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March 15, 2008

As US Freedoms Dissolve, Mainstream

media Lies and Distracts
By winston

The US common people, God bless us all, were told that Hussein was involved in
9/11. Later big bro 43 admitted that wasn't accurate, but his president of vice, the
v.p., "Feckless, Reckless, Impotent" Cheney continues until today with that lie.
We've even lost track of how many US soldiers have died because this current group
of GOP goons have lied to us and the US MSM acting as their propaganda agent.
The article "Public Is Less Aware of Iraq Casualties, Study Finds" at
click here states
"Twenty-eight percent of the public is aware that nearly 4,000 U.S.
personnel have died in Iraq over the past five years, while nearly half
thinks the death tally is 3,000 or fewer and 23 percent think it is
higher, according to an opinion survey released yesterday."
We are in a pre-emptive war and casualties are mounting, as is our debt, but the
public can't be bothered to keep at least the number of lost US souls straight. That is
more than apathy!
"The survey, by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press,
found that public awareness of developments in the Iraq war has
dropped precipitously since last summer, as the news media have paid
less attention to the conflict. In earlier surveys, about half of those
asked about the death tally responded correctly."
Related Pew surveys have found that the number of news stories devoted to the war
has sharply declined this year, along with professed public interest.
"Coverage of the war has been virtually absent," said Pew survey
research director Scott Keeter, totaling about 1 percent of the news
hole between Feb. 17 and 23."
Our standing in the international community is plummeting, as is our economy for
those other than big bro 43's top 1%--the oligarchy, because of this illegal, unending
GWOT-in particular its Iraqi theatre, yet our common people can't keep track of how
their loved ones' lives are being wasted.
Herr Karl did a good shaping reality into GOP spin-what better example than "Mission
Accomplished", but the masses had to want to hear that message and the US MSM
didn't do their job as impartial searchers for the truth. The US MSM can always say
that there was a market for lying about Iraq-their revenues show it all, but they have
sullied the reputation of their profession.
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Judith Miller took the INC front-man Chalabi's lies verbatim and planted them in the
New York Times. Then "Dickless" Cheney spouts off Chalabi's lies to "Meet the Press".
The irony is that Cheney paid Chalabi to come up with the lies big bro 43 wanted.
Why did they obsess about sex scandals-a stain on an adult woman's
dress? Whitewater, and now Spitzer's mess, and have no concerns about big bro 43
crimes against humanity even though the man who phonied up the pre-war Iraq
intelligence opens up material that makes W culpable for lying about the "imminent
threat" of Hussein's WMD?
The article Unmanned aerial vehicle states:
"In October, 2002, a few days before the U.S. Senate vote on the
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution, about 75
senators were told in closed session that Saddam Hussein had the
means of delivering biological and chemical weapons of mass
destruction by UAV drones that could be launched from ships off the
Atlantic coast to attack U.S. eastern seaboard cities.
Colin Powell suggested in his presentation to the United Nations that
they had been transported out of Iraq and could be launched against
the U.S. It was later revealed that Iraq's UAV fleet consisted of only a
few outdated Czech training drones. At the time, there was a vigorous
dispute within
the intelligence community as to whether CIA's conclusions about Iraqi
UAVs were accurate.
The U.S. Air Force agency most familiar with UAVs denied outright that
Iraq possessed any offensive UAV capability."
Cheney is in charge of many dirty deeds. He had minions do the grunt work. One of
them wanted to make profits by writing a book squealing on his superiors regarding
the Iraq lies. The article "Ex-Defense Official Assails Colleagues Over Run-Up to War"
at click here describes Douglas J. Feith's role. It states "In the first insider account of
Pentagon decision-making on Iraq, one of the key architects of the war blasts former
secretary of state Colin Powell, the CIA, retired Gen. Tommy R. Franks and former
Iraq occupation chief L. Paul Bremer for mishandling the run-up to
the invasion and the subsequent occupation of the country.
