and Managers, vi. 347, 348, 349. See vii. 62. Its
first anniversary, viii. 93. Its anniversary in 1833, ix. 90. Its
proceedings, September 12, 1833, ix. 307. Its proceedings.
May, 18.34, x. 128, 152. Its proceedings, July 10, 1834, x.
190._ Its proceedings, July 22, 1834, x. 255.
Juvenile Soc. at the Washington Academy. Proceedines, July
4, 1829, V. 220.
& • /
Formation of the Geneva and St. Clairsville Col. Societies, and
"the nucleus" of a Society at Buffalo, vi. 310. See vi. 312.
Aux. Col. Soc. of the "Brick Church," N. Y. vi. 381.
Tompkins county, vii. 146.
Young Men's Aux. Soc. of N. Y. Officers and Managers, viii. 59.
Cedar Street Branch, Dr. Brodhead's Middle Dutch Church
Col. Societies, viii. 80.
Ithaca Young Men's Col. Soc. Officers and Directors, ix. 123.
Col. Soc. at Trumansburg, Aux. to the Tompkins county Col.
Soc. ix. 150.
Oneida Institute Col. Soc. Officers, ix. 215.
Aux. Society in Auburn Theological Seminary, x. 148.
Donation from the State Society at Albany, x. 217.
Aux. Society at Kinderhook Academy, x. 251.
of the Young Men of Geneva. Officers and Di-
rectors, x.25.3, 254.
In North Carolina: Col. Soc. formed at Edenton, i. 64. Officers and
Managers, ii. 62.
Col. Soc. formed at Hillsborough, i. 222.
Resolution of the Greensborough Aux. Soc. October 2, 1826 ii
' Address delivered before an Aux. Soc. iii. 65.
Officers and Managers of the Raleigh Aux. Soc. iii. 220. Its
Annual Meeting, December 28, IS27, iii. 349. Meeting of the
North Carolina State Society, 1834. Officers and Managers,
X. 149.

Aux. Soc. of Randolph county. Officers and Managers, iii. 377.

Rowan co. iii. 378.
In Ohio: Officers and Manager^ of the Cincinnati Col. Soc. iii. 29. Its
Annual Meeting, January 14, 1833. Officers and Managers,
ix. 88, 89. Its meeting, July 4, 1834, x. 148. Its meetings
October 21, 31, 1834, x. 313, :il4.
Propotsal of the Managers of the Ohio State Col. Soc. to pub-
lish a periodical work, to be entitled " The African Repository
and Colonial Register" iii. 186. Notice of a '"brief exposition
of the views of the A. C. S." published under its direction iii
Extract from the Report of the Managers to its annual meeting,
February 18, 1830, vi. 84. Reorganized, viii. 58.
Chillicothe Col. Soc. Officers and Managers, iii. 220 315 See
viii. 146.
Officers and Managers of the Soc. of Bainbridge, iii. 221.
of the Soc. of Starke county, iii. 252.
and Managers of the Belbrook Col. Soc. iii. 350.
Lancaster Aux. Soc. iii. 350.
Canfield iii. 350.
and Corresponding Committee of the Fall Creek Col.
Soc. Highland county, jii. 350.
' • .,-.-'-


Auxiliary societies — Continued.

In Ohio: Aiix. Soc. at Lebanon, vi. 1^1, 186.
JuveniK* Col. Soc. at Cincinnati. Officers ami Manag-ers, vi.
2^0. Its semi-annual ineelin», January 1, 1831, vi. 349. Its
lirst annivt'fsary, July 4, 1831, vii. 183. Us second annual
ineetiti";, July J, 1832, viii. 191.
The St. Clairsville Col. Soc. vi. 310.
Uliicers and Managers ol" the Col. Soc. at New Lancaster, vi. 312.
Licking co. Col. Soc. vi. 312.
of the Anx. Soc. in Springfield, Hamilton co. vi. 379.
Aux. Soc. at Mount Healthy, Hamilton co. vi. 379.
Officers of the New Burlington, Haruilton co. Aux. Soc. vi. 379,
Othcers and Managers of Aux. Soc. at Granville, vi. 380.
Col. Soc. of Israel Township, Preble co. Officers and Mana-
gers, vii. 147.
14ti, ix.
Anniversary. Officers and Managers of the Xenia Col. Socie-
ties, vii. 182, 183.
Officers and Managers of Aux. Soc. at New Richmond, Cler-
mont county, vii. 1S4, 249.
Officers and Directors of the Lane Seminary Col. Soc. vii. 185,
208. Its Constitution, Officers, and Executive Committee in
1834, X. 221.
Male Col. Soc. at Winchester. Officers, vii. 209.
Female vii. 209.
Aux. Col. Soc. at Hamilton, tH. 210.
AV'est Union, Adams county. Officers and
Managers, vii. 249.
Officers and Managers of the Miami Col. Soc. vii. 376.
Bethel Col. Soc. vii. 37«.
Brownstown do vii. 376.
Bellefontaine, Logan county Col.
Society, viii. 81.
Proposed Col. Soc. in Green county, viii. 81.
I ' Officers and Managers of the Urbana, Champaign co. Coloniza-
tion Society, viii. 81. 82.
Officers and Managers of the Springfield, Clarke co. Col. Soc.
viii. 82.
Officers and Managers of the Stormes's creek. Champaign co.
Col. Soc. viii. 82.
Officers and Managers of the New
Carlisle, Clarke co. Coloni-
zation Soc. viii. 82.
Col. Societies at Trov, Miami county; Piqua, Miami county
Germantown, viii. 82.
Col. Societies at Wilmington, Clinton county; and at Green-
field, viii. 146.
Officers of the Circlesville, Pickaway co. and of the Summerset,
Perry county Col. Societies, viii. 146.
Guernsey Col. Soc. viii. 146.
Officers and Managers of the Wooster, Wayne co. Col. Society,
viii. 147.
Officers and Managers of the Mount Vetnon, Knox co. Col. Soc.
y., viii. 1 17.
Notice of a communication from a Committee appointed by the
Aux. Soc. of the Western Reserve College, to prepare a state-
ment of its condition and prospects, ix. 28.
Wadsworth Col. Soc. ix. 123. Officers and Managers, ix. 215.
Col. Societies at Tallmadge, Portage county, and at Kenyon
College, ix. 186, 1S7.
Aux. Soc. formed at Poland, Trumbull co. ix. 215. Proceed-
ings, Officers and Managers, ix. 316, 317.
Wayne county Col. Soc. ix. 216. Officers and Managers, 217.
Meeting of tne Hamilton and Rossville Col. Sp/c.September 30,
1853, ix. 277.

AuxrLiARY Societies — continued.

la Ohio: Officers and managers of the Aux. See. of Rutland, Meigs co.
ix. 279.
Officers and Managers of the Aux. Societies in Clermont co.
and in Logan county, ix. 281.
In Pennsylvania : State Society, ii. 291. Its Address, v. 122. Report of
the Proceedings of the managers, vi. 138. Report of the man-
agers. Oct. 11, 1830, vi. 264. Officers and managers, vi. 267
Extracts from the Report of a Committee, vii. 45. Its libe-
rality, vii. 69, 186. its meeting, June 24, 1833, ix. 150.
Oflicers of the Aux. Soc. of Connelsville, iii. 221.
Officers and managers of the Chester co. Col. Soc. iii. 314. ItB
proceedings, Feb. 6, 1S2S, iii. 371.
Col. Soc. at Belford, v. 220.
Officers and managers of the Harrisburg Aux. Soc. vi. 18).
Carlisle do
Columbia do
Dear-born co. Col. Soc. vi. 278, 279.
The Belleville, the Williamsport, and the Cookstown Coloniza-
tion Societies, vi. 310.
Officers of the Col. Soc. at York, vi. 380.
Aux. Soc. at Reading, Berks co. vii. 378. viii. .56.
Meeting at Philadelphia for forming a Female Aux. Col. Soc.
for promoting education in Liberia, viii. 188. Its constitution
and officers, viii. 190.
Meeting at Doylestown, for forming an Aux. Col. Soc. viii. 198.
Nevvville, Csmberland co. Col. Soc. viii. 245. Officers and Ma-
nagers, ix. 23.
Officers of the Chambersburg Ar.x. Soc. viii. 245.
Officers and Managers of the Col. Soc. Delaware co., viii. 283.
ix. 187.
Aux. Soc. Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland co., viii. 343.
at Pittsburg. Its reorganization, officers and Managers,
ix. 349.
Aux. Soc. of the Students of Washington College, formed June
7, 1S34. Its Olfieers and Managers, x. 148.
Address and Constitution of the Young Men's Col. Soc. of Penn-
sylvania, X. 150. Officers and Managers, x. 152. The pro-
ceeding concerning its proposed settlement at Bassa Cove, x.l93,
194, 197. Gives passage in the Ninus to 14 emigrants sent
out by the Parent Board, x. 283. Sends to the Colony 110
emigrants, manumitted by Dr. Aylett Havves, of Virginia, x.
Formation, Officers, Constitution and Proceedings of the Cum-
berland CO. Col. Soc, July 17, 25, 1834. x. 219, 220, 221.
In VermoiU: The Vermont Aux. Society. Its determination to solicit
collections on the Sabbath next succeeding the Fourth of July,
i. 164.
Publication of its Eighth Annual Report, iii. 317. Its Ninth An-
nual Report, iv. 312. Extracts from its Tenth Annual Report,
v. 349. Its Report, 1830, vi. 297. Its Annual Meeting, October
19, 1831, Oificers and Managers, vii. 317. Extract from its Cir-
cular, viii. 117. Its Annual Meeting October 17, 1832,
viii. 284. Its Address to all Ministers of the Gospel in
the State, May 9, 1833, ix. 152. Officers and Managers, No-
vember 12, 1833 extracts from its Fourteenth Annual Report,

ix. 317. Extracts from a Discourse delivered before it, October,

1833. X. 61. Extracts from the Circular of its President, Elijah
Paine, to the Clergy in particular, and to the People of Ver-
mont generally, x. 148.
Jn Tennessee: State Col. Soc. at Nashville, v. 378. Its proceedings, No-
vember 8, 1831, Officers and Managers, vi. 178. vii. 312. Its
Annual Meeting, October 14, 18S3, ix. 279, 319. Officers and
Managers, ix. 320.
1 1 INDEX.

Auxiliary Societies — continued.

In Tfiutessee : Oti'ict'vs and IManagers of the Bolivar Aux. Soc, vl. 179.
Auxiliary Societies of Summer^ille,
Memphis, Coviiif^lon, Jack.son, Paris, Clarksville, Franklin, Co-
l.iiiibia, Shelbjville, Winchester, Rutherford co., Sumner co.,
Knoxville, Blount co., New Market, Washington co., Kings-
port, vi. 179—
In I'trginia Auxiliary Societies of King William county, at Charlottesville,

in Fluvanna county, at Hampden Sydney College, i. 157; in

Powhatan county, Lynchburg, Hanover county, Kenhawa
county, i. 192; in Loudon county, in Nelson county, i. 222.
Female Liberian Society of Kssex co. i. 320.
Annual Meeting of the Richmond and Manchester Col. Soc.
January 16, lH2(i. i. 337. Its proceedings, December 15, 1S28.
Change of its na:ne to that of " 77/<? Culonizutiun Society of the
State of I'irg^inia.^' Its officers and Managers, iv. 307.
Proceedings of the Colonization Society of the State of Virginia,
June 19, 1831, vii. 149. Its second annual meeting, Jan. 4,
1S33, officers and managers Extract from the Report of the

managers, ix. 24. Its proceedings at a called meeting, June

17, 1833, ix. 1-51. Address of a committee appointed at that
lupeting, ix. 152.
Annual Meeting of the Petersburg Aux. Soc, December 23, 1825.
i. 339. Extracts from its Report, i. 341.
Fifth Annual Meeeting of the Norfolk Aux. Soc, January 2, 1826.
Extracts from its Report, i. 344.
Aux. Soc. at Fredericksburg, formed Februarj- 15, 182C. Officers
and Managers, ii. 30.
, Aux. Soc of Mangohick, King William co. ii. 191. Report of its
Officers and Manaojers, ii. 192.
Annual Meeting of the Lynchburg Col. Soc. ii. 221. Report of its
Board of Managers, iv. 172. Its proceedings. Report, OlFicers
and Managers, v. 200.
Officers and Directors of the Aux. Soc. of Berkley co. iii. 2S.
Managers of Xelson and Dinwiddie Societies, iii. 28.
Aux. Soc of Buckingham co. iii. 314.
Officers and Managers of the Amherst co. Au.x. Soc. iii. 314.
Mount Zion, Buckingham co. Col.
Soc iii. 376.
Extracts from the Address of the Rockbridge Col. Soc. iv. 273,
Its Officers and Managers, and Annual Report of the Managers,
ix. 217.
Ladies' Association in Richmond, iv. 285. [See " Weaver, Isabella
Extracts from the First Annual Report of the Female Col. Soc of
Richmond and Manchester, v. 375. Extracts from the Report of
its JNIanagers. ix. 149. Its Sixth Annual Meeting, November
26, 1834. X. 314.
Aux. Soc. at Winchester, Frederick co., v. 93.
Letter from the Secretary of an .Auxiliary Society in Virginia, on
the plan of purchasing a vessel for transporting emigrants to
Liberia, v. 374.
Female Association formed at Charlottesville, Albemarle co., in-
cluding the Univei-sity of Virginia, Auxiliarj' to A. C. S., vi. 89.
.\lbemarle Female Col. Soc. Officers and Managers, viii. 190. ix.
280. Proceedings at its last Annual Meeting, and Extracts from
its Address, ix. 280.
The Fredericksburg and Falmouth Female Col. Soc. Its efficient
proceedings, vi. 87. Extracts from its Report, May 12, 1832,
viii. 119. Report of its Managers, July 4, 1834. x. 252.
Aux. Soc. in Goochland co. Officers and Managers, vi. 181.
Deep Run Col. Soc. in Henrico CO. Officers, vi. 279. [See vii 124.
Sixth Annual Meeting of the Augusta Col. Soc. May 23, 1831. vii.


Auxiliary Societiks — continued.

In Virginia : Officers and Managers of the Junior Col. Soc. at Richmond,
viii. 59.
Aux. Societies at Clarksburg, Morgantown and Middletown, viii. 344.
Officers and Managers of the Monongalia Col. Soc, ix. 21.5.
Mecklenburg Col. Soc, ix. 21€.
of the Bedford Col. Soc, ix. 216.
Annual Meeting, June 7, 1833, Officers and Managers of the Jef-
ferson co. Aux. Soc. ix. 281.
Con.'^titution, Officers and Managers of the Young Men's Col. Soc.
of Frederick co., x. 27, 28.
In the Ter/itory of Michigan: Proposal fjr establishing an Aux. Soc. at
Detroit, ix. 124.
In the District of Columbia : Revival of Aux. Societies in Alexandria and
Georgetown, i. 383.
Aux. Soc. of Alexandria. Officers and Managers, ii. 30. Its Fifth
Annual Meeting, April 14, 1831. Officers and Managers and
Extracts from the Report of the Board, vii. 121.
Aux. Soc. of Georgetown. Oliicers and Managers, ii. 31. Ex-
from the Report made to its Annual Meeting, December
1830, vii. 120.
2.3, Officers and Managei-s, ix. 123.
Ladies' Col. Soc. of Georgetown vi. 154. Its Address to the La-
dies, &.C., vii. 238.
Female Col. Soc. of Vv'ashington City, viii. 190.
In Scotland: Ladies' Liberia Society at Edinburgh. Officers and Ma-
nagers, ix. 148, 149.
Backus, E. F. of New Haven, Conn., becomes a subscriber to A. C. S. on Gerrit
Smith's plan, iv. 186.
Bacon, Rev. Leonard. Extracts from his Plea for Africa, i. 170.
His Letter, October 25, 1833, to Mr. Gurley, ix. 309.
January 2, 1834, ix. 336.
His remarks at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. ix. 361
His Publication, February 13, 1834, concerning the new organiza-
tion of A. C. S. X. 83.
His Resolutions ado|)ted by the General Association of Connecticut,
X. 218.
sBacon, Lord. His remark that "heroic desires contribute gi-eatly to health," v.
Balch, Rev. Stephen, D. D. His death, September 22, 1833, and a Notice of his
Life and Character, ix. 243.
Bangor, (Me.), Cla- ical School of, v. 246.
Bangs, Rev. Nathan, D.D. Extracts from his Colonization Sermon, July 4, 1S27,
iii. 179.
Banneker, Benjamin, a black man. An astronomer and Almanac-maker in Mary-
land, in 1739, and for several years afterwards, vii. 152.
Barker, Calvert and Lydia, Colonists. Letter from them, April 9, 1833, ix. 189.
Barr, Rev. Joseph, Missionary to Liberia. Ordained in Philadelphia, October 12,
1832. Dies in Richmond, Va. of the Cholera, viii. 284.
Bascom, Rev. H. B. Some particulars concerning his agency for A. C. S., vi. 96.
181, 310. viii. 153. His Letter, May 5, 1831, vii. 138. His Letter, August
11, 1831. vii. 206. His Letter, April 19, 1832, viii. 58. His Letter, May 14,
1832, viii. 84. His Address before the Young Men's Col. Soc. in New York,
viii. 90. His Report, March 5, 26, 1833, ix. 23.
Bates, Isaac C, M. C. His remarks at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S.
vi. 370.
Bayard James. His Report to the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. from
the Committee on Agencies and Emigrants, ix. 373.
Bayard, Samuel J. Extract from his speech to the Col. Soc. of New Jersey, July,
182.5, i. 283.
Bayley, Solomon, an aged Colonist. His brief account of the state of things in Li-
beria, ix. 236.
Becraft, Jonathan, ix. 126. [See " EmancipaHon."]
Seecher, Rev. Dr. His speech at a Colonization Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1834,
X. 279.

Hell, Thomas, Commercial Agent of A. C. S. His card, June 20, 1834, acknow-
ledging certain liberal contributions in New York, for the benefit of the Colony,
X. U7.
Benezet, Anthony. His Letter to Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain, ii. 253. Tri-
bute to hi:) uii-mory by Dr. Rush, iv. 61.
Benham, Joseph S. His speech at the fourteenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S
vi. i573.
Bestor, liev. Daniel P. President of the La Grange Col. Soc. [Ala.] Extracts
from his Address before it. May :", 1830, vi. 129.
Bethuue, Uev. G. W. His remarks at a Col. meeting in New York, x. 94.
Be vans, J. His vimiication of A. C. S. ix. 272.
Bibb, liev. Richard, ix. 29, 12(j. [See "Kmancipatifnt."]
Bickersteth, I'.dvvard, Secretary of the Church Missionary Society. His Letter,
October Bishop White, ii. .-548.
5, 182tj, to
Bird, Charles. His donation to the Colony- vi. 250.
Birney, James G. appointed permanent agent of A. C. S. for Tennessee, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and the territory of Arkansas, viii. 285.
Reports. October 13, November 3, December 10, 12, 1832, of his proceed-
ings, viii. 344. Reports, Aprils, 1833, ix. 57. April 13, 20, 21, 1833, ix. 91.
Extract from his letter, January 24, 1S33, ix. 23.
His essays in favour of Coioni/.ation, ix. 171, 207, 239, 274, 311, 342.
Notice of his Address, October 14, 1833, before the Tennessee State Col.
Soc. ix. 27X, 319.
His Speech on prospective gradual emancipation, before the " Kentucky
Society tor the relief of tlie state from slavery," from the Western Lu-
minaiy, March 5, 1833, x. 43. His warm approbation of A. C. S., x. 45
Collections made by him, x. 64.
Rumor that he had withdrawn from A. C. S. and avowed opposition to its
principles noticed by a correspondent of the Cincinnati Standard, June
13, 1834, x. 147.
Review of his Letter, July 15, 1834, to the Rev. Thornton J.Mills, against
the Colonization Society, x. 257.
Bissao, iii. 73.
Blackburn, Rev. Dr., ix. 126. [See "Emancipation."]
Mi-s, vi. 2S'3. [See "Emancipation."]
Blackford, Is ic. Review of his Address delivered at the
first stated meeting of
the India: <"ol. Soc. at Indianapolis, December 14, 1829, vi. 65.
Blackford, Wi.iam M. Extracts from his Address before the Aux. Col. Soc. of
Fredericksburi', Va. iv. 73.
Blumhardt, Dr. Theophilus, a director of the Basle, (Switzerland,) Evangelical
IMis?ionary Society, llisletters to the^Ianagersof A. C.S. i.323.iii.362
His letter to Mr. Ashmun, i. 32!. See iii. 257.
His letters to Mr. Gurley, October 21, 182S, iv. 296, January 22, 1829,
v. 24, September 18, 1829, v. 285.
His letter to the Editor of the Philadelphian, January 24, 1830, vi. 29.
Bolivar, Simon, vii. 61. [See '•Emancipation.'"]
Bolton, C. vi. 2b3. [See '•Emancipation."]
Bornou, description of, ii. 257, 361.
Bowdich, T. E. Extracts from his Essay on the superstitions, customs and arts,
common to the antient Egyptians, Abyssinians and Ashantees, i. 204
Review of his account of a Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee,
iv. 1, 33, a:}, 97, 129.
Mrs. his widow. Her tale '• The Booroom Slave," v. 65.
Bradley, Dr. ofGeorgia, viii. 94. [See " Enuincipatii/n.."]
Brazil, [See "Slme Trade."] Its population in 1819, vii. 151.
Breckinridge, Rev. R. J. His Letter, March 18, 1831, on a plan for the gradual
emancipation of slaves in Kentucky, vii. 49.
His Address, January 6, 1831, before ftie Col. Soc. of Kentucky, at
Frankfort, vii. 161. Ste p. 185.
His hints on Colonization and .Vbolition, ix. 321.
Addresses the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. ix. 356.
His n-marks at a Colonization Meeting in New York, x. 93.
Sritisb African Coionizatiun Society. Patron and officers, ix. 215.
West India population, vii. 152. Notice of the Ei^rbth .\nnual Report of
the Ladies' Society tor African education in th^ British West Indies, ix 277

Bro'.vn.James, a colored man. His exposure of an imposition concerning the

Colony, ix. 201. x. 232.
Notice of his settlement at Liberia, and character, x. 218.
Brown, William, vi. 250. [S je "Emancipation."]
ButTum, Arnold, President of the New England Anti-Slavery Societj', viii. 247.
Biihr Rev. John, vi. 89. See "Missions."

