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Qk=0 AD [Dyramses ef struchwes jneory =f vilonibion of Fe ga) = oR 37d Alenbeel’s / puncigle? Weight SW! “is suspended frm Dar Tey a wire, The serght ts 06, THD = subjedted 40 gravidatonal é forte. aie And _o tendon T' Daeg When the rags ac eebenles Uputard with | accateration THE wa n-274 bu wile wewa | mar addikonal feces We Wire dua 49 wotton, mar m Ul) 2 ad Cm bud) as A(wot) = ay? ow) + malo) ask aL © Ak = w ¥ W)) Wo cUistance i Eee) : nih veel 42] Divectien Sneria_ferce | * WW Types of dynamic loade} Can Abe gronpal x any gre of dhe delle colegory in order ef increaging Concpleachs! Ll parmonte Loads i Cestana term “MT change Se Frunsent Joad, 1 Tmpuise, \wyack ease predic loads \ waves, embnnow® winds x Ae = 7 one +) Benn Syston 3) lanp-ries a agate cwainiwum nuwker ef indépendest Comerelinatis required Apidelermine 7A silt). : i PU) swe] i, ft) Asin(uat+e) 4 Bi # Harmonic neotim eae be twitter interme led ezxpare wie aril als! “(iho eich Sen Sea 22) ad Fi Se tkaky Es Gos (uk) + T einCud) A harra weston: could be written ast : xths ne" | Gemeratty, a harmonic wrotion can be epee bea Combinskisn of sre! and Cevine traves | > YOD> Aces (ub) # & Hn(ut) WO) = Y_ snes 0) eV araert Botav’ (Ale) yids A tosluk) — 8 Hold) 2 - V ahlun- 0) = ¥ Gs(us- 9) #2|| Shractual Viloohen: Png worn that sepest tect oper an internal of time ‘is leoNed Vilatisnf osciVlation. Ihe vilwohion of a System involres | Hao Amefer choaks [pstensal| (energy 43 Kiel! Ceres jae iKinehi ¢ Energy 49 potential eneray alternntety., 3 saaiaa tm gement includes “Mia manne i Av Pe fo shwing potenitel energy (sing or chastity), a Tl ‘ Sor tnerk A Sacer er storing Kinde enery ae ee Anal Pin aae ele mes ener tpg is qraduolly St Ldawaper). Ae i \ eae x ay t A A Vv, 7 | Dingingt , Vv TE no energy is eth oy absstpated\ in Avicken om = WT ether resistance ctu oScillatis, , the lot ie es Uncdonped vibrabionin Tsang energy, | is lesk | lin ahrs Lee fe As cet Aanged vilwaHon! HAT ppes of vibratinn! A|Free and forced vilombters fi 8)|| Damped and uniamgad B)|lineqr £2 nen near » a SS Q [determinate 2 andow ——o4 Sillongitudinal » Avansverse £torsonal 11 — >|| Rose onse wh stuctwe do vibvahion | i - | f > i Pree pe Pepe 1 =o SOK ayutng ee ol : fe-tsao pe teeead —— —|IMass neces hovi2entally asthouk rae =||Mass “IS toncentroted ok a petat at the Centre of mass (particle yathor Han _bery equilibium): =|Mass cf coring assumed to be _neahigible [The mass Longing Constant (ENS acsunred to be knun, 4 2 From Hreke!s haw?! fsoKn TH the forcing funcion varter with Bore swe nil! have | ee clude inertial -_eftechs FU)=fs- ro | He thers forte Fee chapreee’ Sine fer drsplaemernt os a -funchen oft me ether than Untgre vatee thers free, Gt Ma 1 de — kW em dx a lpi-"e- m x20) Dynamre eqblm _€ay? weMhouke Aamping wees > FU) wits ch FEAT O mx + Ck KAS FW) =e ee a uv = ao VV 14 SR sa A = H-> f (1) 4 T nae =i S stake urs Sere Be) SFirte varying with Bre age r= Peo Spring force Couric Force) a pe fos Dancy, force. 1 sz Reackon = Inertia fee we Wear CE=0 Equililbiuss equatien! oo fsx For Sr = FUL) + Equation of wot wh fer Sdof fsa K 2) Kevay foc. xit) acvi) Im sw ew Lowe Ss, Kade C xed) + wd 2 EG) er Lneor ahh J [wk @+ cx) 6 cds EU) \ = 0 Te Equetion ef reoken fer SDof _Aysient. Qa r= = (eax east) 2 7 Fass Se, Wa + C2) + RAWs 0 @rr at eq7 of 2"4y, Equation sf free Viloraion of 170! Nie XCD = 0 @ Undam ged vibration “eq 7: C_ depends upon material properties, pc) 5 : a < ry Mew Lae K = a na PP PCR) ptde| he, # - Gnesi nr ee ee io q Mathematiel mode RrRow Dinan Egblon enn! Pstt) + EpCa + bs00= PA) [fs = Ue) 2 u(t) ve (4) i : oa Ws CUODs RU PO) wlinfluence ‘of graitational axe: x) Consieter the Sushens ar showin ge dha The | force gs jit ads in te dive cron $ the dreplatement. ile $s) Fol) inal = eke ] —t : ‘i Nee trey a re Vsh amiaiaiial poner = o Fs wy vw) Veing eqhim ear! ’ mitt +c a0 + KeW)= PL)4 Ww QO. | ways dere 0) [4d = vw s Klan +ue) 2 Kak + kuw f | OW Aes +0) oWM2uW 6 Ws 6G) oh WUD COG) + KOat Cul) 2 Payrw Kass Ww 1 \wdG+ ¢bG)r Bul) = PG) pation of _mobisn expressed UH sebelen ce BaUtaTar sce AB of the age repsk ee fs net tb Ne chey edb gruty WTnfluence cf suapar | exdtahient T Bow i “fe : LTT TPL: : ae i H ie Coy ye lk : (|e ? ey eae tb age tga actu : é A_sinplified suction of the earthqueke exdtnkicn prablem is shown ih _figuve, in which hoadrertial qrund wetten Cursed Ly the _farthquake is indicate) by the aisplace ment Wye) of [the _gtructure’s base - relative ty the fixed reference gis. ns: i Hoizentad qrder-— nod and include od master, [Verticab column — Weightless, tnextensblegn verdtal diredcion, Shness = K)Q each | 1. Spot Syshens felt) LL 7 & Se “Ew Egisliloaun eof foter ef 4Wis Syston) PQ) +ep)+ fsG)>0 Th wha tow = @ aap ec) > mw OG) BU) eRUGH UG) vty ula) WW Fal UO Bur, $ Ca wis) +o or 1 ula) = 4 Ut mir cits KUW)= PL) 1 [PWer 2 wre) mit) +COU) +2U Uz PE) > Nien -homegencaus wi UW) + 6 OW) TKUL)= 0. Howe, gereous welt) kyl) so} =O > fees Homers ous GLO RNe ote. ve) > pcecs Lor Ul> Bsmua] Let) VE) = A eesek OW = —WAsnet GE) > —w2A cst” Wiz 27a coset +h. AGSUtSO or, (emus? +k) A coset so — @ Bur, toset so rks e® ey eT (aking te | yeok)' | is “kuoum “as! natural | frequenc bat hag Bo, Wa Jeg Oh: Wes Gee, then F zi Undamced free vibwiion respenses 23 mu + fs W+Ku lk) so e| m Uwe & U2 o wm Soluien cf Uneay, hows geresrs soverd dopes dethe renkel equalien with constant cregfrtient bins te form Lu) sneor d where, Sz unknown constant Here, Sm! and ' 8 are» torotanh. We “have; “Ow. cas. eo ow, oo \Ray TW aps oF : = fom mushin Oi a [ss 11 | Bc -e* 20 L cana on, fms 402" = ° Here, z woe jeer Baw oe $0 oss tie a Sq DSus ti and Sas - to me+K 20 Crene val \ solution 4 eqn) is m soe aM vO > Ase per | ot, tare /—@ os? fe) & Vv Yn a > where 4, antl Ar are _Gensiant nek unknoven, Veing Meivre's +theeren) less etre * pnt vanes 2% - l a Ri eits oo 22 os 9m Pe en Adding equahens (8) and (6)} | AB tesoty ligne) And subtracting “enn fam O; : =e tee te” = 2 (wsx-.tsinx) or, EF = tosx —ivinr Mr tr ile Sptese TU ont ¢ Beas Subsituhrg Hi S vedve te aan (aj an UW gr. [osustr i sinust) 4 Ap (eseot-! smise). / VI) = |Al+ Aa) coset (AL-A2), ign A |At+ Ar) and 62 [av Aa)?! 