Test On Passive Voice

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Test on Passive Voice – Would rather/ Had better

1. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice in two ways (personal and impersonal
1. People say that money brings happiness.
2. People believe that dogs are clever animals.
3. Everyone says that the earth goes round the sun.
4. They believe that he is living in Paris.
5. People don’t believe that there is life in outer space.

2. Complete the following sentences with a correct passive form

1. They built this castle in 1756. » This castle…………………………………………. In 1756.
2. The mechanic has repaired my car. » My car………………………………………..……… .
3. They will obey him, don’t worry! » He ……………………………………….…, don’t worry.
4. They are painting the kitchen. » The kitchen …………………………………………….…..
5. They had prepared everything for the party. » Everything ………………….…..for the

3. Complete newspaper reports with an appropriate passive form of the verbs in brackets.
An unknown twenty-two year old man …………………………….(find) unconscious last night in an
abandoned farmhouse. Police ……………………………….. (search) the area looking for more clues. If
anyone has any information on this case, please call the police hotline.
Levels of pollution in Beijing are 15 times higher than they should be. This has caused the
government to take drastic measures.
Factories and building sites ………………………….(force) to close, cars …………………………..(order) off the
roads and children …………………………………(tell) not to go to school.
War and Peace, which ………………………………………….(write) by Leo Tolstoy, ………………………..(read) in
Russia over a four-day period. More than 1,300 people in over 30 cities will be taking part in this
marathon public reading, where one volume ……………………………………….(read) each day.
The readers ……………………………….(choose) from across Russia and include schoolchildren, actors,
professors, politicians and even a cosmonaut. The readings …………………………………(stream) on state
television so everyone can listen in.
4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word
1 You ought to return the money you owe. back
It is about_____
2 We regret not having installed an alarm system, wish
We___________ ______ _____
4 Dennis doesn’t feel like playing football today, rather
5 It’s a pity we can’t visit the gallery, only
6 Julie doesn’t like playing the guitar as much as she likes singing, rather
Julie prefers_________________________________
7 Michael didn’t want to spend his holidays in London, but in the end he did. rather
8 Please don’t disappoint me this time, let
I’d rather you________
9 I can’t stand Ronnie complaining about everything, wish
I __________________________________ the money you owe.

5. Complete each sentence with one or two words..

1. If he …………………………….. so shy, he would have asked her out by now.

2. She would be at work now, if she …………………………….. overslept this morning.

3. ………………………………. my love to Susie if you see her.

4. I wish we …………………………… never set eyes on him. He's brought us nothing but trouble.

5. ……………………………… you asked me earlier, I might have been able to do something.

6. She would have arrived earlier if she hadn't ……………………………….. the bus.

7. They could make a fortune if they ……………………….. their house and moved out of London.

8. If we hadn't …………………… booked our holiday, we would go with you to Crete. (7 letters)

5. Decide whether to use a bare infinitive or Unreal Past. Use the verbs in the box in a suitable
form to fill the gaps.
go   ·   not stay   ·   take   ·   not go   ·   meet   ·   not make   ·   come   ·   walk
We'd sooner you   out too late.
She'd rather   the bus than walk.
He'd prefer it if we   too much noise.
I'd just as soon they   tomorrow.
We'd sooner   to their stupid party.
She'd prefer   to the cinema.
I'd just as soon   to the shops; they're quite close, really.
He'd rather we   at his office than at mine.

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