English Handout FPIK Undip 2021 1

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Written and compiled by

Vanny Martianova Y.

A simple handout for English Lecture in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Diponegoro University
Semarang Indonesia


Alhamdulillaahirobbil ‘aalamiin, Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and
tremendous blessing that enables me to finish this handout.

This handout is written as teaching aids for students taking English lecture in Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science. This handout consists of material for TOEFL preparation, Writing and Speaking
comprehension. In addition, TOEFL exercise and listening material used in this book is taken from Deborah
Phillips (2001) which is downloaded in September 2016. Hopefully, this handout is useful and helpful for the

Last but not least, this handout is still far from perfect. Thus, the writer welcomes your kind criticism and
suggestion. Please send your criticism, suggestion and/or opinion to : vannyningtias7@gmail.com.

o What is TOEFL…………………………………………………………………................................. 1
o Bagaimana TOEFL itu? ……………………………………………………………………………… 1
o Do’s and Dont’s during TOEFL ………………………………………………........... 4
o CHAPTER 1 : Listening Comprehension 6
 Tips part a ……………………………………………………………………............................. 7
 Tips part b ……………………………………………………………………............................ 16
 Tips part c ……………………………………………………………………............................ 18
o CHAPTER II: Structure and Written Expression 20
 General tips ……………………………………………………………………........................... 20
 Sub Chapter 2.1: Parts of speech 23
 1. Verb ……………………………………………………………………..................... 23
 2. Noun …………………………………………………………………….................... 30
 3. Articles ……………………………………………………………………………….. 36.
 4. Pronoun …………………………………………………………………….............. 42
 5. Adjective ……………………………………………………………………............. 46
 6. Adverb ……………………………………………………………………................. 50
 7. Parallelism concept ……………………………………………………………… 52
 Sub Chapter 2.2: Simple sentence …………………………………………………………… 53
 Sub Chapter 2.3: Compound sentence ……………………………………………………… 59
 Sub Chapter 2.4: Complex sentence ………………………………………………………… 61
 Adjective clause ………………………………………………………………………… 61
 Adverb clause …….……………………………………………………………………… 62
 Noun clause ………………..……………………………………………………………… 63
 Sub Chapter 2.5: Comparison …………………………………………………………………… 70
 Sub Chapter 2.6: Subject verb..…………………………..………………………………….... 76
o CHAPTER III: Reading
 General tips ……………………………………………………………………................................ 83
 Sub chapter 3.1: Main idea questions ………………………………………………………… 85
 Sub chapter 3.2: Reference …………………………………………………………………….... 88
 Sub chapter 3.3: Stated detail questions ……………………………………………….... 90
 Sub chapter 3.4: Unstated detail questions…………………………………………….... 92
 Sub chapter 3.5: Implied detail questions ……………………………..………………... 94
 Sub chapter 3.6: Vocabulary questions ………………………………………………….... 96
 Sub chapter 3.7: Where questions ………………………………………………………….... 99
 Sub chapter 3.8: Prediction questions …………………………..………………………… 101
 Review ……………………………………………………………………........................................... 103
 PART II: Writing Comprehension
A. General tips for writing …………………………………………………..………………………......... 106
B. How to write an abstract ………………………………………………………..………………......... 108
 PART III: Speaking comprehension
How to make a great presentation ……………………………………………………………………………. 110
 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… 112




TOEFL merupakan singkatan dari test of English as a foreign language (test

bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. Test ini dijadikan salah satu tolok ukur
kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Test TOEFL juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu prasyarat
kelulusan mahasiswa D3 maupun S1 di hampir seluruh universitas di Indonesia. Rerata
universitas di Indonesia mensyaratkan skor TOEFL sebesar 450 untuk program
Diploma maupun Strata 1. Namun, khusus untuk jurusan atau departemen Sastra
Inggris atau Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, prasyarat kelulusan mengharuskan
mahasiswanya memiliki skor TOEFL sebesar 500.

TOEFL juga digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen persyaratan untuk

memperoleh beasiswa, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri seperti beasiswa LPDP,
AMINEF, Fulbright, Beasiswa Unggulan, dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu, TOEFL juga
digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen ujian masuk studi lanjut baik S2 maupun S3 di

1. Bagaimana TOEFL itu?

TOEFL ada beberapa macam, yaitu:

a. Paper based test

- Soal dan lembar jawaban menggunakan kertas. Untuk TOEFL ITP
menggunakan LJK (lembar jawab computer).
- Soal terdiri atas:
o Listening (50 soal) dalam waktu +- 30 menit
o Structure/Grammar (40 soal) dalam waktu 25 menit (per soal hanya
+- 37 detik)
o Reading (50 soal) dalam waktu 55 menit (per soal hanya +- 66
- Paper based test ada 2 macam:
o Prediction Test

 Biasanya diselenggarakan per universitas atau di lembaga

 Soal dan sertifikat bersifat lokal (hanya bisa digunakan untuk
syarat wisuda di Universitas tersebut atau untuk melamar
kerja di perusahaan lokal)
 Sertifikat berlaku 2 tahun.
 Biaya bervariasi antara 100.000 (D3- S1) hingga 200.000
 Di Universitas Diponegoro penyelenggara Test TOEFL ini
adalah SEU (service English Unit) yang beralamat di Jalan
Hayam Wuruk, kampus Undip Pleburan
 Test diadakan setiap hari dengan jadwal tertentu.
Disarankan bila akan mengikuti test TOEFL di SEU
mendaftar jauh – jauh hari, karena biasanya jarak
pendaftaran dengan waktu test hingga mencapai 4-5 pekan.
o ITP (Institutional Testing Program)
 Diselenggarakan oleh Universitas atau lembaga kursus yang
bekerja sama dengan lembaga ETS (Educational Testing
Service) Jakarta sebagai lembaga resmi penyelenggara Test
 Soal, korektor dan sertifikat diterbitkan dari ETS Jakarta
 Sertifikat dapat digunakan untuk melamar kerja di
perusahaan BUMN, perusahaan internasional, syarat
administrasi awal LPDP, Beasiswa Aminef (Amerika), DAAD
(jerman), Fulbright, bahkan bisa untuk mendaftar di
universitas luar negeri.
 Sertifikat berlaku 2 (dua) tahun
 Biaya bervariasi antara 500.000 IDR hingga 1.000.000 IDR
 Di semarang, penyelenggara test ITP ini ada di beberapa
tempat, yaitu:
- SEU Universitas Diponegoro
- CFLT Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
- CLT Universitas Katolik Sugijapranata

- English First, dll

 Biasanya diselenggarakan setiap bulan sekali
b. Computer based test
- CBT ( Computer Based Test) adalah Tes yg dikerjakan di komputer, jadi
tes ini tidak pakai kertas dan alat tulis.
- Karena soal dan lembar jawabannya sudah tertulis ada di komputer itu,
kita tinggal memilih dan mengklik jawaban yang menurut kita benar.
- Yang diujikan adalah listening, grammar, reading dan writing
c. Internet based test
- TOEFL iBT disebut juga dengan Next Generation TOEFL (NGT).
- Tes ini adalah bentuk terbaru yang menggunakan komputer dan internet
sebagai medianya.
- Materi tes yang diujikan adalah reading, listening, writing, dan speaking.
- Materi structure tidak hilang, tapi melebur ke dalam empat materi lainnya.
- Soal yang diujikan tidak hanya independent test (tes individual), tetapi
juga integrated test (tes kombinasi).
- Tes kombinasi berarti dalam satu soal ada lebih dari satu materi. Misalnya
sebuah paragraf (reading) diikuti dengan penjelasan seseorang tentang
paragraf tersebut (listening).
- Lama waktu tes adalah 4 jam.