2 OW = Acoswl+ Bent | + ©) woWee, vel i natal (civeutar)” freqiuoncy (radftec). - U- mney ‘ Time period (1) > 2m 5 an| eo VK Natural” ‘eyete preqeonty’ -LA fn ds DR lh an = A [Ei (Herkz (Ha) = eyitel/ see). aad, UWs W casey ‘8 sn Ut where, A and 6% “are unknown tonstankg, © = ~ ua smut + uBasut Tribal condition Pca, vE)= yp lo) UWs v Co) 2. vt) SAGs WF B sin (0) ts &) 4a a R ¢ 2 UC)= pesle)¥ & sin (ot) ZA = [ac v0) UCoys HA sie CD WB Los (07) . 2B \ “(B27 fro “WO)? 200) crevsey Oe) eux) —— © oe) - ai) {NSPE Aeaiat Ses foes Toe re aK —— { IE Pao Noo SS xl ne ne sith sen Ampltade ef wetter |” Aa 32 TAR +A7 = [up y32 46> @ | aa t we J DivecHon! tane= 8/4 or, phase ange, e2 -0n'( Ba) Q= ban /UOo)/ | Vv) J Pes tan) $ G00) i = tg a) pais | Phase. angle ‘6! represents the Angular _distince by tahich the. patina maetion Mags behind Nene Losine dermis (Creal berm) “ins the: responee: tangs Ala = Lo Vie) (8) | let vce) | ———— G Co) And véepense Can also be wiiten ar; WUD2 S$. coc ust~ 8) (0) WAITS. sn(ute 6) 1) 2S) Damped free vibmiion | mes c Guy Bole) ne Wwe have: Wieewecs Uw 2 se Ub) = s*# ek Poo. ere or, (ms™+ C5} K) e206 Gne, et 0; i Sa a ve c?— Gah LS. Am aE ay Heve) hye &. | ayes Crh teen cave) peetibles | ubicl ave ch ae Se we ete wD | quit Ga \anJ b, pe je eut 7 =r : —) ard é fe jos > caked damping tere (aa) ery fa Core 2m 2 , armen C6 2m J Gse ee nS am CS Lind 2 Cov oC! danging Cartan ay Sn e_ 24 Atal. chim iva B Cogs 2nd ; o Core 2m > 2m Te Stans ae : mad We Dan \ Hare Cane! ef ans): [eae e BD! Chel damping fark éntar Selution is) vids eS® See u “ot yWs4+e% e i ; fy _sheuielviet be Unewly: dependent on the GE=0 first selutin (est), fd complete selutien ist wet}= a, a* + Hee zat ba de ww ori Ws lat Az) 2 (a whey 20° UU)= ¥ lodanmbeisit= b Co) ~, ole) = (Arao)6"=> Or. = UU) = ratiae). (Ses aaa a eine roblas tare t+a.e 6, 8 @) = —wlaprose’+ Are? Eee + As = Ws: 860)+ Ard on, Az 2 blo)+ we 0s) - Subshtuiry the valve ef Ay & Ar in 24m (6) w(t) =f wco)+* (Gey + v9 vL0)) ent wa. GET pats) sein sae = vudarwped “free vibration Cikcalry damped [The critet\y darnfed vibeen can aloo be dated ar the 2 - smallest am sunk of damoing foe which no oscillation oct: ra in the free rvéegponse, Case BI Overdnnped Syston when pe) wr or Ce Paws Coy oF Cor rea xt Damping vratie lan tis cases | | se-e + [je wou aw (aw) = §e% beat ot z= I Bo Bu tes )e2-1 if te Sys -Z4aw 2 sos -Ze-w whe, Ws fe7-7 En AWS crre, complete solution is 5 wi =[A SHYWES Bast) oo se 2 sale # sg ke Coverdemaad) 2h a —> )r) Dip ment erums 7p er iy accordance ith Tj exponen tat ec serm, ¥? || ase Ds Under damped Brystern! tohen! |S 22 usb Nise 2 Oey FS Ame 2 Con or, C Cor Seed ee Con me fa ain ete pe teens vio “ Ave r.G ean! veda tea e* => ae oe 2 os - us t Vetut-ut 2- 4ur wl et—-1 2 B= Gwt to] p-22) Th Wor wipe) ‘ [Wren, 52 - 2:u tig SS Silas Zt Vp - 2 - Be-j lo : Value ff 2 is very small No ang wnttridion neler hare greater tun goth. Normally, 257. [dorpleke seluion is | vg Reames As. c 2 5 Ay eeseete) tia =TWOyE- =) omcciioal Wea Sune E Bea tC stopt +B eintip | (saat, Boa-aa] Ama: : [ ) Weal [A cestore Gann | + PERE | Ase. dmbine® BMD. Costin | shen to WIL) Vbg) £ BE) wl) 2. 622 vs.e° Lara}, elo B04) 1 UG) -£ A+B Wo And, ule) z e° (Ato) D, => Hiiot) bls - 2 vle)+ B, WD 2 Bs Lk (UW) +2. uo] - vl a “= =\ —¥ SS See Ney jteafrte Werle se a —— a Sie - Here ane TD TH we pub, gro We Do Equation @s) reduced to _undamped free vibrabien, Sey Ts ess Roepe eo ” Wp a ys 2x zt A SDR one Sere ee yw 3 . ne A-2 ra Wp epee. bso: te) ca Wp Me" Simplncerment amplitude deweasS in evert ye of ¢ vibvation . Eqn (20) indicates that the dixplace ment amplitude eee wd 2 0.0932 Uta) Un 41 9)> 09-0432 Vy) UO410)7 o-ous2 ey, G2, amplinide reduceo WD 327. they 10 cycles. 2D Forced Harvesnic motion! m.U (e+ ee 606) UC) = PAY. ——— © PATS aA LPR ERRNSE Y meals A — eee =e Harrcnie doce! Un Aammupect serponte sf Hateuoge ieee PED > Pe vintst oy Pasmt Pte. | Fai we w ‘Tp an Seed fore) ; xi =o m0 rc b+ be OWS Peat —eb) (3-4) Dae ee uye Pasinat! — © | Qreneral _4olution! orig : | Wk) 2 Ue lk) + Up) vat) > Complemenkarr, aeclatien “| Vp G2 Pariodar 6017) depends upon _aryges of toad ) [The response ye the harmon loading tan be assumed as t harmonte and in phase wit Loading. Udt)= A cosest FYB Rn Lok \» : _ Up) Ss Come — Co Maximum Aispla cement amplitude Uplt) is Bic. B tsb: ‘ lip) 2 -8re. sexy : ‘[Sobebrnng oy en), we Gare ain Begin BH + Ke GnBt> Pon Gs &, spies RERIEESAS Cv setto] | om, —mB%+ Ko- Pero mE; or, ¢ (-mi@ +k)> fo =| ee ee ants c=m@ efi) e(a-a? | sar mp Trivedi, frequency voi. = Fluo Pp. ae _ |e = te ¥(1-p2 Andy Up (ee Po. gms k ® K (1-6) oy Quattor @) UE) > A cost + Bsinut+ Pe gin Bk KU-g?) Initial Cowdi tions! Be £20 ULt)= vlo) giGeyawbo) Ube)> Aroxr oD as ubo) BLO> - WA sink 4 WB sot PO GsBt < Cig?) BOYS ox Ue + Pw Ga CA - 92) eggs toe cali pO -p) | Eemene) Yo. wo KU-9*) : wy Wa) depends upon +he initial conden! and nets on the type of load | Ae dk te colled Transient fesomec- = wo the v Noading and de is called UPL depends pon Ayges of si at = Steady stat < |! state Response 1 Poreed” Harmonic fasponse’ Unda repes? mt + eNO) reese = fomnat a ‘y Ui heme | Otsh = PoP | ewe + Po sak vo! kag) wekueg) uu oe —__— de) STrimsiewk) response Up) > Parvecutay ev Using -iwiktal condiKons! Ready stnte Teoponse Artz UWs vey ana BW? OW) a [LE the Austen. Atave frtim resi ve)so, U)ro JIndved uang atten elie Ue = Pele then WG) 2 Use ic 5} [ess =o = | ae p im H ahatidy factor” 3 Spe _dswplacerwenk * Tatars ote Suhr gives Ae ae of dena nics in Warmonie excitation, $e _Sxcid okin freq uon Wa material 2 Sirnuctural gion ppt Respence rato! tet FLU) alt (taee alt eritmnnat Spahot | Hse TeeEER [ie ag Damped Ays kev ! MUD + 6.9 A) 4K ues Po an ee) Iie enguss ey ee ees je <54] Dividing eqn 2) Meats Whe pot + BO de OW Meu oD co) Pe nae wa a cy or, Ue) + mo BGWts*ue)s Po gnced —bs) Ww General soluhin: VO= Vee + vel Complements: stluien! = > QUax a Welt) = 2% (pcos ut ta gmesor) ——O5) Park colar sslution{Amlttude is decrtacing) | Vw (eines $y Dasa +) 48) In 4krs_sselution Gesne term's required ar well ar the Sine Arm, becouse tn genewl the reipeve ef a damped System is nok in chace with Me load and is’ in decreasing order. fe LUI 2 Se. ast - B0smax Van > 8%. ena ode Subsituing the value tn eqn (13) UE) + 2e E00 + uw? vw) = Pe smo ) | = SSeS ee & [5 c.siee - DSWBA t ale gas + Dasa J = Po smak = or ute - 203 ey we] snk +L +2Es ec wtp Jos k = Jo grat [pests | WA i crews cf Sina £ Coxine Aerms qf beth Ades? + Equatn ce. HB 2e-2 enue dr wes Per ™ Le? Dates co 4b 6 PACs rage and), oo D2 .