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* Damosa Complex, Lanang, Davao City, Davao del Sur,8000, Philippines


A" INTERVIEW (Conduct intetuiew with contact petron/authorized representative indiated on the AFVA to obtain information for eualuation)

Th. folliling quGtids arc th. minimum infomtion that must bc obtained by the interviils frcm the dtncton
1. What is the vendor's principal line of business? (Specify description of services rendered by the contractor)

2. Is the vendor an exclusive distributor? E Yes E tto

If Yes, state the item(s) exclusively distributed and the name of manufacturer. Review sufficient documents to support this.

3. Where are the sources of vendor's items beinq offered?

D Local D Manila B Direct Imoortation O Manufactured/Fabricated tr Others:

4. What is the monthly average inventory carried by the vendor?

Does this meet the Company's requirement? D Yes E No

5. Does the vendor cater blanket Purchase Order (PO)? E yes D ruo
If No, specify constraint.

5. Does the vendor offer prompt payment and/or volume discount? E yes D tto
If Yes, state details of payment terms and conditions.

7. Does the Vendor have existing bank account with the Company's disbursement bank? B Yes tr No

If No, is the vendor willing to open a bank account with the Company's disbursement bank to accommodate auto credit

oavments? trYes DNo

If No, specify constraint and vendois preferred mode of payment.

L Does the Vendor have branches outside Davao City? O Yes tr No

lf Yes, state the location address.

9. For corporation - Does the Vendor have affiliates that also deal with any of the Company's affiliates? q Yes D No
If Yes, state the business name.

10. For Sole Proprietorship and Partnership - Does the Proprietor or any Partner own other business establishment, whether directly or indirectly
(including those of their relatives) that also deal with the Company's affiliates? tr Yes D No

If Yes, state the name and affiliation(s).

1 1. If answer in # 9 and 10 are yes, what are the items supplied and services rendered to any of the Company's affiliates? State the name of affiliate
and general description of items supplied/services rendered?

12. Who are the existing major customers of the vendor? (top 5)

Did we obtain samoles of items applied for accreditation? BYes DNo

If No, state justification.

14. Please document other information obtained on the space provided:

lntervierved by Contact PeBon/Authorized Repr6entativel

Name and Designation: Name and Designation:

Signature: Signatu re:

Date: Date:

B.PROilTT TESTING RESULTSl,anac, repott on test rcsults, if aqt, to suppott the eualuation)

1 Item Description 2. Item Description

Tested by Tested by

Evaluation Eva luation

C.BACKGROUND CHECKING(Docunent buiness existence and contradotus peiormance with depositoty banks & with former and eisting customeR
with reoards to price competitivenetS quality standardt delivery stock auailabiliv and customer sevice' )

Contact Person Remarks:

Company & Address


Association with vendor

Length of association with

Performance Evaluation E Excellent O Satisfactorv El Good E poc

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