Perbandingan nilai kompetensi bahasa Inggris berbagai test


2. Do’s and Dont’s saat ikut test TOEFL

- Dont’s
o Begadang sebelum Test, tidur yang cukup. Tidak akan baik bila mengantuk
saat test. Ingat test TOEFL membutuhkan waktu 2 jam full mengerjakan 140
soal yang tentunya akan menguras tenaga. Sehingga persiapan fisik yang fit
dan mental sangat diperlukan.
o Test dengan perut kosong, kecuali memang diniatkan berpuasa.
o Test dengan perut kekenyangan juga tidak disarankan, karena pastinya akan
o Test saat sakit, sebaiknya meminta reschedule test ulang. Test TOEFL dalam
keadaan sakit akan sangat berpengaruh pada hasil test.
- Do’s
o Sampai di tempat test maksimal 30 menit sebelum jadwal test. Ini akan
mengurangi grogi dan meminimalisir akibat bila terlambat maka tidakboleh
masuk ke ruangan test.
o Sarapan sebelum test. Agar tubuh fit dan tidak loyo saat mengerjakan soal.

o Untuk paper based test bawa alat tulis sendiri (bolpoin, pensil 2B, penghapus,
rautan) dan tisu atau lap barangkali tangan mudah berkeringat.
o Bawa permen bisa menjadi obat kalau di saat test tiba – tiba mengantuk.


Listening comprehension

Kemampuan mendengarkan (Listening) merupakan komponen test yang diujikan

pertama kali saat Test. Test ini terdiri atas 50 soal dalam waktu lebih kurang 30 menit.
File listening hanya di play satu kali. Jadi, siapkan fisik dan mental untuk konsentrasi

Test listening terdiri atas 3 (tiga) bagian, part A, part B dan part C yang akan dijelaskan
sebagai berikut:

Strategi umum untuk menyelesaikan test Listening dalam TOEFL ini adalah, sebagai


Dalam Part A, kita akan diuji dengan percakapan pendek. Biasanya 2
(orang) laki – laki dan perempuan berbicara bergantian. Meskipun pernah
sesekali, salah satu dari pembicara berbicara dua kali. Setelah itu, aka nada
narrator yang memberi pertanyaan mengenai dialog antara kedua orang
tersebut. Terdapat sebanyak 30 pertanyaan dalam part A dengan jeda +- 12
detik per soalnya. Biasanya pada no 1-15 kita masih bisa konsentrasi penuh.
Namun, di soal no 16 – 30 biasanya konsentrasi sudah mulai buyar. So, prepare
yourselves well.
Man : I love you, Angel.
Woman : I love you, too, Michael.
Narrator : what are they talking about?
Di buku Test kita, kita hanya melihat tampilan seperti ini:
1. a. food
b. book
c. love
d. coffee

Sebelum part A, biasanya akan dibacakan petunjuk dan ada contoh

percakapan. Karena petunjuk dalam test TOEFL part A umumnya sama di
semua test, maka kita bisa memanfaatkan waktu menunggu petunjuk selesai
dibacakan dengan melihat opsi jawaban soal part A dari no 1 – 30. Part A ini
meskipun percakapan pendek, namun banyak idiom dan ungkapan yang
terkadang kita tidak familiar karena mengandung makna tersembunyi, sehingga
sering membiasakan diri dengan menonton film berbahasa Inggris dan membaca
ungkapan idiom bahasa Inggris akan sangat membantu memecahkan soal
listening part A.
Berikut ini tips, contoh dan latihan soal yang dikutip dari buku Deborah
Phillips (2001)

Tips mengerjakan PART A (Short Conversation)


b. Part B (longer conversation)

Part B dalam listening comprehension TOEFL berisi 7 – 8 soal. Biasanya
terdiri atas 2 dialog agak panjang. Satu dialog memuat 3 – 5 pertanyaan. Yang
perlu diperhatikan adalah dalam part B ini TIDAK ADA CONTOH. Jadi, narrator
hanya membacakan direction dan langsung ke dialog pertama no 31 dst.
Berikut ini strategi, contoh soal dan latihan soal dalam listening part B


c. Part C (talk/speech)

Part C agak sedikit berbeda dari part A dan part B. Part C yang merupakan
bagian terakhir dalam Listening comprehension test ini berupa pidato. Biasanya
speakernya adalah dosen/guru, pembaca berita, tour guide, pembaca
pengumuman di mall, bus station, airport atau di railway station. Terkadang juga
penyiar radio, pembaca ramalan cuaca, dll. Sebelum Test listening part C akan
dibacakan petunjuk dan contoh. Sehingga ada waktu untuk istirahat sejenak.




Structure atau Grammar dalam Test TOEFL memiliki nilai yang tertinggi
karena jumlah soal yang lebih sedikit. Meskipun jumlah soal lebih sedikit,
peserta test TOEFL hanya memiliki waktu 25 menit (per soal hanya 37 detik).
Akibatnya, banyak peserta test TOEFL yang merasa waktu untuk
mengerjakan structure tidak cukup.
Begitu banyak tata bahasa dalam Bahasa Inggris, namun sebenarnya
yang diujikan di TOEFL adalah kompetensi dasar grammar bahasa Inggris.
Beberapa strategi umum untuk mengerjakan TOEFL structure
comprehension adalah sebagai berikut:


Dalam setiap kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris harus memuat Subject dan
Predicate (Verb). Yang dimaksud dengan Subject Verb Agreement adalah
penggunaan subject harus match dengan verb. Verb harus sesuai dengan
subject-nya. Begitu singkatnya.
Berikut ini patokan sederhana untuk mengetahui konsep Subject Verb
Agreement. (lebih lengkap akan dijelaskan pada bagian akhir pembahasan
1. Subject
 pelaku (yang melakukan kegiatan/pekerjaan)
 berupa Noun, Pronoun, (terkadang Gerund dan infinitive+to)

2. Predicate/Verb
 predikat (kegiatan/pekerjaan yang dilakukan)
 berupa Verb, To be, modal

3. Semua subject boleh menggunakan: verb 2

4. Singular subject (subyek tunggal)
Student is
Lecturer was
Money Verb 1 (+ s/es)
He/she/it has

5. Plural Subject (subyek jamak/lebih dari satu)

Students are
Lecturers were
Books Verb 1
They/we/you have

6. am
I was
Verb 1

7. To be (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) hanya bisa diikuti oleh:
TO BE adverb
Verb-ing (Aktif)
Verb 3 (pasif)

8. Has/have/had hanya bisa diikuti oleh : Verb 3

Jumlah/angka + Noun

Sub chapter II.1

Part of speech atau bagian dari ujaran adalah bagian-bagian
mendasar dari kalimat bahasa Inggris. Ada Sembilan part of speech,
dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,
preposition, conjunction, article dan interjection. Berikut akan dibahas
masing – masing parts of speech, terutama yang sangat penting dalam
mengerjakan test TOEFL.

Verb atau verba atau kata kerja biasanya digunakan untuk
menyatakan kegiatan atau aktifitas. Dalam kalimat di bahasa Inggris verb
tidak harus berupa verb. Namun, dapat berupa to be (kata kerja bantu)
dan modal. Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat lima bentuk verb, yaitu:
a. Verb 1 (bentuk dasar/base form/infinitive without to)
b. Verb 2 (bentuk lampau/past form)
c. Verb 3 (bentuk lampau/past participle)
d. Verb ing (gerund/present participle)
e. To Verb 1 (infinitive+to)
- Go, went, gone, going, to go
- Study, studied, studied, studying, to study

Jadi, pada dasarnya bila suatu kata memiliki bentuk 1,2 daan 3,
dapat ditambah –ing dan to , maka ia adalah verb. Missal ada kata chair,
tidak ada kata chaired atau tidak bisa ditambah –ing menjadi chairing,
maka dapat dipastikan bahwa chair bukan verb/kata kerja.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, verb terdiri atas regular verb dan irregular
verb. Dikatakan regular verb, karena perubahan verb 2 dan verb 3 hanya
menambahkan akhiran –ed. Sedangkan pada irregular verb, perubahan
verb 2 dan verb 3 tidak beraturan. Contoh:

 Regular verb
 Study – studied – studied
 Want - wanted – wanted
 Kiss – kissed – kissed
 Irregular Verb
 Go-went-gone
 Do-did-done
 Swim – swam – swum
 Sing-sang-sung
 Drink – drank-drunk
 Sink-sank-sunk
 Think-thought
 Bring-brought
 Put – put – put
 Cut – cut – cut

Berikut ini adalah karakteristik dan fungsi masing – masing bentuk

kata kerja.