- tenme Lata ) \ [> al: FP es ec agaa CPB Ye ates oe ae p* , MSI ct <2 co | ee es) ust --D a maa ory pte y (Reg) Fes Pe L-29 a a, [Os +252) a oes Pe io Ls or, &-9%) | Pe (5) © 2 ¢8)%) | : & Bz a Ss Ge F ete eye [p= Pew 12 32 ZI (18) ~(¥* eepneg ay IB Con OE Eeluhen! Ua) = 6 o * [Acosut sSsmutlege UBD, swat ( F p+ 24a)? +P, 2 oe SSE el oy eG p22 a Bia rer earcet ———= = e@ Aces wot + Hood) + Po lft) HHOt -27p asset BK = He 25 2 a ee Sierd resp se addecred ba a | Set cenditins “Gheadys SEC | reopens net : Be cted oy pikel unt” We Gan Amd A Ap) by applying mittet Emdrvionr ive of 440 [vad=ves) 2 oa= WOT op tal Tespense 7 [eee SHORTT cht Se | a Ig __ : ———— cs) IPE seomse dana system 4d Harn onic fone 0.2 a Sows) wise) Uts)s Pe wy e Tanstent rSpmses Trtal rspenie— steady Hale NeSpenme. ean Hey ae a P aa eos = aa Desay yoke debeide en F/ee and, Alter slecayy eh tyan shenb readonse onde Fored YeSperse (stens 4 sabe) reigenie. renssins « | Dy namic mMagaitiatten tack! can = a Pa tL : OO Peli kK bo Bt (249)? Pedic a t Ras a Gas | 2 Tie=p en (2 3 Nes 1 ce er pe Dwectton § > tat (Dy = tant [- 2 . 20) , c L=p* Wt) > pt) 2 8 wm lat-9 — 20) Hen) Ras fie 2 quali +o fs eakion Beept in chy “aa K Prom “eqn {(21)" . COs Se. Mes ab-8 a : DO] Recenant ferquencia Ab! resonant’ MSpense:\ —— Cau pawn oy means forcing Freq v9 ar ula, He lamest wespnse amylitide occur. ays ere Ra ° 2 Wiss 8 7 ol Undamed Wp Ws Po (1-57) smmt-Reg sok Bo =e) (ag g)* = Po -pb) sme = Pel swe Eb ue PD oa ie @-st o Sf $04, ne, Mou} then, “Up@) s tadetevwinale Mew Uo dt) Fe Sens Ke J. Ups Cr Brust int) Ee erste fe ree E& ipl 2-we emBk — Posy ce task) M UNS —BomnBe- Bemak—- Boy cosmh Bin 2 Wem B72 d ceRB/k1 Sabeitaling in eqn A wetion! ~ > . MUM) + KBD > 2 vis Po tnt Sey m(-28¢enat- Bcsasah )+ eleeset ye Boas tb (exces t) 2 Pe sn e fle, — 26 Be sate — wk Cosham ct AAR D Pome Ceim 2 = Ke ww] I Cus Epes “se BW oy = 2k We awat > WimGt ae Of) 2 cae ennai \ lI wo x S e | meee Po on aka Ripe = = Po esd cosh Ze € Complete stun iS) BH a (A csv th Btinw)— Pa ab Cost =e Damped! pays Po 499 ome gg Re _ Bea ap) | wen Bs & g24s up) = Po b- 24 oe 2S. 0]. aia) a= Sea l Complete solution’ Atesipk + Bsmvspc) Pe coswt eas AAS Seelahien and) Feree Trans mish eility:! Cones yao S = tpinac Aamplr Sxeeitiont pure Po stn 3 peer [=| mi) am = i ‘Ee Ain to wr dhe "fs 2 be psaitlS cu) “fr Ws kw +. OW) Bob, VE) = be Ra. (wth =6)) ; & ow eer one 8) Ke code WY k: Pata sede t=e) +e: be Se. B as(Rte-9) —) The Pragi wae vais feGt) over Be Wiss Ae Cray) > 2 DORAL N ~ Le tIamng: Q | = PeRa \\O. > fee Kas || zPeRa |e fom gis)? ae } 2Po.R Rig ease le onmx) 2 falas ie sp) Tan ni Paty ot force > May. Arinsmerbed faye Pugitede f fore &, TR Av Cre) eee +(2 4p) Pe i : = e+e ¢p)* C52) 7+ (ep)? [tse sey Te i a-p)* +2 49)7] 2 ae eens al fd se ‘i \ wba ce a2 % = 0 A rat $ Leg scare) ) mea : pu 92% ‘ Fe the Aransmitied free Ae be leas than she applied frre te Whress of dhe siippert system aod bene the ral frequency shovid “be, smal! enough so the Fe iz, to ral yubber 1S a very Sob Sfachory ruler fer bate isolation, : _|L_ Sage 2 Use. smal Pets aartig pe : VO > —M Ugo Ra. sm( BE 9) 7 res TR Ri. lee ag) : = 2.9>|Vilovaion naca saving trettne ents WE ONY : ‘ ee : U vw Oy Te reer hot tert) non Simplest form: Transducer: mass Spang damper slew mountainside. a ag Frame’ rb TS ottadied. Fe the, ground burtace. iow subjected) 4s ystten) tavedicer ‘macs jee Ae" ferme and its rtlahre oliglacement is recorded Ofkey Isitable « magnitrcabtes « mat) « eUles KOU) = Pes, samy Gg ls aie semi ge snget —é€) Steady state solution) this) 2 ane Ra. wm ae ) ciel GD) Alrernabvely Og tis Vysm ae CPE Rosine) the) = 5 Ya sist £Z Ug) 2 — 8 *vje ent Pe re aT) the 7 Ugo sini | Le ar Aro. , ! SO? ¢ ie | : | = BE ge Ady Lt 0) Energy dissipated by chancpigy?! m Lie 7 Steady ste solution rf SPoP systems haioy “PUEV= Po inet is uib= § enl&t—8), [The energy clresipater by viscous darsping in Ore cycle of haymonie vilbraben is! 5 Eaz_{ fo. ds Lo 2 te dus Orde Fes. oak is oa = an Ze | Cem antartoy tan O ze [e%s a | txew s* U eal zal 2h fet UlcaAziee] 340 6 ER Cr mes eled eg “Ir sk- eet fe pam | he. “Energy dive pated iS Properioat ae the squared ef the amplirude «4 rasfion. ae = <== TE is wat _q constant Value fer any given aviount of damping and _ampbtude ef excitation since She energy aise increases Uneaiiy with excitahen prequancy. in _sbeuly stake Viloalhien , Hh “energy inpuk “ro the systen doe te appliedidtte js dissipated ‘in iS cone damping. “Ors (pu au J nis a | amis. G dk ® Unc Pe mat Lee qccae-e) Jae oe \ex = whfeno} 20s {es ann). ( 282) rope sd ellen are .Es2 2n Zens? mie ve, ler= G4 1 i Over cach cyste, of harnonte vibnten the changes _in 4 poten Rol energy fejuet atthe shady enemy!) ef the spina and ‘Kinde energa ave zee. $ ane aris PE CEs) 2 ffs-du= (Ku) ddk =| Ke gmlat oO) wg cose ee 03 7¥620 Jy GEO Gilet) ue 0 ye (E> [fr.dwrz { a Od 0 B’s smbt-s). siz es( Ft -8) ak Ox/ix See slGt-9) . cos (ae Ode f) u 3 as] Cece dA _Vvibratien Response to Periodic Forces: A_Perddic excitation trophies thab the excitation hes been in pexcsvence ter a long time > by whith time the Avan went response Assotated with the jnitial diiplacement ard velocity, har decayed) se. aft2Y Some seconde oy steady State ext e. / Pevrrdic Function fx) = 4 R49)” Pts constant Wtled penod-' PemPate Loading, Pt) = pdernt) fool) pesiire integere value ef ‘vn’. *> foun'er Sevte! A feivier sewes is an <2tpan ster cf a_pericdie funchen in terms ef a0 Znfoite sum of gine and Cosne. series, Poures.. Serres make | ute’ of « the orthogenadi hy relation op ef tine & cosine Lun dionsi SEE —=S— ee iia eegorae ee Esk Fnlx) — orbs) 3 tt Pie ee ek ee sy | AAA i to —— CR=C Hy Fourier series! PWI= e+ F Ay Cost E+ Funk —— ® ALL Whee, Gas wie ns 2 Ges ae Tae aoe cs (unt) & in. mort) = LL hoa het Where (= halt pened T/A. 5 a : POS toe Bay Gc nat | +S bn gin (nat) N21 Ta nal a = 44 © a. fon { nt) + =n. GAME av e acy Me 2, ac,:-- an, bi bo.