3-Worksheets - Islamic Studies

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Course Instructor: Dr.

Sheikh Muhammad Ishtiaq

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Erum Liaquat
Dept: ME, EE, CS, MS Section: ____EE-5ADSU ID (Reg #): ___________
ee181032 Dt of Submission: Next Class Lecture Max. Marks:10
Note: Answer the questions as brief as possible
1) What does Tawheed mean?
 Dictionary meaning:
Asserting oneness
 Meaning in Islamic perspective:
The oneness and Uniqueness of God
2) State basic articles of faith in Islam? (any five)
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The oneness of God (Allah).
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Angels of God
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Divine Revelations (Books)
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Prophets of God
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Resurrection after Death and the Day of Judgment and preordainment (Qadar)
3) Why it is important to believe in the ‘Basic Article of Faith’?
Knowing that there is only one God, Muslims believe that people should live following his rules. The Holy books
help with this as they give guidance on how Muslims can live their lives on the right path. The prophets are sent by
God to teach humans how to live as Allah wished and to teach how to obey his laws. A lot of Muslims believe that the
angels record the deeds of humans on Earth, which encourages muslims to do goo if they want to have a place in
Paradise. The belief in the Day of Judgement means believing that this life is a test and Allah determines everything.
4) State three benefits for individuals for believing in Tawheed.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
It builds a balanced character.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
It fills the soul with tranquility and serenity.
 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tawheed is the source of power to the soul.
5) Note: Look up the following verses in the Holy Quran, learn by heart and write translation

(Surah Baqarah 2:55)

Allah (there is) no God except Him, the Ever-living, the sustainer of all that exists.

(Surah Nisa’ 4:48)
Indeed, Allah (does) not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives from other than that for whom
_He wills._______________________________________________________________________________________________

(Surah Ma’idah 5:72)

Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely (has) forbidden Allah for him paradise.

Signature: _______________________
Erum Liaquat DSU ID: _______________________
ee181032 Date: __________________________

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