a. Verb 1
o Fungsi:
 Untuk menyatakan simple present tense (kebiasaan sehari-hari)
 Digunakan dalam daily conversation/real time conversation
 Digunakan setelah modal
**modal can/could
may/might verb 1 / be
must/had to/ought to

b. Infinitive + to
o Infinitive = verb 1
o Digunakan untuk menyatakan tujuan (purpose)
 Example:
- I go to campus to study
- I eat to make my body healthy
- We go home to meet our parents
 Bagaimana dengan I go to campus for studying?  benar,
dengan catatan: wajib memakai for + verb ing
o Digunakan setelah adjective
 Example:
- We are too tired to do English homework
- It is impossible to forget you
- It is hard to forgive his mistake
o Digunakan setelah kata kerja tertentu, antara lain: Want, allow,
hope, decide, intend, ask, need, tell, order, permit, beg, expect,
remind, advise, teach
 Example:
- I decide to learn marine and fisheries science
- We intend to visit our friend in hospital this afternoon
but the hospital doesn’t allow us to visit him because
of the regulation of the hospital in this pandemic

c. Gerund/Present Participle
o Gerund = verb ing
o Fungsi:
 Digunakan dalam bentuk continuous (peristiwa yang sedang
- We are swimming
- They were diving when we arrived there
- We have been learning English for fifteen years

 Sebagai Noun (subject, object, object of preposition)

- Swimming is my favorite activity (S)
- Swimming makes us fresh and healthy (S)
- I love swimming (O)
- Thank you for loving me (O of Prep)
- I lose my weight because of diving (O of Prep)
** Preposition kata depan, ex. For, at, in, on, of, by, before,
after, etc.

 Sebagai adjective dalam bentuk aktif

- The smiling woman is very beautiful
- The running woman is my aunt
- The punishing teacher is angry

 Digunakan setelah verb berikut ini: Practice, avoid, postpone,

risk, enjoy, mind, admit, suggest, deny, appreciate, delay, keep,
understand, finish, fancy
- I enjoy diving during summer so much
- Do you mind helping me?

d. Verb 2
o Fungsi: untuk menyatakan past tense (peristiwa yang terjadi di
masa lampau)
o Muncul/Bisa diletakkan setelah subject
o Example:
- I went to campus last Sunday for bazaar event.
- We studied English together last night.
- I was very happy when I knew that I passed the test

e. Verb 3
o Fungsi:
 Digunakan dalam kalimat perfect tense (didahului oleh
has/have/had) active sentence

- We have visited Bali last year

- He has taken a shower
- She had swept the floor before she mopped it

 Digunakan dalam kalimat passive  setelah to be

- She is kissed by her mom every morning
- The champion was interviewed after the awarding ceremony
 Sebagai Adjective (passive)
- The punished students looked very sad
- The kissed girl is shy

***NB: cara membedakan verb 2 dan verb 3 dengan mudah

 Verb 2 (past form)
 Diletakkan sesudah subject langsung
 S + verb 2
- I fried the potatos
- I sliced the pizza
- I studied English
- I spoke English

 Verb 3 (past participle)

 Harus didahului has/have/had atau to be
 S + has/have/had + Verb 3 (active)
- I have studied in Undip for 3 years
- We have spoken English for 15 years.
 S + to be + verb 3 (passive)
- I am kissed by my father
- English is spoken by me

Noun atau nomina atau kata benda digunakan sebagai subjek
(pelaku kegiatan), objek (yang dikenai kegiatan) dan objek dari preposisi
(kata depan). Noun ada dua bentuk, yaitu:
a. Abstract noun
Abstract noun merupakan kata benda yang merujuk pada benda
yang tidak berwujud (we can’t see/we can touch, but we know it exists),
seperti: love, hate, happiness, vision, mission, etc.
b. Concrete noun
Concrete noun merupakan kata benda yang merujuk pada benda
yang berwujud, seperti: gold, money, water, etc. Concrete noun ada 4
(empat) macam, yaitu:

- Common noun: kata benda yang mengacu pada sesuatu yang

berwujud nyata, dapat dilihat nyata. Contoh: student, table, king,
river, man, boy, etc.
- Proper noun: kata benda yang mengacu pada nama sebutan atau
nama diri, seperti: Stephanie, Indonesia, Diponegoro University,
Jakarta, London, etc.
- Material noun: kata benda yang mengacu pada hasil pertambangan
atau bahan baku, seperti: gold, oil, gas, etc.
- Collective noun: kata benda yang mengacu pada suatu kelompok,
antara lain: class, committee, team, crew, etc.

Kata benda – kata benda tersebut untuk pengerjaan TOEFL

dikelompokkan lagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu countable noun dan
uncountable noun. Berikut ini penjelasan mengenai countable dan
uncountable noun.

a. Countable noun
Countable noun atau kata benda yang bisa dihitung.
Countable Noun terdiri atas: singular dan plural noun.

Singular Noun

Singular Noun (kata benda tunggal) merupakan kata benda

countable yang berjumlah 1 atau tunggal. Sebagai contoh: one
book, a student, an egg, etc.

 Plural Noun

Plural Noun (kata benda jamak) adalah kata benda yang

berjumlah lebih dari 1. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 2 bentuk plural
noun, regular form dan irregular form.
 Regular form
Bentuk plural noun yang ditandai dengan penggunaan
akhiran –s/es pada Noun.

Example :
◦ A book – books
◦ A student – students
◦ A baby – babies
*** penambahan akhiran –es biasanya diletakkan pada Noun
yang berakhiran: s, z, o, ch, sh, y, x , th
◦ Class-classes glass - glasses
◦ box - boxes fox - foxes
◦ Buzz – buzzes
◦ buffalo-buffaloes tomatoes (kecuali: radios, zoos)
◦ Touch – touches watches beaches
◦ Brush – brushes ashes bushes
◦ Boy – boys joys toys
◦ Baby – babies fries flies

*** Perhatikan

◦ A Wife – 4 wives thief - thieves

◦ A Knife – 10 knives Leaf – leaves
◦ Kecuali: Loaf – loafs roof - roofs
 Irregular form
Bentuk plural noun yang tidak ditandai dengan
penggunaan akhiran –s/es pada Noun.
◦ Ox – oxen man – men
◦ Child – children woman – women
◦ Species – species mouse – mice
◦ Datum – data alumnus – alumni
◦ Platinum – Platina person – people
◦ Bacterium – bacteria criterion – criteria
◦ Agendum – agenda medium – media
◦ Goose – geese foot – feet

◦ Tooth – teeth deer – deer

◦ a/an these (ini)
◦ Another those (itu)
◦ One a few
◦ A single many
◦ Each both
◦ Every SINGULAR dozens of PLURAL
◦ Each one of Noun hundreds of Noun
◦ Each of thousands of
◦ One of several
◦ This (ini) a number of
◦ That (itu) the number of

*** Example:
A book  tidak boleh a books
Each of student  tidak boleh each of students
Several tables  bukan several table
Five hundred rupiahs  bukan five hundreds rupiah
b. Uncountable noun
Uncountable Noun atau kata benda yang tidak dapat
dihitung adalah kata benda yang tidak memiliki bentuk plural/jamak.
Sehingga, kata benda uncountable dapat dikategorikan sebagai
singular noun.
*** Example:
Air Asphalt bread butter chalk
Cement cheese chocolate coffee flour
Fruit furniture gas honey ink
Jewel knowledge meat medicine milk
Money oil paint paper rice
Pepper powder salt water sugar

Statistics mathematics physics news

Jika dijadikan bentuk plural, maka kita tidak boleh

menambahkan akhiran –s/es, namun kita bisa membentuk jamak
A cup of tea  five cups of tea
A slice of bread  some slices of bread
A plate of friedrice  three plates of friedrice
A kilo of oil  ten kilos of rice

◦ Much, little, an amount of,  uncountable noun
◦ Many, few, a number of  countable noun
◦ All, some, lots, a lot of, plenty of  Uncount & countable
◦ Little tired, less money All books, all sugar
◦ Few hours, fewer students Lots of girls, lots of rice
◦ An amount of petrol, a number of boys