Bullock, David, iii. 2S3. See "Emancipation."

Burr, Joseph, his legacies, iv. 93. See "American Colonization Society."
Burruss, Rev. John C. Coluaization agent, appointpd by the Methodist Conference
for Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Extract from his letter, April 11,
1832, viii. 81.
Butler, Benjamin F. Extracts from his speech at the anniversary of the New York
State Col. Soc. April, 1S30, vi. 1«1.
Cr-esar, Rev. G. V. Goes to Liberia in Criterion, vii. 217.
Caff'er tribes, account of, x. 222.
[See "Kay."]
Caff'raria, Remarks of Stephen Kay concerning it, vii. 317.
Caiile. M. Rene.
His journey to Timbuctoo, vi. 183.
Caius Gracchus and Opimius, [W. H. Eitzhugb]. Review of the Controversy be-
tween <hem, iii. 3. 33.
Caldwell, D. ix. 120'. [See "Emandpalion."]
Ellas B. His death ami character, i. 126.
Robert, viii. 381. [See " Emaacipalion."']
Campbell, A. His donation of $500 to A. C. S. viii. 93.
Rev. G. W. His plan for augmenting the resources of A. C. S. iv. 378.
Subscriptions on this ])laii, v. 95.
Eev. John N. Addi esses a public meeting at Albany, N. Y. ix. 249.
Canada, Resolutions of tlie House of Assembly of tipper Canada, concerning the
rumored intenlion of the Canada company to introduce large bodies of
negro settlers inio the province, vi. 28.
Colonization in Hayti and Canada, compared with Colonization in Li-
beria, viii. 225.
Carey, Mathew. Letter from him, iv 270.
His essay in I'avor of colonization, v. 210.
Is preparing a second edition of his letters on the A. C. S. viii. 62,
86, 154.
Tribute of respect to him in Virginia. "Let him write, and a nation
reads.'' viii. 126, 127, 245.
Carper, Abraham, ix. 284. [See " Emancipation."]
Carroll. Charles, President of A. C. S. His death, and tribute to his memory,
Cary, Rev. Lott, a colored man. Biographical sketch of him, i. 233, v. 10. His
testimony concerning the Colony, iii. 249. Extracts from his letter.
May 7, 1828, iv. 127. Extracts from the Colonial Journal transmitted
by him, iv. 182. Extracts from his letters, June 18, 19, 25, 17, 1828,
iv. 209. His death, November 8, 1828, by an explosion of gunpow-
der, V. 2. 10. Notice of him, v. 119.
Case, Elibu. Donation of $'200 to A. C. S. oi't of $1000 put by hiu into the

handb of his pastor. Rev. Allen Ll'Lean, to be appropriated by the

latter to sucli charitable objects as he might select, v. 251.
Cayenne, conversation with Gen. Lafayette con* erning, i. 37.
Chalmers, Dr. Thomas. His " Thoughts on SI very," ii. 186.i

Child, E. Agent of Lhe Clarkson Society of Sa!:;m, Mass. Extracts from his Re-
port concerning A. C. S. i. 254.
Christianity, s|)irit of. Advice of a lady of V. ginia to her servants, designed for
colonization, vii. 58.
Christian ladies, appeal to them on behalf of A
C.S. iv. 304,3.50. [See "Ladies."]
"Civis." His essay in favor of A. C. S. x. 47.
Clapperton, Lieut. [See "Denham."] Notict of a letter from him, dated Feb-
ruary 22, 1826, ii. 290. His death, April I.', 1827, iv. 157. His second expe-
dition, V. 33. Extracts from his last, v. 208.
Clark, Lucius H. Agent for the State of New lork. Extract of his letter, April
9, 1832, viii. 80. Extract of his letter, June 5, 18.32, viii. 115.
Clarke, Matthew St. Clair. His report to the seventeenth annual meeting concern-
ing Auxiliary and other Colonization Societies, ix. 370.

Clark«on, Thomas. Extract of a letlt-rfrom, tn E. Cresson, conrerninf;; Cclonlza-

taon, viii. 257.
Clay, Henry, M.
C. His a(ldr«»s-s at the tenth annual meeting of A. C. S. January
20, 1827, 334. His remarks at tiie twelfth a'.nual meeting, Sic. iv.3ti7. No-

tice of h's aridress to the Col. Soc. of K^ntucLs-, at Frankfo December 17,

1829, V. 345. The address, vi. I. V'tro, by the President of 'he U. S. of his
Land Bill, containiru' an apprio;i;.*ion of tiie procteds of the -ale of tlie pub-
lic lands for live aij amo ig the several St.ites, viii. 381.

Claybauiih, Kev. Joseph. Extracts irom his discouise in Chillicotae, Ohio, July
4, 1S30, vii. 81
Cleaveland, Johnson, x. 251. [Sec " Er.inci]ialion."'\
Clerjjyman in Mississippi, A, becomes a subscriber on Gerrit Smith's plan, iv. 252.
Cloud, Rev. John, a missionary to Africa, ix. 284. His deatn x. 1)4.
Coinei, Rf Sert, ix. 284. [See " Eiiutrripation."]
Coleridge, Samuel T. Extracts from lis writing^s.i. 247, 289, v. 183.
Colonization. [See ' .'hnericnii Cul'mizatiou Society."'] Ji nnrks on it, from the
N. Y. Statf«man, i. 244. Proposed ColonizaU'ju i .i the northern coast
of \ trie a, vii. 2)0.
In C'.uuida :u,ti Hayli compared witli colonizulion in LiN. ria, viii. 225.
Opinion oi 'he (London) Fureign Q'larterl) Revicv. concerning it, ix. 87.
A 1 oral experimeni, ix. 33.').
E\ti:i(t fiom the '•Journal of Freedom" conc(;riiin;^ it, x. 115.
"Some rcaiOhs lor not al andoninii; ii," from the xN. Y. Observer, x. 293.
Colonizationist, a periodic?! ji.iblication at Buston, ix. ii2. Discontinued, x. 191.
CoLOKED Pecplf.. [See •^," ^'Friehls, Society oJ\" "Hayii" ''Negroes,"
Reinarks from the New
lork Observer, on the tjlored population of the
United States, i. 31d.
Benefits of ailbrdins^ religious instruction to the people of color; extracts
from a sermon of the Rev. Richard Watson, i. 326.
Library for blacks, in Philadelpiiia, i. 383.
Proportion of colored to white convicts in the State Penitentiary of
Pennsylvania, i. 384.
Society of Ladies in England for the education and improvement of co-

lored children in tlie West Lidios, ii. 8.
E.xtracts from the first annual report of the Prison Discipline Society',
showing the degraded character of the colored population in tlie Unit-
ed States, ii. 152.
Society for African education, in Newark, N.J. ii. 163. Its plan of ap-
propriating, for the benefit of its school. Gen. Kosciuszko's li gacy, li.
African Female Tract Association of the City of New York, ii. 290.
Memorial of the free people of color to the citizens of Baltimore, ii. 295.
Arrival of sixty or seventy free people of color in Indiana, under the
patronage of the Society of Friends in North Carolina, iii. 25.
African Free Schools in U. S. iii. 271.
Decision of the Supreme Court of Oiiio, deciding that the law of the
State, regulating the settlement of colored people therein, is constitu-
tional, V. 185.
A branch of the Society for the religious education of the blacks, com-
menc' d at Bermuda, v. 250.
A new Congregational church, composed entirely of people of color, at
New Haven, Conn. v. 2.'2.
Encouragement by the British, of the emigration of free blacks to Ca-
nada, V. 345.
A colored man saves, by abstaining from ardent spirits for 25 years,
enough grog money to buy a library worth $400, ii. 331.
Colony of colored people in Canada, vi. 27.
Progri ss of temperance amonir tlum in Philadelphia, vi. 183.
Ettects of the Gospel among tln^m. vi. 185.
Revivals among them in Rocliester, vi. 61.
Opinion of a free man of color ia Savannah, Geo. concerning A. C. S.
vii. 216.

Colored People — continued.

Early education and improvement oi' colored children in the British West
Indies, viii. 46.
Increasing spirit of emigration among them, viii. 63.
Proceedings at their meeting in Cliaileston, S. C. December 6, 1831, for
devising measures for emigrating to Liberia, viii. 75.
Impiovement among them in New flaven, Conn. viii. 192.
Opinion of a free man ol' color in Charleston, !S. C. concerning A. C. S.
viii. 239.
Medical education of young men of color for Liberia, viii. 285.
Plan for coloiii/.ing in Texas the free [leopie of color of U. S. ix. 36.
Rev. Chester Wright's oli'er to educate young men of color, ix. 93.
Opinion of "Old bimou," an aged emigrant from Vermont, concerning
Liberia, ix. 93.
Report of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia concerning their re-
ligious instruction, x. 174, 205. 245.
Colston, Edward, iv. 380. [See ''Emancipation."]
Colton, Rev. Calvin, his speech at the fourteenth annual meeting of A. C. S. vi.


For donations, legacies, &c. not herein mentioned, see pailicular heads.

Since March 24, '325 - i. 160 Fn,m Oct. 25 to Nov. 21, - iii. 286
July 21, 1825 - i. 222 Donations received from Mr.
From October 18 to Novem- Tappan - - - iii. 288
ber 26, 1825 - - i. 288 From Nov. 21 to Dec. 31,
Donation from the Female 1827 - - iii. 319
Liberian Societ}' of Essex Dec. 31, 1827 to Jan.
CO. Virginia - - i. 320 19. 1828 - - iii. .352
From Dec. 1, 1825 to Jan'y Jan. 31 to Feb. 29, 1828 iii. 383
26, 1826 - - i. 348 Capt. Ferguson's donation - iii. 384
Donations received by the From Mar. 1 to Apr. 1,1828 iv. 32
Rev. Mr. Niles: - •
i. 349 S'-i In April, 1828 - - iv. 64
Donations collected by the From May 1 to May 30,1828 iv. 96
Rev. Myron Tracy, of Vt. i. So 1 June 1 to Juno 30, - iv. 12s
Donalions.sub?criptioiis,i<cc. July 1 to July 20, - iv. 159
from Jan. 26 to Marcu 30, July 23 to Aug. 19, -
iv. 1.90
1826 - - - ii. 3i Aug. 20 to Oct. 31, - iv. 253
Donations from April 1 to During November, - - iv. 287
Sep. 20, 1826 - - ii. 22) From Dec. 1 to Dec. 23, - iv. 319
A letter from the Treasurer Dec. 29, 1829, to Jan.
concerning certain collec- 21, 1829, - - iv. 352
tions - - - ii. 20-.^ Jan. 21 to March 5, iv. 3«3
From Oct. 10, 1826 to Jan. March 5 to March 31, v. 32
5, 1827 - - - ii. 22^; April i to May 28, - v. 96
Omitted in former Reposito- May 29 to July 17. - v, 1,59
ries - - - ii. 354 July 3.? to Aug. 13, v. ]S7
From Jan. 5 to Feb. 3, 1327 ii. 355 Donation." leceived by AJex-
Donations received by the a.ider Pluml y. - - v. 191
Rev. Myron T:-acy - ii. 356 From Ang. 14 to .'^oplom-
Donations from Feb. 20 to bcr 12, 182m. - . - y. 222
April 30, 182V - - iii. 63 Sept. 12toOcioI?r 1.^. v. 254
Donation from iln^ Grand Oct. 21 to Nov. 26, -'
v. 287
Jurv of Queen A, I t 'sco. Collections hj Rev. H. E.
Mel - - iii. 122 Ba=com, - - v, 2:58
Fiom May Fi-om Nov. 27 December
18 lo Jui.

- iii.

29, 1829,
Dec. 26, 1829, to Janu-
V. 319

July 25 to Aug. 15, - iii. 191 ary, 1830, ... V. 384

Aug. 20 to Sep. 19, - iii. 222 Jan. 20 to Mar. 23, 1830 vi. 31
Sep. 20 to Oct. 24, iii. 255 March 25 to April 23, vi. 63

CoNT'iinuTlOKS TO A. C. S.— continued.

Rec<i^l3 arknowledjjcil by From Dec. 1. 1832, t,i Mar.

Rev. H. U. Udscotn, - VI. (M 15, 1833, - ix. 31
Fioin-May 1 to J imi' 24,1^30 vi. i::6 March 15 to April 1, - ix. 61
Receipts ackrowledged by Contributions to A. C. Soc.
Kev. H. li. IJascom, - vi 127 224 and Maf 5. C. S. receiv-
From June 2S to July l(j, ed since Nov. 2, 1831,
1H31), - vi. ir.7 by Isiiac Mansfield, Tr.
July 17 to Sept. 9, vi. 215 ot Mass. Col. Society, ix. 61
ij.-pt. 11 to Oct. 15, vi. 250 Receipts lor the African
Oct. IS to Nuv. 15, - vi. 281 Repository, - - - ix. 64
Nov. 15 to Dec. 15, vi. 319 From -April 1 to July 5, 1833 ix. ir)9

Collections by Seth Terry, vi. 320 Receipts acknowledgetl by

From Dec. 15, 1S30, to Jun U. S. Finley, A-ent of
15, i8:n, vi. 351 the Ohio ;ind Ky. State
Jan. 19 to March IS, vii. 31 Col. Societies, L\. loO
Mari-ii " to April 14, vii. 63 From July 5 to Aug. 10,
April l.j to May 1, - vii. 96 18.33, ix.
JSlay 1 to 30,May vii. 12-; Aug. 10 to Aug. 31, -
IVIay 30 to June 27, vii. 16') Sep. 1 to October 9, -
June 27 to July 27, vii. isr Oct. 14 to Nov. !. i^33
July 27 to August 31, vii. 21') Nov. 4 to Dec. 31,
Sept. 3 to October 3, - vii. 2,'.J Contributions acknowledged
October 3 to Nov. 10, vii. 2fetJ by R. S. Finley, Agent
JSov. 10, 1831, to Jan. ofN. Y. City Col. Soc.
12, 18;>2,- vii. 347 From Jan. 1 to Mar. 1. 1834
Feb. 7 to Mar. 12, 1832, viii. 20 ]Mr. Cresson's collections in
March 12 to April 26, viii. 64 England,
April 26 to May 23, - viii. 95 Contributions for Mar. 1834
iM ay 23 to July 28, - viii. 15."; Collections made J. G. T/.r-
July 28 to September 8, viii. 217 ney. - -

Sept. 1 to Sept. 29, - viii. 251 Contributions for Ai)r. 1834

Sept. 29 ti.. Nov. 1, - viii. 286 May,
Nov. Nov. 30,
1 to viii. 317 June,
Receipts acknowledged by Account of money received
John M'Phail, - viii. 31S ly Isaac Mansfield, Tr.
Report of Treasurer of Vt. of Mass. Col. Soc. since
Col. Soc, viii. 318 Jan. 1,1833,
Wilkinson co. Col. Soc. viii. 320 Contributions for July, 1834
Froml)-c. 1 to Dec. 31.1832 viii. 348 Receipts lor Afr. Ilep'y. -
Rev. J.N. Danforth's collec- Contributions for Aug. 1834,
tions in JM;.ss., viii. 352 Receipts for Air. Rep'y. -
Collections and donations Contributions for Sep. 1834,
acknowledged by G. Receipts for Afr. Rep'y. •
Ralston, Treasurer of Contributions ;or Oct. 1834,
the Ptan. Col. Soc. viii. 352 Receipts for A fr. Rep'y. -
Contributions for Nov. 1834



Correspondence — continued.
Letters and extracts of letters from the Sec. of the Am. Tract Soc. Sec'y ;

of the Tract Soc. of the Meth. Ep. ch.

Va., N. J., N. Y., .Penn., Conn., iii.
^ - 307—311.
a gentleman in S. C, iv. 60.
Va., Me., Vi.. JMasF., N. Y., iv. f}U,
Colonists, iv. 234.
S. C, Ya., Tejiu.. iv. 236.
the African Inslitntion (London), V. 170.
N. J., Ky., Conn., N. Y., N. H., Mass.,
Va., Maine, S. C, Geo. Miss., v. 172.
Mass., Oh., Md
,DeI., Conn., Va., vi. 147.
. July 25, 1830, from the Agent of A. C.
S. In Ohio, vi. 186.
Va., Mass., N. Y., Penn., Md., N. J., N.
C, vi. 239.
Ya., Penn., N. 1., Del., Te. n., Vt., Oh.,
. vi. 27.5.
-V. Y., Inda., v:. .338.
Ky.,Va Conn. N. .J., Geo., an American

gentleman in Ireland, Tenn., vii. 142.

Sishop Meade, N. C, N. J Vt, Mass., ,

Md., Ohio. P .nn., vii. 2'1.

N. C, Penn., .V. Y., Va., vii. 271.
' Ya., Miss., Kj Mass., Penn., viii. 84.

Md., N. Y., Miss., R. S. Finley, Geo.,

N. C, viii. 121.
'. student oi Theological Seminary;

Conn., Va., lid.,

vii?. 147.
Colordsts, viii. 280, -9, 12J, 123, 126, J .

127, 1.55, 18.9, 220, 250, 286, X. 255.

Va., N. C.Ten.T., Miss., N. C, viii. 307.
111., IX. 349. N. C.,x 62.
Tenn., Oh' .. I' -nn.. Miss., N. Y., Lou.,
N. J.. <. t^:s.'>.

Latter from a Httle gii I in Kdirburgb to a little African girl

in Liberia. March 9, T833, x. 29'
Courtenay, Maria. Sec'y v.v.d Tr. ol th-^ Female Association in CI iilottesville,
Va. Auxiliary to A. C. :>. .ler iette ;, May 13, 1830, vi. 89.
Cox, Dr. Abraham L. His euoneons cor/ection of an imagined error zi. 15 -

Cox, Rev. Melville B., appointed by the Vlethodist Missionary Poci. ly, to pro-
mote the cause of Cjjn.^tiunity in Li jeria, and among the African tribes in
its vicinity, viii. 252. Extract from lis letter S( p. 20, 1832, viii. 252. Pur-
chases the freedom of a boy, who is lo accompany h;ra to Liberia, viii. 253.
His sketches from Western Africa, i<^. 17(;, 208. His remarks concerning
the Colony, April 9, 1833, ix. 190. Kis first report to the Missio:.a"y Society
of the Mf'th. Ep. church, ix. 250, 251. His letter, Llay 4, 1833, ix. 2.53. His
death, July 21, 1833, ix. 254. Procet lings of the Young Men's Missionary
Society, Sec. Sec, concerning it, ix. 25 ;.
Cox, Rev. Robert, iii. 27. [See " Emanc'D'dion."']
Cox, Dr. Samuel H. Addresses a public meeting in New York, in favor of A. C.
S. vi. 347. Remarks of " Quo on his letter on abolition, x. 110.

Crenshaw, Nathaniel C. His letter concerning his emaricipated slaves, i. 213.

Accompanies to York, Penn. 65 slave.'^, some emancipated by the will of his
uncle, and the residue by himself. His liberalit; iii. 154. ,

Cresson, Elliott. Addresses a colonization meeting in ~>/ilmington, Del. vi. 156.

His sp?ech at the fourteenth annual meeting of A C. S. vi. 3."4.
Account of his proceeding in England, &c. vii. 280, 3.35, viii. 77, 189, 211,
21.5, 344, 347, ix. 91, 144, 15.5, 212, 222, 283, x. :'!9.

