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A. Background of the Study

The use of English in Indonesia almost covers all aspects, politics,

economics, defenses, etc. Indonesia’ education saw this phenomenon of

globalization then immediately responded by developing new educational system

which presented in English (Willyarto et al,2017). English as a foreign language

in Indonesia is a lingua franca that is used internationally ( JE. Rini :2014 ).

Knowing english increases people chances of getting a job, being confidence and

people also can learn more a lot of things from the others culture, education,

technology and economic. English for students and teenagers are needed for their

future. So that is why In Indonesia, teachers have a big responsible to teach and

guide the students as much as they can.

According to Benny lewis (2017), there are four basic languages skills,

they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The skills work in pairs. When

you’re reading or listening, you are consuming a language. However, when you

are writing or speaking, you are producing a language . The one of language skills

which we need to improve our sciences is reading skill. It is easy to find in

everywhere such as magazine, letter, newspaper, poem, novelette and etc.

Nowadays, reading is the primary goal of foreign language program as

well as an educational field. It is claimed that reading knowledge can be achieved

through the gradual introduction of words. According to Grellet, reading is an


skill. It constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking, and asking oneself

questions (Khoiriyah:2010:1). Reading is essential to success in our society

because the ability to read is highly valued and important for social and economic

advancement ( The National Academies Press : 2012 ).

Reading is one of the skills in English that is more important to learn

because learning to read better is helping students to learn English ( Nova

Masluha : 2021 ). But almost all students feel bored and lazy to learn reading

skill, accordingly students find the difficulties in comprehending the words, not

only words but also paragraphs and text. Furthermore, students usually find some

difficulties when they read English as they do not accustom to. For example, there

are various type in reading but the students prefer to choose to translate the

meaning of the text because the students’ thought that it was the efficient way in

reading the text (Husein, 2017). Whereas reading comprehension is the essence of

reading; one reason why students read is to see if they themselves can understand

what the text is about.

Sipayung, K.T & Pangaribuan, 2019 state that sometimes the ESP teachers

focused on teaching grammar and reading than the other language skills and

subskills. Most teachers rely on electronic book, but still. These issues and

problems led to the initiation of this study. Researcher tries new learning so that

student learning is more effective.

Based on the condition above, the researcher wants to increase students

reading comprehension by using Question Technique. The use of questioning as


educational tool has a long and revered history. Research shows that teachers ask

between 300–400 questions per day, the majority of which are short in length,

directed to a particular student, and have a specific answer for which the teacher is

seeking. Likewise, the answers these types of questions solicit are

correspondingly short and simple (Department of Education, Tasmania, School

Education Division, 2008). Furthermore the use of question is very useful in

teaching reading process. Windari (1998) and Sugiwati (2008) had proved that

questioning technique could significantly increase students’ reading achievement.

By using the questioning method before, during, and after reading, students will

be able to master these standards.  Questioning will help students to gather details,

information, compare and contrast and evaluate the text. It will help them gather

the necessary information needed to prepare for writing an essay or argument. 

In Makassar, there are often some phenomena in many schools, in which

many students find difficulties in comprehending the text. Especially the third

grade students’ of MTsN 02 Biringkanaya Makassar, had a difficulty in

comprehending a text occurred might be caused by inappropriate technique and

activities conducted in the teaching of reading comprehension. The teachers had

given exercise in the book and giving any explanations. Then, the students read

and try to understand as much as they can, which is given by the teacher. But most

of students did not understand the content and the message of the text they just

find the same literature based on the text. Based on the case above, researcher

wants to try a research under the tittle “ The Use Of Questioning Technique in

Improving Students’ Reading

Comprehension “.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the statement above the researcher formulates the research

questions as follow:

1. How to use the questioning technique in improving students’ reading


2. How effective the questioning technique improve students’ reading

C. Objective of the Study

In accordance with the questions above and research background, the aims of

this study are :

1. To find out how to use the questioning technique in improving students’

reading comprehension

2. To find out the effectiveness of the questioning technique in improving

students’ reading comprehension

D. Significances of the Research

The significances of this study are :

1) First, for the teacher. It gives the alternative solution in teaching reading skill.

2) Second, for the students. It assists them to solve their problem in reading

activity and it can help them to be able in comprehending text by using

questioning technique.

E. Scope of the Study

The scope of the research is teaching Reading Comprehension through

Questioning Technique to the third grade MTsN 02 Biringkanaya Makassar.

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