Douglas J. Feith, in a massive score-settling work, portrays an intelligence
community and a State Department that repeatedly undermined plans he developed
as undersecretary of defense for policy and conspired to undercut President Bush's
Among the disclosures made by Feith in "War and Decision," scheduled for release
next month by HarperCollins, is Bush's declaration, at a Dec. 18, 2002, National
Security Council meeting, that "war is inevitable." The statement came weeks before
U.N. weapons inspectors reported their initial findings on Iraq and months before
Bush delivered an ultimatum to Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
Feith, who says he took notes at the meeting, registered it as a "momentous
comment." Although he acknowledges "serious errors" in intelligence, policy and
operational plans surrounding the invasion, Feith blames them on others outside the
Pentagon and notes that "even the best planning" cannot avoid all problems in
wartime. While he says the decision to invade was correct, he judges that the task of
creating a viable and stable Iraqi government was poorly executed and remains
"grimly incomplete."
Big bro 43 declared "war is inevitable" well before his minions had decided and
announced it was so, but we all knew that "the Decider" was a liar.
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Who did Feith's work portray in a positive fashion? He learned the idea of not
crapping in his own back yard as "Feith depicts former defense secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld with almost complete admiration, questioning only his rough handling of
Odd that Feith would hitch his wagon to Rummy as Rummy was dismissed for
incompetence as soon as the 2006 mid-term election results were final.
"In his book, Feith defends the intelligence activities on grounds that the CIA was
"politicizing" intelligence by ignoring evidence in its own reports of ties between
Hussein and international terrorists."
Who did Feith depend upon for the lies? "Others have criticized Feith's plan as relying
too heavily on Iraqi exile politicians, including Ahmed Chalabi. Feith says that he
considered Chalabi one of the most astute and democratically minded Iraqis but that
he had no special brief for him. Instead, he charges that the State Department, the
CIA and the military's Central Command were pathologically opposed to the exiles
and to Chalabi in particular".
This is ancient history! The December 16, 2002 article "The The Pentagon Muzzles
the CIA-Devising bad intelligence to promote bad policy"
describes Feith as "Even as it prepares for war against Iraq, the Pentagon is already
engaged on a second front: its war against the Central Intelligence Agency. The
Pentagon is bringing relentless pressure to bear on the agency to produce
intelligence reports more supportive of war with Iraq, according to former CIA
officials. Key officials of the Department of Defense are also producing their own
unverified intelligence reports to justify war.
Much of the questionable information comes from Iraqi exiles long regarded with
suspicion by CIA professionals. A parallel, ad hoc intelligence operation, in the office
of Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, collects the information from
the exiles and scours other raw intelligence for useful tidbits to make the case for
preemptive war.
These morsels sometimes go directly to the president." The "16 words" are a famous
example and there were many more lies as "For more than a year, one of the main
sources of Defense Department pressure on the CIA has been a unnamed, rump
intelligence unit set up in Undersecretary Feith's
policy shop at the department. Begun as a two-person group, it has since
expanded to four and now five people, and was set up to provide Rumsfeld, Deputy
Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Feith with data they can use to disparage,
undermine and contradict the CIA's own analyses.
Established just after September 11, the unit's main focus-though not its
only one-has been on Iraq, especially Iraq's alleged links to al-Qaeda and
Iraq's alleged intent to use its alleged nuclear, chemical and biological
Earlier this year, the State Department abruptly stopped funding an INC scheme to
collect intelligence inside Iraq. "The INC could only account for $2.5 million out of
$4.5 million they received for the program," says a State
Department official. "I can't say that there was evidence of corruption or
embezzlement, but $2 million was unaccounted for."
The more the INC began getting into intelligence work, the more the State
Department grew uncomfortable funding the program. "The only reason they stopped
paying for that program is that the State Department hates
the INC," says a knowledgeable source. Shortly thereafter, the Pentagon picked up
the tab. Now, whatever intelligence the INC collects goes straight to the Defense
Department, according to spokesman Lt. Col. David Lapan.
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"The intelligence guys here get the information first and do the analysis," he says.
