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Scheduled Interview Prep Guide (Complete with Job Order)

Advisor to review the following items with your graduates prior to an interview.
Reference: Graduate’s Sizzle & Job Order

First Impressions Healthcare is a professional and conservative work environment – dress & act appropriately. The
& Body Language interview begins as soon as you park the car. Ensure that you…
 Are on time
 Have a clean, well-groomed appearance and are dresses professionally
 Have turned your cell phone off or left it in the car
 Understand that you should behave in a courteous and professional manner
 Have a positive attitude, sit up straight, maintain eye contact and smile
 Tell me about any visible piercings you have?
 Tell me about any visible tattoos you have when you are wearing a shirt?
 What type of hair style do you have and what color is your hair?
 Do you smoke? If yes, do not smoke at least 2 hours before your interview.

Preparation If you have access to a computer, research the company/office before the interview. You want
to know exactly where you are going and what type of work is done at the company/office.

DISCUSS: Specifics that the employer is looking for, including:

 Workplace environment
 Desired personality traits

Remember to bring:
 3 copies of your resume
 Professional portfolio, pen, paper
 2 forms of ID (in case you get hired on the spot)
 Job history (in case you have to fill out a job application on site)
 References
 Blank thank-you card

Closing the  Ask the person interviewing you why do you like working here?
Interview  Do you have any concerns about me in this position?
 When can I start?
 Save pay, benefits, time off and similar questions for LATER
 Be sure to call me after your interview so we can discuss how it went!
If you are offered the position on the spot, accept it or ask for additional time to
consider it (Can I get back to you tomorrow after I speak with my family?) Never decline
the offer.
 If there is something about the offer that concerns you, contact us and we can
negotiate with the employer on your behalf
Scheduled Interview Prep Guide (complete with Job Order) ,

Interview Ensure the graduate understands the responsibilities, qualifications, and job duties of the open
Questions position. Ensure graduate can articulate how their education, skills, personality, and/or
experience match what the employer is looking for.

Reminder: Throughout the interview the graduate should discuss how their transferable skills
relate to the current position. Refer to the Transferable Skills job aid for assistance.
Question Tips
“Tell me about Answer this question by covering three main topics:
yourself…” Education: “I recently graduated from UMA with a diploma/degree in________.”
(Add additional education, if applicable)
Previous Experience/Transferrable Skills: “At my most recent position I did _____, ______, I also
have __ years additional experience in ____ (related field).”
Why you would be a great fit for this company: “With my education and previous experience I am
excited to learn more about your company and what you do here. I think I would be a great fit.”
“Walk me through your Review important information in the Job Order, including:
resume and how it o Job title / type of position
relates to the position.” o Name of interviewer and
o Job description
o Pay
o Location
o Growth Potential
o Benefits
o Environment / pace of office
Is the contact information accurate?
Can the graduate speak to keywords and experience? (Review the Resume Keywords Job Aid)
“Tell me about your Talk about the things you do best. Phrase positively and provide examples.
strengths”  “I am a great team player. At my previous job everyone would come to me if they had
questions or needed additional support.”

If you discuss an actual weakness speak to how you’re correcting it.

 “I’m really looking to enhance my excel skills, so I’ve began taking refreshers online last week.”
“Why should we If grad does not have previous experience stress the following:
choose you for this  Training at UMA
position?”  EHR-Greenway
 Online classes- computer savvy
“Do you have any Be prepared for this question. Have a couple questions written down before the interview.
questions for me?”  “Can you walk me through a typical day in this role?”
 “What are some characteristics of someone who has been successful in this role?”
 “What do you like about working here?”
 “When can I start?”

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