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Module 1 – ASSIGNMENT 2B: Concept Map

Instruction: Describe the events or specific activities in each phase of the COPAR Process.
Provide a written description for each phase.




Training Phase




Sustenance and

Phase Out
Phases of COPAR
o Pre-entry – the initial phase of the organizing process which involves organizer’s
preparation and choosing a community to serve and help. Activities may include training
of faculty and students in COPAR, formulating plans, and site selection by listing
possible communities and doing ocular survey. Also, it includes review of
barangay/municipal profile, consultations, and communications with LGU, and assessing
according to criteria. Conduction of initial surveys.

o Entry – formalizes the start of the organizing process wherein the organizer gets to know
the community and vise versa. It is crucial in determining organization strategies suitable
for the chosen community. Activities include visitation to the local authorities with
presentation of activities, serving as a role model to the community by having a low-key,
low-profile approach with behavior, speech, appearance, and lifestyle in line with those
in the community, and deepening social interaction and investigation. Establishing
rapport with the people in the community is essential. Verify data collected from initial
surveys and obtain baseline data. Potential leaders in core groups are identified in this

o Organization Phase – formation of formal structure and inclusion of more formal

procedure that includes planning, implementing, and evaluating community-wise activity.
Activities in this phase include preparation of legal requirements, formulation of
guidelines in the organizations, and election of officers, which are done by the
community health organization.

o Training Phase – This is where organized leaders are given training to develop their own
style in management of own concerns or programs.

o Services Phase - This is also where committees are formed for convenient and organized
program. These committees include planning, health, research, and others. Also, this
includes support and partnership with the community clinics and health centers.

o Leadership Phase – this is the phase where core groups are formed, which is usually
composed of between 8 – 12 individuals to keep the size manageable. This is lead by the
potential community leaders that are spotted through sociogram (key persons, opinion
leader, isolates). Further training would take place.

o Consolidation Phase – the phase wherein evaluation of core groups and their leader take
place. Also, leaders of the organization would be assessed and monitored to be evaluated
and corrected for their development. This is also where the organization plan is evaluate,
to compare the current state of the organization and the desired outcomes or planned
o Sustenance and Maintenance Phase – as the community organization is already
established, and the community members are actively participating in community-wide
activities. The committees are already functioning by way of planning, implementing,
and evaluating their own programs with guidance from the community-wide
organization. Activities that may be included in this phase are further training and
monitoring, identification of secondary leaders, and implementation of livelihood

o Phase out – determined by the organizer and community after meeting for monitoring
and evaluation, there is readiness for exit by the community organizer which may include
attainment of set goals, demonstration of the people’s organization’s capacity to lead and
deal with common problems, and people empowerment. During this phase, the organizer
begins to search for another community to serve and help. The end goal should be
attained, which is development of the community.

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