-- bn oe ne ee (5) on ae Tee Wiel oe Nance fren. (one) (2 ita wry wc “POS aor & anws(nat)+ © bn. gin(nat) ——) wa) way Constants + 7 dort (pars + [ PUD s) a. iF at a danza (% Plt) fos nn zs t) tos A dk ——~(6) : DHE L 9 Jo Ry ye | a 79 F EAE ase caalea eh bre 1 er yr) gin nat ab cs ‘i L ' PD Gin 2%. t dt = Jo 19 23 i ple) armel —® Tp P F AVernavely, ean (2) can be simolifed} FH) 2.054 SPs (hae+ gy). is) Wert z : Loherey Po=de, and, Pn = fanme bn? , gn an” | bra). ex ADI Plot displcemenk - weloci and accdembioy “Hime histtwa U TOY He given simple Warmente’ wehior> Also eaptss Abe me fi Nend | oy lag of | these wicken Components, Express Ue mst Mean Sjuare _aaplitude value of gen stuscidal Vlahin akse. Given! WEBism wt | = "ap, wher 2 dip: fren i eqbl. pest hon, .X 2 dPlace ment Anis tod = Eft eno i opalese PL 2 we. me are Ke hg —— ; oO rad Fnlesr+o) > lotr Yahind Oy S/d. Sec. | ov 8 reel GH (ust 9) > Leads: b4 8/s See. ne oll bie hisa 1 ee e e a 1" Smust_repenkr avery a radians, wi Bevel’ Gz ae he oS Aso = na 2 on ea teria Ve X sma Oe WX Gosut = LoX. Sn (WEE mJ2) Sac sm {us +F)a9)} : 4 Sey time > [t+ A /a0) OS oxi snult tran) Us $ Knot vee, $2 usk and $244 /alo [oe PES ene = 5 : { ££ | map . y E ees i belnd Ui by AfQva (Interns of 4) lags behind ~laa (Cv oes) ¢ p o arae Acedeysthen | cedteves FT Gos wx sunk 2 +H gmloe+n) 2 SEN, sn (oft+ Jf Here, : Ut X Gut O > Lox Gswt > UX sidve+ m2) FX Sink 2 UX sn (We +R) face wagan Square (RMS) valuss: Pefitenent! Square vive of pees Pe xt Men square velve ef the ubele wave fore a Cyde cf Xomub x to = Mean dee of u* Gon be titen os UPD ic e = FAR GES Sale sna Say ox [xt ene a 7 Jo i a forza} a + y "RMS vole f uv sfx? - T ai oe Eq.pThe stauscidal Vibration divplacemen’ ampUhide ak a parkeuloy ink on an engine Wor A single Penk value ef 4-0 mm at a fiequery of ote. Exprees) tus intems 4 Boge peak velechy in mS and Grge ponte acc” be bode mls” Qud ots, Also Guete AMS values” for Ai epla co ment, Velocity & acr. U Uz xX goed Cp, KZL-O mn 2 eol'm ' fo 20 Ha. Wiesel | eg eei ao | a SSL es eee tea eee toe |e BA SX Cosist + _osil $n (Usk+ 77) NO 8X > 4ox xi Mmmigec = 0.047 ml sec. em ce ee ie eS re ee SSG 2 ahs on 0 4 Rms ates ef | GE ies sean wy. we 2 Us etx > 0.099 mis Go UL 21 -( EET Fa Spang’ in parallel nd” in Setiec! U Kyi > ye Ka Sp Je yw P (Fenn sae] ek Mas Ke Ke Ka Kes ki +K2 —__—_—— Parade Sevex Kee = x Dnit devplacemend ai ATTFeT Onit displace ment 2 atrtor BH fore ae) Tt force ave] eal. Tuk 6 > A Small ene shrey mduspriel ending vd 6-Sm x Lom in plan is shan in fequve oith nvonent frames te Wes deen braced. frames in EW avn. She Wert of sbruchure Con he deat zet ag qkal? lumped ab the floor level. The leitentt 5. bynetS AEE NDEBRam chord of te vert buat AML the cellunns are $C 29 Seckina. The veel X= bracing ¢ t frée_vilvation in beth direction’s.” arc made of 257m g¢ rods. Formulate: the eq” governing V : Se dom aa Vas ‘I at Lon 2 bom sm Foe a 68) ee 4 aE. ¥A8 = pr AgKs c \Komdnge= Ex los? 6 —t “al Reepensa 40 fuser coves Leading! Undamped system (SDP)! [The steady sinte ecpense produced by each Seine’ berm in SDOF -Systewillis! givenby' ne > bn’, ga nie Und amped Sa 1) G8) i : Where, Bas Ga Sh = J CS ar w we J Similarly, tre heady skte epence 49 each ‘esing Hr is gin ba, Sao eet. > GosnBe —— eee i REE) And the ‘Gleady state response to the Constant Loading | VO) Ss ae es { Ee The tore pemdie response Ao undamped SDof system (steady hte) Cee enone E, ce.ntll “ ne at Be) nzi(- BD a l (ta) Gntesnat+ by mnt) ] j e}e ee 33 Undamped _sysiow fs Qo®) Skene yp gtake_re Epon se, ey eath ‘Sine’ berms} Gi) > bab i [Re Be) sree — Pe surat |e) Kk: Ope Fy DE pe t Cosine hermet NSAIDS ag bok 28, Pr. Gnit+(L-He) CosTnt | Ve) Si 5 acoA ica Cons rn erm} (8) = as ami itl ANY ie . TON sendy state response | Bee aac 11.:159\9 [an 2 Gna bp Cine?) crime K E no Q- p74 (22.9), IE F +[an (1-$n2) ~ bn. 2% on) emit Sie ed Cxponental forms ef! fourier series} Using | Suberis relshndip! Viger TREE = He Snnwk se tee t z a Hise &sn&t =e ou e \ a 2 é TRS Ey We te J ‘On Cosnatt bn. Sinntt = an. @ bn: e! fb =e (an— thn) = a [ansien)e 7a Th tee tarts, Qoele ih fansidn\s On & b (ane Ks, a = ete Is HO = a+ (Gee one ets \ fe: s oe { . yo oe wheres Cra 1 f (Ppp. ede ap CY tohere) "ky! isthe eamoplex Ncombugate ef 10h! formed ar for a P by reverting the Ahe thas, = na Complex rusmber tp eye aah Syn of, ira ry 7 eT 3 FermS wi sve WG E Ser pert. OA) Since dk With neal ve Connplex copes. of tevids with | pevtee W), dheny = STA we Pa) jeae ~ ne = ine i nel 7 nay ; ine DR Se cea hero ee Cae hel nol Neng dhe Jivial retaken ship | Coz eee fa nay Nis ene niet I . FHL ne Cn: 1. (eet Foeotutaie.=} TP aa = mise ws kus Oss oe | eed | Steady Goke Selution’ Test : |B 8 wwe (uae). Pade ae Glogs pengor, P98 : an J Usp) = af + a : FLe-poi 9) 1 Ss [ ug) - i449) CEL eater 2 ip)” Favced Vibraien response +s imipudstire forte » Harmonic aading s Perppare leading = Fourier cuties Y Smo give feces > Single princtoal inapulse age ence) >. Relatively shat duratien , > Damping her) ese Much lees _thepertance >No "ine fer [ke aay sholre Lrespense 3 Vilbvaling as per nahurot frequen cay “Cpree viloaKen alter inguisive Leading) » oot ; — i — i #>|Regpense ts uxt impulse — a ih fovee,. ML)> 4s a ST + hp e i Me | Time duration > & im | Starling ak time bib =—s las eso, PH oo eee ed Magnitide of impulse = (pW at= 2 [ Glled uk imoice] i 3 Bivac delta funcken S(E-D) mathe nwdicatl Aefines A _urik impulse Centerea ot’ tot. ves [ Slt-w abs 4. pede ls) ° token tf, S(t-Tis0 =—— (3) 2 (PRO. SEE PE) ete —W Newton's secand haw’, d{milep => mths p =) dt or, Ps mu —9 Antegrating eth sides; : * : . (“pat = (msde s m(byu,) = m au —3) a Py Magnitude of 4 IMP Se = Change in _momenhim Tt frie acts tor im fies may sherk aurolen so tut. the goving And dlawpet "(lave ind ltiine tb telpmnily thee a unt | impulse ab 4a Wepark ay the mass ™, the velocity Bw) oo @) (eo Mes) ot +2 | - ‘ Bub, the displacement is Zer . pier qo and “ptr the impulse : wy cise (@) AL Unik Impulse free “vibahin of SOof sysleu Aue 4s the inital Sielaterentk and velodhy gen by egrets) and @) red. 4 TN __penered eqn cf motions % BIE) SA Css + B stack = Ue) cosist+ GO) gaut ce "Displacement simre ak bee Son a Le)s FO and GO) 72 OO ‘ ww MIE) = ae) cost - T) + GID sinus -T) i x xe Lhe t3t, D> b-D20% uot) = & [4-Tee), susl-t)t UAB Hautt-T) oe we)= hk-T) 2 oO toststt-E) + > Sen, Sinus t-T) ne-t) = 4 gnusk-t)y;\t>,0 ——— (9 rs Py (EATS Unie Wapulce reppense Auncken « WW : ‘ol tint—rmputse—re- Cor Aanaped sysiem ($0 of): WE = EO CA coset B sin top t) | Besk Qe i ae te Ra Uy Zemesot ) . 