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Reduction is the creation of lanes through or over an obstacle to allow an attacking

force to pass. Generally, a dismounted platoon or company creates one breach lane that is one
meter wide. The lanes must allow the assault force to rapidly pass through the obstacle. The
breach force reduces, proofs (if required), marks, and reports the lane locations. Lanes are
marked in accordance with the unit SOP. Follow-on units may further reduce or clear the
obstacle when required. Figure 10-2 illustrates the continuation of the breach sequence. In this
figure, the breach force has moved from the assault position and breached and marked a lane.

Assault. The final phase of the breaching operation involves maneuver forces exploiting the
breach by passing combat power through it that assaults the objective, destroys enemy forces
capable of bringing direct or indirect fires on the breach, and sets the conditions for further
exploitation and pursuit. Figure 10-3 illustrates the assault portion of a breach. While the
breach force secures the breach, the assault force attacks, reaching the flank of the enemy
position before communicating with the support force to shift and/or cease fire on the objective.
The battlespace geometry of the assault force closing on the objective is critical. The assault
force normally uses redundant signals (e.g. radio and pyrotechnics) to shift and/or cease fires.

Breaching Organization. To conduct a breach, units are normally task-organized into three
elements—the support force, the breach force, and the assault force. The senior commander
maintains control of all elements and selects the breach site. A platoon may conduct a platoon-
level breach or serve as one of the elements of a company-level breach. Figure 10-4, on
page 194, illustrates a reinforced platoon organized for breaching operations.

Support Force. The support force’s primary responsibility is to eliminate the enemy’s ability
to interfere with the breaching operations. It establishes necessary support by fire and
observation positions to suppress the enemy with direct and indirect fires to prevent effective
fires against friendly forces. It employs obscuration to screen the breach and assault forces.

Breach Force. The breach force’s mission is to create or find a lane that enables the assault
force to pass through the obstacle and continue the attack. It establishes breach site security,
reduces the obstacle, and marks the lanes. The breach force is a tasked organized force whose
composition will vary depending on conclusions drawn from the commander’s METT-T
analysis. The breach force often includes assault Marines and combat engineers. Combat
engineer squad leaders and platoon commanders may be assigned as breach force commanders.

Assault Force. The assault force exploits the breach to assault the objective and sets
conditions for follow-on actions. It is prepared to assist the support force in suppressing the
enemy, assist the breach force in securing the far side of the breach site, and conduct assault
breaches of protective obstacles.

Mass. Commanders mass combat power at the breach site by focusing all resources and assets
on isolating and fixing the enemy in position.


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