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WEB 3.

0, Blogs, Wikis

WEB 1.0

 the most read only web

 250,000 sites
 45 million global users (1996)

WEB 2.0

 the wildly read-write Web

 80,000,000 sites
 1 billion+ global users (2006)

WEB 3.0

 the wildly write-read web

 800,00,00 sites
 8 billion+ global users (2016)


What is WEB 3.0? also known as SEMANTIC WEB


WEB. 1.0

WEB 2.0

WEB 3.0

* How the web 3.0 is transforming out society?

Web 3.0

 all devices are geolocalized.

 not only with your mobile
 wearable technology
 Augmented Reality (AR)
 Google Glasses = FAIL
 virtual reality (VR)
 machines understand humans
 semantic results
 bots replace humans


 a discussion or informational website published on the internet and consisting

of entries (“blog posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order - the
most recent blog post appears first.
 the term weblog was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997.
 the short form, blog, was coined by Peter Merholz, who broke the word weblog
into the phrase we blog on his blog Peterme. com in 1999.
 blogs started out as simple text entries - nothing more than an online diary.
 now we see blogs that combine text, photos, audios, and videos.


 someone who maintains a blog

 instead of recording their thoughts on a physical diary, bloggers post their
opinion on the internet hoping that readers will take a look at what they have
to say.


 it gives anybody and everybody - writers, professionals, teenagers,

housewives, dads, moms, etc., a chance to publish their thoughts for the rest
of the world to see.


 It is the collective term encompassing all the blogs on the internet

 anything goes in the blogosphere, so it’s useful to think of blogs under three
general categories;

* personal

* organizational

* business
Types of Blog:

1. Personal Blogs

 the majority of blogs are personal blogs chronicling the day-to-day lives of
ordinary people.
 personal blogs often focus on a theme the blogger is passionate about, such
as family, sports, fashion, technology, or a particular hobby.
 you can blog about your dog, your fishing skills, your football club, the latest
movie you watched - literally anything you want.

2. Organizational Blogs

 are maintained by organizations as a means of communicating both their

members, and to the outside world.

3. Business Blogs

 are made for the purpose of making a profit whether through advertising
revenue, or through the sale and promotion of a product or service.
 a personal blog can also be considered a business blog when the person behind
it is blogging for living, or as a part of his/her job.

Essential Parts of a Blog:

Front End (What people see when they go to the blog address)

 Chronological posts
 Sidebar stays constant
 Embedded objects

Back End (what when you log in to your blog)

 Add and edit posts

 Customize settings
 To front end
 Layout and Design
 Easy Editing

 a wiki is a website that allows a group of people to create and edit the website
contents without any special technical knowledge or tools
 wikis are editable online websites.
 You don’t need any web creation software installed on your computer and more
than one person can edit the page from any computer with internet access. This
means that if more than one person is collaborating on a site, then you will never
get confused as you can with email about what is the latest version as it is always
on the wiki. Also, as you can edit the wiki from anywhere, it is far more flexible
tool. You can also load up files to a wiki so that everyone can download them and
share them.


 New roles and responsibilities are emerging in nursing as we become aware of

the profession’s information systems and the benefits of the computer as a tool
to manage them more effectively.
 This new technology challenges us to do more than learn to operate new
 The complexity and cost of different computer systems and rapid changes in
hospital computer technology require nursing leaders to have an understanding
of many key issues.
 Only a sound knowledge of hospital information systems and a keen
understanding of nursing practice and the information systems which support it
will enable us to obtain computer tools useful to the profession.

Nursing Information Systems (NIS)

 Nurses are the largest single group of health professionals who directly influence
the quality of most health services provided and their outcomes.

 The area of concern of nursing ranges from:

Clinical care of individual patients to the administration of health services:

1. Health promotion 2. Disease Prevention

3. Diagnosis and treatment 4. Rehabilitation

 The management of health problems at all levels of complexity including public
health and community care, occupational and home acre, school health.
 NIS has been defined as a part of a health care information system that deals
with nursing aspects, particularly the maintenance of the nursing records.
 NIS emphasizes patient safety via the installation of systems that focuses on
reducing errors in healthcare.
 In Greek Hospitals, there have been made many trials and efforts in order to
develop electronic nursing documentation with little results.
 There are many difficulties in NIS and some of them are:
a. Different levels of nursing education.
b. Low nurse to patient ratios.
c. No involvement of nurses in the phases of their implication.
d. Resistance in change.