7 py. : hee ee gnvepltt> bet ——U) wp z . Th Wiprse is ether Hen unity) then! LOs tH K-D) ——— = 2) an = Magnitucle +f iwielse ¥ Respme due fo Unik impulse > & i Respsnce to Arbitvany Eevee! A force HE) vanging 8 +f) larbitary Wi me Can be represented as Oar tir a Sequene f Mménitesinalls Ye ae snoieth sees The Nespemegs Z| Bia Urea dynamic system =e lr one ef Wese impulse ab = we “Ved mapitvde: BEAR i | PUD AT is HAS magnitude Wiioo \ : j Ian Wald’ inoulse ‘vesdenya. PD ry te. Ave) 2 [pide ne) St I NES G79 [The _vetponse of tre SDoF system at tHe is the sum ; ef responses 48 O! impute upts thak dine. ; [Tins t i we = | or h k-t) Beat (24) ¥ ee a ee San Wa) is Kuston ar Conveluhin Tete geed, a _genéred result thnk Japples 40 Any Unear dynamic Sytten: Sub HWANG Cans as) £ U2) neg? a) gives Dynamic inteaml: we Le Pe) grolt-T)AT 8) meh F (Onder ed Case) ul) =. (* els tc) 77s, Dam ped) Gse: Lmmplich \ Has resula qe ab reer iwibsat conditions, Ve)eo , TLe)=0 Syptem is Unear-, 40 Super peatien popla. - TL PUT) is simple’ Aunchien,— closed term ‘evalustin of the integral is possible. 1 dhe Duanid's integral method is an, Aliernakre selukien Gnd in se cf compliteted Zunthen, umenal meted applies, xo Respense te slap freer” st A skep force, jumps sudden (3 Lam 200 te "Pa and stays { Leenstank. D2 Vices 8 P Undamged From eqn We) h(t-t)s 4 ma, ket wes fren yn Us)} WE) > (¥ pce). Sine (t-t) AT, eet nis Je = Pr ie ies (SAD ATS ae €4- tert) mes Z mois Jo ey & u= Pe Cir cesest) = Os li caseat) 08) ie K. gtahc_displice ment + Vez Po K Sudshtuhng ) ww 2 27 T ae ini! «> ae aN a Foy maximam vale of pespensey d_ wlb) = uk) =0 dt 2 er ee a B ea 51 be wo fo D> Fnwtto ws nn w 2. Wo 2 Wirgx = Po [cos $2r n33\ Yes alae ls 2 fe, U- esa) 7 When n2odd, | lesuneod wUst fy fo = 2x Vor ———— 9) K — 2 evens te Gawp Ames x Die) = Pe. & ~ (24) See Using Beberd inegal; aa ae Esa * eb = A cE PW « sas (4-t)ae - = 2 DST sms et) ae | musty [ee@= P [a _ sat |] ‘ oe utr |] (22) S| step free with mite’ Rise bimet 9d Iey= Pe. bl 4 Cty HI Ly [Worf tate : Z : 7 £ Fraser: Response uring ramp Perce! ea Phased WW ull) Pet —-sinwte | thar (za) KL tr wake is Phase: D: Respanse during constank Kore. hare! =e Frew Dubamels inte pol us + fp) anu lt-t) dtz Pe f= fo sexe | KS e mt J suet) Pe Linceswlt-ty) | 4-er>9 = ea) 4 Ac Avew bepinming of secmd plus, thebinital Conlitins $ are nwt zor, Hie, ul) $e, 0 Ls)--0 : . ulkyryfto, Uler) +o F a — Senn cos ts (4-40) + — smus tor) 4 Po (1 oses[t- ue i free VleHonaselukion; —- ——ty- UES Atsswlk+ B Knut AzVY, Be GL) ww Her, % j ve) 086) 1 a Erm an (2393 : ? (arin be me aka ee ap oe fp | Flee 7 wer) ki ueD= Po — Far | = Po {.- ine tr I& wk) = Po (Eee , Kr 4p Seen) in eqn (25) £ golving) vib). % fra ry, a tasuitr) gana lke), potato veyatalt =i bssty tre (eb) or wae) = sels [Sint — sone (EE), Per ___ [Te normalized etormation ul) ie a funchien oh normultzeg = Ler ust me tT) because ORE on (E17) his Auncktes sty Aetends on 4 1 ns} separetely + £T. or Tr, apical ag ee i Pe af / tlt > =y Arlt T9S bukmenee Fe ra = me) a> During the Fore rising Phase, He Syrten. oscillates at the ii o naturel gered ,T about the sake gitachhon. 2) T4 Yhe velocity Gly) is Zerg, ak Me end of amy, the ? System cleesned vibrate dutng the Constant fere phase. 2 For Smatler velue of Plaid. Tred Ast \ Hime), Fh! wespence, ais similar Ae tet due te aq sudden wep fore. 4) For Larger valve of tr]tr He dynamic _Arsplacement oscillider 4 ctese +0 the gtakic solution (te: dynamic etpeck is less). Pee velne of Wt) during consranh fete. | Umax > - [+e wey ay a Respense fot Ra = Winx = ay [Sinners | Vag. nt), Thy & <28GRSwenee $e <2 Th te By Una? Ver fa =< St so 1 ‘ seen ——a Ep Ub) 29) Vanny 2 VEF a =n ro 4 Aone Fypteng cleo net with. fnite ase Hire eScil ote « = A EttoKeg System Heese Es 4 we WE4L01b cand a sping voith #iPiniss K20hblin_ is esceusy domped Se. Shat! ae fete of) io concocutive amolitudes is 100 and ols ooo. Dot 2)| ») Naruvel fey, fave: Undamged eye _4) Dam pinn who ©) Damoging coe $i rdenk The legarithwic derement 2 AS Bamped nedured Artquen uy >| ser Weto tb, we Wi > Lo db .% 220dblin 5» ABNG th] sec¥ a) She. ae Aakiml _fravency se = Fi = Leong > 2438 yaa |'sec. io 4, we = 23-98 > 4.42 Be an an ddl Legatthmate deere mend Sctnfur |. Jo |i \ 2 dues gs / { zi S_ON3 20.026 lappron) ») Canping wlio: eee aS an 2 D) dara ping cep: etent? = % Collet SROs e Deby ax Jo KX 2A-ABS win3a Ib. scclin 386 al 2 So epee tie setae a en iE MEEe* = 27-38 1 -0.024 ae 23:99 ed pec. ADA machine ween Avvo} Is prounsed Through having 4 Hetet siffrevs Ks 2eelblis aa a sraple worell benim ad Sraien, AB Using the anodphial-wedel- shoten i fy, She equivalent. mass U + the (4. sping Constant "RE! and ey. dames coegpivien’e fer the sysiens A Home Ht haw dy. of evel chmping. ie Ahe 7 woos ' ef dhe beam, ar i eT £07 Lbkind®™ 45 > esin F: 5 & ¥ S n stant | bearn 2 - &p ny Co stant) fer 5 67 Lo : Pr ager ‘ rs Wie a 2) 5 Ase a i kbs Gx aot 2 Ft Min 4a) ® duivdank tose vielen saad Me > tl 4Bsh an C= 336 | Come 2 vag. We. 5 Dy HTK 2) Dirhh ae 129094 5 7 a, : LEE A ee beni uppers ae 2 Aber Sv. Tie ene m Het neo er ond ee rete i, the ey tend 4 Us 4 edb oF an ¢ “Yislek Unill be the a Vee eae 0? oo” = ‘ Mp of in | Multi Deee ef el > ) Sytem I oer ire ag J | in Tie wetin acl HST DAMAgAMSIBE He aefcea by the - ditplitements of a seh of snuete pomin Gili eae Hea Each adel point tay . ere deqree of freclem Pw, be 3- laxplAcement ant B- tain _tn_generel, : 6 Hy) pts) Considerir only vertiel displacement , the hear hace *N! degree & Greedem. Thus fv each of severet dpgree fe frectem , He dywanse’ equiVloium may he expressed as: frie doe bois Pre) ) Aces 4or4 $52 = pole) fr +403 + 483 > bs W) = SS Fou + ia 4 Esn 2 pn) When fore vectors are. sriented ty nabix firm eqn iy Ga be uvtten ass { f4rj ~ jhod + $454 = per 2B efi [$9035 [P.)) Ppn0-( Gy : SIN { Pao] Mere, cach byte of force Component cbvelaped of mele-t depends pen the difplacement componertt develspel ot ll pee tia of the shuchie. Ps_Ukey Asiz Kun, + vie +: bose ~ = TN OW ) A Sivenbawley 5 | fsa0 Kar ngs Ka2ur+ 199 0p <= 2 ON ON 3a general 6 ; i) Asis) Wud + 4 Kig-ug + ~ --+ kin: ny) = Ki is caller stiffness fluence Coefficient, [goal ett alte leak es fij 2 forte corresponding 10 Coordinate GY dur do Q& unit BEOiee meld of comdinak 5 Tn makix fovm, the complete uh = ease foice velahien ship Et ee GRY een (vy Js. Kay kar log wai ne - kN Va. 483 ka) .k32 kga-— Kai --- Kan val ~(4) ese aaa 7 \ fall [De Et { 4 1 Le rf rc H r : te 2 } [ Jen {ke Kw Bws-lein = En al Ww. Sprabaicattg | 4 4A ffsh-[e lio} Tks” shod Fypomabvicet eine as To Wh 3 Qeneroke catitend, Whod bed pot TE Tn7 oh ; = postion, AHP eH Siplaceert ob NS cya eis! |_| ¢22 Cag So Cy Car CW3--- CH =--Con | ty 4 eelochy tf the Wh