Goodman, the former CIA analyst, concurs, saying, "The INC is in the Pentagon every
day. But the Pentagon's critics are appalled that intelligence provided by the INC
might shape U.S. decisions about going to war against Baghdad. At the CIA and at
the State Department, Ahmed Chalabi, the INC's leader, is viewed as the ineffectual
head of a self-inflated and corrupt organization skilled at lobbying and public
relations, but not much else."
Don't dwell on this other than to realize that Chalabi is a liar. Everything out
of his mouth is fruit from the poisoned tree-and he's the guy Cheney picked to sell
the US an unnecessary war.
Just how bad is Chalabi? Back in 2004 Chalabi cooperated with Iran to the
detriment of the US and then National security adviser Condoleezza Rice promised
Congress a full investigation into allegations that an Iraqi politician supported by the
Pentagon told Iran the United States had broken the code it used for secret
communications, and U.S. officials said the revelation destroyed an important source
of intelligence.
Of course Chalabi, whose exile group received more than $40 million in U.S.
payments over the years, denied that he disclosed secrets to Iran, but then he's an
habitual liar who is lying for big bucks.
Guess what Feith is noted for other than squealing on his bosses? He stonewalled the
Senate investigation of his lies.
We all know that Congress wanted to expose the politicization of facts to lure an
unwilling world into "Operation Iraqi Freedom". The Raw Story article "Pentagon
investigation of Iraq war hawk stalling Senate inquiry into pre-war Iraq intelligence"
at click here states
"The second part of the Senate investigation into bungled pre-war Iraq
intelligence is still being held up by an internal Pentagon investigation
of Douglas Feith, one of the war's leading architects, RAW STORY has
When bureaucrats investigate each other nothing can get accomplished. When you
have a pathological liar with the help of the president behind you it is no wonder
getting anything from Feith is reminiscent of Kafka's "The Trial".
Most of the time Feith stonewalled the Senate was when the GOP was in charge. Now
the GOP uses tired old phrases about how we have too many important matters to
deal with rather than dredging up the past. What is more important than finding out
how the carefully crafted analysis of our intelligence agencies regarding Iraq's lack of
"imminent threat" WMD was perverted into driving us into war?
Feith also has more than one black mark on his record "As previously reported by
Raw Story, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) inquiry-titled Phase II-
is waiting on a report from the Pentagon inspector general as to Feith's alleged role
in manipulating pre-war intelligence to support a case for war. Feith, who is also
being probed by the FBI for his role in an Israeli spy case, resigned in January 2005.
More broadly, a RAW STORY investigation has found that Feith's access to
classified information and his alleged wrongdoing can likely be laid at the feet of
more senior officials in the Bush Administration-namely Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld-who would have had to have overruled Pentagon background checks to
reissue Feith's clearances after he was booted from the National Security Council for
allegations of espionage in the mid 1980s."
What's the truth? Who knows?
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What has been happening regarding the second part of the Senate investigation into
bungled pre-war Iraq intelligence is summarized in Arms Control Association: Arms
Control Today: Still Examining Pre-War Iraq Intel
which states "Five years after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led
coalition forces, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has yet to
conclude its investigations into the pre-war intelligence that was cited by the Bush
administration as the basis for the decision to take military action
against Iraq.
The committee has conducted the investigation in two phases. The first phase,
concluded in 2004, centered on a faulty October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate
(NIE) regarding Iraq's nonconventional weapons programs. (See ACT, September
The second phase of the examination has faced repeated delays since it was
announced in February 2004. Nonetheless, this phase has examined a variety of
issues, including the intelligence community's use of
information provided by the Iraqi National Congress. (See ACT, December 2006.)
Two issues remain outstanding, and congressional sources told Arms Control Today
Jan. 30 that the committee hopes to vote on reports regarding them before the
summer recess. It is unclear if this can be accomplished.
One remaining issue relates to whether pre-war public statements on Iraq's weapons
of mass destruction (WMD) and links to terrorism by administration officials were
substantiated by intelligence information. As part of this investigation, the committee
has asked the administration to share all Presidential Daily Briefs on Iraq during the
investigation's time frame. The administration has refused to honor this request.
