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March 16, 2008

The Kaolinovy Creature: Is It Alien or

Human (only
the Geneticists know for sure and they
By Bill Knell

A tiny body was discovered in the village of Kaolinovy, Russia, on August 13, 1996.
The village is located on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains near the town of
Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk Oblast (an Oblast is a federal region administrated by
Russia). Due to poor or sensationalized press courage at that time, the actual story of
the discovery varies. According to an article published by Pravda-On-line, the best
account comes from Major (Ret.) Vladimir Bendlin, a former investigator with the
police department of Kyshtym.
Bendlin claims that Police detained Vladimir Nurtdinov during the summer of 1996 on
suspicion of stealing some electrical wire. Nurtdinov was carrying a bundle thought to
contain some of the wire. When it was examined, the bundle was found to contain a
red cloth with the remains of a tiny body inside. Police videotaped the cloth and the
body. During that process, Bendlin casually commented on how much the body
looked like an alien from a science fiction movie.
Bendlin opened an investigation and approached the only physician he could find on
duty later that day. Igor Uskov was an Urologist with the local hospital. Uskov
laughed when he heard Bendlin’s alien explanation for the creature and countered
with one of his own. The doctor was certain this was a twenty-week-old fetus and
later confirmed that theory by having it examined by Irina Ermolayeva, a prominent
gynecologist. She also agreed that the body looked like a fetus and added that it had
probably been expelled during a miscarriage or an illegal abortion.
Things changed when Stanislav Samoshkin, chief of morbid anatomy at Kyshtym
Hospital got involved. After performing an autopsy, he declared the body to be
neither human nor animal. His primary argument centered on the fact that a human
skull consists of six bones, while this one had four. Although his opinion was in the
minority, it set off a firestorm of publicity.
As journalists and a television crew from Japan arrived in town offering cash for
interviews, the original arrest story morphed into something completely different.
The new story involved a woman who found the creature alive in a cemetery on the
outskirts of Kaolinovy in the middle of the night. Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina said
she felt compelled to go to the cemetery by a voice in her head. The woman often
went there during the day to gather flowers placed on graves. Known for her bizarre
behavior in the village, Prosvirina described the creature as a ’child’ that had large
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eyes, no ears, could not talk and ‘whistled’ to get her attention. She said that she
brought the creature back to her apartment.
Other paid witnesses said they came to Prosvirina’s apartment and saw the gray-
skinned creature alive. Because of her bizarre behavior and often-outrageous claims,
Prosvirina was reported to medical authorities which took her into custody for her
own safety. Although Prosvirina and her neighbors claim that the authorities were
told about a ‘child’ in the house as they took her away, they ignored the warning and
left. With no one to feed the ‘child,’ it died. The neighbors failed to explain why they
did not remove the ‘child’ or make an effort to feed it.
Enter Vladimir Nurdinov who was later arrested by Major Bendlin. Although he never
mentioned any connection to Prosvirina when he was originally arrested, Nurdinov
came up with a whole new account after being paid for his story. In the new version,
he was a friend of Prosvirina and knew about her the ‘child‘ she found in the
cemetery. Knowing the ‘child’ was left alone in her apartment, he went there and
found it dead in her bedroom. He removed the body and brought it to his home.
Nurdinov’s account of what happened next differs from Bendlin’s report. Nurdinov
claims that the police came to his home to question him about electrical wire he was
accused of stealing in the village of Novogorny. When they found the tiny body, they
thought it might be the mummified remains of a child and took it away. Nurdinov
made no mention of his arrest.
From that point on things went downhill as far as the truth is concerned. Claiming a
Police Investigator contacted her; UFO Researcher Galina Semenkova traveled about
one hundred and forty miles from Kamensk-Uralsky to investigate. She is head of the
Star Academy UFO-Contact in Zolotov Method organization. Claiming she received
the remains of the creature from a Police Investigator, she headed back to Kamensk-
Uralsky. On the way back, she says that Aliens from a flying saucer confronted her
and demanded the body.
According to the Japanese Television Crew, the body was already missing when they
arrived. However, they did not immediately speak to the Police just assumed
someone in the town had it. This is confirmed by their cash offer of $200,000 to
anyone in the town who could produce the body. No one could produce the body, but
plenty of people described as ‘bums and drunkards’ by the Russian Press lined up to
tell their story about the creature.
The cloth that Nurdinov claims he used to wrap the body found at Prosvirina’s
apartment has only added to this convoluted mystery. Although blood stains
originally found on that red cloth were tested and found to be human, a report in the
Russian Press in 2004 said that Vadim Chernobrov (a Moscow UFO researcher) claims
that more recent tests show the creature had nothing in common with humans. No
information was provided which makes clear what was tested, how or by whom to
provide these amazing results.
Now yet another amazing revolution comes to us from Russia. According to a Pravda-
On-Line article on 3/24/07, the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Moscow reports: “A
gene discovered in the DNA samples doesn’t correspond with any genes pertaining to
humans or anthropoid apes,” said Vadim Chernobrov, a coordinator with the public
research center Kosmopoisk. “No gene samples available at the laboratory match the
gene. The experts in DNA research haven’t come across any creatures with such an
elongated DNA molecule,” Chernobrov added.
It’s important to understand that none of this information or the claims being made
come from the Russian Government. They seem to feel that the body was the result
of a miscarriage or illegal abortion. There might also be a good explanation for the
condition of the body. An accident at a nearby radioactive chemical plant in 1957
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caused the area to be polluted with about half the amount of radioactive material
released in Chernobyl during that accident. That amount would be more than enough
to account for all sorts of genetic and other abnormalities for many years to come.
It’s sad to see UFO researchers and the media focus on cases like these when so
many former government employees and members of the military have come
forward with first hand knowledge regarding the existence of Aliens and the cover-up
of information related to the UFO Phenomenon. For more, visit

Authors Website:

Authors Bio: Bill Knell is a popular Speaker, Author and Consultant with eclectic
interests. Best known for his Paranormal Research and Seminars, Bill also excels in
the area of personal, business and financial advice and management. Featured in the
Wall Street Journal, Omni, the L.A. Times, Toronto Star and NY Times; seen on CNN,
NBC Nightly News, Fox Television and many Cable Networks; heard on Mancow, Bob
and Tom and Howard Stern; consultant to films like Independence Day, Men in Black,
the Fifth Element and World of the Worlds.

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