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Contributed By Humayun Kabir Shakil (6-10)

6. Promotion method
How do you attract the prospects?
Sales promotion is basically marketing technique that attract customer to take a specific action
such as make purchase. Example of sales promotion may include coupons, free trial periods and
discounts. SHWAPNO lifestyle offers great discount for the customers. For this discount offer
SHWAPNO makes some extra promotional tools to know the people their offerings. They are
going to pestering some selected areas (Dhaka and cumilla). Initially they thought about
postering but later on they decided to for leaflet. Poster can create cheap impression upon
customer. They arrange 24 banners. Besides that SHWAPNO giving 80 tk off if any customer
purchase 999+ tk products with free home delivery. By doing this they attract the prospects
7. Levels of relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is creating of customer loyalty. Organization use combination of
products, price, distribution, promotion, and service to archive this goal. Relationship marketing
is based on the idea that important customers need continuous attention.
SHWAPNO sales person tells us they follow relationship marketing and they follow relationship
selling. The sales person informs after the customer buys the products they call the customers
and asked if they are satisfied, whether they have this product they want to see in the future.
They talk to the customer about whatever they want to see a new variety of the products or
what kind of products will meet their demand. They also give a discount to their VIP customers
on occasions like Eid, Puja. To maintain a good relationship with the customer they occasionally
give the customer a variety of coupons that help them to have a good relationship with the
customers to maintain these things and maintain relationship marketing with Walton
8. Moral development
Moral development focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from
infancy through adulthood. Morality develop across a lifetime and is influenced by an individual
experience and their behavior when faced with moral issues through different period’s physical
and cognitive development. There are 3types of moral development. 1. Preconvention
2.Conventional 3.Principled
SHWAPNO sales people tell us that he follows the conventional moral development level.
Because he can learn a lot from it. Conventional moral development level an individual
conforms to the expectations of others, such as family, friends, employer, boss, or society and
upholds moral and legal laws. That why he follows the conventional moral development level.
9. Sell sequence (F.A.B)
The SELL sequence is a logical and chronological structure salespeople can use to produce sales
consistently. At each step in the process, the salesperson knows exactly what needs to be done
next. If the customer doesn't buy, the salesperson can begin the process again with the next
customer. There are 4 steps to a SELL sequence and in his case a new smartphone will be used
as an example. The first step is Show Features of the product. The second step is to explain the
advantage of the product. The third step is showing the benefits of the product. The final stage
is letting the customer talk which is also knows as trial close. At this stage I ask the potential
customer what he thinks about the product, he asks questions like this product will better or
that one.
10. Appearances
Appearance plays a huge role in the workplace because it conveys a lot of data on someone’s
personality. First impressions are always crucial and the way a person dresses represents the
organization that he works for. Therefore a salesperson or anyone working in the organization
must maintain dress code and at the same time styling their hair is as important as the rest.
Salespeople must be clean shaved and have proper conservative hairstyle in the workplace
which rubs off as friendly in the customer’s eyes. Handshake also matters in this scenario as the
salesperson always must extend their hand first appropriately. They should also maintain eye
contact during the handshake and the grip must be first as well which shows honestly and
mutual respect.

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