Articles atau kata depan dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri atas tiga
bentuk, yaitu: a, an dan the. Article letaknya selalu di depan/sebelum kata
a. Article a
Berikut ini aturan penggunaan article a.
- Article a hanya digunakan untuk singular noun. Contoh: a book,
a student, a baby, etc.
- Article a digunakan untuk mengacu pada benda yang belum
pasti (indefinite noun).
 I have a book (belum jelas buku apa)
 Please, turn on a lamp (belum jelas lamp yang mana)
- Article a digunakan sebelum kata benda yang berawalan
consonant sound (bunyi mati)
 A house
 A home
 A hotel
 A university
 A uniform
 A unique car

b. Article an
Berikut ini aturan penggunaan article an.
- Article an hanya digunakan untuk singular noun. Contoh: an eel,
an elephant, an apple, etc.
- Article an digunakan untuk mengacu pada benda yang belum
pasti (indefinite noun).
 I have an apple (belum jelas apple yang mana)
 Please, read me an article (belum jelas artikel yang mana)

- Article an digunakan sebelum kata benda yang berawalan

vocal/vowel sound (bunyi hidup)
 An hour
 An honor
 An umbrella
 An egg
 An uncle

c. Article the
Berikut ini aturan penggunaan article the.
- Article the digunakan untuk mengacu pada benda yang sudah
pasti (definite noun) baik pembicara maupun pendengar
ujaran sudah paham apa yang dimaksud dengan benda
 Give me the money
 Please, open the door
 The sun rises in the east
- Article the digunakan sebelum kata benda yang telah
disebutkan pada kalimat/ujaran sebelumnya.
 I have A student. THE student is beautiful. The student is in
this room. The student is from Jakarta.
 There was a woman standing under the tree. The woman
looks very sad.

- Di bawah ini tabel penggunaan article the secara umum.

Ordinal number (nomor urut) Cardinal number
The first, the third One, five, one hundred
Nama Negara yang lebih dari Nama Negara yang terdiri
1 kata atas 1 kata
The United States Indonesia
The Netherlands France
The Phillippines Germany
The south Africa Finland
Orang/kebangsaan Bahasa
The English English
The Spanish Spanish
The Javanese Javanese
Benda yang hanya ada 1 di nama pelajaran/ilmu
The earth the sky statistics
The sun the world mathematics
The moon the Eiffel tower physics
Alat music Olahraga
The piano Swimming
The guitar Soccer
The violin Volleyball
Nama lembaga pendidikan Nama lembaga pendidikan
yang didahului kata yang TIDAK didahului kata
school/college/university school/college/university
The university of Indonesia Diponegoro University
The school of London Art and science institute
The school of art Business school
Bentuk superlative/paling
The best
The most generous

The most comfortable

The Obamas
The Yudhoyonos
The Beckhams
Tanggal + bulan Bulan + tanggal
The tenth of march March the tenth
The seventeenth of August August the seventeenth
Hari, bulan
Monday July
Sunday June
Tuesday September
Saturday December
River, canal, sea, ocean, Chemical substances,
peninsula, region, group of capes, continents, bay,
island, desert, group of point, state, city, street,
lakes, mountain range individual island, mount,
lake, airport
The suez canal Mount Bromo
The pacific ocean Washington DC
The sahara Sudirman street
The Jaya Wijayas Bali island
Sekelompok orang dengan Sekelompok orang dengan
adjective tanpa Noun adjective tanpa noun
the rich are happy Rich people are happy
the lazy are late Lazy students are late
the smart are hardworking Smart students are

Pronoun adalah Kata ganti orang/human/non human
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
I Me My … Mine Myself
You You Your… Yours Yourself
They Them Their… Theirs Themselves
We Us Our… Ours Ourselves
He Him His… His Himself
She Her Her… Hers Herself
It It Its… - Itself

1. Subject
 I, you, they, we, He, she, it
 Fungsi: Sebagai pelaku/yang melakukan kegiatan
 Muncul sebelum Verb/tobe/modal
 Example:
- --I-love you
- I laugh you
- --you /they/we--are beautiful
- we can swim tidak boleh us can swim
- She will swim tidak boleh her will swim

2. Object
 Me, you, them, us, him, her, it
 Fungsi: Sebagai yang dikenai kegiatan
 Muncul setelah Verb
 Pasif: muncul setelah by
 Example:
- You love ----me--- (tidak boleh: you love I)

- Mother calls –you/us/them/her/him –

- The criminal killed him
- He is kissed by her/me/them (tidak boleh: he is kissed by she)

3. Possessive adjective (dependent possessive pronoun)

 My, your, their, our, his, her, its
 Fungsi: Utk menunjukkan kepemilikan
 Harus ditambah NOUN (K.B)
 Example:
- This is my book (tidak boleh: this is my…….)
- I am your…….(tidak boleh kosong, harus ditambah Noun, misal: brother,
sister, friend, etc)
- My grandmother is my hero
- My father is a sailor
- Mother, you are my star, my moon, my everything

4. Possessive pronoun (independent possessive pronoun)

 Mine, yours, theirs, ours, his, hers, (tidak ada untuk its)
 Fungsi: Utk menunjukkan kepemilikan
 TIDAK BOLEH ditambah NOUN (K.B) sehingga disebut juga independent
possessive pronoun
 Example:
- I am yours (bukan: I am yours girlfriend)
- You are mine
- This is my car. This car is mine. This (mengacu pada car) is mine.
- She is mine, not yours

5. Reflexive pronoun
 Myself, yourself (singular), yourselves (plural), ourselves, himself, herself,

 Reflexive pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang menunjuk kegiatan untuk

pelaku sendiri dalam kalimat yang bersangkutan atau untuk member
penekanan pada unsur subjek atau objek.
 Cirinya adanya penambahan -self untuk singular dan –selves untuk plural.
 Example:
- He spoke to himself (dia laki‖ berbicara pada dirinya sendiri)
- I myself do the homework (saya sendirilah yang mengerjakan PR
- I do the homework (by) myself
- It is all by myself
- ―well, Richard, you must be yourself.‖
- ―Dear students, you must be yourselves.‖
 NB:
- MY FRIEND = A friend of mine
- Your book = A book of yours
- Her flowers = Flowers of hers
- His girlfriend = A girlfriend of his
- Their job = Job of theirs

 Function: modify NOUN/pronoun (menerangkan Kata benda/kata
- Blue table (meja yang berwarna biru, bukan warna lain)
- High building (bangunan yang tinggi, bukan bangunan yang
 Characteristics
 Muncul setelah to be (is,am,are,was,were,be,been,being)
 I am smart
 We are young
 You are beautiful
 Muncul sebelum Noun
 Beautiful girl
 Blue sky
 Deep sea
 Smart students
 Big house
 White lion

 Muncul setelah kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan alat indera

(sense verb) dan linking verb
- Become, look, appear, seem, remain, feel, prove, taste, keep,
smell, sound, get, to be, grow, turn, go
- Example:

 The food tastes delicious

 The music sounds good
 Kendal Jenner looks beautiful
 Fried chicken smells delicious
 I feel good
 Bisa di bentuk dari Verb -ing & Verb 3 (-ed)
- Verb ing verb 3 (ed)
Me-kan merasa /yang di
Active passive
- Interesting interested
- Boring bored
- Disgusting disgusted
- Frightening frightened
- Scary scared
- Attractive attracted
- Example:
- Verb-ing  active
The smiling woman looks so beautiful
The kissing people are in love
The running man is not tired
The punishing teacher is angry

- Verb 3 (-ed)  passive

The kissed girl is very shy
The red haired girl is very graceful
The killed mouse is thrown
The punished students are crying

 NOUN yang berfungsi sbg ADJECTIVE
- School  N
- Table  N
- Adj + N
- School table
- Career woman/some career women
- Business students/ a business student
- Field Trip
- Case Study
- Library Research
- Research Library


 Fungsi: modify Verb, Noun, Adjective
 Characteristics:
 Banyak dibentuk dari ADJECTIVE + LY
- Example: Beautifully, quickly, slowly, terribly, awesomely, etc.
Kecuali: hard-hard good-well
fast-fast late-late

 Muncul setelah /sebelum Verb (dengan syarat tidak ada

Noun/object dalam kalimat tersebut)
- The students work hard
- The girl smiles so sweetly
- The singer sings very loudly
- The man drives fast and furiously
- The man fast and furiously drives
- The man slowly drives
- The drives slowly
- The patient is examined carefully by the doctor
- The patient is carefully examined by the doctor

