Visually Guided Eye Movements Reduce Postural Sway in Dyslexic Children

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Neuroscience Letters 725 (2020) 134890

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Research article

Visually guided eye movements reduce postural sway in dyslexic children T

a, b b a,b
José A. Barela *, Newton Tesima , Vitor da Silva Amaral , Gabriella A. Figueiredo ,
Ana Maria F. Barelab
Institute of Biosciences, São Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
Institute of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Cruzeiro do Sul University, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil


Keywords: Dyslexic children present poorer postural control performance than their peers, perhaps due to different patterns
Postural sway of eye movements. It has been shown that guided eye movements decrease magnitude of body sway in young
Vision and older adults, but there is no evidence whether the search for visual information that occurs during eye
Saccades movements affects postural control in dyslexic children. The aim of this study was to examine the use of guided
eye movements and its pattern in the performance of postural control of dyslexic children during upright quiet
stance. Twelve children with dyslexia (10.8 ± 1.1 years old) and 12 non-dyslexic children (10.4 ± 1.5 years old)
participated in this study. All children were instructed to maintain an upright quiet stance for 60 s either fixating
on a target (fixation condition) displayed 1 m ahead in the center of a monitor at eye level, or performing eye
movements to follow a target displayed on one side of a monitor, then disappearing and reappearing im-
mediately on the opposite side with a frequency of 0.5 Hz (guided condition). Three trials for each condition
were registered. Body sway was measured with an IRED (OPTOTRAK) placed on the children’s back. Eye
movements were tracked using eye-tracking glasses (ETG 2.0 – SMI). Dyslexic children swayed with larger
amplitude under both fixation and guided conditions than non-dyslexic children. Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic
children reduced postural sway magnitude under the guided compared to the fixation condition. All children
were able to modulate eye movement according to the conditions (fixation and guided) and no difference in eye
movements was observed between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. Eye movements are modulated similarly
based upon the visual conditions in dyslexic and non-dyslexic children, and dyslexic children are capable of
using available visual information during eye movements to improve postural control, though they do not equal
the performance of non-dyslexic children. Eye movement patterns seem not to be related to poor performance of
postural control in dyslexic children.

1. Introduction during upright stance maintenance [12], with dyslexic children also
showing a higher number of saccades and retro-saccades than their non-
Besides reading and writing difficulties, dyslexic children show dyslexic peers. Results from all those studies show that different pat-
different performance in several tasks such as maintaining an upright terns of eye movement are more likely comorbidity than a specific
quiet stance [1–3], locomotion [4], and hand coordination [5,6]. Al- reading cause.
teration in the visual system has been suggested as a potential cause of The relationship between the performance of postural control and
dyslexia [7], and several studies have shown that eye movements eye movements has motivated many studies with different populations.
during reading are abnormal in dyslexic children [8–10]. Usually, A striking finding is that eye movements guided to a specific target
dyslexic children employ a higher number and longer fixations, a reduce body oscillation in young [13,14] and older adults [15], and
higher number and smaller saccades and a higher number of retro- even in different-aged children [16]. Body sway attenuation is even
saccades when reading compared to non-dyslexic children [10]. How- more remarkable in more demanding stance conditions [17]. Thus, it
ever, different patterns of eye movements in dyslexic children have has been suggested that conditions with visually guided eye movement
been observed in motor tasks other than reading, such as fixating a seem to require postural stability to allow accurate gaze shifts. It has
target [11] and visual search [10], with dyslexic children showing, been suggested that such improvement is due to the necessary reduc-
respectively, a higher number of saccades and retro-saccades, and tion in postural sway to allow accurate eye positioning, which is

Corresponding author at: Institute of Biosciences, UNESP, Av. 24-A, 1515, Bela Vista, Rio Claro, SP, 13506-900, Brazil.
E-mail address: (J.A. Barela).
Received 2 September 2019; Received in revised form 28 February 2020; Accepted 3 March 2020
Available online 04 March 2020
0304-3940/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.A. Barela, et al. Neuroscience Letters 725 (2020) 134890