Kemits $'1332 from England to the Penn. Aux. Soc. vii. 320. I ,
£ 500 sterling to A. C. S. viii. 155. <

Cresson. Elliott, Exfrart<< from his 1832, viii. 211.

letter, July 7,
l-ettercoiictTniiiu; liim. Dundee, Jan.
1833, ix. 18. 2;!,

iiefuarks of the Duke of Sussex concerniuf^ him, ix. 213, 2M.

^>ri Ills aireiicy, ix. 214.
oft! 'tirgh Phrenological Journal conceiuing him, ix. 270,
• 1

Honors to him in r'l ;l. lelphia, v. 2^.^.

His remarks al the 17th annual meeting of A. C. S. ix. 360.
Acc< lint slated of his collections in England, x. 30.
AnnoLinees to llie N. Y. Young Men's Col. Soc. the formation of a similar
Society in Philadelphia. Its views as to forming a setllement at Bassa
Co\e, and Dr. Hawes's manumitted slaves, x. 126.
Kemi.-ks of Di Hoi'gkin concerniig iiim, x. 233.

His uonation to A. C. S.of $200 <u goods for the Colony, x. 2^3.
•' Crisis, T\ e; or Essays en the usurpations of the Federal Government,'.' a pam-
jdilet. iiemarkson it, iv. 58.
"Crisis, Th ." ix. lt»3.
Crosby, Re\ John. Hisaajenry for A. S. in Penn. C
His letters, Nov. 24, 1831,
'vii. 3 Marcli 1. 1^32, viii. 5 V May 14, 1S32, viii. 83. July H, 1S32,
vii 187. July l'», 1832, viii. 188.
. Aug. 14, 1832, viii. 244. Extracts
of lis letters in (ct. and Nov. i832, viii. 343.
Crowell, Ca' t. Seth. His letter, Oct. 1, 1832, concerning the Colony, viii. 305.
Cuha, lucre .se of slavery i i, ix. 287.
Custis, G. AV. P. His speech on proposing Gen. Lafayette as a Vice-President of
A. C. S. i. 15.
His jspeech at the 11th annual meeting of A. C. S. iii. 356.
13th V. 365.
first 14th vi. 3.37.
second vi. 371.
Dahomv, acionntof, iv. l-!5.
Dana, iiev.laniel, D. D.
Extract from his discourse to the N. Hampshire Aux.
Soc. t its first annual meetins, June 2, 1825, i. 142.
Danforth, R' v Joshua N. Appointed permanent agent of A. C. S. for N. York
an' New England, viii. 285.
His 1. tters, June 1, 1832, viii. 11:;. July 7, 1S32, viii. 143. Sep. 15, 1832,
viiii. 247.
His r. ports, Nov. 12, 1832, viii. 312. March 1, 1833, ix. 22.
h ter, March 2^, 1833, to W. L. Stone, ix. 80. His letter, Jan. 17,
*-34, X. 27.
is his agency, ix. 395.
David, Sam J on, ii. 163. [See ''Emancij)ation."'\
Davis, Thorn '.s, of Montgomerj' co. Md. \ii. 217. [See "Emancipation."'}
Donham, M; or Dixon, and Capt. Hugh Olapperton. Their return from Africa to
Eui )pe, i. 156.
Nofici of th- ir travels, i. 284, 28ti. Review of their travels, ii. 27-'. 298.
Devanv, Fra- cis, a colonist. His tesiim ny concerning the Colony, iii. 250.
His examination before a Comminec of Congress, May 26, 27, 1830, vi. 97,
His letter Sep. 2.8, 1832, viii. .i03. His d-^alh, Sep. 11, 1833, x. 90.
Dickinson, Rir. of Baltimore, i. 318. [See "Emancipation."]
Djetcshy, Rev. Rodolph, -.1.89. [See Miaiona.'"] '

Disosway, G.ibriel P. Extracts from his address to the Petersburg Aux. Col. Soc.
Dec. 2!, 182.">, i. 339. His letter, Dec. 15, 1830, concerning a Methodist
Mij ion to Liber; i, vi. 336.
Di.K, John A His speech at the annive^sar^• of the N. Y. State Col. Soc. April
1830, \j. 162.
Doddridpe, Philij), M. C. His remarks at the 14th annual meeting of A. C. S. vi,
Donkin. ^.ieut. Gen. Sir Rulane. Edin^'Uigh Review of his dissertation on the
CO irse ani' probable termination oi tlu' Ni:;er, vi. '•f'2\.
Downey, Robert. His plan for raising ten millions of dollars for A. C. S. ix. 186.
Dromecary, remarks on the, ii. 40.
Dudley, Wm. O. ix 126. [S>ee " Emancipation."']
Duncan, Rev. Henry. His letters concerning the London Protest againit A. C. £>.

ix. 293.

Durfee, Rev. T. R. Extract from his letter concerning slavery, v. 63.

Early, Joel. v. 377, vi. 30. 62. [See " EiuancipaUon.'''] '

Eden, Rev. James. Extract of a letter from him to John Hanson, x. 89.
Edwards, Cyru". \^ent of A. C. S. His address in Vandalii: 111 on the project
of formii. , an Aux. Soc. vii. f*7.
His letter, March 23, 1831, vii. 114. Manumits a slave, ix. 126.
Elder, Herbert. B. ii. 163. [See '' Fniuncipation."]
Elmer, Lucius Q. C. Extract from liis speech to the Col. S of N. J. i. 281. .

Emancipation. [See ''Amrdcan Colonization Society ,''' "Finley, R. S." '•Friends,

Society '^ Jefferson," "Monroe,'" "New
York," Sec. ^-c]
Mr. Schoolcraft's plan of self-emancipation, i. 1.51.
David Minge, of Charles City co. Va. liberates upwards of 80 slaves,
and sends them, well provided &c. by him, to Hayti, i. lit].
Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, of Bourbon co. Ky., ''berates by her will about
40 slaves, i. 191.
David i'atterson, of Orange CO. N. C. liberates 11 slaves, i. 191.
Rev. Fletcher Andrew, 20 do i 19 i.
Charles Henshaw, near Richmond, Va. liberates 60 slaves, with the
tiew of sending- them to Liberia, i. 191.
Nathaniel C. Crenshaw, near Richmond, Va., liberates 60 slaves to go
to Liberia, i. 213, 21 1, see iii. 1.54.
Rev. Cave Jones, a chaplain in U. S. Navy, liberates 2 slaves to go to
Liberia, i. 214.
Rev. John D. Paxton, of Prince Edward's co. Va., liberates 11 slaves
to £:o to Liberia, i. 318.
Mr. Dickinson, of Baltimore, liberates 1 slave to go to Liberia, i. 318.
Manumissions prcposed by a gentleman near Norfolk, Va. i.nd by some
Roman Catholic Christians ir, Maryland, i. 318.
David Shriver, of Tred'k. co Md., by liberates more than 30his wdl
slaves,and provides for their -upport and instruction, ii. 139.
Col. Smith, of Sussex co. \ n., liberates b/ his will 70 or 80 slaves,
and bequt-aths to thern five O) six thousand dollars, to del; ay the ex-
pense of transporting tiiem to Liberia, ii. 29.
Sampson David, of Tenn. direcK by his will, 22 slaves to be free in
1840, or at his wife's death, .'liould that ha;i()Pn sooner, vith ample
provision for their removal to foreign country, or to a 1 e state, at

their option, ii. 163.

Herbert Elder, of Petersburg, Va., leaves by his will tweni r slaves to
be transported as freemen to f.iberia, ii. 163
Henry Robertson, of Hampton; Va. liberates i^y his will se^en slaves,
and leaves legacy of ,foO h each of them, to aid their removal to

Africa, and comfortable settleiiient there, ii. 163.

Rev. Samuel D. Hoge, of Oh., liberates his only slave, to be sent to ei-
ther Liberia or Ohio. ii. 220.
MissPatsey Morris, of Louisa co. Va. liherates by her will al out sixteen
slaves, to be seat to Liberia, nd bequeaths ^500 to fit th^m out and
defray the expenses of their p. ssage, ii. 220
A clergyman of Virginia proposes to liberatt about thirty slaves and
send them to Liberia, ii. 220.

A pious lady of Virginia proposes to liberate twelve or fifi'cn slaves,

and aid in their removal to Ai'ica, and setthment therein, li. 221.
Certain slaves emancipated in IMexico, ii. 291.
William Fletcher, of Perquimiios county, N. C. liberates by his will
twelve slaves to be sent to Jjayti or Liberia, at their option, with a
provision for the expenses of ;iieir colonization, ii 352.
Mr. Fusnton, of Frederic count', Va. by his v ill liberates te slaves to s

be sent to Liberia, and appro riates $1,000 for their establishment

there, ii. 352.
Mr. Ward, of Pittsylvania counJy, Va. liberate?' by his will 10 slaves,
who will probably go to Libena, iii. 27.
Rev. Robert Cox, of Suffolk co mty, ^'^a. liberates by his w^U upwards
of thirty slaves, and leaves several hundred dollars to aid in their emi-
gration to Africa, iii. 27.

EmaxcipaTios —contiuui'd.
Daniel iMuriaj, of Anne Arundel co. Md., manumits and sends to Li-
beria thirly-i^hrc' slavps, iii. 283.
Col. David Htiiiocl;, of Virginia, manumits and .'ends to Liberia twenty-
three slavps, iii. 2S3.
J. 1. Merrick, of Hufjer-'own, 3Id. iiianumits and sends to Liberia three
sla es, iii 2S.'i.

Capt. J. D. Henley, of the U. S. Navy, manumits and sends to Liberia

one slave, 2^3.

An unknovsii person in Baltimore manumits and sends to Liberia two

slaves, iii. 2S3.
Mr. M'Dearmid. near Cheraw, S. C. manumits and sends to Liberia
twenty-si.\ slaves, iii. 317.
A "entleman in (Jeorf^ia proposes to liberate and send to Liberia forty-
three slaves, iv. ISo.
A clergyman in Virginia proposes to liberate and send to Liberia seven-
teen slaves, i\ 2.51.
A gentleman in Virginia proposes to liberate and send to Liberia eight
slaves, iv. 251.
A gentleman in Virginia proposes to liberate and send to Liberia five
slaves, iv. ^io^.
A lady in Viiginia proposes to liberate and send to Liberia twenty or
more slaves, iv. 252.
A gentleman iii Kentucky proposes to liberate and send to Liberia about
sixtj- slaves, i.'. 252.
C imraunicatioii of \. E. concerning Emancipation, iv. 305.
JMiss Margaret Mercer, near Annapolis, Md. liberates and sends to Li-
beria fifteen slaves, iv. 3S0.
Eev. Thomas P. Hunt, of Brunswick co. Va. liberates and sends to Li-
b»ria eigbteea slaves, iv. 3&0.
SJ.K slaves, lately the property of Edward Colston liberated and sent to
Libel ia iv. 3S0.
Joseph Leonard Smith, of Frederick co. 3Id. liberates for colonization
ill Hayti twelve slaves, v. 62, 221.

Strong disposition in some parts of N. C. to emancipate slaves for colo-

nization, kc. V. 94.
Gen. Kidgeley, of Md. is stated to have bberated by his will upwards of
four hundred .«taves, v. 185.
Sentiments of Patrick Henry, Ediinind Randolph. Zachariah Johnson,
Thomas Jefferson, Busbrod Waal.iiiCton, llobtrt G. Harper, \Vm.
Darbv, M'Call, Charles F. Mercer, F. S. Key, G. W. P. Cus-
tis, ifenry Clay, William H. Fitzhugh, and Le Vasseur, con-
cerniiiLi slavery and euiancijation, v. 331 33fi. —
Joel Early, of reortria, liberates and sends to Liberia thirty slaves, v.

377, vi. 30, 6-.

F. S. Anderson, of Hagerstow n, Md. liberates and sends to Liberia six
slaves, vi. (i2.

Dr. Tilden, of jVewtown, Va. liberates and sends to Liberia six slaves,
vi. 62.
Mr. I'retlow, a nend, of Soutliampton co. Va. liberates and sends to Li-
beria three slives, vi. 62.
G. W. Holconil of Lynchbur^-, Va. liberates and sends to Liberia five
slaves, vi. 62.
A gentleman in Essex co. Va. manumits a family of slaves, expected to
embark for Liberia, vi. 214.
A iudy near Fr dericksburg, Va. proposes to liberate and send to Libe-
ria fifty slave.-, vi. 214.
A g('ntleman in Montgomery co. Md. proposes to manumit twenty slaves
for the purpose of African colonization, vi. 214.
A lady near Charlestown, Va. proposes to liberate twelve slaves for the
purpose of Al'riran colonization. Her munificence to them, vi. 214.
A gL-ntleman near Charlottesville, Va. determines to liberate all his
slaves for the purpose cf colonizing them in Aliica, vi. 215.
INDEX. 5i5

EivuNciPATioN — Continued.
A gentieman in New York proposes to liberate u i?lave, and another to
iiber:»te the wife and children of the slave, wiih the option of going
to Liiidria, vi. 215.
William H. Fitzhugh, of Va. leaves all his slas .jj unconditionally free
al'tei tae year 1S50, and bequeaths to each one emigrating to Libe-

ria, the expenses of his removal thither and i^'ji). vi. 247.
William Brown, lately one oi the Judges otthe Supreme Court of Tenn.
liberates by his will 1-5 slaves, vi. 2.50.
Six hundred dollars raised in Philadelphia and Baltimore, to purchase
the emancipation of Mr. Gustice, a Methodist ;ir<eacher in Maryland,
his wife and four children, vi. 282.
Plan for raising .s2000 in Cincinnati, to coloni/.;' in Africa 100 eman-
cipated slaves, or slaves who may be emancipated with the design of
colonizing them. ,'^1100 already subscribed, vi. 282.
C. Bolton, of Savannah, Geo., liberates 9 slaves; Miss Christian Black-
burn, near Charlestown, Va. 12; Miss Van A'-ter, of Hardy co. \a..
7; a gentleman in Essex co. Va. 7; and uniL-imed jiersons a few
others; —
all of whom to go to Liberia, vi. 28.3

Dr. Silas Hamilton's emancipation, and efforts for the benefit, of 22

slaves, vi. .378.
Plan for the gradual emancipation of slaves in Kentucky, vii. 48, 49,
12.5, 126.
Gen. Simon Bolivar em^ncipatcis from 700 to ]0;0 slaves, and by his
will iro more, vii. 61.
Agreement of James Perry and R. Wallace to feed, clothe and pay for
transporting 1-5 ablf» bodied men, fT one yerr's faithful service of
each man, whom their ov.ners would be vvilliiii< to lioerate provided
ways and means could be found to pay for removing them to Liberia,
vii. 18.5.
Mrs. Eli;:dbeth Greenfield, near Natchez, Miss., liberates 18 slaves,
who are sent to Liberia, vii. '"-r/.
Mr. Williams, of Elizabeth city K. C. liberates 8 slaves, who are sent
to Liberia, vii. 2: '',

Gen. Jacocks, of Perquimans co. N. C. 7 do

Thomas Davis, of Montgomery CO. Md. i do
L. W.
Green, of Ky. literates 1 slave, who is sen' ^;o Liberia, vii. 217.
H. Robinson, of Hampton Va. 1 do do do
Rev. Dr. Matthews, late of Shepherdstown, Va. liberates ?. family of
slaves, v,ho are sent to Liberia, vii. 2S i.

Ninety -one manumitted slaves go in the Jupiter to Liberia, vii'. 94.

Dr. Bradley of Georgia liberates by will 46 slaves, who ar2 cent to Li-
beria, viii. 94.
Joseph R. Gray, of Halifax co. N. C. liberates 14, do.
Mr. Stewart, of Mailboro'.jgh District, S. C. liber:' :ea lizisi'Hd who go
to the Co! ny, viii. 94.
Dr. AVilson, of Si-ithfield, Va. ^
- 8 - do
George Reynolds, of .Jetrers: a CO. Va.
Thomas O.Taylor of Powhatan CO. Va.
Mrs. Ann R. Page, of Frederick CO. Va.
'9 7

viii. 155.
do do do do 14 '
x. 286.
Rev. Melville B. Cox purchases the freedom of a slavj wh- ig to ac-
company him to Liberia, viii. 2.5"..

A gentleman in Virginia proposes to liberate 13 slaves, vJus-i at $3500

for colonization in Liberia, viii. 307.
Two gentlemen in Va. propose to liberate 11 slaves for coloii'zation in
Liberia, viji. 308.
A gentleman in N. C. proposes to liberate do do 7
Tenn. do 8
viii. 309.
Va. from 15 to 20 do do
Several persons in Va. proposa 14 do do
A Lady in Va. 1 slave do viii. 310.
A young lady of N. C. -1 daves viii. 311.
Twenty-two manumitted slaves go in tlie Hercules io Liberia, viii. 348.
Seventeen do Lafayette do viii. 348.
5i6 i>L)i:x.

Colonization —
Colontl Williaiii Jones, of bomersel coiiiitj, MJ. libciatts 18 bbves,
(part of the above 17,) viii. 348, ix. 123.
Ceoff^e Lvviiij; liberates 8 slaves. Dr. Alexander M'Gehee, 1 slave; and
Kobert Ciililvvell, near Maryville, Tenn., 1 slave, lor colonization iu
Liberia, viii. 381.
William H. Ireland, near New Orleans, liberates by his will certain
skives, on the condition ol thejr goin^ to Liberia, viii. 3^3.
Rev. Kichard Bibb, ofKy., liberates and sends to Liberia 32 slaves, ix.
He |)ro|H>se.s to liberate upwards of 40 more, on the
condiiion ol' their {(oinj? ihiiher, ix. 147.
William O. Dudley liberates 12 slaves; Cyrus Walker, of Adair county,
Ky.,(>; Mr<. Alary (). Wicklitle, of Lexington, 7 Kev. J. D. Paxion, ;

5; A. Minor and D. Caldwell, 4 Mrs. Powell, 3; Rev. John C ;

Young, of Mercer county, 2 the heirs of Dr. A. Todd, 4; Jonathan


Becratt, of Bourbon county, 3 Benjamin Johnson, of Hillsboro', Oh.


6; Rf'v. D. Blackburn, of Ver.^ailles, 2; James Hood, of Fleming co.,

3; A.J. Alexander, of Franklin co., 1 John Hobson, of Warren co., ;

1 Dr. B. Roberts, of Logan co., I

; and Cyrus Edwards, of Illinois,

1 wl,o go in the brig Ajax to Libciria, ix. 12(i.


Dr. A^lett Havves, of Kajipahannock co., Va., liberates upwards of 100

.'laves for ^'Ionization, ix. 21.S, 2^!4.
Proceedings of a public meeting at Kingsviile, Oh. concerning the im-
mediate emancipation of the slaves of the south, ix. 284.
Theophilus Gamble liberates two slaves; Robert Coiner, 2; Sihs Hen-
ton, of Augusta CO., \ a., 2 voluntary contributions of citizens of that

county, 1; and Abraham Carper, of Lewis co., \'a., 1 ; who go to Libe-

ria, ix.
Rev. I\Ir. HaiiKs, of Franklin co., Va. liberates 8 or 10 slaves, ix. 284.
Rev. Mr. Riplej ,of Mass. proposes to liberate 14 slaves for colonization
in Liberia, ix. 287.
gentleman in N. C. proposes to liberate 4 slaves for colonization in
Liberia, x. ti-'.
Johnson Cieaveland, of Loudoun co., Va., liberates by his will his slaves,
on the tundilion of their going to Liberia, .\. 2-51
Extract concerning emancipation without deportation, from the memo-
rial of A. C. S. submitted to Congress in 1S17, x. 272, /!.
gentleman near iVatchcz (Miss.) liberates 18 or 20 slaves, and fur-
nishes then, with from 200 to 400 dollars each, to jiromote tiieir com-
fortable settlniient in Liberia, x. 313.
The State of Georgia purchases a negro man, naiaed Sam, with a view
to liis emanciation, x. 313.

Emigrants. See '^American Colonization Society,'' "Emancipation," ••Ea-peditwns,"

"Liberia," ^'Managers ofJl. C. S. Proceedings of the," ^c. £fc. New
mode of settling them in Liberia, ix. 322.
Tabular viev of emigrants sent to Africa since tbj commencement of
the American Colonization Society, x. 2y:i.
Emigration of whites, v. 343.
Ekkoks ani> .misrephksentations corrected, and omissions supplied. State-
ment that fugitive slaves had settled at Liberia, i. 150.
Statements concerning contributions, ii. 31, iii. 32, 160, 224, 28.-^, 320,350,
iv. 351, T. 224, 'J.)(), 288, 384, vii. 25«, viii. 3^3, 3S4, ix. 128, x. 27.
Mistake in the name of a Govennir of Ohio, iii. 352.
En r of the C'cfgia Journal concerning the objects of A. C. S. v. 215.
Statement concerning Auxiliary Societies, vi. 182.
Tyi f.graphical errors^, iv. 192, :;e'4. vii. 320, viii. 160, 384, x. 307.
Stc'c ment concerning pasiiengtrs in the Jupiter, viii. 316.
Erskine, Rev. George M., a colored preacher. Notice of him, v. 30. His letter,
April 3, H30, TI. 121. His deatli. vi. 274.
Evarts, Jeremiali, his letter, January 13, 1826, i. 322.
Everett, Alexander IT. Extracts from his speech before the Massachusetts State
Col. Soc. ix. 25.
Ewing, George, Tiii. 3S1. See "Emancipation."