 Bila ada noun, maka hanya bisa muncul setelah noun atau
sebelum verb
- Example:
- The boy eats silently
- The boy silently eats
- The boy eats the candy silently
- The boy silently eats the candy
- The boy eats silently the candy –X- (false)
- The woman drives the car slowly
- The woman slowly drives the car
- The woman drives slowly the car  x (false)

 Ada NOUN + ADJECTIVE + ADVERB dalam satu rangkaian, maka

susunannya selalu: adjective persis sebelum NOUN
- Example:
- Article + adv + adj + N
- I have a definitely quick car
- We have a quickly running car
- My mother is a very beautiful woman
- My mother is an extremely beautiful woman
- A specially trained diving athlete is coming to UDC to give a diving
training program
- Specially trained diving athlete
adv adj/V3/pass adj/act N

 Dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris, penggunaan noun,
adjective, adverb, verb harus sama/paralel/seragam
 Example:
- Adrian is a student, a businessman and he likes art.  kurang tepat,
harusnya  Adrian is a student, a businessman, and an artist. (diubah
menjadi bentuk NOUN semua)
- Aldev loves to swim, to dive, and snorkeling.  Aldev loves to swim, to dive,
and to snorkel.
- Rizal is smiling, looking and laughed at Mutia.  Rizal is smiling, looking
and laughing at Mutia.
- Putu went to market and buy something yesterday  Putu went to market
and bought something yesterday
- Putu went to market and buys something everyday  Putu goes to market
and buys something everyday
- Tono is not only handsome but also he is generous  Tono is not only
handsome but also generous
- Naufal is both a student and a businessman
- Nabil is not only diligent in campus but also at home  Nabil is diligent not
only in campus but also at home

Sub Chapter II.2


Simple sentence atau kalimat tunggal adalah kalimat yang terdiri atas
satu subjek dan satu verb.

Simple Sentence: 1 SUBJECT + 1 VERB

 Example:
- We are studying English
- I study and sleep
- They swim every weekend
- Fafa and Fifi (they) are from Indonesia
 Hati – hati dengan:
a. Prepositional phrase
- Prepositional phrase adalah frasa yang disusun oleh : preposition (kata
depan, seperti: on, in, at, of, before, after, about, for, dll) + Noun (kata
- Misal: in the classroom, for my friend, above all the problems, etc.
- Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah: SUBJECT TIDAK PERNAH SETELAH
PREPOSITION. Subject dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris selalu sebelum
proposisi. Jadi, jangan sampai terjebak oleh prepositional phrase.
- Example:
◦ Brian in front of the boys beside the girls is/looks handsome.
◦ One of the most beautiful students is Inova.
◦ The girl/the girls in front of the boys in room 303 at building D in
faculty of fisheries and marine science in Diponegoro University in
semarang in indonesia in the world…is/are…beautiful

b. Appositives
- Fungsi: memberi keterangan tambahan thdp NOUN (baik noun sebagai
subjek maupun sebagai objek)


- Perhatikan penempatan tanda koma ( , )
- Example:
◦ Jakarta, one of the busiest cities, -is-the capital city of Indonesia.
(Jakarta adalah subjek; one of the busiest cities adalah appositive)
◦ Azam, one of the most brilliant students, ----(is) come/comes from
◦ The capital city of Thailand, Bangkok is very beautiful.(the capital city
of Thailand adalah appositive; Bangkok adalah subjek).
◦ The capital city of Thailand, Bangkok, is very beautiful.
◦ One of the most handsome students in FPIK Undip, Halim is very
◦ I live in Semarang, the hottest city in Central Java.

c. Participial phrase
- participial phrase adalah frasa yang disusun oleh : adjective yang dibentuk
dari verb-ing dan verb 3 (ingat materi adjective dan adverb).
- Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bentuk verb-ing atau verb 3 dalam
kalimat. Apakah dia verb atau berfungsi sebagai adjective. Selain itu,
penggunaan verb-ing atau verb 3 yang tepat untuk menerangkan Noun
juga perlu diperhatikan.
- Misal: smiling woman, running men, killed mouse, etc.
- Example:
◦ Irsyad known for his generosity is from Depok
◦ The man wearing Pink T- shirt is Bagus.
◦ Brad kissing three girls is happy
kissed by three girls
◦ The faculty building 3 years ago is broken  salah, harusnya :
the faculty built 3 years ago is broken
◦ The gardener planted the grass is tired  kalimat ini salah, seharusnya:
The gardener planting the grass is tired.

Sub Chapter II.3


Compound sentence atau kalimat majemuk setara adalah kalimat yang

terdiri atas minimal dua simple sentence dengan menggunakan penghubung

 Connector yang digunakan adalah: Coordinate connectors utk

menghubungkan min. dua kalimat tunggal (independent clause/simple
sentence), antara lain: for, and, or, but, so
 Fungsi connector:
◦ BUT  PERTENTANGAN (antonym)
◦ YET pertentangan (berbeda dr general knowledge)
◦ SO  sehingga (HASIL/akibat)
◦ FOR  KARENA (sebab)
◦ OR  PILIHAN (milih salah satu)
◦ NOR  pilihan (tdk milih keduanya)
 Example:
◦ Fauzan is singing, and Elva is dancing
◦ I miss you, but I hate you
◦ You are tall, but I am short
◦ Rizqi is rich, yet he is sad, for he is lonely
◦ You must marry me, or I will kill myself
◦ You must finish the report or you will fail
◦ Amien will not take a shower, nor he will eat.
◦ Amienah is nervous, for she will be proposed.
◦ Rosyid wakes up on time, so he isn’t late.
◦ I study hard, for I will have exam
◦ I study hard, so I pass the exam
 Yang perlu diperhatikan: penggunaan Connector yang tepat sesuai
konteks kalimat.


Sub Chapter II.4


Complex sentence atau kalimat majemuk bertingkat adalah kalimat


 Independent Clause: merupakan simple sentence adalah kalimat yang

bisa berdiri sndiri
 Example: I love you, I study in Diponegoro University, etc.
 Dependent clause: kalimat yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri (memerlukan
independent clause).
 Example: Which I love so much, because I love you, who studies in
Diponegoro University.

Dependent clause terdiri atas 3 jenis clause, yaitu: Adjective clause,

Adverb clause dan Noun clause. Berikut ini penjelasan dari ketiga jenis
dependent clause:

a. Adjective clause
 Fungsi: menerangkan kata benda/kata ganti (Noun/Pronoun).
 Connector: who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where, why
 Rule:
Who = utk orang = sbg subjek/pelaku
Whom = utk orang = sbg objek/yang dikenai
Whose = utk orang = sbg kepemilikan
Which = utk selain orang = sbg S/O/kpmilikan
That = utk orang/non-orang = sbg S/O/kpmilikn
YANG (arti dari connector)
 Example:
- I like the girl who is sweeping the floor

- I like the girl whom my mother calls.

- I like the girls whose long hair
- I like the girl who kills the mouse
- I like the girl whom is bitten by a mouse
- I visited Museum where I can see many archeological objects
- The museum which is built by Ronggo warsito is located near
Kalibanteng flyover
- The reason why I like Accounting is that I want to be an
- Semarang, where I live now, is very crowded.
- Semarang, in which I live now, is very crowded.
- My father came to my house last Monday when I celebrated my
- My father came to my house last Monday on which I celebrated
my birthday.
 NB: yang perlu diperhatikan adalah penggunaan connector. Dalam soal
TOEFL sering sekali human menggunakan which, sedang non human
menggunakan who/whom.

b. Adverb clause
 FUNGSI: menerangkan Adjective, Verb dan Adverb.
 Jenis – jenis adverb antara lain adverb yang menerangkan:
- time/waktu: after, before, when, whenever, as long as, since, as,
until, while.
- Location/tempat: where
- Reason/alasan: since, because, because of, due to, despite
- Contrast/pertentangan: while, although, though, even if,
nevertheless, however.
- Comparison/perbandingan: so … that, such…that
- Condition/syarat: if, as if,
- Result/akibat: so, thus
- Purpose/tujuan: so
- manner/cara: -ly, quickly, beautifully, gracefully, etc.