denominated supra-postural task [13]. Improvement on postural con- approved both the study procedures and the informed consent form.
trol performance was also explained by the use of afferent and efferent
copy mechanisms [18]. In this case, the afferent mechanism for the 2.2. Procedures
visual stabilization during upright quiet stance seeks to minimize
changes of the projected image on the retina, while the efferent me- Each participant was brought to the laboratory and, after being
chanism seeks to attenuate body sway in an attempt to connect pre- and acquainted briefly with the laboratory facilities, was prepared for the
post-eye position of the scene views to provide a more accurate spatial experimental procedures. Initially, participants were asked to wear an
orientation toward the target location. More recently, it has been sug- eye movement tracking system (Eye Tracking Glasses – ETG 2.0 SMI) to
gested a synergetic model, in which both oculomotor and postural capture eye displacement (iViewETG SMI – version 2.7.1). Wearing the
dynamics should be controlled conjointly, leading to a higher cognitive eye tracking glasses, calibration procedures were performed following
involvement and further postural control sway reduction [19]. the device requirements whereby the participant had to fixate on a
Despite the importance and the interplay between eye movements calibration matrix with known targets. An IRED marker (Optotrak
and postural control mechanisms to improve postural control perfor- Certus – NDI) was then fixed on the participant’s back (around the 6th
mance in adults, knowledge of how these mechanisms are used by thoracic vertebra) to measure body sway in the anterior-posterior,
children is limited. For instance, children as young as 6 years old can medial-lateral, and vertical directions.
use visually guided eye movement to improve stability during upright After this preparation, participants were instructed to stand still in
stance but still show different eye movement patterns from older chil- an upright position inside a small room (1 m × 1 m × 1.8 m – width,
dren [16]. Moreover, after the first decade of life, both postural control depth, and height), all walls black, preventing any near environment
and eye movement parameters seem to become stabilized with little visual influence. Participants stood with their feet parallel and spaced
improvement [16]. Recently, a few attempts have been made to obtain apart at pelvis width, letting their arms hanging at their sides, as they
information about eye movement and postural control in children with performed under two experimental conditions, fixation and guided eye
disabilities. For instance, Bucci and colleagues [20] observed that movement. Under the fixation condition, participants had to fixate on a
children with attention deficit and with neurodevelopmental disorders target (1.5-cm diameter black circle) displayed in the center of a
[21] were able to use saccadic eye movements to improve postural monitor (LG, model Flatron L1753T8) with white background 1 m
control during upright stance. A direct verification of eye movement distant in the front wall of the room and at the eye level of the parti-
saccades and postural control performance is scarce, with a solo study cipant. In the guided eye movement condition, participants had to di-
showing postural control performance improvement in dyslexic (and rect and fixate on a target that appeared and disappeared on the left and
other) children [21]. Moreover, studies have shown that dyslexic chil- right sides of the monitor (9.75 cm from the monitor center), com-
dren can perform eye movement similarly to non-dyslexic children in prising a visual angle of 11 degrees in the horizontal plane, at a fre-
visual search tasks, though with a few abnormalities, suggesting that quency of 0.5 Hz, controlled by specific software (Flash Mx, version
dyslexic children have an immature visual system affecting ocular 6.0) [15,17]. This target distance and visual angle usually require only
motor saccade [10,22]. Likewise, when reading a text or nonsense eye movements, with no head displacement [14].
