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Kode Soal : 01


Mata Kuliah : Perpindahan Panas Semester/Kelas : V / A / R1
Hari/Tgl : Senin, 15 Feb 2021 Dosen : Tiur Elysabeth, ST., MT
Waktu : 15.30 – 17.00 WIB Sifat Ujian : Open Book

Petunjuk umum
 Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan soal
 Tuliskan identitas anda pada lembar jawaban dan lembar soal yang tersedia
 Kerjakan soal-soal yang dianggap mudah terlebih dahulu
 Periksa kembali lembar jawaban sebelum diupload di SPADA

1. Air is flowing through a tube having an inside diameter of 38.1 mm at a velocity of 6.71
m/s, average temperature of 449.9 K and pressure of 138 kPa. The inside wall temperature
is held constant at 477.6 K by steam condensing outside the tube wall. Calculate the heat
transfer coefficient for a long tube and the heat transfer flux.

2. A water flow rate of 13.85 kg/s is to be heated from 54.5 to 87.8 °C in a heat exchanger by
54430 kg/h of hot gas flowing counterflow and entering at 427 °C (cpm= 1.005 kJ/kg.K).
The overall Uo = 69.1 W/m2.K. Calculate the exit gas temperature and the heat transfer

3. A horizontal oxidized steel pipe carrying steam and having an OD of 0.1683 m has a
surface temperature of 374.9 K and is exposed to air at 297.1 K in a large enclosure.
Calculate the heat loss for 0.305 mof pipe from natural convection plus radiation. For steel
pipe use an ε of 0.79.

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