 Example:
- Rifan is so pretty that he has many fans
- Rifan is such a pretty man that he has many fans
- Rifan drove his car so quickly that the police gave him a fine.
- I will always love you as long as you love me
- I will always love you whether you love me or not
- Melinda is crying as if she has just seen a ghost
- I will always wait for you even if you don’t love me anymore
- After I had taken a shower, I went to campus.
- Before I mopped the floor, I had swept it



 Fungsi: seperti kata benda, yaitu: bisa menjadi: S,O, atau O of
 Connectors: ada kata that, if, whether, what, where ,which, whose,
why, when, how.
 That (bahwa) : biasanya dipakai pada kalimat yg menggunakan It + to
be + Adjective sbg awalnya.
 Example:
- It is lucky that you got the scholarship.
- It is so awesome that Indonesia won the football match
- It is tiring that we have to revise our report.
- It is so terrible that many babies become victims of the haze
problem in Riau.
 Example:
- Subject
 Tempe is delicious (N)
 What my mom is frying now is delicious (NC)

 Undip is excellent
 Where we are studying Marine Science, Oceanography and
Fisheries now is excellent

- Object
 I love tempe
 I love What my mom is frying now
 I hate Monday
 I hate when I have quiz session in the class

- Object of preposition
 Tofu is beside tempe
 Tofu is beside What my mom is frying now

 Perbedaan question vs noun clause

Wh-words+verb+S WH-words + S + Verb

◦ Who are You?  who you are
◦ What is your father?  What your father is
◦ What do you want?  what you want
◦ How are you?  how you are
◦ Why do you love me?  why you love me
◦ Why are you crying?  why you are crying
◦ Where will you go?  where you will go

 Khusus untuk What, who, which, dapat berfungsi baik sebagai subjek
maupun sebagai connector.
 Example:
- I know Tiwi. Tiwi is sleepy.--> I know who is sleepy.
- I like Fikri. Fikri answered the questions correctly.--> I like who
answered the questions.
- I am afraid of the storm. The storm happened last night.--> I am
afraid of what happened last night

` NB: perhatikan perbedaan ketiga jenis kalimat yang telah

dibahas sebelumnya.

 Simple sentence (S+V)

 I love you (I.C.)
 I hate you (IC)
 We are studying (IC)

 Compound sentence (S+V connector S+V)

 Connectors: and, but, yet, so, for, or, nor
 I love you, and you love me
 I love you, but I hate you

 Complex sentence (IC+ connector + DC)

 I love you (I.C. / induk kalimat)
 Because you love me (D.C./anak kalimat)
 I love you because you love me
 The student who got the best score is from Jakarta.
 I hate when I finally know that I do love you

Sub Chapter II.5


 Tingkat Perbandingan
 Ciri:
- as …..as /the same ….as
- akhiran –er/-est
- Ada awalan more/the most sblm kt sifat
- Ada kata Than, of all

a. Equal comparison
 Perbandingan yang setara
 Ciri :
- As ….(Adjective/adverb)….. As…
- The same …(noun) as…..
Sa + to be + as + adjective + as + Sb
verb adverb
 Example:
 As ….(Adjective/adverb)….. As…
- Xenia is as expensive as avanza
- Lintang sleeps as soundly as Noel
- Gilang rides his motorcycle as quickly as Mirza.
- Ariana Grande is as tall as I/he/she/they/we (bukan Ariana Grande
is taller than me/him/her/them/us)
 The same …(noun) as…..
- Ronald is as fat as Rossi  Ronald is the same weight as Rossi
- Nissa is as tall as Della  Nissa is the same height as Della
- Bandung is as cold/hot as Bandungan  Bandung is the same
temperature as Bandungan
- Dwi is as beautiful as Syifa  Dwi is the same beauty as Syifa
- Ryan drives his car as fast/slowly as Rio Haryanto  Ryan drives
his car the same speed as Rio Haryanto

- Avanza is as expensive/cheap as Xenia  Avanza is the same

price as Xenia
- Fried rice is as delicious as Steak  Fried rice is the same taste
as Steak

b. Unequal comparison
 Perbandingan yang tidak setara.

Syllable (suku Positive Comparative Superlative (paling)

kata) (lebih)

1 syllable + er The –est

Hot Hotter The hottest

Thin Thinner The thinnest
soft Softer The softest
Cheap Cheaper The cheapest
> 1 syllable tp + er The –est
akhiran -y
(bunyi i) Happy Happier The happiest
Lazy Lazier The laziest
Crazy Crazier The craziest
Dizzy Dizzier The dizziest
> 1 syllable More … The most…

Handsome More handsome The most handsome

Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful
Comfortable More comfortable The most comfortable
Important More important The most important
 Pengecualian:
 Many/much – more – the most
 Little – less – the least
 Good – better – the best

 Bad – worse – the worst

 Far – farther – the farthest (jarak nyata)
- further – the further (abstrak)
 Clever – cleverer – the cleverest
- More clever – the most clever

 Example:
 The boy is taller than the girl
 A car is more expensive than a motorcycle
 Mathematics is the easiest subject at school
 This is the most spectacular thing in my life

*** Pengecualian the

 The biasanya digunakan dlm bentuk paling, seperti contoh berikut
- You are the most important one in my life.
- My mom is the most beautiful woman in the world
- Undip is the best repository university in South East of Asia
 Bila dalam kalimat ada the+er , maka Gunakanlah bentuk double
the + bentuk lebih (er/ more)
 Example:
- The richer my husband is, …….(happy) I am
- The richer(rich) my husband is, The happier (happy) I am
- The more beautiful my wife is, the happier I am.
- The faster the better (lebih cepat lebih baik)
- Much better (jauh lebih baik) far better
- Much more expensive (jauh lebih mahal)  bukan far more

 Tips:
1. kalau ada than pastikan ada : _____ er / more ___
2. kalau ada the atau of pastikan ada : ___est / most__
3. kalau ada double the, maka gunakan : __er/more__

4. the same + Noun + as

5. as ___ (adjective / adverb)___ as

 to be ---adjective

verb --- adverb


Sub Chapter II.6


Sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di bagian awal structure, dalam

menyusun kalimat menggunakan bahasa Inggris, kita harus memperhatikan
kecocokan antara subject (subyek) dan verb/auxiliary (predikat). Di bagian
tersebut juga sudah dibahas subyek dan verb yang digunakan. Berikut ini
pengelompokan subyek tunggal, jamak maupun bisa keduanya.

Everyone everybody everything every…

Someone somebody something each …
No one nobody nothing neither … either…

Every boy and girl is happy

Each of the members comes to the event
Subyek yang diawali dengan it

It is me you are looking for

It was his final score that makes him worried
It seems that you are trying to give up
Together with along with
As well as in addition to
Accompanied by

The teacher along with the students comes to the laboratory

The students together with the teacher come to the laboratory
There here where

There are some students in the soccer field

There is a lecturer in the class
Here is the money
Here are the results of the research
Jumlah uang, waktu, berat, jarak, suhu

Ten thousand dollars is enough to pay the school fee

Six kilometers is not too far
Nama pelajaran/ilmu, nama penyakit, abstract noun

Statistics is very interesting

Herpes is very dangerous
Politics sometimes makes us confused
Judul buku, puisi, novel, film

Romeo and Juliet is a good drama

Star Wars is a good movie
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets is my favorite book
Both Both – and and not only – but also

You and I are friends

Both Ferrari and Lamborghini are good cars
Both are expensive
Not only the students but also the teacher are joining the festival
Several Many few

Several are coming late

PLURAL Many come to his party
Only a few have known this news
Noun yang selalu plural

Scissors pliers pants spectacles sunglasses

Riches thanks means

The scissors are broken

His pants are dirty/ a pair of pants is dirty
Your thanks are enough/a word of thanks is enough

Neither – nor perhatikan noun setelah nor/or

Either – or

Either the 1000 lecturers or the student is

Neither the lecturer nor the students are
Either the students or Ryani with his 10 boyfriends is
Neither of these books is / this book is
Either of the girls is
Either of the money is
Neither the girl nor the boys are
Either the boys or the girl is
All/some/none/any/majority/half/most ---tergantung noun yang