ExpEDiTioxs to Liberia. Expense of seiidin;^ out emigrants by the Elizabeth,

illy Cyrus, aiui the Huntek, i. 63.
Expt'.litioiiby the bri;- Vine, which sailed from Boston with nearly forty
emii^rantf,,Dec. 4, 1«25, and the liberality ot the citizens of Boston on
that occasion, i. 319.
Exjjedition hy the ship Ivdian' Chief, which sailed from Norfolk, February
15, 1826, caiiying i-'4 emigrants, i. 369.
Proposed sailing of the Sirig Doris, ii. ^51. She sails, November 10, 1827,
with 105 emigrants, iii. 2S3. See iv. 82, 187.
Proposed sailing of the brig Nautilus, iii. 284, 317.
Proposed sailing of the schooner Randolph, iii. 284. She sails from George-
town, S. C. with 26 emigrants, iii. 317.
Proposed despatch of a vessel vvith a select company of emigrants, iv. 187.
from Norfolk with from 1-50 to 200 emigrants,
iv. E18, 349.
D'iparture of the ship Harriet, February 9, 1829, from Hampton Roads,
with 160 emigrants, iv. 3S0.
Charter of the brig Liberia, v. 317. Sails from Norfolk, January 16, 1830,
with 5S emigrants, v. 377, vi. 27
Proposed sailing of the brig Montgomery, vi. 30. She sails from Hamp-
ton Roads, April, 1830, vita 70 omigrants, vi. 62.
The ship Carolinian, at Norfolk, vi. 248. She sails October 20, 183',i, with
107 emigrants, of whom 45 are emancipated slaves, vi. 282.
The brig Volador chartered, vi 284.
Liberality of the Pennsylvania Stafo Society concerning expeditions, vii. 59.
Proposed expedition from New York, vii. 126.
sailing of the brig Criterion, vii. 1.59, 186. She sails from Nor-
folk, August 2,' 1831, with 46 emigrants, vii. 217.
experiition, vii. 283.
The Margapet Mercer, Colonial Schooner, sails October, 1831, for Li-
beria with 9 emigrants, vii. 284.
Charter of the ship James Perkins, vii. 285. She sails from Norfolk, Dec.
9, 1831, with 33.1) emigrants, vii. 320.
The Sr!iooner Orion sails from Baltimore, October 26, 1831, with about 40
emigrants, vii. 285.
The ship Jupiter expected to sail, viii. 64. S^.ils from Norfolk, May 9,
1832, with 170 emigrants, viii. 94, 210. Her a-.rival at New York, June
30, 18.33, ix. 158.She sails from Hampton Roads, November 5, 1833,
with 50 emigrants, ix. 287. She sails from New Ynjic, June 21, 1834, car-
rying two physicians, a student of medicine, teacher."- &c. and stores, agri-

cultural implem ats, trade goods, &c. to the cmoui't of about ^'7,000, x.
Proposed despatch of three, perhaps four, expedH-nns, viii. 154.
The brig America n s 'ils from Norfolk, July, ISi: :. wi h 127 emigrants, viii.
Two ships ready, and another nearly ready, to sail, viii. 286, 316.
The ship Hercules sails from Savannah, December 7, 1832, with 180 emi-
grants, viii. 348.
The ship Lafayette sails from Baltimore, Uecember 9, 1832, with 150
emigrants, of whom 17 are slaves liberated for colonization, viii. 348.
The brig Roanoke sails from Norfolk, January 4, 1833, with 127 emigrants,
OL who'i 100 are slaves liberated for colonization, viii. 348.
Proposed e^f^dition from New
Orleans, viii. 381. The brig Ajax sails from
New Orle;i,is, April 21, 1833, with 150 emigrants, ix. 91, 126. She ar-
rives at l^Ionrovia, July 11, 1833, ix. 243.
The brig American sails from Philadelphia, May 12, 1833, ix. 221.
Propo.sed expedition from Savannah, ix. 287, 3'o.
The ship Ninus sails from Norfolk, October 2t3, 1834, witli 128 emigrants,
X. 286.
Farrington, Sophronia. Her letter, March 5, 1834, x. 122. Extract of a letter
from her, x. 157.
Fendall, Philip R. Appointed Assistant Secretary of A, C. S. ix. 30.
Recoitier ix. 374, 375.
His letters to the Colonial Agent, May 15,28, 1834, x. 97, 106,

Ferguson, C<ipt. i!:^ etteclive doiialion ol ^'25 lo A. C. S iii. JJd-l.

Fernr.ado Po, news . otn, v. 185.

Finl- y, Anthony, lii« uiap of Africa, vii. 15.
Fiil'-y, Rev. Dr. Ki Tt, his Tliouo;hts on the colonization oi iieo blacks, ix. 332.

Fiiilev, Robert si. As,- nt of A. C. S. t^c. His j)ioi>eediiigs, vi. IS6, 278,339, 340,
37;», vii. ]:', viii. 59, 153, ix. h9, 124, TJS, 154, IGl, 249, 313, x. 2i!).
Extract fror his letter. New
Voik, Nov. 12, i830, vi. 312. His lettpr, Feb.
11, lb31, 379. His letter, April 12, 1831, vii. 90. K-xtract from his
. .

letter, Ap. '

His letter, June 8, 1S31, vii. 207. His
16. 1S31, vii. 93.
letter, Ai Extract from his letter, Oct. 19, 1831,
.it 6. 1831, vii. 20;).

vii. 285. ..itract from his iiItT, AoveuiheroO, 1831, vii. 344. His let-
ter, Dec^ L:;.>er 20, 1831, vii. 345. Extract of a letter from him, vlii. 123.
His letle J. mo 11, 1833, ix. 221. His remarks at the Seveuieenth An-

nual MeeliMi; of A. C. S. ix. 354.

Fitzhugh, Wiiliaui ". Extracts from his letter, August 11, 182t;, on tlie coioniz-
ing scheme, ii. 254.
His plan for improving the condition of bis slaves, iii. 1S5.
[Dies May 21, ISoO.] Obituary meiooir of him, vi. ;U. Further remarks
on his liie and character, vi. 93.
Leaves, t Ms will, all his slaves unconditionally free after tlie year 1850,
and the 'expenses of emigration, and ;?50 to each one emigrating to Li-
beria, \ i. 2!7.
Proceedings of the Managers of A. C. S. on the occasion cf his death, vi.
Proceedings -A the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of A. G. S. on occasion
of his d'ju'h, vi. 356.
Sonnet to /.s memory, vii. 2"'?.
Fletcher, William, ii. 352. See " Emancipation.'"
Force, Charles L. His death, ii. 12".
Foster, Kev. Stephei.. Ii. 352. S.e "E!rianci^a''ori."
Fourtli of July. See ''Jir.erican Cohnizaiion Socid!/, appeals on behalf of the."
Extracts from a Discourse delivered on the, vi. 235.
new plan for July 4, 18'>1, vii. 29.
Remarks on the London World on the connexion of it with the plan
of A. C. S. vii. 316.
Fouhr Orin. Ili.^ iter, August 5, IS29, v. 216.

France. Letter, Mv- h 14, 1&32, from the Secretary General of the Society- forihe
prornot.. f Christian morals in France, viii. 26'.).
- Its memorinl con-
cerning ;.\ery, February 2^, 18."?2, to liie French Chamber of Peers and
Chamber Deputies, viii. 2t.7.
. i'

The question of abolishing slavery in the colonies of France, touched in

the Cham'.,f-rs Bill placing all Iree people of color on a footing of equal-
ity with 11. 1^ '-hites, ix. 94.
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, M. C. Becomes a subscriberon Gerrit Smith's plan, iv.
His si; at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. v. 370.
Fourteenth vi. 3()9.
Seventeenth ix. 3()2.
Gives thirty volumes of a moral and religious character, for the use of
the colony, viii. 286.
His review of anti-slavery publications, and defence of A. C. S. x. 1.
See X. 139.
His letter, Jlarch 15, 1834, enclosing ^"^100, and ex-pressing his confi-
denci- in the colonizing scheme, x. 19.
Addresses the Synod of New Jersey, October, 1834, on behalf of A.
C. S X. 285, 2^6.
Friends, Society ol. See "American Cohnizaiion Sociely," "Hubbard." Their
yearly mei'ting for New England raises by subscription $1,000 for colo-
nizing certain North Carolina slaves, ii. 159.
In r>i rth C.irolina. Extract- from the proceedings of their yearly meet-
in iT, November, 1826, ii. 2S8. Otl'er $"250 towards purchasing a vessel
for A. C. ?;. iii. 254.
Their ypi'i meeting in Philadelphia appropriates $3,000 towards defray-

ing the expense of removing certain free people of color from North
INDEX. , 29

Friends, Society 01' Couliuued.
Carolina to Liberia, Ha} ti, and the Free States, as they may prefer, iii.

Have removed from North Carolina 652 persons of color, and an unknown
numb^n f liusbands, children, and wives, connected with ti;em by con-

sanguinity ; in doing this have expended $12,769 59, and have remain-
.ing under iheir care 402 persons of color, vi. 319.
Eraigrants by the Criterion, who had been under their care, vi. 319.
In Philadelphia, co::..ribULe aboui; .fj'2,700 to an expedition hy the brig
American, viii. 155. •

In London, authorize their l):-r4hren in North Carolina to draw on '.hem to

the amount of $^,0',ii), to aid iu the colonization of the colored people
under the care of the latter, viii 34.'.
Funston, Mr. ii. S62. See "Emancipation."
Gales, Joseph, Senr. Elected Treasurer of A. C. S. ix. 'i7i, 375. His p!? is con-
cerning the fiscal relation of the colony to A. C. S. x. 100 103. —
Gamble, Theojjailus, ix. 284. See " ii^mancipaiioii."
Garrison, William L. His Thoughts on African colonization, viii. 271, S46, ix. 03,
about to embark for England, as agent for the Anti-Slavery Society of
England, ix. 29.
Opinion in Liberia of his proceedings, ix. 242.
Remarks on niu., from the Edinburgh Phrenological Journal, ix. 270.
His abuse of the Rev. Joseph Tracy and his brother, x. 162.
His unfairness, x. 227, 228.
Gaston, V/illJim. Extract, cDncerning slavery, from his address before a literary
and philanthropic society in North Carolina, viii. 191, 193.
*'G. B." His conditional oner to contribute ^'UVj to transport four emigrants to
Liberia, vi. 80.
Georgia, introduction of slaves in, iii. 157, v. 346.
Giveus, Thomas. Statement of Martha Snetter concerning him, x. 154.
Golberry, Extracts i'rom his travels, i, SOS, 373, ii. 15, 27, 40.
Gold Coast, customs of the, iii. 110. Settlements on the, iii. 136, 170, 229.
Grand Bassa settlement, ix. 242. See -'Leiper."
Grand Cape Mount, iii. 123.
Gratton. Peacliy. Extracts from his c.Jdress before the Aux. Coi. Soc. of Rocking-
ham county, Va. i. 175.
Gray, Major V/iliiam. His travels in Western Africa, i. 228, 2G3, 291. '

Joseph A. viii. 94. S-^e ''Emancipaiioii.^'

Green, Andrew, a colonist. Extract from his letter tohis former mistress, iii. 281. ',

Green, Beriah. His denial of the correctness of a statement in the African Ke-
pcsitor}-, ix. 349.
Green, .Tames S. Extracts from his speech to the Col. Society of New Jersey, i.
Green, L. W. 217.
vii. See "Emancipation.'"
Greenfield, Elizabeth, vii. 217. See "Emancipaiion."
Grigg, John. His donation to the Colony, vi. 250.
Grimke, Thomas S. His services in arranging the afl^airs of certain emigrants from
Charleston, S. C. viii. 348.
His death, x. 286. Notice of his character, x. 289.
Gurley, Rev. Ralph R., Secretary of A. C. S. See "American Colonizaiion Society."
His speech at its Eighth Annual Meeting, i. 17.
His review of Memoirs of the life of Granville Sharp, ii. 1, S3, 65, 101, 133
165, 197, 229.
Addresses, on behalf of A. C. S. a public meeting in New York, ii. lf;5.
•Do do do at Hartford, Conn, after
which it was resolved to form the State Col. Soc. iii. G2.
Do the Massachusetts Convention, iii. 118.
His letter, December S, 1827, to John Early, iii. 289.
His remarks at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. iv. 368.
His review of C. C. Finckney's address, v. 328.
His remarks on South Carolina opinions of A. C. S. vi. 193.
Addresses, on behalf of A. C. S. a meeting of the clergy of the City of New
York. vii. 125.


tJuiloy, Rev. Ralph U.— C.Hilinuod.

H\^ leiuiirki on cerlaid statetoents oi W. L. Garrisoi). viii 3-16.
llis letter, April, J:<33, to Henry ibbotsori. ix. 51.
AddroriJius coloauatioii iiieelin^i in l^liiladelpliia, ix. 150, 315.
ill iVew York, ix. 153, 18;), 247, x. 'Jl, 127
.' Boston, ix. 1S8.
criloiii/.ation incetiiitr in
H'S lotter, June 7. ISoit, to (he Editor ol the Hartioid Mercury, i.x. 205.
AJdresses a piiLilic meeting in A'ewark, N. J. ix. 277.
in Brooklyn. N. Y. ix. 279
public meetings in Hudson, Catskill and Troy, N. Y. ix. 311.
Hi-i return iVoin the iVorth, ix. 313.
Hii letter, April 18, l^iS-l, ooncernintr the colony, to the Editors of the
New York Coinincrciul Advertiser, x. fiO.
His remarks on the priiici].iti ol' A. C. S. .Vpril 23, 1834, x. 65.
M. -represented by the -'Liberator," JS.C. x, 133 137. —
Guslice, Mr. a coloretl I\I.;tliOvii.>5l pieachor in Tilr.-yland. $<i(.'0 raised in Philadel-
pliia to purch ise the emancipation of himself, his wife, and four children, vi.
Hamilton, Dr. Silas, vi. 373. See "Emancipation
Hanks, Kev. Mr. ix. 2S4. See "Emancipation."
Har^^iaves, Georjre. His donation of jj.-.50'i to A. C. S. viii. ri.*).
Harper, Charles V. Extracts, concerninff colonization, fiom his address to the Vo-
ters of Baltimore, ii. 188.
His letter, July i5, It''^?, to Mr. Gurley, iii. 149.
His speech at 'the El-n-enth Aiin-ml Meeting; of A.C. S. iii. 323.
Harrison, J. B. His discourse before the Lynchburg Col. Soc. July, l'^27, iii. 193.
His address at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of A. C. S. iii. 331
Harvey, Mr. a colonist. Extracts from his address, delivered on a colonial anni-
versary, ix. 5(>.
Hatter, Eliza, a colonist. Extract of a letter from her, viii. 2S0. Her letter, July
12, 1832, to her former mistress, viii. 281.
Hawes, Dr. Aylett, ix. 218. See ''Kv>ancipation.'' x. l?f-:, 151, 193—198, 28G.
Hayti. Testimony of Thomas Kennedy concorning the condition of emigrants sent
thilher by the Society of Friends in N. C. v.«)l. See 62, 183.
Treaty of France with, recognising its independence, v. 252.
Colonization in, and Canada, compared with colonization in Liberia, viii.
H-^nlev, Cipt. J. D. iii. 283. See "Emancipation."
Hensliaw, Charles. i. 191. See "Emancipation."
Henton, Silas, ix. 284. See "Emancipation."
Hersey, Kev. John. Extracts from his letter to tde Editors of the New York Chrig-
tian Advocalf , x. 59.
Extracts from hi? letter toE. Cressoti, x. 286.
Hewit, Dr. His remarks on Anti-colonizationism in old times, x. 189.
Hilarity, the schooner, arrives in Baltimore v. lii news from the colony, ix. 158.
Hobby, Thomas, Agent of the Augusta (Ge .) Col. Soc. sails in the Hercules for
the colony, viii. 348.
Addresses the Connecticut Col. Soc. ix. 124.
Hobron, John, ix. 126. See "Emana nation."
H.od"-kin, Thomas, M. D. His letter, July 4, 1832, concerning A. C. S. viii. 340.
Review of his Inquiry into the merits of A. C. S. x. 225.
Extracts from his remarks on the British African Colonization Society^
X. 308.
Hodgson, Wm. B. His letter, June 1, 1829, to Peter S. Duponceau, concerning
the Fallntahs,. Central Africa, and the A. C. S. v. 337.
Further notice of him, v. 381.
Notice of his le^-ters on the Berbec language, vii. 109.
Hoffman, Peter, afi;)ointed a comnissioner to superintend the emigration of the
people of col' from Maryland, x. 313.

Hoge, Rev. Samu-I D.ii. 220. See "Emancipation."

'"Hokomb, G. W. vi. 62. See "Emancipation."
Hood, James, ix. 126. See "Emancipation."
House, Rev. Isaac S. Agent of the St. Louis Col. Soc His account of the pro-
gress of the cause in Missouri, ix. 349.

MubbarJ, Jeremiah, ofN. C. clerk of the yearly meeting of Friends of that Staty.
His letter, March 4, 1S34, to a Friend in Etigland, x. 'S-i.
His address to the Manageis, ^-.i.:. of A iiti-slavery and Abolition Societies,
and to ail the opponents of coionizaiJou, x. 213.
Huck3, Nugent M. a colonist. His letter, Juiy 2S, 1833, ix. 2S6.
Hunt, Rev. Th.-iuias F. iv. ;]S0. See •' Kmandpalion.'''
loimigration of 40.0y0 persons in one season to the United States, viii. 2:'>;J.
Irelaird, William H. viii. oSZ. See Emancipaiion. His munificent bequest to A.
C. S. viii. 382, 383.
Cyrene, born a slave. Donation from her estate to A. C. S. iv.317.
Jacocks, Gen. vii. 217, See "Emanciijaiiwi."
Jamaica, servile iiunrrection in, viii. 92, 127.
Jetiersun, Thomas, President of U. S. His letters, Nov. 24, 1801, Dec. 27, 1804, to
theGovernor of Virginia, concerning African colonization, viii. 99, 104.
Extracts from his letter, January 21, ISII, toJohn Lynd, concerning co-
lonization, X. 270.
His opinions on slavery, emancipation and colonization,
x. 266, n. 269,
270, 271, 272.
Johnson, Benjamin, ix. 126. See "Emancipaiion."
Jone-i, Rev. Cave. Extracts from his letter concerning his emancipated slaves, i.

Joseph, a colored man. His examination by the Keiituc.'ry Col. Sec. x. 209.
His conversation concerning Liberia, x. 211.
Spurious production called his Journal, x. 315, 316.
His examination at Danville, x. 316.
Jones, Gen. Walter. His remarks at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. iv.
o65. .

Moves a resolution at the ThirtccTith Annual Meeting of A. C. S. and

makes an address concerning the death of its President, Judge Wash-
ington, v. 363.
Addresses the A. C. S. at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting, entering
into a detailed exposition of his views of the true objects and policy
of the Society, ix. 373, 374.
Col. William, viii. 348. See Em.aneipaiion."
His letter, November 3, \^':V.'., ix. 122.
Sir William. His remarks or. the Slave Trade, i. 255.
^'Journal of Freedom," a new weeiv';^ paper established at lYew Haven, Conn. x.
Kay, Stephen. Review of his travels in Caffraria, x. 140, 169, 199.
Kendall, Amos, Fourth Auditor of the Treasury. Remarks on his Report to the
Navy Department concerning the U. S. Agency in Liberia, vi. 31fi.
Kennedy, Capt. E. P. His letter, June 22, 1831, concerning the Colony, vii. 153.
Thomas, v. 61, 183. See ''Hayii."
Kentucky. Loss of the bill in her House of Representatives, more etfectuaily to
prevent the importation of slaves, v. 380.
Indefinite postponement of the bill in her House of Representatives pro-
viding for the Constitutional emancipation of slaves, v. 380.
Tax on non-slaveholders for paying the value of slaves executed for
crimes, v. 380.
Plan for the gradual emancipation of slaves in, vii. 48, 125, 126.
Bill before her House of Representatives to prevent the importation for
sale of slaves from other States, vii. 312.
Key, Francis S. dis speech at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of A. C. S. iii. 3.53.
Extracts from his colonization address, November 2-3, 1828, in Philadelph-a,
iv. 298.
His remarks at tht Twelfth Annu'tl Meeting of A. C S. iv. 364.
A member of a committee appok.ted to visit certain cities, in order to solicit
contributiOi for A. C. S.
.i Addresses a public meeting in New York, v.
253, 341.
His remarks at 'he Thirteenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. v. 363.
.Addresses a public meetiog in Philadelphia, Ociober 21, 1829, vi. 138.
Kiah, Stephen. Sketch of hi- character, by Mr. Asiiaun, i. 2.37.
Killam, Hannah. Extract from her letter, Mfirch 13, 1832, viii. 2U. Her death,
viii. 214.
2'i INDKX.

