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I.Use the correct form of the Infinitive. Insert the particle "to" where necessary.

1) Destiny is not a thing (to wait for), it is a thing (to achieve). to be waited for, to be
2) I'm very sorry that I have (to refuse) your offer. to refuse
3) I let them (to use) dictionaries during the test. to use
4) Why not (to phone) her now? phone
5) We can’t believe him (to rob) the bank. to have robbed
6) He seems (to sleep) still . to be sleeping
7) You'd better (to make) friends with him instead of constant quarrelling. make
8) She was made (to marry) him. to marry
9) You must (to obey) me. You ought (to ask) my advice. obey, to ask
10) I won't have anyone (to come) interfering in my house. come
11) I am pleased (to do) this work for two years. to do
12) He was seen (to talk) with the dean. talking
13) He told me (to try) (to do) it once again. to try, to do
14) There is nothing (to do) but (to wait) till somebody comes (to let) us out. to do, to wait
15) I felt my blood (to freeze). freeze

II. State the function of the Infinitive.

1) We’d strongly recommend you to see the film. OBJECT

2) A good teacher should try (modal), so to speak (PARENTHESIS), to breathe (PART
OF COMPOUND VEBAL PREDICATE) life into his or her subject.
3) The children woke up to see no food in the house. ADVERBAL MODIFIER OF
4) Nobody wanted to be the first to speak and sound foolish. ATTRIBUTE
5) A strange passenger was seen to follow the conductor. PART OF COMPOUND VEBAL
6) To make Ben marry Angela was not wise of his parents. SUBJECT
7) The house was too small to be sold for five thousand pounds. ADVERBAL MODIFIER
8) The problem was who to turn to for advice. PREDICATIVE
9) Switch off the light not to wake the baby up. ADVERBAL MODIFIER OF PURPOSE
10) She was displeased to be told she was a trouble-maker. OBJECT

III. Paraphrase the sentences using the Objective Infinitive Construction.

1) She relied on his helping them in any trouble. She relied on he to help them in any
2) I cannot bear when he says bad words. I cannot bear him to say bad words.
3) I didn't mean that you should go there immediately. I didn't mean you to go there
4) She felt that he touched her on the back and heard that he whispered something tenderly.
She felt he touch her on the back and heard him whisper something tenderly.
5) Do you really consider that you are the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood? Do you
really consider your to be the most beautiful girl in the neighborhood?
6) Mr. Hegener declared that the wine was pleasant. Mr. Hegener declared that the wine to
have been pleasant.
7) I suppose that you have read much of the subject. I suppose your to have been read
much of the subject.
8) She knew that the old man had quite a fortune and she couldn't bear- the fact that he was
going to leave. She knew the old man to have quite a fortune and she couldn't bear-
the fact him to be going to leave
9) Mr. Brief asked to bring him a glass of hot milk and a bun. Mr. Brief asked a glass of hot
milk and a bun to be brought him.
10) The boys reported that the translation had been completed. The boys reported the
translation to have been completed
11) He is the author of that bestseller. Everybody knows it.
12) The boy watched how his father was repairing the car.

IV. Paraphrase the sentences using the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

1) They suppose that Nick is the brightest student of the group. – Nick supposed to be the
brightest student of the group.
2) People say that a lot of volunteers are helping the rescue team. – A lot of volunteers are
said to be helping the rescue team.
3) It goes without saying that he will be a good teacher. – He is certain to be a good teacher.
4) We expect that this theatre will be touring the country in summer. – This theatre is
expected to be touring the country in summer.
5) Many people saw how the ship was slowly sinking. – The ship was seen slowly sinking
by many people.
6) People say that black cat brings evil, but I don't believe it. – Black cat is said to bring evil,
but I don’t believe it.
7) Perhaps the Smiths will remove to some other place. – The Smiths are likely to remove to
some other place.
8) We met him by chance and he told us the story. – We chanced to meet him and he told
us the story.
9) The chief reported that the army had started an offensive. – The army was reported to
have started an offensive.
10) You know that the traditional toast "BOTTOMS UP" is absolutely taboo in the Navy. –
The traditional toast "BOTTOMS UP" is known to be absolutely taboo in the Navy.
11) It seemed to him that misfortunes followed him wherever he went. – Misfortunes seemed
to follow him wherever he went.
12) It appeared to Dorian that the true nature of the senses had never been understood. – The
true nature of the senses appeared to have never been understood to Dorian.

V. Paraphrase the sentences using For-to-Infinitive Construction.

1) There is a comfortable sofa where you can have a seat. There is a comfortable sofa for
your can have a seat.
2) You should find somebody who you could look after in order to get some money.
3) He will always find somebody he may have a talk with.
4) So many people had been exposed to radiation in that region that the doctors did their best
that they could recover.
5) Shut the door so that nobody could hear us.
6) The garden is very small and your father can't plant all these trees there.
7) His father is rather rich and Dick can buy not only a car but a post as well.
8) We're eager that the holidays should begin.
9) It is quite natural that she should answer like that.
10) Let us wait till the competitions begin.

VI. Translate into English using Infinitive Constructions.

1) Говорят, что он уже уехал в Париж. He is said to have left to Paris

2) Вы сделали слишком много ошибок, чтобы я могла поставить вам хорошую оценку.
You've made too many mistakes for me to give you a good rating
3) Она убрала квартиру, чтобы ее мама не делала этого в воскресенье. She cleaned the
apartment for her mom wouldn't do it on Sunday
4) За километры отсюда люди слышали, как взорвалась бомба. the bomb is heard to
have exploded miles away
5) Нет никого, кого он мог бы полюбить и, наконец, найти себе семейное счастье.
There is no one he can fall in love with and finally find family happiness
6) Нелли чувствовала, что кто-то смотрел на неё. Nelly felt someone was looking at her
7) Говорят, что этот собор построен в XIII веке. the cathedral is said to have built in the
XIII century.
8) Он обязательно приедет к вам. He will definitely come to you
9) Мы случайно оказались y Летнего сада. We happened to be near the Summer
10) Она не позволила девочкам поцеловать себя. She didn't allow girls to kiss her
11) Похоже, они изменили своё решение.
12) Конечно, Майк примет участие в конкурсе. Оказалось, он уже получал призы
13) Она почувствовала, что у него горячая рука. She felt that his hand was hot

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