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Strength Training

A Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
The standard protocol for resistance training to achieve hypertrophy requires performing eight to 12
repetitions of a given exercise (fatiguing by the last repetition), moderate-duration rest intervals of 60 to
120 seconds, for three to four sets.
This enhanced muscle size due to an increase in the volume of the sarcoplasm between individual
muscle fibers.
The muscle “pump” that body-builders work to achieve is actually sarcoplasmic hypertrophy—the cross-
section of muscle fibers will increase, but most of the enhanced muscle size is due to an increased
volume of the sarcoplasm and non-contractile proteins not directly involved with force production.

B Myofibrillar hypertrophy
An increase in muscle fiber size due to enlargement of myofibrils (individual muscle fibers).
Resistance training with heavier loads stimulates production of the anabolic hormones testosterone (T),
growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), all of which assist with muscle protein
synthesis, the repair process of muscle tissue after a training session.
Myofibrillar hypertrophy does not lead to larger muscles; rather, it results in thicker muscle fibers
capable of generating more force, as well as an enhanced appearance of muscle definition. 
Training for myofibrillar hypertrophy requires following the protocols for maximum strength training: 
 compound exercises involving multiple muscle groups 
 two to six repetitions (fatiguing by the last repetition)
 rest intervals of 30 seconds to three minutes
 two to four sets per exercise 

Exercise Intensity (%1 RM) Repetitions Rest Interval Sets

Deadlift 85–95 2–6 30 sec–3 min 2–4
Incline dumbbell press 85–95 2–6 30 sec–3 min 2–4
Bent-over row 85–95 2–6 30 sec–3 min 2–4
Shoulder press 85–95 2–6 30 sec–3 min 2–4
Dumbbell front squat 85–95 2–6 30 sec–3 min 2–4

Pre Work out Meal

Full meal 2 to 3 hours before training
Post Work out Meal


1–1.5 grams/kg of Carbs 0.3–0.5 grams/kg of Protein
Chocolate milk Eggs Avocado
Banana Greek yogurt Nuts
Oatmeal Salmon Nut butters
Potatoes Chicken
Pasta Tuna
Work Out Routine
A. Exercises:
No Exercise Main Group Secondary Group
Bench Press
1 Chest Shoulders & Triceps
Flat-Incline-Dumbbell Flat
2 Overhead Shoulder Press Shoulder Triceps
3 Rows Back Biceps
4 Deadlift Posterior chain Many
5 Squat Quads Lower Body

B. Frequency
Worm up by 2 sets
3 * 8 → 4 * 10→ Increase Weight
Rest 1 to 1:30 mints

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