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Michael Obah ( Assignment 2.

Response to Intervention Measures
1) What are the two options for identifying students with learning disabilities? Briefly summarize
each one. [ They are the IQ-Achievement Discrepancy Model and Respond to Intervening
model (RTI). The IQ-Achievement approach is the traditional method that schools are used
to using. It involves a school psychologist administering standardized tests and comparing
students' scores to that of the general population of the classroom. Any student who falls
outside the bell curve or the predicted normal performance score range is identified as
needing special education. The RTI approach is based on the premise that each classroom
needs to be involved in a standard high quality method of teaching that helps rule out
infective teaching as the reason for inadequate academic performance of students. In the
RTI classroom students who do respond to research-validated instructions are screened out
and given increasing amounts of researched based validated interventions. ]
2) List at least four benefits of using an RTI approach with struggling students. [ It encourages
the use of standardized high quality teaching and learning methods, students who are
struggling are identified earlier through a universal screening measures using multiple tier
system, it is data driven and it adequately identifies students with disabilities. ]
3) Compton is a first-grade student at Rosa Parks Elementary School. His teacher, having
administered a universal screening measure, has identified Compton as a struggling reader.
Name and explain the first step in the RTI approach that she should consider when trying to
help Compton. Keep in mind that Rosa Parks uses the standard protocol approach. [ She
should consider providing additional instructions for Compton in addition to the core reading
program in the tier-1 classroom in a small group setting that reinforces the skills taught in the
core reading program. She can also provide a separate instructions where student receive
more intensive instructions outside of the general education classroom of the tier-1 teaching
and reading instruction, even though this last option is not recommended. ]
4) Assume that your recommendation for Question 3 was implemented; however, Compton’s
progress continues to be insufficient. Name and explain the next step in the RTI approach. [
She should use tier 3, Intensive Individualized Interventions by providing more intensive
individualized instruction where the focus is on that particular student using intervention
targeted at his need and by providing special education services if it is deemed that the
student needs it after ineffective teaching as a root cause of the student’s low performance is
ruled out.

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