character sequence, dyslexic children use different eye movement pat- Each condition was repeated three times, with each participant
terns, despite poorer postural control performance compared to their performing a total of six trials. Each trial lasted 60 s and the trials were
non-dyslexic peers [12]. randomized in blocks of two trials (one for each condition). Each trial
These inconsistent results leave many questions regarding eye was started after the participant had assumed the upright stance with
movements and postural control performance in dyslexic children un- data from the eye tracking and Optotrak systems being synchronically
answered. Moreover, the use of visually guided eye movements to acquired at 120 and 100 Hz, respectively.
control posture might indicate that the requisite eye movement me-
chanisms are present in dyslexic children, which could advance our 2.3. Data analysis
knowledge regarding the relationship between visual information and
motor task performance in dyslexic children. Therefore, the aim of this Data for body sway were filtered using a second-order digital
study was to examine the effect of guided eye movements on the per- Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency of 5 Hz. Medial-lateral (ML)
formance of postural control and the patterns of eye movement of and anterior-posterior (AP) mean sway amplitude and frequency within
dyslexic children during upright stance. We hypothesized that dyslexic a trial were then calculated. Mean sway amplitude, which corresponded
children could use guided eye movements to reduce the magnitude of to the variance of the trunk spatial coordinate values and which can be
postural sway, and they would use a higher number of fixations and used to estimate trunk stability, was obtained by removing a linear
saccades compared to non-dyslexic children. trend from each data point of the time series and then calculating the
standard deviation of the time series. Mean sway frequency was cal-
2. Methods culated by performing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the individual
ML and AP time-series data and obtaining the correspondent frequency
2.1. Participants to half of the total power spectrum area for each trial. All these pro-
cedures were performed employing specific routines written in Matlab
Twelve dyslexic children (age = 10.8 ± 1.1 years, range 9.0–12.3 (MathWorks, Inc.).
years, 5 girls and 7 boys) and 12 age- and sex-matched non-dyslexic Eye movement analyses were performed using the specific software
children (age = 10.4 ± 1.5 years, range 8.9–12.8 years) participated in of the eye tracking system (BeGaze, SMI, version 3.7), which auto-
this study. It is important to note that we included children’s age be- matically detected both the onset and the end of each saccade with a
cause both postural control [23] and eye movement parameters [16] built-in saccade detection algorithm (employing the parameter of
seem to become stabilized with little improvement at the end of the first minimum duration of 22 ms, peak velocity of 40 degrees/s and minimal
decade of life. Dyslexic children were recruited from the Brazilian fixation of 50 ms, and the start and end as 20 % and 80 % of the saccade
Dyslexic Association, where each one had undergone a complete eva- lenght, respectively). The onset and end of each saccade identified by
luation and dyslexia screening assessment including neurological, psy- the algorithm were visually inspected and verified by one of the in-
chological, and phonological capabilities. Non-dyslexic children were vestigators. Based on each saccade detection, the following variables
recruited from the local community. All children’s participation in the were obtained: number of fixations (events in which the eyes were kept
study was conditional upon permission being given by parents, who in a specific area) and number of saccades (events in which the eyes
signed an informed consent form. The local Institutional Review Board moved from one fixation point to another). These variables were