aieplace ment Caprdinate cys Darping influene wedficient = force correspond ing A oordinete i due +o ua well oF tw-er dinate “\’, + $204 = [c1$64 —— @ a 2 Daraping _mabie o Ene Force t Me \ ton ue hag ao =, gre [rao maze imam —— waa == wan | to Ars m3, 32 MBB --- Mah - = maw | U3 | Yager cies = 8 Jn min oie iia! ei) oo wna tn ‘ 2 SS -\\== Ltrs) Livny MANE INS “> wan = =~ rane] LOW BQ Acceleration of 147 chisplacement Coordinate mij Qa mat influence coaphic ens = force. Corresponding 2 wortinate 4? due + unit accelerue oh coordinate ‘y' “Sete (mig eae 6) CwiTs mass madix freedom, Tus ts dynamic equation fee vader aoa baving N degree A_sypten_ingeshich only tS btienat deyree. cs freedem lare_ defined lag above), the lumoed— mass main hata Arageral Prem, yy mir 0 O wr oO [mJ So ma Od ° oimgs 557). @ @y ae O00 0 = mm | The eff Magen tevns. mij 4 Wis mie mers beaure an accelermhen ef any mass poink produces an jnerbal force ak deh psind only. eh MD Mand ea OE IN genet, the lumped mass, natin, is oe nda x hakich wi indude Zen diagonal dened i the rel epree of | freedom. Cee os oobi “include rodnbonal epeach, Crs ¥eCed Logs Dead > FD} | Undampea free wilvakions ‘ Cn 8044085 [05 > uy) | folupen if Hes eqn iss ; | Sul) 4 = 205 Snluere) =U3) there, i 105 = Aeqe of othe Syste; dresred change Howe, sly. magmive vanes ¢ with OF phase angle. 5 4 Second devivabive ! {dws -e? £84 smutse) = ut tows —— Ug Sulas HE ng in Si FFs a a1) TAM enn (5.993 | Gord [-w*4o3, wn LEHI FL ED MY gy (atte) Zo on [fs - ee us) oration ar bitey. re term } is io) i$ _Gabléel eigen value oF chimeteishe value problem. a2 An : {845 shape of the ae layskem Known ar the en- vettor ar mate shacer. - + Nove, “ak tan be stsion ley Cramer's rile jek Dee seluiin of MiS simittareeos eqn ts af Ae form! : o Gy 2 Gry a Hence, non vied golubion is posible. oly when the denoni- naktr defereriran vavidhes, dn eHrer worls, finie-amplihide rec viens Ave erly possible when \[KI- wwa\so —ts) U is Called Sreanen ey equation 4 the system igen values! and cipervedeys are moathericd concepts and teiy vite is nok _confirea (2 vibration then The weed incidentally N 7 are clerived from the German urd Meigen’ meaning ‘ost’, 0 t the etgen values are Wes cum values ‘and the eigen vectors Gre TH Own vectors; @igenvalues and eipanvecters” can be rer of temples, and “Wis } is_dlekermined by He dampin in the system. System wikh no damping have real efgenveluer and genvectrs, v Vv Suppese, we wish te find efenvalies and empenebwr of Hhe _genernt undannped Aygolena! [oI Cud + (KI fe3> 5 Since _eipen valves And eipenedes ave Unaffectal oy the et ° applied Fores, itn be ebitimed tom the honogdncs equation: : I Gaia + [ed fod = o.——a. DOSES ia (3, Kul a al (vy Wwe eee ee Bale | ker Kop ~--| J ¥2]o0 —tb) yy (tty } ' =a hs Ci The reSpenses atoll! +he paints U1, U2, --- \Cen BE Cenvidered jas Werizented or verteet projedins of a voteing, Complex unit vec 2th putts plied by the ved Constane O1,G,,--.. Then, He response cf all he gom¥e Ui )u2)--- Ae gen by; $04 2 (6) CA © i 7 qatar GL ests tOy et i) (w] ta) : = Via [se eet SOG ‘wl cy Subst tuiny tn eqn We \ ; : | my mets (Oy. [eek == [VO] | Su? | wer) Ware - + Gal Kar (Kon --+ j&lso—© [Rose IE eel ofr TeEOTY Whose ocr es = in s a ete tease *» MDops > odes due “on move Man AWD, (a) Lumped Mass syste 2) Centinucur System rwvirg G a amber “fe Dots. Qquation af mshi _sreugimiplélundam ped MDOF Syren 4 a: a at i a md ae vs wath tt on Pare y Taare ee a ah, —_€ ; fo : Genembry \indam yea _2 DOFS : FD SOFE ness Thebit if eqn of machen fram Newton's second Law a and dAlember's pinciple: Equating al! the forces ackng =m i each ness te zen, fxm: eee Byam = hiv i eke Cur-w,)=9 ——— to) Pome! ae i Colwaue —Kelus-wi)c 0 +2») barring in etix form! [mes ° Sat + eyaememiGonlelayeer = oh ~ (21) [oo na) J eae | Cor & or TeV RSS CETUS S ERS (2) N) | fqusnon of mehen -Aswm te sittfress mabint t t Sf 2 = [ears -ko LS wl laa) 2 Use J [eee ef [ve] Nowe, replacing tng mses ae tel het darter: Ch del Pate gn lez) become wnt) and [fe -vaiia) reap, | i | ants ( a [hake ee [fui] ey Jo- waily (eo kite) LY2J age Whith ton atin aan - 1 vu a sake -*i fu = rae —ey) ~ ett ee ees iid] 7 =f metien Loren Lagrange’ eqiahion! ies dscinat Aejend cipen He ataplace mele a the masses, and. damping mismadgmered then} : Logranges ey an ke wittn ass ‘) _OIRee \ 5 ju : at | 34: J 4, shee es ‘Te ert Bef dhe Kasten Uz fe on my Viz Generalized’ Coord inaleg aio ferces Certuin “restiichionr apply Av he choice cf these Generalize Quank Ker: The Coordinates mush! be independent te each cHney, by The generalized Ares BV Wost de the Same usrK as the on aurvel’ forcec, These yqunements “are Sabi trea pete, Qo ft and Qr-%2,. in; 2 om Te 3 wiv Y Ssuathy Sod uted Ko (ue nu)e ‘f wel, gia), AD Then} BS 2. 5 RWWA vysut ke uwedL pouze Q: aft \ sant a [or \ 2 maith atk (2%, ) ae aE wo - aN = Zu y— Kr + eau, oa, ag i WW = Vou ey 298 a. Sale why th om BS); amy ty FM Kour + KAT Q Ws) wri + 202 - aya fe J : Cr expresn ry Ym Rene ore i gees ms ° a alee 1901 = leh) — @3) ite | ete Pi wae. a Genero’ apprach fer lineay syStem! De screb zation! : Displace meve ak nodes are * 5 Paola, 6 ‘ 1 af 4 grea | ' Mah ides i vat, wok, ve : i oa rae. ae Doe 2% ‘ Apied de5" neglected ee Catern Dyranit Lover Dot =B TRE vrement Plt) +o Rit) at rer in prakchol iat i +) ae ee ¥>|Elaste Forces? Apply a wit displacement along DOF ie balding ol other aplace ments ieeers Ale [The sHfgners inflvence & ; a Gepheienk Ki is’ be te required along poF'y’ ane be wet Unit crplaement ek OOF Y’. : a ¥ specs = ee heh a if pis | 4 ; Ly A \ ror SEAT 3 mI 2 Bron Voy 37 ead anok site ‘st 33) IPS 1 TT wa ed a Ure. User — ERR Key a4 wee | ca Ky eer a ar r?¢, + a 7 Ug24 Asis Winvs Kei nus yoo FEI Ul tos SKU 2 a re een g ee, hso kay kez ---1) wy - kon vp | ; aren 4si i ae 2M Re ain vil fmm) a oR kz eK Hst> OT iyd a) ; got Gos : : Bf ph - on >[Dansging Fortes ee p # pt [foi = LeJto4 (32) aed aie aes — >t) Inertia Porte: [fee = tee | a ceeterntion av ; Ts =F ; wy | { Mass influence. Weep frtent poy V24. | Gas : (ase [we] (04 Ga 2 Arahsse fer vibreHien freq uensiy sd + Sel"! » ye vel Pre cepsee tn wpe ! fs [6 KpS|in fe Le Rpsec tin ae 2 coe 2h, \2oRPS |i» pe Zokp ec lin ae : 1EMEPE| Sn ve ' m 6. GSH ES — ee Grokn3~0 Tike Ki 8 e. Hy are iy Ge oe Be oiadacntst Ten ie RS peed) = |e Kae kes #e ae -2 Les: k32- KS suse Ve al ao te. oe +. i >. Tx3] ee. : (ae a : Seria 3 -2\-Alo vr ot (Segara eo") ee 2s | jae oe = em |i-rx —-! 