Nursing Information System (NIS)

 The main tasks in the nursing care process include:

1. Processes of patient care.
2. Ward management
3. Communication
4. Cooperation with other health professionals.
5. Education and research processes.

Nursing Information System (NIS)

 The activities nurses perform when caring for patients have been identified and
nursing roles have been categorized into three global categories:
1. Managerial roles or coordinating activities that involves the gathering and
transmission of patient information.
2. Physician-delegated tasks
3. Autonomous nursing function, characteristics of professional nursing practice.

Nursing Information System (NIS): Key Elements

 Nursing Information System (NIS) includes:

1. Financial 2. Decision-support 3. Office automation functions
 Nursing also has unique departmental/clinical information systems needs:
 These clinical systems can be seen to mirror nursing’s professionally dependent
and independent function within hospitals:
1. Managing the patient environment 2. Providing direct nursing care
 The two clinical information systems fundamental to an efficient nursing
department are:
1. Order Communications (also called order entry, order management, or patient
information system)
- track patient data from admission through discharge automating information
collection at every phase of the patient’s stay.
- Prime thrust of this system is to communicate data between nursing care
areas and the ancillary or support areas. Patient supplies can be ordered
electronically and ancillary departments provided with computerized requests for
services, clinical reports, and costing data.
2. Nursing Clinical Record Keeping Systems
- An integral part of professional practice, designed to inform all aspects of the
care process.
- Health care records enable health professionals to maintain a record of
diagnoses made, treatment given and the service user’s progress.

Nurse Leaders Using Informatics

 For decades, the nurse manager’s primary role was to oversee nursing staffs and
their patients.
 Today, nurse managers have assumed additional responsibilities including:
1. Integrating healthcare information technology into the workplace
2. Assisting the nursing staff to master informatics competencies to promote
patient well-being.
 The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) said,
“The impact of technology reaches beyond patient care and clinical workflow to
the quality, safety and financial well-being of health systems. Emerging nursing
informatics leadership roles engage in the necessary transformation activities and
bridge the new care delivery models into clinical practice with the right technology
solutions for organizational transformations.”

Essential Informatics Competencies for Nurse Leaders

 Technology Informatics Guiding Educational Reform (TIGER) determined that
nurses should follow three informatics literacies to provide quality care.

1. Mastery of basic computer competencies

- TIGER found that nurses need basic computer skills to assists patients. The
organization said nurse computer competencies should focus on
1. The concepts of information and communication technology (ICT)
2. Using computers and managing files
3. Using word processing and spreadsheet applications
4. Making presentations
5. Web browsing and basic communication
2. Comprehension of Information Literacy
- The American Library Association (ALA) defines information literacy as the
ability to recognize when information is needed and to be able to locate, evaluate
and use the information as necessary TIGER determined that nurse information
literacy competencies should focus on:
1. Determining the nature and amount of information needed.
2. Accessing the information quickly and efficiently.
3. Evaluating the information and sources
4. Using the information for specific purposes
5. Assessing the value of the information used

3. Understanding information management literacy

 Information Management- is the process of collecting, processing, presenting

and communicating data as knowledge or information. TIGER said information
management competencies for nurses should focus on:

1. Understanding and verbalizing the importance of various types of health

information systems (systems used to manage healthcare data) in clinical practice.

2. Using due care to protect patient privacy and the security of health
information systems.

3. Understanding the principles, policies and procedure that health

information use to manage data.