Any student is
PLURAL/ Any students are
SINGULAR All the students are
All the money is
Some books are
Some water is
A number----are plural sejumlah
The number ----is singular jumlah

A number of chairs are broken A number of students are late

The number of chairs is 300 The number of students is increasing

Collective noun
Class committee team audience family faculty

The team is solid (1 tim scr keseluruhan/kolektif)

The team are doing exercise (per org dlm tim/unsur pembentuk
collective noun dianggap beraktifitas masing-masing)

The family is busy

The family are cleaning the house
Nanda’s family is fighting Basworo’s family
Nanda’s family are fighting




Reading comprehension dalam TOEFL merupakan bagian terakhir
Then, decide how to answer the questions quickly, accurately, easily
3. Kalau soal main idea  baca kalimat pertama
4. Kalau soal bukan main idea  cari kata kunci dalam soal, kemudian kata
kunci tersebut di cari di bacaan, setelah itu baca 1 kalimat full yg ada kata
kuncinya tadi
5. Kalau sudah membaca soal silakan lakukan hal berikut:
a. Jangan terlalu lama membawa teks bacaan.
b. Perhatikan semua pertanyaan yang terdapat pada sebuah bacaan
dan ingat-ingat kata kuncinya.
c. Jangan panik apabila tema bacaan bukan merupakan disiplin ilmu
yang Anda kuasai.
d. Lakukan previewing untuk mengetahui topik bacaan.
e. Perhatikan kalimat pertama dari sebuah bacaan paragraf untuk
mengetahui main idea.
f. Pahami konteks yang terdapat pada bacaan untuk mengetahui arti
kata tertentu.
g. Lakukan scanning untuk menemukan informasi tertentu yang
berkaitan dengan permintaan soal.
h. Kumpulkan fakta dan data dalam bacaan untuk melakukan
i. Berkonsentrasi selama membaca teks bacaan.
j. Tingkatkan kecepatan membaca Anda.

Sub Chapter 3.1


Soal tentang main idea atau ide pokok sangat sering keluar dalam test TOEFL
bagian reading. Berikut ini adalah ciri soal dan tips untuk mengerjakannya

Secara singkat, soal main idea memiliki ciri khas soal yang memuat
- Main idea - Primarily concerned/discusses
- Main point - Best title
- Topic/subject - Main discussion
Cara menjawabnya dengan cepat:
- Read the first sentence (find the most similar theme to the options)
- For main idea of the text, read every first sentence, in every paragraph,
temukan kata/sinonim yang diulang. That’s the answer .
- Soal main idea termasuk soal yang lumayan sulit, dengan tingkat
kesulitan medium. Sehingga, telitilah dalam mengerjakan soal ini.


B. B.
C. C.


C. B.



Sub Chapter III.2


Soal tentang reference (rujukan/acuan) biasanya menggunakan kata :

refer to atau represent (mengacu pada/merujuk pada)
Cara menjawab: Read Backward (baca mundur setelah kata yang
ditanyakan, cari kata – kata yang mewakili kata yang ditanyakan, cari yg
terdekat sesuai konteks kalimat) dan hindari noun stlh preposition (on, in, at, by,
about, for, of, etc).
Yang biasa ditanyakan:
- he  1  laki – laki
- She  1  Perempuan
- They  lebih dari 1 (non human/human)
- It  1  non human
- that/this  1
- Those/these  banyak


Sub Chapter 3.3


Pertanyaan dlm Reading yg jawabannya tercantum secara eksplisit di

dlm bacaan (jawabannya yg ada di bacaan dan ada di A,B,C,atau D). ciri
soalnya menggunakan kalimat:
- What is true/mentioned….
- Which paragraph explains….
- In what year was….
- What was the main problem with…
- Which of the following is true….
Cara cepat menjawabnya adalah:
- Find the key word of the question/cari kata kunci dalam soal
- Find the key word of the question in the text/cari kata kunci
dalam soal tadi dalam bacaan
- Read the sentence containing the key word/baca kalimat
yang memuat kata kunci tadi
- Find the best answer
- (kalau ada di bacaan dan ada di pilihan jawaban, itu
jawaban yang benar)

- Berikut ini strategi yang diajukan oleh Phillips (2001)


Sub Chapter 3.4


Pertanyaan dalam Reading yang jawabannya tercantum secara eksplisit

di dalam bacaan. Pertanyaan ini jawabannya adalah kalimat atau pernyataan
yang tidak ada di bacaan tetapi ada di pilihan A,B,C,atau D)
Soal Tentang Exception ini biasanya ditandai dengan soal:
- which is Not mentioned, not stated, not true about…
- All are true, but, Except,…
Cara menjawab soal:
- Cari Keyword dalam soal
- Cari keyword soal dalam bacaan
- Baca kalimat yang mengandung key word
- Bila pilihan jawaban ada di bacaan maka jangan dipilih
- Bila pilihan jawaban tidak tercantum dalam bacaan, itu
adalah jawabannya


Sub Chapter 3.5


Pertanyaan dlm Reading yg jawabannya TIDAK tercantum secara

eksplisit, TETAPI SECARA IMPLISIT di dalam bacaan (sehingga perlu
Soal Tentang Inference/Conclusion memiliki ciri khas dengan
pertanyaan antara lain sebagai berikut:
- What can we conclude
- What can be inferred
- What can be implied
Tips untuk menjawab soal seperti ini adalah:
- Tentukan key word dari pertanyaan
- Cari key word dalam paragraf
- Baca 1 kalimat yang mengandung key word tersebut
- Simpulkan
- Pilih jawaban yang maknanya sama dengan yang di bacaan



Sub Chapter 3.6


Soal Tentang Vocabulary in context biasanya ditandai dengan soal

tentang synonym (similar/closest meaning) dan antonym (opposite meaning)
Cara menjawab:
- Cari kata yang ditanyakan di bacaan
- Baca 1 kalimat penuh
- Cari clue/petunjuk makna kata yang ditanyakan dalam kalimat
- Coba gantikan kata yang ditanyakan dengan pilihan a,b,c atau d


Passage 1 (questions 1 – 4)

Sub Chapter 3.7


Pertanyaan yang meminta kita memeriksa di baris atau paragraf berapa

dalam text.
- Cari key word dlm soal
- Skim text nya
- Pilih jawaban yang tepat.
- Langsung cek jawaban yang benar dari a, b, c, atau d

Sub Chapter 3.8


Ciri soal prediction ini antara lain penggunaan pertanyaan:

- What is the preceeding text
- What paragraph/topic may follow
- What following paragraph may discuss
Tips untuk menjawabnya antara lain:
- Cari Key word dalam soal
- Perhatikan topik bacaan
- Bila pertanyaan prediksi paragraf sebelumnya: maka perhatikan
topic paragraf pertama, pilih jawaban yang berhubungan dengan
topic paragraf pertama
- Bila pertanyaan mengenai prediksi paragraf sesudah text; maka
perhatikan topik paragraf terakhir. Pilih jawaban yang berhubungan
dengan topik paragraf terakhir







Order of Writing
Your thesis is not written in the same order as it is presented in. The following gives you
one idea how to proceed.

1. first organize your paper as a logical argument before you begin writing
2. make your figures to illustrate your argument (think skimming)
3. the main sections are: background to the argument (intro); describing the
information to be used in the argument, and making points about them
(observations), connecting the points regarding the info (analysis), summing up
4. outline the main elements: sections, and subsections
5. begin writing, choosing options in the following hierarchy - paragraphs,
sentences, and words.

Here is another approach.

1. Write up a preliminary version of the background section first. This will serve as
the basis for the introduction in your final paper.
2. As you collect data, write up the methods section. It is much easier to do this
right after you have collected the data. Be sure to include a description of the
research equipment and relevant calibration plots.
3. When you have some data, start making plots and tables of the data. These will
help you to visualize the data and to see gaps in your data collection. If time
permits, you should go back and fill in the gaps. You are finished when you have
a set of plots that show a definite trend (or lack of a trend). Be sure to make
adequate statistical tests of your results.
4. Once you have a complete set of plots and statistical tests, arrange the plots and
tables in a logical order. Write figure captions for the plots and tables. As much
as possible, the captions should stand alone in explaining the plots and tables.