Kilig, luiius, Al. C. i. 249, 278. Sae ".Vi7««," ••Resoiiitiom, &,c."

Knai<p, Samuel L. tin address at the Teiitii Annual ivk-etirig ol' A. C. S. ii. 327.
Knowle-i, Herbert. His lines, written in the Churchyard oi Richmond, Yorkshire,
(l::n-.) X. 234.
Kosciuszky's legacy, ii. 223.
Kroomei.. tiovtrnor Ludlam's account ot them, i. 43.
Six ol Ihein ill lialtiinore, v. loG.
J^adies. See '\'i/iica,' '^imericun Culunization Society," "Auxiliary Societies,"
"Christianity, ••Liberia," ^•Piniitij."
Larjje donaiion from the ladies ol 'Fredericksburg and its vicinity, v. 30.
Mr. Latrobc's speech, noticing the liberality ol the ladies in Baltimore to
the cause of colonization, v. 36i).
Mr. Finley's letter, June S, 1831, noticing the interesting manifesto by the
ladies of Kentucky in the cause of colonization, vii. 207, 2oy.
Addrefs of the Female Col. Soc. of Georgetown to the Ladies, vii. 238.
Meeting of Ladies in Edinburgh, (Scot.) JNIarch 27, 1833, concerning A. C.
S. ix. 147.
Meeting of Ladies in Newark, N. J. Their elforts in the cause of African
educaiion. ix. 219, x. 14G, 147, 149.
See ix. 279, 280.
Lafayette, Genenl. Elected a Vice President of A. C. S. i. 17.
His opinion of it, i. 2S5, iv. 349.
Extracts from his -'Conversations, 8cc." i. 37, 306.
His lett. r, October 2;t, 1^31, vii. 369. of the Managers of A. C. S. July 3, 1834, concerning his
death, x. 190.
Laing, Major Alexander Gordon. Rumor of his having been murdered by the Fal-
lahs, iii. 157.
Contradiction of it, iii. 254.
Extract from his trave!«, vi. .'^SG.
Review of his travels in the Timmanee, Kooranko and Soliraa countiies, in
Western Africa, vii. 1. 33, 65.
Laird, R'v. Matthew. His lett. r, February 25, 1834, x. S5.
His death and that of his wife, x. 154.
Lander. Richard and John. They sail from Portsmouth, Engl, being employed by
Governmer:t to explore the source of the Niger, and trace it to its termi-
nation, vi. 30.
They discover the course of the A'igcr, vii. 141.
Richard Lander's interview with the King of England, viii. 89.
Intelligence from him, ix. 29.
and John. Review of their Journal of their expedition, viii. 289,
Intelligence from May 9, 1S33, ix. 255.
January 9, 1S34, x. 96.
Richard, wounded by the natives, on the Nunn river, and dies, February 2,
lj:J4, X. 147, 221.
His murderers suppose^" to have been instigated by slave traders, x. 222.
Latrobe, J. H. B. His speech at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of A. C. S. iii. 225.
His remarKS at the Thirteenth v. 369.
Latta. Rf^v. James, Agent of A. C. S. His report, February 14, 1833, ix. 24.
li.s letter, April 29, 1S33, ix. 125.
Latta, Rev. Samuel A. Particulars of his agency. His letters, Dec. 1, 1831, vii.
376, March 21, 1832, viii. 57, May !, 1832, viii. 81, July 11, 1832, viii.
Lattakoo, in South Africa. Conversion of several natives to Christianity, vi. 183.
See "Miisicms."
Laurie, Rev. Jamei, D. D. See "JiiAeriea-,: Colonixaiion Society," "Managers of
.?. C. S. Proctcdinscs of the."
His remrrki on offering ?, v^>-' thanks to Mr. Ashmun, ii. 334.
..t the TwelRh j.! Meeting of A. C. S. iv. 369.

His accooiil - Tr G*...- oC A. C. S. submitted to the Seventeenth Annual

Meetinjr, i .. .'
Lawrence, Johu'lJ. bsou^f.'bs §oOO to A. C S. vii. 286. dressing- iu Auica, iii. 82.

Leiper, Hanson, a colonist. His letter, July 7, 1833, coi'rerning Grand Bassa, ix.
Extract of a letter from him, dated Edi.ia, Grand Bassa, May 11, 1S34, x.
Lemue, M. His letter, Nov. 9, 1S29, concerning the French colony in South Afri-
ca, vi. 173.
Lewis, Henry, of Prince George county, Va. murdered by five of his slaves, viii.
•Liberia. 6ee "^bcls," '-Allen, Robert, "American Colonizalion Society,"' "Ash-

viiiii," "Auxiliary Societies," "Bayley," "Carey," "Gary," "Ccrrespon-

dence," '"Cox," "Crowell," "Devany,'' "Erskine," "Farrington," "Gurley,"
"Jones, Joseph," "Komedy, Capt. E. P ." "Kilh am," " Laird, Rev Matthew,^' .

"Manai;ers of A. C. S, Proceedings of ike," "Mechlin,'' "Missions," "Moore,

Archy," "Nelson," "Nicholson," "Page, Benjamin," "Pinncy," "Randall,'''
"Recaptured Africans," "Richardson," "Roberts, J.J." "Sessing," '• Sewall,"
"Shane," "Sheldon," "Shernuin," "Sigourney," "S-lUni'-n," "Simp'ion, G."
"Snetter," "Sjmlding" "Stuart, Charles." "Thompson, EUzabct,," "Tod-
sen," "Voorhees" "Weaver, Capiai.i TV. A." "Williams, A. 1/." "Wil-
liams, Samuel," "Wilson, Beverley," "Woodside," "Wright, S. 0." he.
News froi.;, i. 23; up to Feb. 15, 1825, i. 64; up to April 5, 1825. i. 115; up
to Augi;at 22, 1825, i. 21S; up to Dec. 31, 1825, ii. 72.
Its history, from December, 1821 to 1823, ji. ilO. 1-^2, 173, 211.
News from, up to April 23, ? ;2«, ii. 125; up to May 10, 182fi, ii. 183; up to
August 4, 1826, ii. 261—270; up to Dec. 6, 1826, ii. 376—380; up to Feb.
11,1827, iii. 29; up to March 9, 1827, iii. « j; up to June 16, 1827, iii. 208
—216; up to Aug. 28, 1827, iii. 232; up to Sep. 25, '-27, iii. 297; up to
Dec. 21, 182/, iii. 379; up to March 3, 1828, iv. 63,82; un to May 7, 1828,
iv. 127; up to July 2^, 18J ;, iv. 209, 2.H.
Rumor of an explosion of the Colonial Magazine, in which ten persons were
ki'led, iv. 380, v. 2, 10,
News from, up to January 6, 1829, v. 7 up to April 22, 1829, v. 122 ; np to

Aug. 31, 1829, V. 279; up to March 20, 1830, vi. 49- up to Ai.rii 20, 1830,
vi. 177 up to June 19, 1830, vi. 210; up to September 14, 1S30, vi. 273:

up to Feb. 1, 1831, vii. 17; by the Java, vii. 126; up to Nov. 13, 1831, vii.
342; by the brig Criterion, vii. 379; up to July 2!), 1832, viii. 193; by the

brig Liberia, viii. 297; up to Feb. 2lj 1833, ix. 17; up to April 24, 1833,
ix. 144; up to April 13, May 18, 1833, ix, 158; by Dr. Mechlin, ix. 348; up
to May 10, 1834, x, 1.54.
Three anniversaries celebrated in, i. 1-57. Liberia, fifty years hence: a tale,
ii. 240.

Statistics of, ii. 270. Its officers, civil and military, for the political year,
beginning September, 18:^6, iii. 125.
A means of abolishing the slave Uade, iii, 129, 161.
History of establishments recently made by the Colonial Government of Li-
beria on the coast of Africa, iii. 143.
Donation to, from a mechanic of Springfield, Mass. iii. 188.
of a library for the Girls school at Monrovia, iii. 189.
Curiosities from, iii. 172.
Its civil officers for the year beginning September 21, 1827, iii. 297. Justi-
ces of the Peace in, iii. 297.
Address of the colonists to the free people of color in the United States, iii.
Testimony of Capt. Nicholson, of U. S. Navy, concerning it, iv. 95.
6,000 lbs. of coffee of, offered for sale in Richmond, Va. iv. 318.
Presbyterian school in, v. 342.
Liberia Herald, ii. 128, vi, 85, vii. 17, 25, 26, 277, 379, viii. 92, 208, ix. 18,
56, 144, 158, 219, 241, 242, x. 122, 1.56, 217.
Donation of a paper and printing press to, from Charles Tappan, vi. 160.
of merchandise by Charles Bird, and of books and atlases by Jno-
Griggto, vi. 2,50.
System of education for the colony, vi. 257. Presbyterian church in, vi. 280
Orphan school in, vi. 281. Sabbath Scaoo! Society in, vi. 281.
Temperance in, vi. 333, viii 128, ix. 205, 206, x. 90, 106, 107.
34 l.NDCX.

J.iiiERiA — Coiilimicil.
Atidiets lo lliu I'cmales of U. S. tor the schools of Liberia, \ii. 13.
Commcice at, vii. 59.
C'>ires|ioiKkijfe between the l..a«rics' Col. Soc. oi Richmonii aiiti Manclies
;i>: aiiJ the Colonists, vii. 25, 115.
Health of, \n. lOS.
A achoont-r of about 60 tons built for it, vii. 18(j. Coinpleteii, and called the
"Muri^urct Mircer," vii. 251.
Donation of bibles and tracts for, vii. 218.
Mortality of the einifjrants at, vii. 250.
Hevi. al of religion in vii. 2.^2, viii. 62.
Two fiTi uieii of color of Naicliez, appointed by their colored brethren to vi-
sit Lil ••ria, kc. viii. Gil.
Ladiis" society Ky. to aid in the education of females for teach-
in Louisville,
ers in liib.-ria. its constitution, ollicers and managers, viii. 90.
Map of, tn face viii. 96.
The you;;2; ladies of a seminary lorm thei:isclves into a workins; society, cal-
led the "Liberian Free School bociety," aiid remit a donation, the product
of their industry, viii. 155.
Medical education of young men of color for Liberia, viii. 285, x. 165, 166.
Donations viii. ::-(;. See '•Fteli/u;kuijsen," and other particular titles.
Stiitemeiit showing * :<- present condition of the public schools at Monrovia,
Caldwell, and Millsburjj, viii. 303.
Number of men able to bear arms in the colony in March, 1830, viii. 304.
Repo:t, concerning the agriculture of, adopted by the Managers of A. C. S.
Nov. 2, 1S32, viii. S:3«.
Plan oi .lie Massachusoti :' Free School in, viii. 382, ix. 241.
Donation of books by frii ids in England, for the schools and library of the
colony, Sic. viii. 347.
Testimony of a young gentlemaii concerning, ix. 90.
Donation of tracts to, i.x. I "2.
Fn-e school for the boijefit ol recaptured Africans, ix. 241.
Its prospects, and the proceedings of the Anti-colonizationists in the United
States, ix. 242.
Appeal if Episcopalians in Monrovia to Episcopalians in U. S. for aid in
building a church, ix. 276.
Condition of Monrovia, ix. 2S4.
Ke- v'lutions of the Managers of A. C. S. Januar}' 30, 1834, making certain
cnanges in the ])laii for its civil govcrnmeni, ct;. in tlie number of coun-
sellors, Lid the mode of paying colonial othcers; directing the laying oif
of lots of five acres eacii, and a public farm; the obtaining of a highlund
and interior settlement, and the opening of a road to it from Liberia, x. z5
Relative proportion of the number of manumitted slaves and recaptured Af-
ricans sent to Liberia, x. 1S!>
Donation of types, printinE: otiice furniture, other goods, money, See, from
citizens of New York, :; 1 Id, 147, 217.
Constitution, otficers ami managers of the New York Female Society for the
support of schools in Africa, Dec. 30, 1833, x. 149.
Proposed donation by a friend of Missions, towards the erection of an Epis-
':opal church at mrovia, x. 191.

Remarks of the K< ucky Commonwealth concerning, x. 207.

a corrf pondent of the N. Y. Spectator concerning, x. 213.
Its prospects, x. 146.
The Fnjdericksburg and Falmouth (Va.) Female Aux. Col. Soc. propose to
direct their ellbrts to promoting female education in, x. 253.
Tabular view of einig \nts sent to Africa since th'; commencement of the
American Colouization Society, x ."»2.
Extract concerning the colony, from the Journal of an Officer of the U. S.
Navy, X. 310.
Mode of forwarding letters to the colony, x. 315.
Light, Rev. George C. Extract from his letter, December 8, ISli?, viii. 343.
His report, April 1, 1833, ix. 24. His letter, June 6, 1833, ix. 147.

LoMisiana. Arrests in Now Orleans, February S, 1830, on tii? charge of circulat-

ing " Walker's Appeal,'" vi. 21).
Resolutions of the Legislature ag'ainst the introduction of free people of
color, vi. 29.
Act of the Legislature against th'j introduction ofslaves for sale, vii. 212,
See "3IcDop.ough, John.^'
Lowrie, Walter. His special rej)ort, Febr^ iry 20, 1834, concerning the Society'3
debt, X. 8.
His supplemental report, July 24, 1834, concerning the Society's debt, x.
3, 1S34, concerning tiie relations of Auxiliary Societies
His report, July
parent institution, x. 195.
to ibe
M'Clure, J. H. gives $1000 to A. C. S. and prv.poses to send the same sum annu-
ally for ttii years, vii. 347.
M'Dearmid, Mi. See "Emancipation."
M'Donogh, John. Kis memorial to the Legislature of Louisiana, Dec. 9, 1833,
praying permission to educate certain slaves 'vhom he designs to send to Libe-
ria, ix. 348, X. 24. Communica.ion of "S. B." concerning his proposition, x.
McDowall, Dr. Robert. Some account of him, ix. llo. Goes to the colony as as-
sistant physician, x. 104, 154.
Macfarland, William H. appointed a Secretary T A. C. S. ix. 374, 375.
M'Gehee, Dr. Alexander, viii. 381. See "Eviuitcipati'yn."
M'Gill, Rev. George, a colonist. His report conceri.uig the colony, v. 155. His
letter,June 18, 1830, vi. 246.
McK ;iney. Rev. William. His letter, Dec. 27, iS32, iX. 120.
M'Kinney, John A. ]\evievv of his address delivered before the Hawkins county
(Tenn.) Col. Soc. July 4, 1830, vi. 225.
M'Lain, Rev. A. S. Extract from bis letter, :\'; .ember 27, 1S33, ix. 281.
M'Lean, Rev. Allen, v. 251. See "Case, Ei:' ." .

Madison, James, Ex-president of U. S. Hii donations to A. C. S. vii. 57, ix. 160,

His letter, Dec. 29, 1831, concerning A. C. S. vii. 370.
Magazine tribe in Africa, religion of, vi. 184.
Malacca, abolition of slavery in, vi. 281.
Managers of A. C. S. Proceedings of the.
Resolution, Juno 3, 1825, concerning the death of Elias B. Caldwell, i. 127.
Resolutions, in 1825, concerning emigration, and delegation to the annual
meeting, i. 159.
Resolution, December 14, 1826, concerning the next annual meeting,
292. ii.

November, 1827, 286. iii.

October 31, lc2S, concerning an expedition to Africa, iv. 253.

January 12, 1829, concerning the aid of Ladies to colonization,
iv. 350.
Resolutions, June 22, 1829, concerning the death of Dr. R. Randall, Coloni-
al Agent, V. 128.
Resolution, September 14, 1829, prohibiting the Colonial Agent from engag-
ing, directly or indirectly, in trade or navigation, at Liberia or elsewhere,
V. 252.
Resolutions, Sep. 28, 1829, concerninf^ tf;'nage duty on American vessels
visiting the colony, and the expediency of imposing duties on sales made
there, v. 252.
Resolution concerning a proposeil expedition to Liberia, vi. 124.
Resolutions, May 24, 1830, concerning the death of William H. Fitzhugh,
vi. 156.
Resolution concerning the introduction and use cf .'lied spirits in the co-

lony, vi. 186. See ix. 67.

November 8, 1830, directing the Secretary to prepare an address
recomiTi.ending the formation of Temperance Societies in the
colony, vi. 333. Extract from the address, ib. Extract, on this
subject, from the in^ nctions. May 15, 1834, to the Colonial
Agent, x. 100. Special instructions to him. May 28, 1834, re-
citing some of the previous enactmeuts of the Board in regard
to it, X. 106,
36 IMjLJv.

Managers ok , —
A, C. S Proc EKriSGi of the Continucil.
Resolutions, June 28, Nov. S, 1830, April 30, May 7, 1833, ami proposed re-
solution, Dec. 18, 183ii, concerning ardent spirits in the colo-
ny, X. 106.
May 29, 1831, conccrnii j^ a proposed temperance settlement in
Liberia, iO be called Albany, x. 107.
Report, submitted by S. H. Smith, from the Committee concernini; Public
Schools at Liberia, vi. 2jT. conceuiinc; propo.-ed expeditions, and future settlements at Grand
liassa. Cape Paluias, or the Island of Bularna, \ i. o82.
Report of S. H. Smith, iMaich, 1831, adopted by the iioard, dividing the U.
S. into five permanent agency districts, and defining the duties of the
Agents, vii. 11.
Resolution, August 19, 1331, moved by R. Smith, treasurer, to appropriate
S5,000 for an expedition from the Western States, vii. 217.
Approving the cc: lemplated purchase of territory at Giand Bas-
sa, and authorizing tlie employment, in the Colony, of a teach-
er of the Arabic and other laneuages of tlie interior, vii. 283,
Address, October 31, 18T1, to Auxiliary Societies, vii. 289.
Resolutions and address, November IT, 1831, soliciting aid, vii. 318.
Report on commerce with Libeiia, and lesolutions for establishing a system
of packets Ittween the United titates and it, Tiii. 29.
Resolutions, Octobers, 1832, concerning the death of Benjamin L. Lear, a
manager, viii. 2'^5.
November 26, 1832, conf'erning the death of Charles Carroll,
Presi.ient of A. C. S. viii. 316.
Report, presenied by S H. Smith, chairman of a committee on colonial agri-
culture, November 2, 1832, and approved by the Board, viii. 336.
of the Managers to the Sixteenth Annual Mer'tir.gcf A. C. S. viii. 354.
Resolutions, April 16, 1833, to send two expeditions annually from N?w Or-
leans, and to give to asctMement in i^iberiathc name of Edina, ix. 57, 58.
Report on Public Lands, presented by [S, H. Smilh] and adopted, April 22,
1830, ix. 18.), X. 26.
Resolutions, October 7, 1833, concerning the death of Dr. S. B. Balch, a
manager, ix. 243.
May 24, October 7, 1^33, concerning the plan of the Maryland
State Society to establish a separate colony at Cape PaJmas,
ix. 262.
Special report on tlie debt of A. C. S. made February 20, 1»34, by Mr. Low-
rie, from the committee on the subject, and adopted by the Board, x. 8,
See x. 115.
Resolution, May 8, 1834, calling for a supplemental import on the debt of A.
C. S. X 91.
Supplemental report on the debt of A. C. S. made by Mr. Lowrie. July 24,
1834, and adopted by the Board, x. 163.
Resolution, February 20, 1834, concerning a loan of $50,000 for paving the
debt of A. C. S. x. 25. See x. 117.
Resolution, Januar}' 30, 1834, making certain changes in the plan for the
civil government of Liberia, x. 25.
Appeal of the Managers to the public concerning the approaching Fourth of
July, 1834, x. 84.
Instr^ictions to the Colonial .\gent. May 15, 23, 1S34, x. 97, 106.
Resolutions appointing the Rev. John B. Pinney colonial agL-nt, kc. x. 97.
Appeal to Auxiliary Societies, May 23, 1834, x. lOH.
Resolutions, July 3, 1834, concernin'.: the death of Gen. Lafayette, x. 190.
Proceedinii^, July 2, 3, Aiigt!*-t 1, 18;m, concerning liie proposal of the Young
Men's Colonization Society of Peimsylvania, to establish a settlement at
;ia«sa Cove, and to send thither the manumitted slaves of t!ie late Dr.
Hawes, x. 193, 195, 198.
Resolution, Au::ust 1, 1834, concerning the proper season for emigration, x.
August 7, 1834, concerning the procurement of a highland and
interior settlement, x. 217.
INDEX. -37

"Margaret Mercer," tlie srliooner, sails from Philadelphia tor the colony, October
18, 1831, vii. 284.
Marshal), Chief Justice. His opinion in the case of a vessel captured and brought
in for adjudication, under the acts of Congress lor the suppression of
' the slave trade, i. 358.
Appointed President of the Colonization Society of the State of Virginia,
Df-c. 1.5. 182S, iv. 307.
His letter, December 14, 18.31, concerning A. C. S. vii. 371.
Marshall, The. as. in the House of Del-
Review of his speech, January 20, 1832,
egates of irglnia, on the abolition of slavery, ix. 1, 33.