The second remaining issue involves the intelligence-related activities
conducted by two Pentagon offices: the Office of Special Plans and the Counter
Terrorism Evaluation Group. Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld established
the Office of Special Plans, which was tasked with examining raw intelligence related
to Iraq's WMD programs, within the office of Douglas Feith, the under secretary of
defense for policy. Feith created the Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group after the
September 2001 attacks to examine links between terrorist organizations and host
In February 2007, the Pentagon inspector general issued a report stating that Feith's
office produced "alternative intelligence assessments on the Iraq and al Qaeda
relationship, which included some conclusions that were inconsistent with the
consensus of the Intelligence Community." The report further stated that, although
these activities were not illegal or unauthorized, they were "inappropriate."
Congressional sources told Arms Control Today Feb. 15 that former committee
chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) used the Pentagon investigation
as an excuse to delay the committee's investigation into Feith's offices."
How do you get "inappropriate" but not illegal or unauthorized? This put our boys and
girls in the US military in harm's way. The Democrats are trying to move this matter,
but they are getting resistance from all sources as " As part of this investigation, the
committee has asked the administration to share all Presidential Daily Briefs on Iraq
during the investigation's time frame. The administration has refused to honor this
W stonewalls, the GOP protects him-McCain is nothing other than a third term of 43,
and the US MSM chases the big bucks of Elliott Spitzer's scandal. This wouldn't have
been the media's role back in the days of "Watergate".
All of this devastation is distracting us. We don't concentrate on the fact that Big bro
43 is dismantling our civil rights.
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The article "FBI Found to Misuse Security Letters -- 2003-06 Audit Cites Probes of
Citizens" at click here states:
"The FBI has increasingly used administrative orders to obtain the
personal records of U.S. citizens rather than foreigners implicated in
terrorism or counterintelligence investigations, and at least once it
relied on such orders to obtain records that a special intelligence-
gathering court had deemed protected by the First Amendment,
according to two government audits released yesterday."
The episode was outlined in a Justice Department report that concluded the FBI had
abused its intelligence-gathering privileges by issuing inadequately
documented "national security letters" from 2003 to 2006, after which changes were
put in place that the report called sound.
A report a year ago by the Justice Department's inspector general disclosed that
abuses involving national security letters had occurred from 2003 through 2005 and
helped provoke the changes. But the report makes it clear that the abuses persisted
in 2006 and disclosed that 60 percent of the nearly 50,000 security letters issued
that year by the FBI targeted Americans.
Because U.S. citizens enjoy constitutional protections against unreasonable
searches and seizures, judicial warrants are ordinarily required for government
surveillance. But national security letters are approved only by FBI officials and are
not subject to judicial approval; they routinely demand certain types of personal
data, such as telephone, e-mail and financial records, while barring the recipient from
disclosing that the information was requested or supplied.
According to the findings by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine, the
FBI tried to work around the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees
clandestine spying in the United States, after it twice rejected an FBI request in 2006
to obtain certain records. The court had concluded "the 'facts' were too thin" and the
"request implicated the target's First Amendment rights," the report said.
But the FBI went ahead and got the records anyway by using a national security
letter. The FBI's general counsel, Valerie E. Caproni, told investigators it was
appropriate to issue the letters in such cases because she disagreed with the court's
Big bro 43 is dismantling our civil rights in relationship to FISA also.
The article "Bush blasts House surveillance bill" at click here states:
President Bush said Thursday that the House Democrats' version of a
terrorist-surveillance bill would undermine the nation's security and
that if it reaches his desk, he will veto it. The American people
understand the stakes in this struggle. They want their children to be
safe from terror.
Bush said the House bill 'could reopen dangerous intelligence gaps by
putting in place a cumbersome court approval process that would
make it harder to collect intelligence on foreign terrorists.'