J.A. Barela, et al. Neuroscience Letters 725 (2020) 134890

computed for both fixation and guided conditions. Finally, for the 3.2. Eye movement
guided eye movement condition, the duration, amplitude, and velocity
of saccades were also obtained. Because children performed three trials Fig. 3 shows the time series of the eye movements in the vertical and
in each experimental condition, the variables for both postural control medial-lateral directions under the fixation and saccadic conditions.
and eye movement were averaged for each condition and each parti- Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children were capable of changing the
cipant. patterns of eye movement according to the visual task they had to
perform. Under the fixation condition, the eyes were kept looking in
one direction with small displacement, as happens regularly when fix-
2.4. Statistical analysis ating on a target or environmental scene (Fig. 3A and 3C). Contrariwise,
when participants were asked to follow the target presented on opposite
After testing the normality and homogeneity of variance assump- sides of the monitor, the eyes followed its apparent movement ac-
tions, six analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with group (dyslexic and non- cordingly in the medial-lateral direction (Fig. 3B) and also with greater
dyslexic) and condition (fixation and guided eye) as factors, with the amplitude in the vertical direction (Fig. 3D).
last treated as a repeated measure, were performed for each of the Fig. 4 shows the number of fixations for the dyslexic and non-dys-
following dependent variables: Mean sway amplitude in the ML and AP lexic groups under both the fixation and guided conditions. ANOVA
directions, frequency in the ML and AP directions, number of fixations, showed no effect for group (F1,22 = 0.04, p > 0.05), an effect for
and number of saccades. For the guided condition specifically, three condition (F1,22 = 97.61, p < 0.001), and no interaction between group
ANOVAs with group as a factor were performed for each of the fol- and condition (F1,22 = 0.03, p > 0.05). Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic
lowing dependent variables: Duration, amplitude, and velocity of sac- children made more fixations in the guided condition than in the
cades. These analyses were performed using the SPSS software with the fixation one.
level of significance set at p < 0.05. Fig. 5 shows the number of saccades for the dyslexic and non-dys-
lexic groups under both the fixation and guided conditions. ANOVA
showed no effect for group (F1,22 = 0.32, p > 0.05), an effect for
3. Results condition (F1,22 = 35.59, p < 0.001), and no interaction between group
and condition (F1,22 = 0.51, p > 0.05). Both dyslexic and non-dyslexic
3.1. Postural control children made more saccades under the guided than the fixation con-
Fig. 1 shows the mean sway amplitudes for the dyslexic and non- Table 1 presents the duration, amplitude, and velocity of saccades
dyslexic groups under both the fixation and guided eye conditions. The for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic groups under the guided condition.
ANOVA for the ML direction (Fig. 1A) showed no effect for group (F1,22 Respective ANOVAs showed no group effect for duration (F1,22 = 1.87,
= 0.95, p > 0.05) or condition (F1,22 = 0.61, p > 0.05), and no in- p > 0.05), amplitude (F1,22 = 0.71, p > 0.05), or velocity (F1,22 =
teraction between group and condition (F1,22 = 2.39, p > 0.05). For the 0.89, p > 0.05). Dyslexic and non-dyslexic children performed the
anterior-posterior direction (Fig. 1B), ANOVA showed effects for group saccades with the same pattern under the guided condition.
(F1,22 = 5.71, p < 0.05) and condition (F1,22 = 5.59, p < 0.05), but no
interaction between group and condition (F1,22 = 0.36, p > 0.05).
Dyslexic children swayed with larger magnitude than non-dyslexic 4. Discussion
children in the AP direction, and both groups reduced the sway mag-
nitude under the guided condition compared to the fixation condition in The aim of this study was to examine the effect of guided eye
this direction. movements on the performance of postural control and the patterns of
Fig. 2 shows the mean sway frequencies for the dyslexic and non- the eye movements of dyslexic children during upright stance. We hy-
dyslexic groups under both the fixation and guided conditions. For the pothesized that dyslexic children could use guided eye movements to
ML direction (Fig. 2A), ANOVA showed no effect for group (F1,22 = reduce the magnitude of postural sway, and they would use a higher
3.58, p > 0.05) or condition (F1,22 = 0.39, p > 0.05) and no interaction number of fixations and saccades compared to non-dyslexic children.
between group and condition (F1,22 = 0.08, p > 0.05). For the AP di- Overall, the results partially supported these hypotheses. Dyslexic
rection (Fig. 2B), ANOVA showed an effect for group (F1,22 = 9.61, children, despite showing poorer performance of postural control per-
p < 0.005), no effect for condition (F1,22 = 0.83, p > 0.05), and no formance than non-dyslexic children, used guided eye movements to
interaction between group and condition (F1,22 = 0.30, p > 0.05). improve and reduce their sway magnitude in the AP direction com-
Dyslexic children swayed with a lower mean frequency than non-dys- pared to the fixation condition. However, no differences in eye move-
lexic children in the AP direction. ment pattern were observed between dyslexic and non-dyslexic