Martinique, s: ery in, ix. 2S.5.

Matthews, Rev. Dr. viii. 284. See '\Emancipaiiun.'''
Meade, Rev. Wilham. Extracts from his address at Winchester, Va. July 4, 1825,
i. 14G.
Assistant Bishop of Virginia. His letter to E. Cresson, viii. 86.
His remarks at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. ix. 3.">-5.
Mechlin, Joseph, jr. His letter, April 22, 1829, v. 122. Appointed Colonial Agent,
V. 221.
His letter, August 31, 1829, to t le Managers of A. C. S. v. 279. His let-
ter to the Secretary, v. 282.
His letter, March 20, 1830, vi.50. He visits the United Slav • , May, 1830,
vi. 90.
Returns in the Carolinian to Liberia, October 20, 183(;, vi. 282.
His letter, T7ec. 11, 1830, vii. 18. His letter, January 2^, 1831. vii. 21.
His letter. February 2i, 1831, to E. Cresson, vii. 46. His letters, July 21,
30, August 31, June 15, 1831, vii. 257, 264, 270, 301.
Extracts from his Nov. 11, 12, 1831, vii. 342. S;.;.
His Dec. 14, 1831, viii. S3. His letter, January, 1832, viii. 38. His
letter, January 25, 1SS2, viii. 39. His letter, April 28, 1832, viii. 1U6.
His letter, April, 1832, viii. 129. His letter, May 1, 1832, viii. 193.
His letters, July 13, 1832, viii. 198, 204. His letter, SepteL.oer o, 1832,
v"i' 278. His letter, September, 1832, viii. 298. His letter, Dec. 31,
183-;, viii. 379.
Extracts from his letters, Feb. 28, March 8, 1833, ix. 119, 121.
letter, March 7, 1833, to a gentleman in Philadelphia,
ix. 144,
July 31, 1835, ix. 242.
Returns to United States, ix. 348.
Mercer, Charles F., M. C. His early efforts in behalf of colonization, i. 88.
His address at the Tenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S. ii. 3.58.
His remarks at the Twelfth iv. 362.
Extracts, showing the .arly history of A. C. S. from his speech at a public
dinner given to him at Charleston, Kenawha county, Virginist, ix. 265
Mercer, Miss Margaret, iv. 330. See ''Emancipation.^' Extracts of letters from
her, concerning A C. S. ix. 219, 339.
Merrick, J. I. iii. 283. See 'Emancipation."
Mexico, abolition of slavery in, v. 317, viii. 21.
Mill, John S. Sketch of his character, by Mr. Ashmun, i. 239.
Mills, Rev. Samuel J. Tribute to his memory, i. 63.
Mills, Rev. Thornton A. His letter concerning the second western expedition to
Liberia, ix. 126.
Minge, David, i. 191. See "Emancipation."
Minor, A. ix. 126. See "Emancipation."
Missions. See "Jfrica," "Burr," " Bickersteih," ' Bhimhardt," "Cox, Rev. Mel-
ville B." "Philip, Dr. John," "Pinney" "Sensing," "Skinner, Rev.
Benjamin R."" Swift," "Wilson and Wynkoop," "Wright, Rev. S. O."
Account of Moravian Missions in the West Indies, i. 94.
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign JVIissions, i. 248. Their
proceedings in regard to missions to Africa, iii. 253. Propose a mis-
sion to Western Africa, viii. 382, ix. 128.
Letters from Dr. Theophilus Blumhardt, Superintendent of the Mission-
ary College, Basle, Switzerland.!. 324, iii. 362, iv. 206, v. 24, 285, vi.
38 i.Nuux.

Missions— LonUnuttl.
Lftter Iroiii Mr. Aslimun to Dr. BlimiliarJt, iii. 2j7.
Pn)j)Osal of a Molliodist clers^ytiiari to Lecoine a missionary to Liberia,
11. 222.
Purpose of the Episcopal Foreign Missionary Society in Philadelphia to
send a liiissioiiary to Liberia, ii. 347.
Ctrniaii mission to Liberia, iii. i.s:^. Mission to Abyssinia, iii. 183.
Parpiyse of the Society of Domestic and Foreign Missions of the Protes-
tant Episcopal CImrch to send a mission to Liberia, iii. 270.
E.\ tract irom a s,.eech of the Kev. J. liaban, an English missionary at
Sierra Leone, iv. 2S.

African Iilissioi: School Society, iv. 1S6. Review of a discourse on the

occasion of furminj^ it, by J. M. Wainwrigiit, D. D.; and of the ad-
dress ot its E.xucutive Coniuiiltee, ifcc. iv. iy;L
African Mission Scl'ool i.i iiartlord. Conn. iv. J7G.
Mission to South Africa, v. 252.
Swiss mission to Liberia. See«/t/e "Letters from Dr. Tiieophiius Blum-
hardt," v. 266. Discontinued lor the present, vii. 2S3.
Deaths of the Kev. Kadolph Dietcshy and the Rev. John Buiirei, two
German mi.-^sionaries to Liberia, vi. !>9.
> Extracts from the report oi the Board of Directors of the African Mjs-
si' 11 Scliool Societv, presented to the Society at Hartford, Cona., Au-

giis; 6. 1830, vi. 2tiO.

Methodist mission to Liberi i, vi. 335.
Account of the annual meeting of the Young Men's Mis.sionary Society
of New York, au.xiiiary to the Missionary Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Cuurch, vii. IKi.
Extract Irr i an address of the Rev. Mr. Moffet, ruissionary atLattalcoo,

South Africa vii. 213.

Intelligence from the missionaries of the Paris Society in South Africa,
vii;. 90.
Tv.' ; uung men, graduates --f Seminary at Princeton,
the Theological
N.J. designated for Africa by the Western Foreign Missionary Soci-
ety, viii. 2-16, 252
Ordina^i ,M of the Rev. Joseph W. Barr an<l the Rev. John B. Pinney,
missionaries to J/.!)eria, viii. 284.
Rev. Rulus Spalding, and Rev '-". O. VVriglit, appointed by the Young
Men'= Foreign Missionary Society, missionr-ries to Liberia, viii. 284.
See '' Spaldijif:," -'Ilrw/'i/, Rii\ iS. O."
Annual meeting of the Monrovia Baptist Missionary Society, ix -19.
Missionniy eiiorts of tfie Liberian colonists, ix. 242.
New England ..i^slon to Lilicria, ix. 255.
Mission to AVest Africa, by the Western Foreign Missionary Society at
Pittsburg, P^m; .. ix. 28'.
Missions to VV\.-i. .a Africa, South Africa, Eastern Africa, African Is-
lands, ix. 344.
Names, stations. See. of sundry missionaries, ix. 346.
First an DA'Ci-sary meeting of thif Yu>..n':; JMen's Missionary Society of
tht' Eleventh Presbyterian Church in Pimadelphia, x. 96.
Opening for missions in Liberia, ;:. IcC.
Missouri, s'avery in, v. 63.
MitchiU, Dr. Samuel L. His examination of a pupil of the New York African Free
School, vi. 3i)3.
MoHet, Kev. Mr. Extract from his rddress, vii. 213.
Monroe, James, Ex-Prosident of the United States, elected President of the Lou-
doun county (Va.) Aux. Col. Soc. i. 222, 286.
His declaration that he never would consent to emancipate the slaves with-
out seu ling them ou: of the countr)', v. 309.
His letter, when Governor of Virginia, June 15, ISO], to the President of
the United States, concerning colonization, viii. 97.
His letter, when Governor of Virginia, December 21, 1801, communicat-
ing to the Legislature n copy of his correspondence with the President
on that subject, viii. 102.
Alontgomery, James. His tale '
The /vfrican Valley," v. 129
Pfloorc, Arcljy, a colored ip :;. iiis tes-imony and that of Gloster Simpson, also a
colored man, concerning Liberia, September 11. 1S32, viii. 217, September 27j
1832, viii. 249.
Moore, Mrs. Elizabeth, i. 191 See "Enw/idpaUon."
Moravians, Ths. Their liberality to A. C. S. v. 218.
Morris, Miss Patsey, ii. 220. See "Einaiwipution."
Mosby, Charles L. His address before the Lynchburg Aux. Col. Soc. Au<rust IS, •

1831, vii. 225.

Mosely, John, an aged colored man. His death and legacies, i. 128.
Moss, Reuben, a colonist. His letter, March 1, 1833, ix. 155.
Munsell, Mr. L., Corrrsponding Secretary of the Col. Soc. of Kentucky. His gen-
erous offer in aid of Colonization, v. 28.
Murat, Achille. Hi3 remarks on slavery in the United States, i.x. 87, 88.
Murray, Daniel, iii. 283. See " Emancijjciion."
Murray, Hugh, vii. 40. See "^fricr."
Naimbanna, the African Chief. Biographical sketch of him, ii. 385.
Naval Intelligence, iv. 2S1.
Negro Race. See •'J.frica,'" "Banncker,'" ''Colored People," ''Mikhill," ''Slavery,"
'•Skwe Trade," "Society of Friends.'"
Observations on the early history of the, i. 7.
Death of a negro in Boston, who spoke rive languages fluently and coirectly,
ii. 159.
Several negro boys kidnapped in Philadelphia and Maryland, brought to
Mississippi by E. F. Johnson, to be sold as slaves, and rescued by J. W.
Hamilton and J. Henderson iii. 187.
A high minded slave, v. ii4!). iienevolence of a negro,
vii. 147. Gratitude
in a slave, viii. 91.
Nelson, H. L a colonist. Jlis letter, July 16, 1832, viii. 207.
Nevins, Rofus L. His letter, rei^ntting .$100 to the N, Y. Col. Soc. x. 255.
New York. Extracts from her emancipating law, iii. 155.
Riots in, x. 190. Proceedings of the ^'. Y. City Col. Soc. concerning
them, July 10, 22, 1834, x. 390, 2..:.
Nichols, John, olfers to sell a valuabL property i;. Virginia, in order to relieve
himself from a dependence en slave labor, v. ISt).
Nicholson, Capt. iv. 95 See '•Liberia."
Nigfc'-, the river. Theories concerning its course and termination, iv. 106, 151.
See "Donkin," "Lander."
Commercial enterprises prompted by the discovery of its source, vii. 282, viii.
89, SO.
Expedition fitted out by the Messrs. Lairds of Liverpool, to explore it, viii.
Niles, Hezekiah Extracts from his Weekly Register concerning slavery in the
United States, i. 179.
Extracts from his Weekly Register concerning resolutior- ^ Mr. King and

Mr. Tinker, i. 278.

Liberia, ii. 156.
freeand slave labor, iii. 48.
encouragement by the Brit-
ish of the emigration of free
blacks to Canada, v. 345.
servile insurrections, &c. vii.
North Carolina. Law
prohibiting the teaching of slaves to read or write, vi. 343.
Anticipation of a servile insurrection in that State, vi. 38S.
Bill introduced into her Legislature to raise a fund, by a lux often cents on
every black poll in the State, ior the removal of free persons of color to
Liberia, vii. 313.
Law prohibiting colored persons from preaching or acting as class leaders,
vii. 388.
Extract, concerning slavery, from an address by Wm. Gaston, viii. 191, 192.
Norton, JohnT., becomes a subscriber on Gerrit Smith's plan, iv. 95.
Sends to A. C. S. $1093 29, in part .;f a subscription of $3,000, proposed
to be raised in Albany, N. Y., for the purpose of settling in Liberia 100
temperance emigrants in a village or settlement to be called Albany, x. 107.

Ohio. liiimigraUoij ami sctllcuieiit ol' 70 blacks aiid luulattoes. Keiuaiks ol the
Ohio State Journal ihceon, iii.254.
Decision ot the Supreme Court olthe State, that the law regulatin;^ the set-
tlement ol col. '• d people is constitutional, v. 185. Sue v. 248.
Proceeding's, ol', ^i preventing the importation of colored persons from othei

States, vii. 31o.

OnJerJonk, the Right Rev. Benjamin T. His letter, July 12, 1834, to the Rev.
Peter U'illuuu?, x. 1^5.
Orr, Rev. Isaac, appointed general Agent and assidtant Secretary of American C.
S. iv. 253.
His plan for tiie establishment of State Colonization Societies, with subor-
dinate a.'sociations, throughout the Union, Iv. 373.
Oson, Rev. Jacob. Some account ol him.iv. 283.
Ouran^ Outang, An, purchi.bed by Dr. Mechlin, Colonial Agent, vii. 17.
Page, Sirs. Ana R. viii. 103, x. 28ti. See "Einuncipation."
Page, Licit. Commandant Kenjamin, U. S. Navy. Extracts from his letter April
a. 1832, to thf Secretary of the Navy, viii. 138.
His statements concerning the Colony at a public meeting in New York,
ix. 190.
Page, John, Governor of Va. His letter, Feb. 2, 1805, communicating to the Le-
gishture a correspondence with the President of the U. States concerning
A'ricau Colonization, viu, 105.
Paine, Elijah. See '' ^Jiu-iliary i^ociettcs, Vermont."
Palmas Cape, v. 12S. 17S, See ' ^iuxiliary Societies, Maryland."
Panaboure Forbana, an African King. Anecdotes of him from Golberry's Travels,
i. 373.

Pardee, George K. Extract from his letter, May 22, 1833. ix. 123.
Park, Muiigo. Discovery of pait of his journal, i. 157. A
document relating to his
death, ii. 101. A
reflection of, ix. 117.
Patterson, David, i. 191. See ^'Emancipation."
Paxton, Rev. John D. i. 318, ix. 126. See ''Emancipalion."
Peabody, Wm. B. O. Review of hi< Address delivered at cpringlleld, Conn., July
4, 1828, before the Hampden Col. Soc. iv. 225.
Peaco, Dr. John W., U. S. Agent at Liberia, lii. 9(5.
Pearl, Rev. Cyril, Assistant Agent of A. C. S. for x.Iaine, viii. 342.
His letter on opposition to the Colonization Society, ix. 237.
Perkins, Dr. Alfred E. Jlis legacy of $1,000 to tlie Am. Col. Soc. x. 313.
Perry, James, vii. 185. See "Emuncipaiion."
Phelps, Rev. Amos H. Remarks oi. ais lectures on Slavery, x. 161.
Philip, Rev. John, h. D. Review of his Rt^searches in South Africa, v. 161, 193,
::25, 257, 2S9, 321, 35;5. Farther extract from thatwork, vi. 33.
Extracts from his letter on Afri' a, ix. 289.
Pinckney, Charles C. Review of his Address, Aug. IS, 1S29, before the Agricul-
tural Society of S. C /. 323.
Pinney, Rev. John B., Missionary to Liberia. Ordained in rhiladel^vliia, Oct. 12,
1832, viii. 284.
His letters, Feb. 20, 1833, ix. 60. His letter, Feb. 17, 1833, ix. 94.
Mis-statement in the Emancipator concerning him, ix. 190.
Appointed temporary Colonial Agent of A. C. S. Oct. 24, 1833, ix.283.
Sails for the Colony, Nov. 5, l.'*33, ix. 287.
His letter, iMarch 7, 1834, x. 47.
Extiact from his letter, March 7, 1834, to the President of the Ladles' Asso-
ciation Auxiliziry to A. C, S. x. 89.
Appointei. Colonial -V<jent, x. 97. Seex. 108.
His left-r. May 10, 1S34, to R. S. Finley, x. 155. His letter. May 10, 1834,
coi cu.ning Joseph Jones, x. 209.
8tateu.ent of a Colonist concerniiij him, x. 255.

Lines on the story of the African Chieftain, - - - i. 96
The Negro's Drc m, - - - - - - - i. 96
Fourthof July, 1825, - - - - - - i. 128
To the first Slave Ship, - - - - i. 256
\SL)KX. 4i.
'ft. ,

H;rnn fur thi- Anniversan' (ji the iVuriblk Col. Society, • - i. '.)2{)

Lines su£?gested by Colonization proccedin;;:' in Boston, - - 'i.i)^i

Tiie African Boy 'Jerningham," - - - . . il. .;::j

>5tanzas. - - - - . ;;. i//^

On readi.'ij Ihp bic^T-iphy oftiif Rev. Sainiicl J. J\Till.«, - - \'.. iLi
The African Chi(ri. By W. ('. L yaiit, - - . . . ji. ;.o
ilymii in " A voice fioin Africa," - - . . . iv. H
AlVica. By W.
B. rappan, - - - - - - iv. ,;>

Lines on t!ie death of A.summi, by Mrs. Sii; M-nev, - - iv. '.Sti

African C jlonizalion. By Joiiii G. Biainai.:, - - - - iv. 'tS
v^' B;i..'-il of Asl'iinun, - - - - - ' - iv. Cy
Appeal to I\o\v England for Missions in Africa. By Mrs. Si^ourney, v. SI
Lines to the lutD'inry of (.he Re\. Lott Cary, - - - .v. €1
Abduhi Roh'nalunar;, the Moori:.'ih Prince, - . . . v. i
Lih'^ria. By Mr,-t. .S!5:ourney, - - - - - v. "is, vi. 392
Africa. By " A. M." Frederiok.sbnrg, Va.
'vV - - - vi. 187
On the publication of tha Liberia iJcrald, - . - - - vi. S50
T' the memory of Ashmun, - . '
. •'
. . vii. 127
Lines on a pas?r.2:e in Major Lrdng"3 .Tournai,

- - .. - 127
- ,
. lii.
Sonnet to the n;. iory of W. H. ruzhiir^ii, - .

- -•, vii. 2i".2
The conai-ian;! Go ye into all nations,"

Missions to Africa. By Mrs. Sigouriiev,

The voice of Liberia. 'By "G." ....

Lin£3 written in the church-yard of luchraoiid, Yorkshire. t^i..Triand.) By


i::. 233

- • -

ix. 2-55

Herbert Knovvles, x. 254

Folk, Josiah F. Notice of his Ap:.3iicy for A. C. S. v. 220.
His Rcj!ort of his Ageijcy in several of the Werttrn and South Western
States, vi. 71.
List of officers of sundry Col. Societies formed nnd .r iiii? Agency, vi. IT.?.
Powell, Mrs. ix. i2«. See "Einai^cipatiop."
Pretlovv, William, vi. 62. See ''l-lnv:.nrJpntidii."
P.ince Moro, uccoui.t of, i. 152.
Protest against A. C. S., dated London, July, IS-'i-S, iy 2^ '. . Remarks thereon, ix.
257. See "Duncan."
Prout, Jacob W.. a C'olonist. Extract of a letter from him, vi. 178. Notice of him.
viii. 38?..
"Quo." His remarks on Dr. S. H. Cox's letter on Abolition, x. 110.
Raban, Fiev. J. See " ^Fis^^olis."
Raikes, R., the founder of Sabbath schools in Lib:'ria, vi. 2Si.
Randall, Dr. Richard, appointed Colonial Ag^iit, iv. 224.
His letters, Ltj. 28, 182S, Jan. 6, 1829, v. 2, 7. His letter, iVb. lo, 1829,
V. 124.
H;3 account, Feb. 15, 182.0, of a short journey up the St. Paul's river, v. 150.
His remarks on emigration from Hi::' U. S. to Liberia, v. H.
His death, April 19, 1829, v. 122. Sketch of his life and character, v. 125.
Extracts from his papei in relation to the slave trade, v. 148,
Raymond, James, iii. !)7. See "S/ffw /•;/."
Reason^ Charles, a descendant of the African race, about 15 years old. His Audro.ns
;t a Missionary meeting in N. York. vii. 116.
Recapti.i •i -Africans. About 130 sent by Ihr U. S. Clovernment to Liberia, iii. 1.j4.
Negroes brought to New Orleans bj the officers of the C. S. schojuer Gra:n-
pus, vi. 307. See ix. 1.58, 241.
Intermarriage of recaptured Africans settled at New Georgia, -.vith femab
emigrants from the U. States, x. i^O.
Rksolutions PKoros>:D or adopted in Legislative avd Ecc '-.srASTTrAL
Assemblies, Laws, Public Meetings, and other Iplic Pro-
ceedings, &.C. Sic, HAviN-G REL\Tro.v TO CoLONiZATio;< See '-.Jme-
rican Colonization Societij," ''.dvxillary Societies," S(C.
Re;-olulion concerning emancipation and colonizatio;-, submitted for
considera io!i in the Senate of the U. States, Feb. IS, 1825, by Rufu.')
King, oi N. York, i. 240.
Eesohition concerning colonizing the free people of color, submitted in
the H. of R. ofthr P. Pfate^'Mnvch 2. 1H25, by Mr. Tucker of Vs.
I, 2(0.

4^ l-TDEX.

Reskll 1 IONS — Lontiuued.