Democrats responded, but also did GOP Sen. Arlen Specter who said "The president
can't have a blank check," Specter said in an interview. "If you close down the courts,
there's no check and balance." He added: "Wiretaps are important for national
There's no doubt about that. Al-Qaida and terrorism continue to be a major threat to
this country. It is my hope that the president will not find it necessary to veto the bill,
that we'll be able to work it out."
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Specter remembers that FISA was enacted because too many innocent Americans
were monitored by "Tricky Dick"! With this ghoul and his FBI using national security
letters and his illegal eavesdropping on US citizens, big bro 43 makes Nixon look like
a piker.
He has ruined our international standing with GWOT and torturing prisoners. The
article "Bush vetoes bill outlawing CIA waterboarding" at
click here states
"President George W. Bush on Saturday vetoed legislation passed by
Congress that would have banned the CIA from using wateboarding
other controversial interrogation techniques. Lawmakers included the
anti-torture measure in a broader bill authorizing U.S. intelligence
"Because the danger remains, we need to ensure our intelligence
officials have all the tools they need to stop the terrorists," Bush said in
his weekly radio address. He added that the vetoed legislation "would
diminish these vital tools."
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said Democrats would
try to overturn Bush's veto and said U.S. moral authority was at stake.
"We will begin to reassert that moral authority by attempting to
override the president's veto next week," Pelosi said.
Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts called Bush's veto "one of the
most shameful acts of his presidency."
And our dumbed down society accepts it as the article "A CNN Poll Is Currently
Running That Indictes 44 Percent Of Public Favor WaterBoarding" at click here states
"On CNN's front page, a poll is current running that indicates 44% of
those who have so far voted favor 'WaterBoarding' of individuals
suspected of terrorism. This is an indication that the 'Politics of Fear'
are working, and Americans are not thinking this issue through, but are
instead reacting to fear without understand the history of
WaterBoarding, its history in regard to law, and the direct effect it
could have on American prisoners of war."
It is the politics of fear and it is open deceit by this saw-offed banana
republic dictator big bro 43. He always vowed to do what his military leaders told
him. In fact he has made them military jump ship. The article "Top U.S. Officer in
Mideast Resigns" at click here states:
The top U.S. commander in the Middle East, whose views on strategy
in the region have put him at odds with the Bush administration,
abruptly announced his resignation yesterday, calling reports of such
disagreements an untenable "distraction."
Adm. William J. "Fox" Fallon became head of U.S. Central Command
last March, putting him ostensibly in charge of the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan. But he clashed frequently with Gen. David H. Petraeus,
the top U.S. ommander in Iraq, over strategy and troop levels,
Pentagon officials said.
Though technically Fallon's subordinate, Petraeus has more experience in Iraq and
has forged a strong connection with President Bush.
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Fallon, 63, had made several comments reflecting disagreement with the
administration's stance on Iran, most recently in an Esquire magazine article last
week that portrayed him as the only person who might stop Bush from going to war
with the Islamic republic...
On Iraq, Fallon butted heads with Petraeus over the past year, arguing for a more
rapid drawdown of U.S. troops and a swifter transition to Iraqi security forces. Fallon
even carried out his own review of the conduct of the war-a move that surprised
many Pentagon officials, in part because Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, who until last
month was Petraeus's deputy in Iraq and Petraeus had already revamped U.S.
strategy in Iraq and, with Bush's approval, had implemented a buildup of about
30,000 additional troops, moving them off big bases and deploying them among the
Iraqi population.
In the Esquire article, Fallon contends that Iraq was consuming excessive U.S.
attention. In a part of the world with "five or six pots boiling over," he is quoted as
saying, "our nation can't afford to be mesmerized by one problem."
Big bro 43 has ruined our place of prestige among the international community,
dismantled our civil rights, lied to us about the pre-war Iraq intelligence, fired his top
military expert and our US MSM does nothing.
For the love of all that is good and decent in the world his liar in chief about the pre-
war Iraq intelligence, Feith, runs down everybody other than the
fired-for-incompetence, Rummy, and the US MSM passes on following that crisis to
obsess about Elliott Spitzer.

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