Many scientists read only the abstract, figures, figure captions, tables, table
captions, and conclusions of a paper. Be sure that your figures, tables and
captions are well labeled and well documented.
5. Once your plots and tables are complete, write the results section. Writing this
section requires extreme discipline. You must describe your results, but you must
NOT interpret them. (If good ideas occur to you at this time, save them at the
bottom of the page for the discussion section.) Be factual and orderly in this
section, but try not to be too dry.
6. Once you have written the results section, you can move on to the discussion
section. This is usually fun to write, because now you can talk about your ideas
about the data. If you can come up with a good cartoon/schematic showing your
ideas, do so. Many papers are cited in the literature because they have a good
cartoon that subsequent authors would like to use or modify.
7. In writing the discussion session, be sure to adequately discuss the work of other
authors who collected data on the same or related scientific questions. Be sure to
discuss how their work is relevant to your work. If there were flaws in their
methodology, this is the place to discuss it.
8. After you have discussed the data, you can write the conclusions section. In this
section, you take the ideas that were mentioned in the discussion section and try
to come to some closure. If some hypothesis can be ruled out as a result of your
work, say so. If more work is needed for a definitive answer, say that.
9. The final section in the paper is a recommendation section. This is really the end
of the conclusion section in a scientific paper. Make recommendations for further
research or policy actions in this section. If you can make predictions about what
will be found if X is true, then do so. You will get credit from later researchers for
10. After you have finished the recommendation section, look back at your original
introduction. Your introduction should set the stage for the conclusions of the
paper by laying out the ideas that you will test in the paper. Now that you know
where the paper is leading, you will probably need to rewrite the introduction.

You must write your abstract last.



What is an Abstract?

 The abstract is an important component of your thesis. Presented at the

beginning of the thesis, it is likely the first substantive description of your
work read by an external examiner. You should view it as an opportunity
to set accurate expectations.
 The abstract is a summary of the whole thesis. It presents all the major
elements of your work in a highly condensed form.
 An abstract often functions, together with the thesis title, as a stand-alone
text. Abstracts appear, absent the full text of the thesis, in bibliographic
indexes such as PsycInfo. They may also be presented in announcements
of the thesis examination. Most readers who encounter your abstract in a
bibliographic database or receive an email announcing your research
presentation will never retrieve the full text or attend the presentation.
 An abstract is not merely an introduction in the sense of a preface,
preamble, or advance organizer that prepares the reader for the thesis. In
addition to that function, it must be capable of substituting for the whole
thesis when there is insufficient time and space for the full text.

Size and Structure

 Currently, the maximum sizes for abstracts submitted to Canada's

National Archive are 150 words (Masters thesis) and 350 words (Doctoral
 To preserve visual coherence, you may wish to limit the abstract for your
doctoral dissertation to one double-spaced page, about 280 words.
 The structure of the abstract should mirror the structure of the whole
thesis, and should represent all its major elements.
 For example, if your thesis has five chapters (introduction, literature
review, methodology, results, conclusion), there should be one or more
sentences assigned to summarize each chapter.

Clearly Specify Your Research Questions

 As in the thesis itself, your research questions are critical in ensuring that the
abstract is coherent and logically structured. They form the skeleton to which
other elements adhere.
 They should be presented near the beginning of the abstract.
 There is only room for one to three questions. If there are more than three major
research questions in your thesis, you should consider restructuring them by
reducing some to subsidiary status.

Don't Forget the Results

 The most common error in abstracts is failure to present results.

 The primary function of your thesis (and by extension your abstract) is not to tell
readers what you did, it is to tell them what you discovered. Other information,
such as the account of your research methods, is needed mainly to back the
claims you make about your results.
 Approximately the last half of the abstract should be dedicated to summarizing
and interpreting your results.
 A good abstract explains in one line why the paper is important. It then goes on
to give a summary of your major results, preferably couched in numbers with
error limits. The final sentences explain the major implications of your work. A
good abstract is concise, readable, and quantitative.
 Length should be ~ 1-2 paragraphs, approx. 400 words.
 Absrtracts generally do not have citations.
 Information in title should not be repeated.
 Be explicit.
 Use numbers where appropriate.
 Answers to these questions should be found in the abstract:
o What did you do?
o Why did you do it? What question were you trying to answer?
o How did you do it? State methods.
o What did you learn? State major results.
o Why does it matter? Point out at least one significant implication.





 Dress smartly: don't let your appearance distract from what you are saying.
 Smile. Don't hunch up and shuffle your feet. Have an upright posture. Try to
appear confident and enthusiastic.
 Say hello and smile when you greet the audience: your audience will probably
look at you and smile back: an instinctive reaction.
 Speak clearly, firmly and confidently as this makes you sound in control. Don't
speak too quickly: you are likely to speed up and raise the pitch of your voice
when nervous. Give the audience time to absorb each point. Don't talk in a
monotone the whole time. Lift your head up and address your words to someone
near the back of audience. If you think people at the back can't hear, ask them.
 Use silence to emphasise points. Before you make a key point pause: this tells
the audience that something important is coming. It's also the hallmark of a
confident speaker as only these are happy with silences. Nervous speakers tend
to gabble on trying to fill every little gap.
 Keep within the allotted time for your talk.
 Eye contact is crucial to holding the attention of your audience. Look at
everyone in the audience from time to time, not just at your notes or at the
PowerPoint slides. Try to involve everyone, not just those directly in front of you.
 You could try to involve your audience by asking them a question.
 Don't read out your talk, as this sounds boring and stilted, but refer to brief
notes jotted down on small (postcard sized) pieces of card. Don't look at your
notes too much as this suggests insecurity and will prevent you making eye
contact with the audience.
 It’s OK to use humour, in moderation, but better to use anecdotes than to rattle
off a string of jokes.

 Take along a wristwatch to help you keep track of time – the assessor may cut
you off as soon as you have used the time allocated, whether or not you have
 It can be very helpful to practise at home in front of a mirror. You can also
record your presentation and play it back to yourself: don't judge yourself harshly
when you replay this - we always notice our bad points and not the good when
hearing or seeing a recording or ourselves! Time how long your talk takes. Run
through the talk a few times with a friend.
 It's normal to be a little nervous. This is a good thing as it will make you more
energised. Many people have a fear of speaking in public. Practising will make
sure that you are not too anxious. In your mind, visualise yourself giving a
confident successful performance. Take a few deep slow breaths before your talk
starts and make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly. Research by T
Gilovich (Cornell University) found that people who feel embarrassed are
convinced their mistakes are much more noticeable than they really are: we
focus on our own behaviour more than other people do and so overestimate it's
impact. This is called the spotlight effect. If you make a mistake, don't apologise
too much, just briefly acknowledge the mistake and continue on. For more details
see "59 Seconds" by Prof. Richard Wiseman
 Build variety into the talk and break it up into sections: apparently, the average
person has a three minute attention span!


 Who are the audience?

 What points do I want to get across?
 How much time have I got?
 What visual aids are available? Powerpoint projector? flip chart? Don't
necessarily use these. Sometimes the best presentations are the most informal.


 Welcome the audience.

 Say what your presentation will be about: the aims and objectives.

 The introduction should catch the attention. Perhaps a provocative statement or

a humorous anecdote:
o ―Genetically-modified crops could save millions of people from starvation‖
o ―The first day of my vacation job went with a bang, but it wasn't my fault
that the microwave exploded.

The Middle should outline your argument or develop your story

 In five minutes you will only have time for two or three main points and allow
everything else to support these. List your main headings and any key phrases
you will use.
 Don't try to say pack too much content in or you will talk non- stop trying to
get all your content and the audience will switch off with information overload
long before the end.
 Use graphics or anecdotes to add variety.


 Briefly summarise your main points.

 Answer any questions.
 Thank the audience for listening. Look at the audience again, smile and slow
 The end should be on a strong or positive note – not tailing away to ―..well
that's all I've got to say so thank you very much for listening ladies and
gentlemen‖. You could try something along these lines:
o ―Hang-gliding is brilliant, so try it – you'll believe a man can fly!‖
o ―The danger is increasing – if we don't all act soon it could be too late!


Phillips, Deborah. 2000. Longman complete course for the TOEFL test preparation for the computer
and paper tests. New York: Prentice Hall. (pdf version, downloaded in September 2016)

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