0 ei | d-ysA Sa moe -4 or, \ica) (is - 64-750 + 3a) # = (a) [ad-s)x a ze oy, [u-aA) (ad= 1h SAaiH) + 2A-S FO or, 3An SAAN OA IRS ROG ABA 42 “SH > 0 HS MH SAT = OR SA 4.68 20 : E> \pCr] 89 AM fade S945) ve, Ans 0,351 Tossss] ey Aas dGo6 => wsts bead 1.606 “par 3saz bs] IZ, Guy ) wusee ) we Jur > [3e0F aA lSer Cw3a 7] Gee Exy Find the Gyn value and eigen’ vextws of we undampad Hpley sum’, shee — So eat [Te eqns of mati Fee dae -syoten is 1 [mio Sus [eee = [bd = $e Oe CANS a Tnseriwy Gren volves Pio [ Suit + fon ie [Sud = fe 1 —_ ry ot \]h J =e xe] | ae | te J Onaitting Hee applied forte: gute dhe Wome geneous ems aw wr th he exgtn valits and elpenvednrs Ba be found, ie. fre lfie] foe ate] Sin (a Load le) tere ve [url Arranging by the feo A QIK -- ut Tm SIE 3 20, we ees ¢ Roe aie |= 4 we NY a! Oy (2 evens ama tora ited Saif toring 72 a) Wwe get! : [ada De Me le) wwe jon zal CB J : [The two _etyenvedies Ar & Ao aye hele’ Pound Joy wailing | Hoe pasty in ayn bs determinant and easing: a zen. [ac-a Ee a [ [ate 20-aa| i |] =, B A*-asagsezo ALS 9645 2 | aon "2TWt nehunt Arequencier ore @t “r= Vas 31.440 red see : tso2 Taos aad md see. The +w0leizerveinya can news be found eee yt letpen values one wt a sire 39 449 WD! (ao-ayd, = 100, ~ — ® ate Sy cijsc>. @ [oe i Te SE EAE Ua a0-A\ Vet 40 [Ths) wt have } ° For AzaArs asain [aes (GA ee gase 4 —— lamest fev) S fo-2a > gp-séss) § j Ug), Lo 1 <— Larges lpor Az Ans 72.808 , [.\; a Sng 513 Sagat Bo pom age = LHe [Te eigen-ecttrs can vow be called ‘normal wooder’? and ie is usual bo wate them ar rectors, ) fat. = (Gla) L g Wa Ja fins ety Using Hae Gert of the handed metleds fer necmalizing Sh eigen vectors (making the largest cbselule glemenk in eth column lunshy ), akese ave 3 Sgeh2 fesesl | fae: + ae Lo. veal [walysts for vilenHn nade shapers i we hae}, se — ¥ (ted - ot Ow) {0420 ————~ (8) where, frequen Welw) é (vs) i Paty Suoghi hubs ng) oe (kJ -4?(e 2/E a ee 0S bene CN depenye on ‘vol, ab is diferent fee ech mode, Eqn Wb) is satictied ademas Menically!) andthe amplihide é lof vileatinis-indelevminaken Hever then tape of dhe oeetiny _Syscteim can be ctekerminel by selving for all drep- eens in _kerms ‘of tre cterdi note, “| Roe Hats Pup seeaete Lass vale) ts aestmned fe. tia & b shen} Gye OU = ) Ge ———_ Bs) | (od ta tn seat at form, eqn (38) Gan be a 53 7) et’! ef? —- - ay i PU ey A ely tan Dt ast —— (40) ae Ser ' : a = Tp. El ene o-- Sno | Uw oJ t, =o er ch nuenee [bo lgea oars an = [Ba Eos Boy £03, ah Sete oe ps elena : oj at? + CE is J PU dzo-to9) Cos | \ v0 Won 0 EAT) gan soled See net for_dlisplacoment am plitu- Be a 3 Bak, 4n.(45)' is _vedundank, and sab fies iddenBeoMy bee Commenience’, the vechr is usuvilly |2cpresied in Ainensvontesr Peo on aay... a (Casually te Cargeot) . The resutting vedi fs Called Sie nth ede shop? Pre Thess. : eax alll Gn = [PN vohere , ee hs Fan | pate ane : i fos iol pre eins 2 Se Tinea | Bre 03515 — 7 fen] [a-aesx 0.9515 = \ | yee =F - 2x0+3535| | Se a | PE aaa) | 2 [a es | 06626 U2 aaa) a et tata clat Ley Sy) land = wR at St x 2anaa| lo) Seer Soca G (ga J Co.302 ) Hede shape yey ter 24} - Atul = a a ( ie HBC ( Qa) Gad fond =| z eae ea Ss Moda-1,012 0352S Mede- 4, Barr 6066 Fon SS xi Cao" | = = = SRL eee z LC] a ce an eee [386s & | -anse LR. soon | X 2gase] Mode 3. B23. syn 332 (es. e gaz y= $33 0-439 43 oe $4.5, ft33_ Tpsuh T 433 7 au. 4 a esine > : a, Qi at gag 413 493 423 bby Ode 3-25) None -oc1g a9 ae Mede-3 $ ¢ hnal orhegerity & cordlviier) | Lert lene by foe at ynede -b becanse ft unit dtéplace ment at fede ks = Lek dene by fore_ak wyede-2 dueirho unit displacement ae rypede i. -[fuseroat_ rote = fannsraig Vita Nei flace ment vite fete & Reed displacement Mass Sysyem (undangea Free Vilrotien): | —~ a [ae cae om ee Yan Ban Man Mp —$ Leg - a, TMede- m eepeits fray a have | Mede~n, mJ iby+[e] v5= o os [eJig = “3 4 bg Algo, we wwe; [Ced aera [aud oe or CeD {G,4 =” w* Cod £3 ov, CK fon9 2 ot EmD { $n3 ——(40) C3 GP £Gn4 > Elusie resting ore vet = bheh u99 Em dP Gn4 > applies imertia lead vet? $854 Fine, ‘mede-h' and ‘made=n! are applied th ‘Sime syste, bout wre dcffeient Lovee ane dicglatement Sets Jon to be japplresy i [dem | F005 2] fry | PO == Gs) : Gelann* vec > beluma” ved (50, Cannet ke mel spled) or, (omCm 3 {nd 7 file = (vor CI TCA) Sng { Reversal ast (Carte teslaa)"= ICI Wtaa” a ee} eet Om Te) 0ay = tat Gn dived YS TY on hort Sta. a a5 ae so —(s) ——149) tom te ; : 7 0-3" Pod fGen ao 51) TEAS kneun lan page eA erabiiny so Concti Ken, Préne uttiplying eqn 46) by ROT we ge} {6037 CAI Gng 2 Fy ine Cod tig from ean 5 Sms CKD On420 &) tk is Knsisn ay second orthegani lity condition we Gan waite } Sip OO Gie ce, vay | (es) im Dik Thin co mon 2? || Analysis of Aynamic Teepe using Siperp onion! Normal anaiom! eL Vr oe : oar ir A i yay pT ee fs L “- = ae ara at ba Ae any wel Moder. Mode Mode -& BIa LAGS LEY Ue a sys Wodeltsd yo Css fess ys 1 = (Rin) ‘1 24 daw | any) Xs nadal amelinice | ne fet Ye $533 = dats ITetal cisplace ment? fog 2 (RF +1GG 4-4 anys ! 2 {hi3y1 + hah yoeea and Yo LYS fs ccluwn - wabia 2 i and th5 tsa Wie rotaa fm, gaat a te ‘Nye! O_ USES an o&, {v3 = Tad £y4 (6s) Here, Y is nevmal co-ereli rales, ion Previattiplying eq” (Ss) _by {gn3™ Ld, we eet Lond De) $0% Sd and Do IEG £43 CrP Tall) ees eal Oa Using Aart ssngenality umdtiver's LanF Cod § gui¥ro Ym! 4 in! wing diferent medess Se, a\\ excek ome tem in tHe ame ayn Gye Zee! [ted CT fud= £4037 Ga Land Yo ———— wa Yn'g Cond Dod Is») fo37Cm] Lond Ths: Aermula Camot’ be used: sAiredtly +6 determise Ya fren (s} However, uk can be used 40 Find: jnital’ Cenditen | Yo, Onde na ped — System! [Cm EES + Cedi > (HH = ea peeies fod] (Gris times ea | uw) (aw) mao HG [#]ker ee Kee [Jes 2 Pac | a Mg! [i J Lk koe kas) UYs J Crees) @ch individually give Hee men cares 2! Coupled Pqucticn: TH amy ore ef the enusitien cannatt be Selva independent: Nee, we hve; 433-8 8] fy} Diff- tntce; “ai ‘455 = BMG : me ls DORIS, PGI efpo} en TT ne | Pre ntl plying fons, ve ae Lae IANS + faa TEI TAG = ng GRE — Ge) [Using Cf thesenility Um drew (ITT fet 5+ Loy DIGSYS= Ba Oy —&i =) Gud: Of) Mn Yn + Yn. Yn = Pa WS) 62) Whith is spot equation ee wode | to, Where, Mn > normal Ceavdinate QeneraNzed mass eo Ha SHE fress cin fi load For mode-4 7 Mia KXi= oO) The sellben 4 ean ch vaade-L Aoorned acgont m™ Other weedes, Sok if _ceMed Uncarpled equation of amen bie have! Ck] fon = es Dad tony Peniattiplying by A gn4T ise gets LT Died Sen = HI Cor Dfnd (A 2 [kn isF Mal —= @# AS procedure is ‘called +he mode Superposition method or ore precisety the mede displacement safer position. amigo Syston! : | Cua fU4. 