Fieport of u Comuiittec, Mar. 8, I'i'^l, i<j ihe il. oi K. oi lUe U. S. oo
suii.lry colonisation iiieriiorials aiid resolutions, iv. 52.
Review [by \V. H.Fitzhugh] of the Report of the Committee of Foreign
Ki-lations in liie Senate ol the L'. S. on suni'.iy colonization niomo-
nal? and 1^ •olulioi;s, i\-. 161, 257. ConiHiunicat.on concerning; it.
iv. aatt.
>?rn-.or:al oi" the Ken. Cr! Sec. to the Congress of the United States, v.
Appointment of a Select Committee of H. of
P.. of the Cor^jress
of she U. S.,lo inquire into the expediency ol an ai)propriation for
renovin<^ and colonizing the free ]»eople of color, vii. CJ8.
Resolutic:i of the Legislature of I'irsutui, Dec. 23, ISli-, i. 249.
Bill pissed in 1! H. oi Delegates of the Legislature of yirgiina, making

an additional appropriation for the colon v, of articles inai'.ufacturcd in

the Penitentiary, i.o70.
Rjport of a Comuiiltee of the H. of D. of the Legislature of Virginia, on
colo: i.'.itiou iaemorials and petitions, iii. 3;J7.
Memorial of the Aux. hoc. of Povsliatan, to the Legislature of Virginia,
V. 15.
Report of the Committee in the Legislature of Virginia, to whom sundry
coloni/.atioii memorials were relerrtd, v. 50.
Act oftlie Legislature of Virgiui t, Dec. 21, 1816, v. 299.
Memorial of the fenialc citizens of the county of Fluvanna to the Legis-
lature of Virginia, vii. 310.
Bill pas.«ed in the H. of D. of the Legislature of Virginia, ajipropriating
$'35,000 for the present year and >;90.()00 for the next, Jbr colonizing
the free people of color, vii. 387. Lost in the Senate, viii. 29.
Resolution of it.e H. of D. of the Legislature of Virginia, Jan. 30, 1S30,
declaring the expediency of applying to the General Gov.^rnment to
1' procure r terrifor}' or territories, beyond the liuiits of i e L'. S., to
•which t several States may remove their free colored population,
vii. 3''"7.
Proceedinf;s of the Legislature of Virginia, on the subject of
I Colonization, including a correspondence with Thomas Jefferson,
President of the U. States, in lt>01, 1^02, 1S04, 1805, viii. 97.
Notice of an Act of the Legislature of Virginia, appropriating $18,000
annually for ;Ae years, for the removal oi persons of color free at the
time when th>j Act was p<iv- H, [March 4, 1833.] ix. V-j.
Resolution of the Legisli-.ture oi Maryland, Jan. 26, 1818, i.250, v. 300.
Report in th-i H
of D. of the Legislature oi Maryland, in 1S26, i. 383.
Law oi Manila nd appropriating lo A. C. S. .sjlrtov :: year, iii. 32, 61.
Kxtract from a R«port to the H. of D. of the Legislature of Maryland,
iii. 36.-).

Resolutions of the H. of K. oi Mari/htnd, March, 1S31, in favor of A. C.

S. vii. So.
Act of the Slate of Maryland, March 14, 1832, relating to people of co-
lor, viii. 25. Manc-gers of the fund created by the Act, appointed,
viii. 61,189.
Report to the H. of D. of the Legislature of Maryland, of the Commit-
t.if^ on Gri^'vances 1 Courts of Justice, relative to the colored popu-

Jation of the State, »iii. 52.
Extract frrm a Report in the Letrislature of Pcnnsylcania, iii. SCS.
Ktsoliition of the Legislature of Pcnnsylrania, 1829, v. 60. 30C.
Act of the Legislature of Georgia, Dec. 18, 1817, v. 298.
Resolution of the Legislature of Tmnesiiee, i. 250, v. 301.
Resolutions of the H. of Rep. of the L.-ilslature of 'Jlnncsxec, Septem-
ber, 30, 1832, ix. 2^2.
Resolution ol the Legislature of New Jersey, I8ij. .251, v. 301.
Extract of a message from (Jov. T:i;ablc to the Lt. islalure of Ohio,
iii. 312, 352.
Resolution of the Legislature of Ohio, 1624, 251, v. 302. i.

J.nn. 24. 182.'^, iii.

351. v. 305..
Re«olutioa of the Lejiahture of Connprfinf, 1P24, i. 2.51. v. *02.,
viNDKx. 43

RESotOTioNS — Continued-
Proceedings in the Vermont Legislature, Nov. 1827, o?. the petition of
the VermontCol. Soc. iii.S16.
Report of a Coinrnittee, Jan. \6, 1S27, to the Senate f Kentvu:Jqj, aod

rGsolutions recoinmendel, v. 302. The Resolutions adopted, ii. 351,

Joiai resolutions passed by the Senate o{ I'aitiicky in 1828, v. 303.
Petition to ttie General j^.'^sembly of the commonwealth of Kentucky,
vii. 211.
Proceedings in the Legislature of Delaware, v. 303.
Resolution of the Mfissachusctts Convention, May 31, 1827, iii. 118.
Report of a Comujittf ;.. the Senate of Massackitsetts on the memorial
-' '- '
of A '':. S. vi. 14*
Resolute .s. Mar. ^''', 1831, of the L gislature of Massachusetts, on the
memorial of A. ^'. vii. 60.

Resolution of ths .-lature of Indiana, Jan. 22, 1829, v. 306.


Bill before the Legislature of iVor//t Ccroliua, for raising a fund for remov-
ing free persons of color from that State to Liberia, vi. 341.
Resolution oi t'le Legislature of Louisiana, concerning the expediency
of promoting the emigration of free persons of color from that State
to Liberia, vi. 383.
Resolutions of the Legislature of iV<?i( lo;7c, in favor of A. C. S. viii. 61,
Resolutions of the vestry of Christ's church, (Episcopal) Richmond,

Va. J.ily 5, 18.30, vi. 279.
Rpfolution of the Executive Committee of the Domestic and Foreign
Missionary Society of the Protestant f Epi'soyja/^) church, making a
donation of Bibles and Testaments to A. C. S. viii. 286.
Resolutions of the General Assembly of t j Pretbyleriun ch. 181S,i.272.

Resolu*i n May, 1830,

vi. 91, 'lay, 1833, ix. 159.
P^xtract from the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Presbyte-
rian Ci.arch, June 2, 1831 vii. 139.
Resolutions of the Synod of I ^ a, N. Y. Sep. 18, 1829, v. 247.
Resolutions of the West Lexington Presbyte —, April 6, 7, 1831, vii. 93.
Resolution of the Trumbull co. ('OhioJ Prcsby'e.ry, ix. 29.
Resolutions of the Mississippi Presbytery, Oct." 9, 1833, x. 29.
Extract from tlie minutes of the Synod oi' -Sew Jersev, Oct. 1834, x.285.
Resolution of the %/ioc/ of Kentucky, Oct. 1834. x. 287.
Declaration adopted at a meeting appointed hy 'le yearly meeting of

the Society of Friends in North Carolina, Jan ::, 1826, i. 318.

Ilesolutions of the Virginia conference of the HJei/iodist Ep. ch. ii. 382.
Resolution of the Methodist Baltimore annual conference, iii. 60.
Resolutions ot the N. Y. Methodist annual conference. May, 1827, iii.
Resolution of the Ohio Methodist conference, June 18, 1827, iii. Il9.
Extract from the minutes of the Ohio district conference of the Metho-
dist Ep. ch. June IS, 1827, iii. 315.
Resolutions of the general conference of the Methodist Ep. church, May
1828, iv. 126.
Resolutions of the Maryland conference of the Associated Methods
churches, vi. 155.
The Methodist Ep. conference of Ohio pass a resolution in favor of A.
C. S. vi. 312.
Resolution of the Philadelpiiia conference of the MeiJiodist Ep. church,
vii. 120.
Resolution of the Ministers of the Methodist Ep. ch. in the
district, viii. 342.
Resolutions of the annual conference of the Methodist Ep. ch. ix. 95.
Resoliitions, May, 1834, of the N. Y. annual conference of the Methodist
Ep. ch. X. 127.
Extract from the minutes of the Baptist general convention of Ohio,
May 2S, 1827, iii. 31&.
ii I .N I'K\.

Kesolutioiis "Itiic coiivonlion ol l!ie Coiiy;rcga iioitul clev^- oi' ConUi^'

tiCut.M;iy 2, lfcl*7, jii. 119.
Resolution at the annual ccnvorlion of the Mass. association of Con-
gr--!^aiion~! iniiiistcis. ix. 2!^>.
Rvscluticr- ihe S} n
o! o'. t..
! Cinnan lieformed church, iii. 22.

Ki'- ;elical Lutheran ii./noa oi' Weijt Pennsylvania,

Sept. ••(), lf*'-'7, iii. 23'2.
«]eji''ral Syii()(i ot t.w ReJ'onmd Dutch chun:., x. 117.
Koso!' tioii of ll:j <.V/if/ (./.,' ji-!u/!(j/i of Coiiii. iii. Ibii.
Resolutions June 19, 1- :;,, x. •218.
Resolution Ma'-s. vi. 15J.
Resolution of tlit (re-icr::'. C"i/;(/i'rr/?cc of Maine, \i. 155.
Res-).utioiis of tlie Mass. Pusturai Jsgociclion, May o"', -832, viii. 115.
Ht;<:olvtioti at a lii'-'ellng of the General .'issoc7'«;i'c»/i, Northamj)-
* ton, Mas?, viii. 144.
'. soliitiuii 111 ti:e Coiifereicc of Church- i in Lincoln countv, Mass. viii.
i-.-Jolutio:.: i;ta meeting of the dcrpj o{ the city of N. York,
20, May
ISSl.vii. 125.
'cesoluii-ns passed on th«» cviniiiir of the coiameiicc-ment oC Mutdlcbary
College. Vt. ii. 221.
1- evolutions of the '.Socit/y o''
i'/«j/i/(/" in the Scnuna)j q .h.dover,
Mass. ix. oO.
Resolutions of the .'tuilfnts of the Theological ^'cininaru at Princeton,
N.J. ix.l53. , . . . .

Resolution of ihe stmtents of thi; Theological Seinin.rt; at Andover,
to raise in six month?
M'ss sufficient i sum to eifeet liie emancipa-
tion to Libiria of at least H)0 slaves in Ky. ix. iv*.
and removal
Reso'utions of 'he U'i.>d.;or (Masonic) Lodge ia Baltimort-, ii. 155, 2^7,
Donation '
• A. C. S. voted by the C'ssin Lodi^e {l.h\.) of At.cicnt York
Maso..J, iii. SI.
Culumbus Lodgi I>o. ."i, Misspi., iii. i)l.

Resolution* of the jlsyivm Li''^c, No. ej.-'ii.^spi., April 3, 1327, iii. 123.
Donatit '1 iio!'i rhomas' Lodicc, Mouson, ^ to A. C. K. iii. 153.
Resolutii-i. of the Grand Lodge of T/., presenting clOO to A. C. S. Do-
nations of-;'' rdinate Lodges, iv. 62.
•Resoliitic ^ ' t i'L.' Gnuid Jnrii of Ru;s co. Ohio, iii. 23, 24.
Resolutions c^i' the Moral Sociil^, Oct. IS, 182."), i. £55.
Notice jf the resolution of a hnu-rolenl Sacictj nt Xcic Market, fVfcf^'r-
ic/r c-.'. M? ,^0 apj.ropriate a certain portion of it;; funds to aid the
eraifiv. 'i'l of free colored {.(.rsons in tl:at pldc>-. to -\i. ira nr Ilayli,
i. o-

Resole' ms on board the ship Ruiisel, iii. !«?.

liesolu'lon of the citi/.ens of Monrovia, August 27, 1S27. i,i. 300.
Notice f the Report ol' a Coininittee appointed by a meeting held at

Phil Iph'a to collect funds in aid of .\. C. S. \ i. 27.

Meeting 3: d resoluticL-ir. behalf of A. C. S. Oct. 14, 1S2S, in the i\hd-

dle Uu!(. 'hurch i;.>e\v York, v. 341.
X* Colonization meetinii in Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1829, vi, 1"«.
Dee.2l, lS2!t, V. :i;2.

Resolutions of a meeting at Clinton Hall, New Y'ork, Lee 27, I?30, vi.
Extracts fio'i! an Address 6t th<' Committee to make arrangements for a
Colonization meeting in N. Y. vi. 345.
Coloni/...ti.jii prueeedirjj,'^ at a public meeting in N. Y., Jan. 11. 1831,
vi. a47—^9.
:> Coioniia'iion aiceting in Lexinxtoit, Kentucky, Oct. 12, 1?31, vii. 249.
New York, 1826, ii. 195, 196, viii. (50.
June l.V 1333, i.\. 1.53.
Aug. C. i?3:i. ix. 189.
tMJEX. 45

RESOLVTiONS— Continued-
Colonization ineeling in N. York, Oct. », 1883, ix. 2Ai. Circular ot a
Coin aittee th -n appoint-J, ix. 279.
Colonizuiion ineetii.g in N. Y. May 7, 1334, x. 01.
Philadelphia, it'32, viii. 125.
Dec. 9, 1S33, ix. 315,
at Pittsburg, Pa. viii. 2S3.
in Boston, July 18, 1833, ix. 188.
at Hudson, O.." Sep. 12, 1833, ix. 240.
at Broaklyn. Nov.' 183?, ix. 279.
meeting.? in Hudson, CatskiiL Troy, N. York. ix. 31 :, .115.
meeting at CatskiU, N. Y., Juiy 21 1S34, x. 2.'.i.
Resol'iiions of a public meeting at Wasliin-ton, ^enn. May 15, 1S34.,
X. 126.
RcvToV's. George, viii. £-4. Sea ''Ertiancipain^n."
Rev Vvilliam, acolcaist.
i!.-. Letters from him, March 1, 1833, ix. 220.
Ric, David, a colonist. His letter, Mar. If 'ii, x. 212. • r:-'

Riihinond. Va. census o.f, ic'o' :::4. ,,- e - ^,


Kicketrs, Major. Review of iiis Narrative of the Asnantee VVar. tic.^ix. f)&, 129,
161.' Extracts from his •'Brief view of the present stale of the Colony at Si-

erra Leoi.3," ix. 303.

Rid'^ely, Governrir, v. 185. Sue "Jilmancipi'Uou."
Rives. William C. Extract concerning cjlonization, from his letter, August 30,

M. His address, Aug. 1829, to the Lynchburg, Va. Ccl. Sci.

Rivep, Wil'fam 1,

V. 2;>4.
;' >.
Roberts, Amelia, a colonist. Her ioUer, April 26, 1329, v.
R';berts, Dr. B. ix. 126. See ''Eiaancipa'don.'"
States, ix. 15S.
Rob-n-Ls Joseph J. Colonial High Sheriu, visits the United
His testimojiy cc!:cerning the colony, ix. 181-- IS-I, 3C7— 309.
Rfbertson. Henrv, ii."i63. ^ce '•Emanclpalioii."

RoJinson, H. vii' 217. See '' E7)ianc;pation."

Rolleston, Frances, letter of, to Dr. K. S. £ly, vui. 7.9. .

R. T His communication, i. 5.

Fvish, Dr. Benjaaiin. See "Bcnezct."

Russvvurra, John B. a colored man. A convert ;<> liie cau:<o ol coionizalion. iv. 376.
Extracts of a letter from hint, vi. ti'.).
His letter, i^ebruary 22, 1! V2, viii. 4.j.
Sansom, Mrs. Beulah, X. 255.
Savage, A. H. Extracts from las L-t\ .. ^uly It', l'':33, ix. 249.
Extracts from his letter, uiy 22, 1833, concerning t!i^ Rev. M. B. Cox's
death, ix. 254.
Schoolcraft, Extract frmn b's travels in the \ alley ot the Mississippi, i. 150.
Schv.\'lnitz,' Lewis D. de, a Mora\ n minister.
i His leiter, Juiy (J, 1829, enclosing
the amount of a collection for A. C. S. v. 219.
Sehon, Rev. E. W. -nt of A. C. S. Exiract fromhis letter, Nov. 19, 1832, viii.

,"44. Hi.^ re, oris, Jan. .2, 1S33, ix. 23 ; April 20, 1^33, ix. 90 July 15, ;

]b33, ix 18b.
Particular notic: of contributions received by him at Columbus, Ohio, x. 27.
Sener'l, Oum trade cf the, i. 308.
Sermrns, by the Rev. James Milnor, D. D., Rev. James Patterson, Rev. William
M'Murray, D. D., Rev. W. R. De Witt, Rev. Wm. T. Hamilton, Rev.
Win. B. Sprague, and the Rev. Samuel Osgood: Exposition of the Ohio
State Societ and Reports of Auxiliary Societies: —Reviewed, iii. 225.
, .

by the Rev. Baxter Dickinson, Rev. Reuben Smith address, by the Rev. ;

"L. L. Handine; and address, |by the Rev. Richard W. Barton, in behalf

of A. C, S. noticed, vi. 289.
Sessing. T. F. Cue of the Swiss missionaries in Liberia. His letter to Mr. Ash-
raun, iv. 241.
His letter, January 7, 1829. v. 25.
Addresses a public meeting in Philadelphia in behalf of the Swiss mission to
Liberia, v. 286. His address, v. 309. His litter, April 3, 1830. vi. liS.
Establishes an <'rph:Hi school at Lioeria. vi. 2^1. Hi? ictter to Dr. E. N.
KIv. vi. 313.
4l) l^DKX.

S.-3iioDS, Rev. Horace, publishes tb^ conditional olter of u priuting press as u gift
for the colony, i. 255.
His notice of a female eiuiejrant to the Colony, i. 297. His daath, ii, 125.
J'ewall, Dr. Tiioaias. Beneficir "tlect on the colony of liis address before the Waah-
ingt n Temperance Society, vii. 269.
r<hAnr, Dr. Charles G. K.vtract front his k;ter, February 17, 1832, viii. 61. His
leltir, February \S, 1832, viii. lOS, 127.
*i!i<iip, Luri'c^, a colored womun. Emii^rates as an instructress to the colony. Aid
f^iven to iier, x. I Iri, 147, l'>4
SJiirp, Granville, review of Mr .joirs of his life, ii. 1,33, CD, 101, 133, 165, 197,229.

S .arp," iv writer in the Norf'.ik Herald. His couununication, ii. 3S2.
fcnejiey, Daniel, a nianr.gei of t le Augusta (Va.) Col. S' His depth, andresolu- .

tioij coi;ci : 'ing it, vii. 124.

SheUon, Hen; • . I Tis letter, ^ >ine 7, 1832, proposing to give g.2000 towards estab-
lishing u iii^ii School in Liberia, viii., ix. Ii4.
Sherman, Capt. V-' K. His letter. May 10, 1830, to Edward Hallovvell, concerning
Liberia, ill.
Hi-J letter, J ;;ie 4, 1830, to Dr. Thomas C. James, President of the Penn-
sylvania Col. Soc. vi. 142.
Shipliard, .Josepii, a colonist. from him, vi. 245. A letter
Sh.river, David, ii. 21). Sec "Kmitncipadon.'"
Sierra Leone. S e "KiVArfs," "Ulnterboitom,'" &,c. Sec.
Extract iVoiii the Royal Gazette, published Ihere, ii. 20.
In 1825, ii. 349. Con.iition of the liberated Africans, iii. 1.56.
Extract from the London Missionary Register concerning it, vi. 319.
African school at, vii. 2S3.
Authentic account of, from the London Anti-r':ivery Monthly Reporter,
vii. 321.353.
Sketch of its hi?tory, ix. 208.
Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia H. 8ee ''Puciry." Her letter, July 29, 1827, concerning
a donation from her former pupils, of a library for the "Girls' School
at Mon.ovia," iii. 189.
Her letu-r, July 7, 1S30, concerning the Hartford Female African Soci-
ety, vi. 150.
Her July 4, 1833, to n. lady in Edinburgh, ix. 339.
A Hvmn
written by her, sung at the annual meeting of the Massachu-
setts Col. Soc. March 10. 1834, x. 28, 29.
Silliman, Prol>ssor L -ojamin. Extract of a letter f.-om him, iii. 312.
His aiidrei- on "some of the causes of national anxiety," July 4, 1S32, in
New Haven, Conn. viii. 161, 1S9.
Simeon, the a,ed Hottentot, iii. 248.
Simon Negro, account of, ix. 221. His letter, May 17, 1833. ib.
Simpson, Gloster, a colrn-d man. His testimony concerning the colony, Sept. 11,
1832. viii. 217.
His testimony concerning the colony, Sept. '.^7, 1932, "n a letter of that
dale from himself and Arcliy Moore, viii. 249.
Skinner, Rev. BeU'-.i" . R., app',ihtt-d to the inisuonary station in Liberia, by the
Amaricn !V»ard of Foreign Missions of the Baptist chu.-ch in U. S. vi,
155, 249.
His death, March 1, 1831. vii. 31, 62.