Fig. 1. Mean ( ± SD) values of mean sway amplitude (MSA) in the medial-lateral (A) and anterior-posterior (B) directions in the fixation and guided eye conditions
for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children.

J.A. Barela, et al. Neuroscience Letters 725 (2020) 134890

Fig. 2. Mean ( ± SD) values of mean sway frequency in the medial-lateral (A) and anterior-posterior (B) directions in the fixation and guided eye conditions for both
dyslexic and non-dyslexic children.

Fig. 3. Exemplar time series of a dyslexic child’s eye movement in the fixation (A, C) and guided (B, D) conditions, in the medial-lateral (A, B) and vertical (C, D)

Fig. 4. Mean ( ± SD) of the number of fixations in the fixation and guided Fig. 5. Mean ( ± SD) of the number of saccades in the fixation and guided
conditions for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. conditions for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children.

J.A. Barela, et al. Neuroscience Letters 725 (2020) 134890

Table 1 investigation.
Mean ( ± SD) of duration, amplitude, and velocity of saccades in the guided Unlike sway magnitude, no difference was observed in eye move-
condition for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic children. ment patterns between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children, despite
Dyslexic Non-dyslexic children modulating their eye movements based upon the visual con-
dition. Dyslexic and non-dyslexic children both showed more fixation
Duration (ms) 57.89 ± 14.37 71.47 ± 31.15 and saccadic occurrences under the guided condition than under fixa-
Amplitude (deg) 6.58 ± 2.39 5.79 ± 2.18
tion. When required to fixate on a target appearing and disappearing on
Velocity (deg/s) 147.6 ± 68.2 160.7 ± 68.1
the monitor’s left and right sides, children followed the instructions and
performed eye movements to the target, whereas they performed less
children. fixations and saccadic movements compared to the guided eye move-
Our results showed that non-dyslexic and dyslexic children were ment condition when the target was stationary in the center of the
capable of using guided eye movements to improve the performance of monitor.
postural control when they had to perform eye movements to watch an Several studies have shown different eye movement patterns in
appearing target. The reduction of body sway magnitude had already reading [8–10,22] and during upright stance [12] tasks in dyslexic
been observed in young [13,14] and older [15] adults and healthy [16] children. Our hypothesis was that differences in eye movement patterns
and neurological children, including dyslexic (Bucci et al., 2018). Thus, would also be observed in dyslexic children under fixation and saccadic
our results corroborate previous results (Bucci et al., 2018) showing visual conditions. However, this hypothesis was refuted, as there was
that both groups of children reduced their body sway magnitude in the no difference in eye movement between dyslexic and non-dyslexic
AP direction when they performed guided eye movements compared to children under either visual condition. Moreover, we did not observe
the fixation condition. Interestingly, reduction in body sway occurred in any difference when dyslexic children had to perform eye saccadic
the AP but not in the ML direction [13,14], similarly to adults. As movements to the target’s changing position, as no difference was ob-
mentioned previously, it has been suggested that such reduction in served in the duration, amplitude, or velocity between dyslexic and
body sway would be either due to the effect of a supra-postural task non-dyslexic children when performing saccadic movements toward the
[13] or due to the afferent and efferent mechanisms [18]. However, it appearing/disappearing target. We have recently shown that dyslexic
might be that the imposition of the guided eye movement would en- children employ smaller pro-saccade amplitudes and more saccadic
force to function synergistically in such way that oculomotor and pos- movements when reading [25], but it seems that such differences are
tural dynamics would be taken together to achieve the task goal [19]. not observed when a specific target is presented. More saccades per-
Despite these possible explanations, our results showed that even dys- formed by dyslexic children were observed during fixation except in
lexic children can use such mechanisms to modulate postural sway reading set up conditions [8,11], which might change postural demands
according to the visual conditions. and affect eye movement patterns. Interestingly, when dyslexic children
More interesting was the observation that even when reducing body performed visual search [10] and Landolt reading [12], no saccade
sway magnitude, dyslexic children still displayed larger body sway different patterns were observed between dyslexic and non-dyslexic
magnitude in the AP direction than non-dyslexic children. Poor per- children. Thus, it seems that eye movement patterns are task-dependent
formance of postural control, such as larger body sway, by dyslexic and, definitely, more detailed studies and analyses should be employed
children has been observed with no vision [24] and with visual fixation to further our understanding of the use of saccadic eye movements by
and oscillation, in a visual stationary scenario [21] and in the moving dyslexic children under different visual conditions. Such suggestion is
room [1,3], and the present results confirm previous findings. Based in agreement with recent results in which children with neurodeve-
upon the larger sway magnitude when using visual information to lopmental disorders showed poor eye movement patterns in more dif-
control body sway, it has been suggested that poor performance of ficult postural tasks [21]. Definitely, this issue needs to be further in-
postural control in dyslexic children is related to how sensory in- vestigated.
formation is acquired from the environment and used to produce pos- In summary, dyslexic and non-dyslexic children use saccadic eye
tural responses. Our results indicate that guided eye movements can be movements to improve their performance of postural control, reducing
used to improve their postural control either by providing additional their sway magnitude compared to a fixation visual condition. Despite
sensory cues or by enforcing the central nervous system to use such using saccadic eye movements, dyslexic children still sway with larger
information linked to postural dynamics. However, even with such magnitudes than non-dyslexic children. Finally, both dyslexic and non-
improvement, the postural control performance of dyslexic children is dyslexic children modulate eye movements according to visual condi-
still inferior to their non-dyslexic peers, as they present greater body tions (i.e., fixation and guided conditions), and no differences were
sway magnitude. observed in this respect between dyslexic and non-dyslexic children.
Larger postural sway magnitude has been suggested to occur in
dyslexic children because they are not capable of extracting most of the Declaration of Competing Interest
informational sensory cues used to accurately indicate body sway dy-
namics so as to produce appropriate muscle activity to reduce and/or None.
maintain a desirable postural orientation [1,3,24]. Interestingly, we
observed that non-dyslexic children sway with a higher mean frequency Acknowledgment
than dyslexic children. Similar results were observed when adults re-
duced postural sway during saccadic eye movements, indicating that This work was supported by São Paulo State Research Foundation
further control of body sway also relates to efforts to refine body os- (FAPESP - #2015/26637-0).
cillation and increase the central control of postural adjustments The authors are grateful to the children who participated in this
[14,17]. Our results show that dyslexic children employed fewer cor- study and their parents.
rections in body sway under both fixation and guided conditions than
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