4 Ce SCO ACEI ud = {PO 4 Solving Wy the Seilay noannery we gel) | Ma Nach Ca Yat Ru Np), ve, (45), pe is SPof eqn of con fet Serf fyalees fre wrede. * Cunceupled e497. PF Lod € jn 4 —_ Biviaiy bet sides by Mny Ya oe én. Yn + En Mat nw ( | My, Mu My oF). Yn 2 En boy Yu Loy Yn > Pa Le) % My oe Cavin, nil Cenditin! (ee = ae 2 ry ca = ee i2 . fojes 24:4 [Vnlscc ' ts oat (aes 1 ts 4 Cor, se} eeu 2 eee paul [bere a oD © | $a- [0.607 a0. eea (ogee = -as4o =0-439 g.4ghe JieisL /o ° a { Mas Sdn Tard Lebny s 2.47400 o + ange | \° Yn = tau? Doe FbnITL nd (be) = fon} THD 209 Mn = Mai’) = pessle wala" (od = ASBLE 03930 beGode 073 OA -esud5 [O-2a94 — 01689 o.2)5) 2.5993 My” ohn 97 Det ese = eet : + Yea) es o-siay | L : Tatas } Yeas Te) Lod fo%ry = )-3-519 | inlsec : Exsis J : @ ESD) senate Yale) bo.svink. le, vy ¥ a j Yop. ( 0.3325 gina i 0,798 Slo se 40-1066 Sin age 44 = orlog% Gesu v J [-mesa9 Gnak | we n9y Soar ap [Derive the natured frequency ef a singly Supperted eam as vhowns usr Pahedyat © method | S| Sent ! RES (exces Pood4 ae men IZA tht el aie Ywr Ax = portals (Assume). YUO> ‘shage Genction y@ a 2a-b ! ‘ ei yes a. Leena) ST J a ' m* = [ PO CARY ON ‘Ad. > { Jo L ~ ” { ae ay An?) ° a =(m (sha arnt) ane ke) org ey ei = hale Afr 3 30 es ee ere ge ee ee Oe inf met yd ~ fistaa2oer | mu | Assumgkon! (Second)! * = Yds 4=, ZL Bx > tue of beam Laef\ecred}- yes aasec CER ALIS Ce mia UCx) 2 12a ZLK 0 ages EL : gts ay ‘ Se Yds Sniexjey By ite. RL WIQ) 2m “Gos(ax.) yea) ~t aren Be 2 fowl me ¢ > aa rT ti a * my ax Nd —- fs i actos ban acca W a i tc aT ee eee =a a xwver [ick ehran =o + no | Bees Lee Eee (Bo ASE pep ' . aus A - te mas i 2) Jyve}"an = [= a Jo a ial oe : w {a Gren R ado e zw LoAe kh Gin tak = o400]| (sors eas 0 on = z &, goatee whe IA SA eD Bi 944 ET [Guallest, 40 wr 9 mL medi (oe He | s function i et = te saliTfy the Georserie leur rary ae | condthins eid. with equilibviums » 7s [The rue vibration shape wil) yield the lowest freyumoy, [The cormect vilvatiomishape plaiisuethe deplecter taper Tur results fron al loadings pOu) propstPrad ee nO. 4 Od. | Pos mOD: WO) ‘ sh imprved: Raleigh meted | Meted Revi Leb us assdme avbi Stary shape ofunchen wiki sais fer He geomebit betrderter conditions: yo) (as) Uy = YE. 42. ene is. gwen ba [The max. (lent and kirele ee \) [ered}y 42" ax — (as) Coma =’ _t fertad | atv’ Vans P ax a les oS a mn. ey ans ites mo tO} da =W) Cera 2 Se 2 ‘SS = 4) 1s a yy Tan (yy aK ; [The inertia force ale the sme of reg Aig Wie mea + yy wshmian UP 3 Yn” a7 ted g PEP —— ea) The deg? caused by this loading may be expressed ar} v WD = u yt 7 = — aT ar ack) ee gp @) ie the strain Prdacey by His loading Is aiven by! gen aul ws ae Te abe Efe? ve Mare LOTMA (mor par U6) 2 = Equating they oe Ke. gives! cima tl yey aor Way. wii an ; Method Rat WE. From cod tulared eure vw) i Cena 2 1 ween) (L$ Aamo fff | ocean yr an - 48) Squating eg @_ to a B | sts se —— 9) Zz My 2) , & FS = oe Teal aves M16 az [ws é oP _Jexpvse® avn, 258 Tae [ao [RE fos? 3) fale aon? ave. ase? [se & F] eh 2 UP = EP = uss = ‘Pep = where, Y= 9S) 24 Clanp mace hplew) i" = Chm 2 re VUOD EES ear) SOP An aa yoy = Zales yo = yuh wrx [ WEPSy Bnint Jo? ae2s w> a 2 0) es eye yy Zh. ey CBrnax 47 f auf?) 2 444: 5 Go pF} = Dd 1t( GOK Se rovg oth pcr F 17) 2; Jee. tokn geo 2 4s [Tm prered mmeteed Rea Tneria fore ; [Po = etm ee es UK bx est : | Ww fe 4s Kx wh +? sae “ yo 2 aee ™ av2 We : | Ava = ie ah a 2 sue i 42 ee ee Ave? GSH e, . | 108 pate g - [uss Aves Gswt gut : i _ 360 y re GPeeateeee suse use, oe dady i 12S et mr ee Ava Ws Bee ae oc v S ote 3 Ge Epnax 2 - aH PS 1 3° Pees my 9? yh) = Tee 3 2 Ea Laing Coreg > Stay? : ws FORA > == ory oF 2 (425K2 BOO > WYETH WIx 20's _ ar. \S) AG TAL fer > [Im prived “meet Rags Chnde 2 we (2S \? paviasy Zz \ Ber 4 eke ae E pred tsi 44 rad Bou wo —— —— —— ¥] 4 xia ome a ee ey evED a matt ee - ff ork, a — mia = Ce eo _ Pe A T Aes AO Le None Aste farce | SLi) = inertia force. Zum. dx. aru . Qe” Prem equilitun of suport! N(A)+ 2 any pW- NOW) max OD _ ar m, 2M ga- wm. dx. Pv 3 2 pW) VF aaemaeae ; Boundary candies! At Ps ew we e)78 . wa i = | Ar fee ed, aulbk} op, wher PO =0 : : a al tikes PO to; agvtes) =o! pO! 1 oo Rae ; Transverse vibvation fa apring bString! a Dyn rai ct covotion ef hing? eee Hs a. ae mae ; : Peri Sree Vibrations ||) ; if Pk)ro ; [mw 28 z = We PES ar aoe ay woe ery) oe yar BYEPla. ve ment e = TEP lA ve an represented hy wade = arpthide of ie. A. rae Ye) (AD. where, h(x) > mode shage 5 : EGOS a sghialz of Vibrain . WO. = ver way Ua denice feta) ae And, atutay . 4 O18) L 2rudnh = gin a | Sat : aoe ra Frm bo) andy, —_ ™ 40) YO=T $'@) YO: (rye = kmail “ || Sividing aya $0 1~O > mye wi itt) (3b te : 2.) | 4 9 eae FO ie Te — fMeer Tm) isa onsmen ACWW ake ae, Arun clio __| Gee ” sen ie a fhe He oly and’ Nef side bem Bem 16 a Ff AY only Then es |e Behn baa ca | 1 ao) + PG En) 20. Juihere, A,B, Cid Are cere : f 3 | Considering the | bouddany ie | Wook) = $00) YO = 9 Quphier 4 ~ 4 OW) = C amAL Pevarzo Con AL 7°, ome) |, )C> FrAL tos ALL| [Dd tke warts =f CLD ghaida moh epcdl ty gen. J nck equal 8 £67} | the ele i | = ca ! T wok final csaL. | Shai dy be, Zero “fer | eee soticbien, |’ re — Hee Sy Al 20.4, 6h SS oe 4 a NLS ay 401 3a, ‘frog: ean u1)} oa ieee voip 2 & S (sisi + @ismssf) te) "| = i | Aremgt a seloko oh the fom tea Poet a . - oe Shas) ax ae cash. er re Notun | fequeny aid rhode hayes of eam von Dyyramae | eyuations a Mo) 824 4 20) [ee _ 2 \ Jom —— 24) ae 1 | ves ¢Oo. ww Kg ee BY a), | boy: XO, _ ate = be YW ax , yo. =! Pty) ONG) - " Ww. aa Oa) $c) nie oa wa bn) ae = er) el... = 4 eg! whet BOUL ys Sag estes "3 pl ger ee mers al ere | gO) ph fn) saree Genet sft al ze bOI) 20 sm Pn Sowspet C3 shpat CyloshPr =») Fe _undarm 66 Vea! ab ne 2 ashy muse glo) 29 > C2403 = Lange SPR CHEN: i. 2 ty HnGrt Hh @)2 cr HP Br (ay) Ae iE a eel Ak azly GOs. DCBt0, 1 Kaplz0 This 24" Can be sat fied by wleching cide , whith pros beret a _ron- drivte sefuken in im gl so x Llp 2 23] Near =] 2, q y att, Sle ns syn \ CE + ai 0 Gas i jz pre di2y 3, =n 7 A” : ae joa) ee C2) pM = be ln)e tm (nat ie) when nots datr)z pd — ee |iex as ae aes w22 Gen 1 892 ges ie ‘item plete me reve

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