Bklnner, Dr. Ezekiel, gf b *.o Liberia as Physician, x. 104, 154.

Si.AVEKY. [See "Benezel," '' West Indidii Population," "Colored People,"
"Ch'ilmem," ''Cox, Dr. S. H." "C i..'." "Emancipation," " France,"
'^Gnstrm,""Leu'i^. 'Icnry" Mural," " Xe^ro Rnce," '•Nichols," "Niles,"
Several States of the Union, under their proper heads, Sec. &c.]
Extract from the Report of the Committee for tlie mitigation and gradual
abolition of slavery throughout the British dominions, i. 62.
The expense of suppotiing it, i. 255. Thoughts relating to it, i. 279.
In the British West Indies, i. 286.
Christian conduct towards servants, i. 306.
Societies for the religions instruction of gJaves in the West Indies, ii. 128.
Meeting in Liverpool, to petition Parliaraeut foz the abolJUon of West In-
dia Slavery, ij. 157.
it A VKHT— Continued.
Mr Brougham's motion on the aubjett of West India Siuven- aiid Mr
Canning's remarks, ii. ITjS.
Law of Louisiana prohibiting the further introduction of
slaves in^o that
State for sale, ii. 159.
Religious instruction o' r ves, ii. 291. See x.
174, 205 2-!5
Superiority of free ovpr s ive labor, iii. 48. "
See v. 2.30.' '

Mr. Raymond's r.i...c e.ssay on the comparative economy of

free and slave
labor m
agi,^ .,ure, iii. 97.
Termination of slavery iu New York, iii. 1.55.
decrease of negro popnlaticnin the British West Indies 134
Slave labor on the Sabbath day, aboli.Led at Berbice,
in South America, '
111. 188.
Extract of a letter from ti... Rev. T. R. Durfee, concerning daveiy, &c.

Effects of slave labor, v. 186. See "^ichois "'

In Africa, v. 208.
Notice of a memorial concerning the abolition of slavery
in Va v 221
^^''''''^^y '" ^^^exico, by decree of th.- President, September
.-'^^'o'^rf ' '
lo, 1829, v. 317, viu. ?l
Law of Georgia concerning free persons of color and
slaves, v. 345.
Meeting in London. May 15, 1830, concernin- .;:,e
abolition of slavery
ttiroughout the British dominions, vi. 182.
Abolition of, in Malacca, vi. 280.
""^^^ Carolina prohibiting the
teaching of .la. es to read or write.
^' vT 343
Plan for the gradual emancipation of slaves in
Kenluckv, vii.4-^.49 125 126 ''
Servile u -urrecfic'is, &c. vii. 245. >
. •

Anti-slai ery meeting in London, vii. 247.

Statistics of slavery, vii. 815, ix. 15.
Enormities of the slaves in Jamaica, viii. 92. 127.
Brightening prospect lor slaves, viii, 92.
Extract coiicernin- A. C. S., from "A retrospective
view of West India
Slavery, &c." viii. 215.
Mortality of slaves in the West Indies, viii 315
^"^''*' ^^'''^'"^"*' ^''^^'^•' concerning
^Xt? '"x^^^ ^^"'^' colo.-^ia!

Slavery and colonization. Review of pamphlets

on, ix. 93.
Anti-slavery meeting in London, ix. 221.'
Slcvery in Martinique, ix. 285.
Increase of slavery in Cuba, ix. 287.
Remarks on plans for the immediate and unconditional
abolition of slavery
in the U. States, x. 1<)S. -^

"^•^..y''-"^^'''-'^sVondent of the Christian Mirror, on the immediate

abolition of slavery, X. 239.
Declarations and resolutions of the Synod of Ky.
concerning slavery, Oct
Circular letter of the British and Foreign
Society for the universal aboli-
tion ot negro slavery and the slave
trade, to'tlie Anti-slaverv as^ocia-
*"''''^'° ^^I'^ncipation throug;:out the
K^ngdoSx^'sS.'"'^' United
Proceedings in the Legislature of Vt. concerning
the abolition of s'avery
in the District ol Columbia, x. 315
8L.VVE Tkade. pee ''Jmerican Colonizalion
•'^'larshall. Chief j:'"Jiandall,"^-c.
J-W.ia, "
Society," <'Landcr," '-liberia

Its inhumanity and horrors, i. (i4,

192, 381, iu 2b' vii 388
Remarks on it, from the London Times, i. 155. *' '
' '

by Sir William Jones, i. 255.

^""''^ ^"''"' ^"'^ ^''*'^'"' ^o"c..ningit,
g'ly'^r^?"] Nov.
Agreement of Portugal and Brazil to aboiish it, iii. 254
Its abolition in the territories
of the Sherbro Bnlloms. i. 37.?
Fetiuons in the Fr.^Dch Chamber of
deputies fcr it« mere cilW-f-rJ
prohibition, li. 127.

4S 1 .s l)L V

tit \vk' I'l-ibi: —Conli.'iUi-

Iti coiitiinuiiici-. 11. 157, 111 l.-i,-, iv. 17«*, V. 9-ii*. "-'..O, Ml. lV.;J, viii.

Mi, X. Ijt!.
P.iitioii o( the Virjjiiiia House o( Bunressrs, A' : il 1, 1772, against
thf iu'portation of slaves, ii. i;j_'.
Facts !!o;n Ute LoiHioii Quar'.,>r)',' lleview cnrtcrning the slave
tiaile, ii. 2!iy.
I)pere«» of tlic King c' France, Dooeii.bir 27, 1^•J6. ; '-ainsl il, ii.

Liberia, a L^'jans of aholiahing it. iii. 129. ICI.

InriJcnl^ i.i ;>nccted \vilij tlic- <•• iiit-- i'<r it-, aLclitIo; , v. L'i2.
Aif.s o'".-'-iVf tiailers; V. 2fi!i.

Doin^sti'.- slave trade, v. SSI.

HuinL)olt::'s statement coiicernin;^ I'u- o.Ttenl oi' thy siave trciJic, vii.

.\ciual stat. of the slave trade or. the con^'t of Afr: a, \iii. 1.
Capti:rc oi' tlie Spanish schooner Secunda, a sl:nc ihin, by the
iirilijh briii Triiiculo, ix. 2.S7.
Carried on in Brazil, x. 152.
boiilh, Gf.'rit. His plai; of establishing a seminary lor tlie < d'ication of pious a:.
promisin;; youn^ Ui'='n of color, iii. 2<;, 2/.
His letter, Dec. 2(j, 1827, remittinp SlOO a« tiie first ann • iy- ;

meiit under his proposed plan for obtaining 100 subt .. ^ .•? of
.eiOOO e .ch to A. C. S. iii. ;J18. Siib=cribcrs to li'ii pla-:. 317, •

339, V. a2, 64, 1^7, 220, vii. l.-jjl. 187, 21S, :'.4G, viii. o7, 2-4?, 283,
ix. 13S, 21ti.
Mi< roto'irk.-; at the anniversary tn jlin;^ oft! ^ .V. Y. S. C. Society,
April l.SoO, vj. 172.
HI.S speech uC the l-!th annual ..iv-^tin^ of A. C. S. vi. 367.
17;h ix. 35U. Ex-
tract x. 106, 10".
from the same,
» .1 . His resolution to raise :^50,000 > .yable in five equal annual install
raenti, ix. 3iM. He sub^c.;..r->'$5,000 under it, ix. 364. Other
subscriptions under it, i.'. :i'14.
',',.. .
His report to the 17than:;uai meeting of A. C. S.from the Commit-
tee on tlio stjteof the treasury, ix. 'MH.
Hi- resolutions callino; lor statistical information concerning the
Colony, ix. 371.
His letter, liar. 1, 1834, sendina; ^KiOO, as the first instalment of
Ids subscrij.tion at '.he 17t.h annual meetinsj, .v. 17.
His Pe'.! rboro manual labor school, x. 312.
Smith, Josej)!i Leonard, v. fi^, 221. See 'Evti^nciptiiion."
Smith, Richard, Tre-isurerof A. C. S. See "Monnf^eis o/.I. C. S. proceedings ofth?.'^
His r-->-:>hition, Au?. 19, ISoI, apjjropriaiing ^5,000 lor an cxp ,1-
ti ; ;rom the Wtstern States, vii. 217.

His )unt -s Tn'asurer, subn; Ited to tuC 16th annual meeting of


A. C. S. viii. 376.
Sii.:iii, Samuel Harri on. b'ee '^Managers of „/. C. S., proceed inrt oft'ae."'
His resolution, Sep. 14. 1S2J), prohibitin'.: the colonial agent from
[•oing c.incenied in tra <e o;- navigation, v. 2'2.
His report on p'jblic scImoIs at Liberia, vi. 257,
His report, March 2, 1831, conceri ir.g the of jjeriiia-
nent agents, vii. 11.
His address, adopted Oct. 31, 1S21, of the Managers of A. C. Soc.
to Au.x. Societies, vii. 2s;;.
His report, iS'ov. 2, 1832, Ir- in the Con.mittee of inquiry in^o Mca-
si improving the agriculture of tiie colony, viii. ;;. 6.
res for
Hid Ileport on public lands presented and adopted. A; \A '.uZ, I" .''^,
ix i*'5, X. 2i).

His 17th annual meeting from the Coa:mittee concern-

rei/ort to the
ing u ne.v Constitution for A. C. S.ix. ^<iS.
Col. ii. 29.
8init'.i, i^r'e"Kmai}cinationJ'
Snelter. Martha, a colonist. Her letter, Feb. 26. 1«C !, x. lol
iNiiux. 49

Soosoos, some account of the, i. 19. .-'. "^i r.

South Carolina, opinions concerning A. C. S. held in, vi. 193.

Spalding. Rev. Rufus, a missionary to Liberia, viii. 284. See "Missions."
His letters, Jan. 11, 1834. x. 120; Mar. 7, 1834, x 156.
Sprague, Pelepj, M. C. defends A. C S. at a public meeting, viii. 343.
Spring, Rev. Gardiner, D. D. His remarks at the 17th annual meeting of A. C. S-
ix.361. 362.
Stewart, Dugald. His remarks on hesitation in attempting social improvement,
iv. 182.
Stevrart. Mr. viii. 94. See ^'Emancipation.'"
Stockton, Robert F. Extracts from his address at the 8th annual meeting of A. C.
S.i. 13.
Stone, William L. His letter Feb. 27, 1833, concerning a payment to him, viii.
Storrs, Henry R. His remarks at the I2th ^nual meeting of A. C. S. iv. 369.
Stowe, Professor. His remarks on colonization, June 9, 1834, x. 300.
Stuart, Chas. His Misrepresentations, ix. 268, 272. Calls A. C. S. "Ministers of
hell and children of the devil." ix. 272. His admissions concerning Libe-
ria, ix. 272, 273, x. 125, 241.
Sugar manufactured from beets, v. 250.
Swift, Rev. E. P., Corres'g. Secretary of the Western Foreign Missionary Society.
His communication of the proceedings of the Board of Directors of that So-
cietj'. May 6, 15, 1834, concerning the appointment of the Rev. John B.
Pinney as colonial agent, x. lOS.
Tappan, Arthur. His letter, March 26, 1333, concerning A. C. S., ardent spirits,
&c. ix. 65. Remarks thereon, ix. 66.
Tappan. Charles. His donation to the colony of 50 reams of fine paper and a press,
Offers a further supply of 50 reams of good paper, viii. 286.
vi. 160.
Taylor, Dr. Augustus. Extracts from his .«peech to the Col. Soc. of Jersey, New
i. 282.
Taylor, Francis A. a colonist. Letter from him, vi. 246.
Taylor, Thomas 0. viii. 94. See "Emancipation.'''
Tazevvell, LittletonW. Review of his report to the U. S. Senate on colonization
memorials. Sec. iv. 161, 257. Communication concerning it, iv. 330.
Tchad Lake, in tlie interior ol Africa. Description of it, ii. 160.
Temperance. See "Colored People," "Liberia,'' "Managers of .4. C. S. Proceedings
of the," "Sewall," "Vaux," "Williams, Ji. D." ^-c.
colored man abstains from the use of ardent spirits for more than twen-
ty-five years, and saves enough of grog money to purchase a library
worth .'«,'400, V. 381.
Templeton, John, a free young man of color, delivers an address, July 4, 1829, in
behalfof A. C. S. V. 248.'
Terry, Seth. His report to the from the
Seventeenth Annual Meeting of A. C. S.,

committee on the administration and affairs of the colony, ix. 367.

Test, Judge John. Extracts from his colonization address at Lawrenceburgh, In-
diana, ix. 68, 109.
Texas, ix. 86. See "Colored People."
Therman, Joshua, a colored man, becomes a member of the Bolivar, (Tenn.) Aux.
Soc. and an annual subscriber to it, and declares his intention of emigrating to
the colony, vi. 179.
Thomas, E. S. of Baltimore, offers a donation of seeds for the benefit of the colo-
nists, i. 214.
Thomas, Frederick W., agent of A. C. S. Notices of him, ix. 277, 278, 279.
Thompson, Elizabeth, a colonist. Her letter, Feb. IS, 1834, x. 189.
Thompson, Capt. T. Penoret. His letter, March 14, 1824, to John Bowring» v. 85.
His letter. May 23, 1830, to Caleb Gushing, vii. 56.
June 6, 1832, viii. 151.
Thornton, Harry J. Extract from his address, in September, 1832, before the Mad-
ison county,Alabama, Col. Soc. ix. 124.
Thornton, Dr. William. His early efforts in behalf of the colonizing scheme, i. 87.
His death and character, iv. 31.
Tilden, Dr. vi. 62. See "Emancipation."
Todd, heirs of Dr. A. ix. 126. See "Emancipation."
Todsen, Dr. George P. Appointed physician for the colony, vi. 284.

ToJsen, Dr. George P. CoiitinuiJ. —

His letters, January and February, 1882, viii. 43 43. —
Extracts from his letters, Ajiril 2«, kc. 1S32, viii. 136.
Julv !."<. 20, 1832, viii. 205, 206.
His letter, Sept. 5, 1(^32, viii. '27.4.
His visit to I . S. .\|>ril, ISS:?. i.x. 30.
observations for tbe benefit of emijjrants to Liberia, ix. 232.
Sails for Liti.ria, Nov. 5, 1S33, i.v. 287.
Toier, Rictiani H. Pronounces an aikiress before the Lynchburg Col. Soc, Au-
gust 15, l'<33, ix. 27G. Kxtructs from it, ix. 297.
Tornado seasons at Cape Mesurado, iii. 52.
Trinidad, colony ol American slaves in, v. ;;81.
"T. S." l><«verley, England. Letter from him. May 9, 1833, to the Editor of the
Hull Rockinj;hani, ix. 174.
Tucker, Ueorge, M. C. His resolutfcn, March 2, 1825, concerning colonization,
i. 249.

Turner, Nat, commits numerous atrocious murders, vii. 215, 21C. His confession,
vii. 282.
Twining, A. H. Addresses a colonization meeting in Nev? York, May 7, 1834, ix.
United States, population of, in 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, ix. 17.
Van Meter, Miss, vi. 2S3. See "Emancipation."
Van Rensselaer, Rev. Cortlandt. His lesoliitions at a colonization meeting in Al-
bany, N. Y. Loncerning the establishment of a High school at Liberia,
ix. 249.
His preaching to plaves, x. 254.
Vaux, Roberts. Extracts of a letter from him, concerning temperance in Liberia,
ix. 249.
Virginia. Petition of the Hou<:e of Burge5se.';, April 1, 1772, to the King against
the further importation of slaves into the colonies, ii. 252, ix. 226, 259, n.
Value of lands and slaves in, in 1>^17 and in 1S29, v. 377.
Insurrection in Southampton county, August 21, 1S31. vii. 215.
Discussion in the Legislature concerning slavery, Sec. vii. 387.
Letter from a clergyman to a member of the House of Deh'gatej, viii. 88.
Memorials praying the Legislature to abolish slavery in the whole State,
and if such a law be not passed, to abolish slavery gradually in Western
Virginia, viii. 315.
' Virginius." Extracts from his defence of A. C. S. against Robert Y. Hayne, M.
C. iii. 174.
Voorhees, Cant. P. F. His letter, December 14, l"^.>o, concerningthe colony, .x. 20.
Vroom, Peter D. Extract from his speech to the Col. Society of New Jersey, i.
Wainwright, J. M., D D. iv. 193. See Missions.'"
Walker, Ker. Charles, appointed by Mr- Daaforth assistant agent for Vermont, viii-
113. 145.
Resigns his ngency, viii. 342,
Walker, Cj-rus, ix. 126. See ''Emancipation."
Wallace, R. vii. 1S5. See ''Emancijxition.''
Ward, Mr. iii. 27. See '•Emcncipalion.'''
W.iring, Rev. C. M. His letter, October 3, 1824, to Mr. Ashmun, i. S3.
Hi.s letter, December 24, 1831, concerning a revival among the Baptists in
Africa, viii. 62.
January 17. 1833, to the Rev. Cornelius Elven, ix. 286.
Washington, Judge Bushrod, Pri;sident of A. C. S. Dies at Philadelphia, Nov. 26.
1829, V. 315.
Wa.'ihington, George. His character, on the principles assumed by certain abolition
journals, kc. ix. 118.
Watson, Dr. Richard. Extract from hispermon, i. 327.
Weaver, Isabella G. Her letter, Nov. 9, 1¥30, as secretary of the Ladies Col. Soc.
of Richmond and Manchester, to the colonists of Liberia, vii. 25. Answer to
it, February- 19, l."<31. vii. 115.
Weaver, Capt. \Vm. A. His letter concerning the colony, vii. .'341.
Webb, Cbarles H., medicuJ student. Emiarates, in the Jupiter, to the colony, x.
104, l.'5i

Webster, Daniel. His letter, May 17, 1883, to John Bolton, concerning slavery ia
U. S. ix. 188.
Western Reserve College, Ohio, Its relations to the slavery question, ix. 245, 349.
White, Phinehas. States the claims of A. C, S. to the Grand Lodge of Vermont, iv.
Whittlesey, Asaph. His letter, July 19, 183S, ix. 186.
Whittlesey, Elisha, M. C. Extracts from his address, July 4, 1833, before the Tall-
madge (Oh.) Col. Soc. ix. 225.
Wickliffe, Mrs, Mary O. ix. 126. See "Emancipation"
Wilberforce, William. Extracts from his speech. May 10, 1822, on colonization,
X. 116.
Williams, Anthony D. vice agent of the colony. Extract of a letter from him, vi.
177. His letters, June 19, 1830, ti. 210, Sep. 10, 1830, vi. 274, Feb.
18, 1832, viii.43.
Hevisits the United States, 1833, Ik. 158. His testimony concerning the
colony, ix. 181—184, 307—309.
His statement concerning temperance in the colony, ix. 205.
Williams, Lewis, M. C. Extract from his speech at the Sixteenth Annual Meet-
ing of A. C. S. ix. 97.
Williams, Henry, solicits money to purchase hii freedom, in order to fit himself for
the ministry, and to labor therein on the coast of Africa, v. 222.
Williams, Rev. Peter, a colored preacher. His address, July 14, 1834, to the citi-
zens of New York, x. 188.
Williams, Samuel, a native of Sierra Leone. His letter, London, July 21, 1832, to
E. Cresson, concerning Liberia, viii. 189.
Williams, Mr. His speech. May 21, 1831, before the Col. Soc. of Brooklyn, N. Y.
vii. 129.
Williamf:, Mr. of Elizabeth City,
N. C. vii. 217. See "Emancipation."
Wilson, Beverley, a colonist. His letter, March 4, 1834, x. 118.
Wilson, Ephraim K., M. C. His speech at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of A.
C. S. vi. 356.
Wilson, James, vii. 40. See "Emancipation."
Wilson, Dr. viii. 94. See "Emancipation ."
Wilson and Wynkoop, Messrs., missionaries. Extracts from their report concern-
ing Africa, x. 173.
WinterDottom, Dr. Thomas. His account of the native Africans in the neighbor-
hood of Sierra Leone, i. 69, 132, 164, 193.
His remarks on the agriculture of Africa, i. 100.
Wirt, William. His alleged plan for cultivating the sugar cane in Florida without
slave labor, ix. 30.
"Wm. Penn." Extracts from his essays in favor of colonization, iv. 139.
Woodside, Capt. His testimony concerniiig the colony, vii. 57.
Workman, Judge His bequest of $10,000 to A. C. S. viii. 286.
Wright, Rev. Chester. His proposal, March 26, 1833, for educating young men of
color, ix. 93.
Wright, Rev. S. O. Appointed missionarj' to Liberia, viii. 284. See "Miss^ions."
His letter, February 14, 1834, x. 119. His death, x. 154. Death of his
wife, X. 155.
Young, Rev. John C. Extracts from his address before the Kentucky Col. Soc. in
1832, ix, 58. See "Emancipation." ix. 126.
*'Z," His essays in favor of colonization, x. 73.

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