Informatics for the Future of Nurse Leadership

 TIGER, in its ‘’Usability and Clinical Application Design Collaborative Team” report,
recommended hospital administration and leadership teams construct a vision
that allow nurses and interprofessional colleagues to use informatics and
emerging technologies in practice.
 Other professional organizations, including the National League for Nursing
(NLN), the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the ANA,
also recommended nursing leaders take charge of the evolving role of
informatics in the field. The organizations suggest:
1. Creating a process that ensures all nurses adopt and adhere to the TIGER
policies and principles
2. Conducting research and exploring how the top medical and administrative
staff can utilize informatics.
3. Building a culture that embrace informatics as a regular part of practice and
supports professional development, mentoring, education and career path

Internet Applications:

Scope of the Lesson

1. Internet
2. Application of the internet
3. Disadvantage of the internet
4. Internet tools and services
*HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
*FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
*IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
*WWW (World Wide Web)

*Parts of Internet

*What is the Internet?

- It is “Network for Network” that include millions of public and private, academic, business,
and government networks locally and globally
- It is linked by coppers wires, wireless connection, fiber optics, and other technologies.
- The internet consists primarily of the collections of billions of interconnected web page that
are transferred using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), and is collectively known as the
World Wide Web.
- The Internet also uses FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to transfer files and SMTP ( Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol) to transfer e-mail.

Hardware and Software of the Internet

- Device that enables the computer to communicate through ISP (Internet Service
- In addition to a modem, you need a hardware capable of handling multiple data
- Two type of software required to enable your PC as an Internet PC:
1. Communication Software to establish connection Eg. Zoom, Google Meet, Skype
2. Client Software for browning the web, email client, instant messenger chat clients

Application of Internet
*Communication - Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, Telegram
*Job Searches - Linked In, Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, FlexJobs.
*Finding Study Material - Google Search Wikipedia, Ebooks, You Tube
*Travel - Uber, Grab, Kayak, Agoda, TripAdvisor
*Entertainment - Spotify, Youtube, Netflix, IMDB, Wattpad
*Business and Shopping - eBay, Aliexpress, Lazada, Shoppe
*Banking - Online Banking eg. BDO, FBI, HSBC
*Health and Medicine - Mayo Clinic, Medline Plus, Medscape, WebMD

Disadvantage of the internet

*Theft of Personal Information
- Names, Address, Credit card number, etc
*Virus Threats
- Program which disrupts the normal functioning of the system
- Receiving unwanted email in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly
obstructs the entire system
- Perhaps the biggest threat related to children’s healthy mental life, A very
serious issue concerning the internet

Internet tools and services

*HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
- Allows setting rules that computers use to move files from one computer to
another on the internet
- It is the most common transfer protocol used on the internet
- you can see this protocol more often before the URL
- E.g.
*FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- Allows the transfer or copying of files from one computer to another.
- Ideal for procuring or sending files to a remote computer.
- FTP programs are available freely.
- Modern browsers have built-in FTP capabilities.
*E-mail (Electronic mail)
-The most popular use of the internet
- Available for free on the web
- Valid email address consist of a username and a domain name separated the
“@” sign.
- E.g
*IRC (Internet relay Chat)
- Allows real text based communication through the internet
- Organized by topic of interest through “channels”
- Discussion occurs in “Chat Rooms”
- Some websites and built-in chat rooms.
*WWW (World Wide Web)
- Invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, The web is the fastest-growing internet
- Based on HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) allowing users to access data
in multimedia format.
- Simplest unit is the webpage, primarily a document encoded in the HTML
format that can be accessed using a browser.
- HTML links contents within a web page to each other as well as to others web
pages through a hyperlink.
- Each page has an address, a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
- Allows user to access files from a different by looking through Hierarchical
Menus to finds specific topics
- A document maybe text, sounds, Image or other type of file
- A program called Jughead can be used to a search for topics found with
gopher files.
*WAIS (Wide Area Information Services)
-WAIS is a search engine developed for the internet.
-It allows one to search the complete text of a document.

*WAIS (Wide Area Information Services)

Parts of Internet
*URL (Universal Resource Locator)
-Web site
- Identify Particular Web Pages
*Top level domains:
.edu - Educational Institution
.com - Commercial Entity
.org - Organizations
.net - Network Provider
.gov - Government
- Highlighted or underlined words or graphics, blue.

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