4.2.3 Design of Eccentric Welded Connections (III

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Connection in Steel Structures

4.2.3. Design of eccentric welded connections

Piyush Pradhan
4.2.3. Design of eccentric welding
 Bracket connection: a steel plate or set of steel plate
connected to columns to support beams.
 May be connected to column using butt or fillet welds
 Welded joints are often subjected to loads which are
 Such case are subjected to either direct shear and
tension or direct shear and bending.
4.2.3. Design of eccentric welding
1) Bracket Connection
Using Butt Weld:
Subjected to
Direct Certical Shear V= P
Bending Moment M= Pe
4.2.3. Design of eccentric welding
 IS 800-2007 [cl 10.5.9]
 Shear stress developed due to vertical force (S.F)

 Where,
 Direct vertical load P=V
 Effective length of weld Lw
 Throat thickness te = t (thickness of bracket)
 Bending stress developed due to Bending

 Where,
 Bending stress fb
 Elastic Modulus of Section Ze
 Bending Moment M= P.e
Combine Shear and Bending Stress []
 2) Design of Bracket Connection Using a Fillet
 Case I: Connection where load doesn’t lie on the
plane of connection.
 Weld is subjected to:
 Vertical shear force develops vertical shear stress

 Shear stress in welding due to bending

 The resultant shear stress on the throat of fillet weld is
given by:

 Where,

 Design shear strength of weld

 Nominal shear strength of weld

 Case II: when load lies on the plane of connection.
 Subjected to:
 Direct Shear force V= P
 Twisting Moment M= P.e
Due to the shear force P, Vertical Shear stress ‘qs’ is produced at
the throat of the fillet weld.

Due to the twisting moment another shear stress ‘qt’ is

 Where,
 Polar moment of Inertia of the weld

 Moment of Inertia about its own centroidal axis

 Resultant shear stress

 For safe connection

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